Operation story: CW-1

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Male Columbian icon.png
Angry Citizen
Female Columbian icon.png
Anxious Citizen
Columbian Soldier icon.png
Columbian Soldier
Columbia Streets
Columbian Room
Columbia Alley
Test Site Laboratory
Londinium Detention Camp
Columbia Streets Night
Columbian Office
Columbian Lounge

Before operation

Ho'olheyak hurries to retrieve something before the military can. Muelsyse seeks Rhodes Island's cooperation. Saria accompanies the Tin Man. Silence infiltrates the locked-down district. The story that Ifrit tells seems to be portending something.
<Background 1>
Ho'olheyak Hm, right on time.
The Liberi steps out onto the rooftop of a tall tower and looks up at the sky. From this high vantage point, the faint, sharp screech is concealed by the sound of the wind, while the faint spot of light rapidly expands in her eyes.
Her thick tail dexterously and rhythmically sweeps back and forth. A graceful measure to which the Liberi can compare the invisible grid of the city beneath her.
Ho'olheyak Now, let's see... Just where will this "star" land in Trimounts?
Districts 2 and 5 are primarily residential. 11's new industrial campus is under construction...
Let's hope it won't be Central. That place is packed with office buildings like the dime a dozen canned fins you get at the supermarket. And it's a work day. Those offices are gonna be full of people... Hmph.
Well, you really figured out where to land this experiment of yours...
Or maybe you just never cared how much of a racket this might cause?
Either way, you planned this far ahead. Things are getting more and more interesting... Kristen.
[An explosion occurs in the distance as Ho'olheyak calls someone.]
Ho'olheyak Confirmed–the Triton factory in District 13.
The Liberi leaps from the tall tower.
<Background 2>
[The Doctor exhales as they opened their eyes with Muelsyse in front of them.]
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Haaahhh...
Muelsyse That's a big yawn. Didn't sleep well?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Muelsyse Do you usually stare at the ceiling for a while after you wake up?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Ufff... Who pulled the curtains open?
Muelsyse Look at the time. The Rhiners have been at work for an hour already.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Doctor Trimounts hotels really care about guest privacy, huh? / Is this how a Rhine Lab director welcomes a guest?
Muelsyse I wanted to see you; that's why I'm here.
You saved me from the power armor, and I brought you breakfast. Fair's fair, right?
That's the breakfast combo from the cafe at Rhine Lab HQ. They only sell a hundred of those a day.
Doctor ......
Muelsyse Okay, okay, don't give me that look. You're a Grumpy Gus in the morning, huh?
Doctor It's Saria you want to see, right?
Muelsyse Well, I haven't been able to contact her, but if she isn't here, then coming to you won't help.
Anyway, take a look at this.
[Muelsyse turns on the TV, showing a breaking news program.]
News This just in, Trimountians. An explosion occurred this morning at the Triton Chemical Plant No. 3 in District 13.
The specific cause of the explosion is still unknown, but the authorities' preliminary conclusion is that laboratory staff made a fatal error leading to the construction machinery on site exploding.
A large stockpile of catalysts and reagents are stored at Triton Chemical Plant No. 3 , and to keep the chemicals from leaking out and causing more catastrophic damage, the military and government authorities are currently cleaning up the site.
As of right now, all of District 13 is under temporary lockdown. Entry and exit from the district is being heavily restricted. Citizens are asked to cooperate with the ongoing work there.
The government has not responded to request for comment, and it is not known at this time whether the lockdown in District 13 will affect Vice President Jackson's time in Trimounts.
Doctor Is this another Site 359? / Does this have to do with Rhine Lab, too?
Muelsyse I don't know the specifics.
But if you, or should I say Rhodes Island, are here, considering how much Saria trusts you, there's no way you would ignore big news like this.
Okay, Doctor, you've got some new visitors... I'll see you very soon.
[The Muelsyse that the Doctor was talking with turned out to be her water clone as it dissolves.]
Doctor So that was a clone after all. / New visitors?
[Ifrit runs into the room...]
Ifrit Rise and shine, Dr. {nickname}, ya big dumbass! Rise and shine!
Doctor Ifrit... Who brought you here?
[...followed by Kal'tsit.]
Kal'tsit Long time no see, Dr. {nickname}.
Ptilopsis has already returned to the landship with Elena for checkup and treatment. Mechanist is currently on a new mission. From here on, I will be accompanying you.
Ifrit And me! And also...
Doctor Rosmontis. / Kal'tsit, explain.
The floaty Feline girl apparently entered the room at some point. She stands next to the window and listens quietly to your conversation.
She gazes at you and your room. Behind her, there are pure white clouds floating gently across the clear Trimountian sky.
Rosmontis Don't be mad, Doctor.
I asked Dr. Kal'tsit to bring me along. I was... invited by someone.
Kal'tsit I will explain more about what's going on later... Seeing as you have the TV on, it seems you already know about District 13.
The explosion wasn't caused by some careless lab technician. Something fell from the sky.
Doctor ...... / We need to get to the bottom of this.
Kal'tsit Yes. Saria has already gone to investigate.
As for you, I need you to get out of bed and wash up.
<Background 1>
[Citizens are discussing about the explosion before.]
Angry Citizen I live there. Who the hell are you to stop me from going home?
What gives you the right to lock the place down, anyway? Is this even legal? Do you have anything in writing? I'm supposed to take your word that this is an emergency?
Anxious Citizen I'll be out in ten minutes!
I just need to head back for some documents. Our clients are waiting in the conference room!
Columbian Soldier Sorry, but I need to see your clearance.
Citizen? ......
<Background fades out and in>
Ho'olheyak Interesting. I was going to watch Saria, to see what she's up to. I never expected to find this little bird making her way here.
Right... That's the little researcher from the "Diαbolic Crisis."
Scouting the area with a drone from a dead angle while hiding in the crowd, waiting for an opportunity. Not bad.
But the army has soldiers watching every single alley. It won't be so easy for you to break through their checkpoints.
That said...
I haven't the slightest idea what you can do, but you might just be able to give these baddies a little trouble, so I'll give you a hand.
??? What are you blabbing about?
Ho'olheyak Nothing. The package's recovered. It'll be delivered right away.
<Background fades out and in>
Columbian Soldier As you've no doubt heard on the news...
Angry Citizen It's just one factory that had an accident. Why is the entire district on lockdown?!
If you guys are actually worried about the chemicals, why aren't you wearing protective equipment? Why are you people still allowed to come and go? No one is buying your beastshit!
Anxious Citizen This is about the whole industrial campus upgrade project! If it falls through, who's gonna pay?
Hurry up and let me by!
[The citizens are trying to push through...]
Columbian Soldier No pushing!
[...as the soldier feels numb.]
Columbian Soldier My arm. Why can't I move...?
Somebody broke through the cordon... How come the comms aren't working, either?
Citizen? ......
[The familiar citizen runs off.]
<Background fades out and in>
[Saria walks to the soldier guarding the road.]
Columbian Soldier Your clearance, Miss Saria?
Saria You know me?
Columbian Soldier Former Defense Director of Rhine Lab. Your reputation precedes you here in Trimounts.
Saria So I can't enter District 13?
Columbian Soldier Not just you.
If you don't have clearance, please leave.
[The Tin Man joins Saria.]
Columbian Soldier You–!
Tin Man Relax. Stow your weapon.
Columbian Soldier Your face... Your hands... you...
Tin Man It's the same all over. I may look scary, but it's just an exoskeleton.
I work for the Maylander Historical Association, currently part of the vice president's entourage as his secretary. Here's my authorization.
Miss Saria here is the subject-matter expert we invited along.
Saria ......
Columbian Soldier Maylander, huh? You people are always so strange.
Tin Man Go talk to your superiors. We want to get a better grasp of the situation.
Columbian Soldier Give me a minute.
[The soldier leaves.]
Tin Man Looking at your attire... It seems you don't plan on bringing your shield along?
Saria No, I just determined that I might need to apply full force to whatever is coming next.
Tin Man Full force, huh...? That phrase carries a weight far heavier than usual coming from the former director of the Rhine Lab Defense Section.
Seems like I did make it in time.
Saria Our last meeting must have been at Haydn Pharmaceuticals, Detective.
Tin Man We talked so much that I forgot to slide you and Muelsyse a free pint of draft beer on your last visit.
Saria I know just how powerful the Maylander Foundation is, but I was still surprised when I heard the news from Kal'tsit... how do the two of you know each other?
Tin Man We're just old friends.
Saria So, what role is the Maylander Foundation playing in our current situation?
Tin Man Saria, are you interested in politics?
Saria Decidedly not.
Tin Man So do I really need to answer that question?
[The soldier returns.]
Columbian Soldier The Colonel is en-route to his meeting with the Vice President. Your identities have been verified, and the Colonel has authorized your entry to District 13.
But we're conducting an emergency investigation to evaluate the hazard posed by the chemical leaks, so you won't be allowed near Triton Chemical Plant No. 3. That's where this all went down.
We'll also arrange an escort party to go with you, to provide any necessary help.
Saria ......
Tin Man No problem. We will go with your arrangements.
<Background 3>
[The familiar civilian, who is none other than Dr. Olivia Silence in a different gear, walks through the alley.]
Silence Phew–made it in.
[Silence releases drones to scout ahead.]
Silence Next, I keep two drones up in the air a hundred meters apart to survey the situation.
The Triton factory should be right up ahead. I hope the stealth combat tactics I learned at Rhodes Island will come in handy here, let's take it slow...
Will I really find any leads on the Transmitter here?
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Silence A batch of Transmitter has gone missing?
Dorothy That's right. To be more precise, it was a batch of experimental materials with said Transmitter included that was supposed to be shipped together to HQ. For disposal.
Silence So someone stole it.
Dorothy And it's very likely to be someone within Rhine Lab.
Silence, I'd like you to head to Trimounts and help me investigate this.
Silence Me?
Dorothy I need to remain at Site 359 to cooperate with the military investigation, so I'll be stuck here for the time being.
Silence Are you going to negotiate with them?
Dorothy Don't worry, as much as I don't enjoy this stuff, I'm still capable of it. I'm a Rhine Lab director, after all.
I'm more worried about this batch of missing Transmitter becoming the catalyst of someone else's ambitions.
So, can you do it?
Silence Well...
Dorothy Silence, you're a student of Director Parvis, and yet you showed up here at Site 359.
I had some doubts, but now I get it: You came here to ask for my help.
Or maybe you wanted to know if the Director of Originium Art is trustworthy.
Silence ...I'm sorry.
Dorothy No need for apologies. I did come close to doing something awful. I should be thanking you, Silence.
But at the same time, this is why I'm asking for your help. You are beholden only to your own standards, and looking for your own answers.
Silence But...
Dorothy Even if I hadn't asked you, you still would've returned to Trimounts, right?
Silence ...Yes.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 3>
Silence ...
[Soldiers are patrolling the premises.]
Silence Oh no. Why are there suddenly a lot more men on patrol?
[Silence hides nearby as two soldiers enter the alley.]
Columbian Soldier A Shit. Find anything over there?
Columbian Soldier B I searched a couple alleyways over on the side. Nothing.
Columbian Soldier A The Colonel is about to meet the Vice President, so we had to play nice and let those two in. We were supposed to stick close to them. How did they lose us so quickly?!
Columbian Soldier B They were walking so leisurely the whole time, then they vanished behind a fence when I blinked.
Columbian Soldier A We really underestimated that fella all covered in iron. Maylander's people are always so tricky.
Columbian Soldier B I'll go report the situation to the brass. Take the boys with you and continue the search.
Right, send more hands over to the factory too.
[The soldiers move out as Saria and the Tin Man comes out of hiding.]
Saria Your reflexes and stealth skills are admirable, Mr. Detective
Tin Man You flatter me. Even if we could manage them, it's better to shake them off our tail than to outright knock these sycophants out.
Saria We're here. Triton Chemical Plant No. 3 is right up front.
<Background 5>
[Saria and the Tin Man enters the chemical plant.]
Tin Man They've already cordoned off the perimeter, and deployed heavily armed soldiers at every possible location. Quite the impossible task to get any closer.
Saria We're close enough for a clear view.
Saria's gaze travels over the throng of people and past the striking yellow barriers, landing on the factory behind.
The once-smooth factory building has been demolished beyond recognition, with scorch marks scrawled by heaps of debris scattered all over. A series of explosions have eroded the facade, leaving only the interior foundations that give her a clear view–
In the center of the factory lies a huge ring-like mechanical structure, diagonally embedded into the ground like an outrageous art installation.
The source of the explosion.
Tin Man What have you found?
Saria Neither the shape nor the mechanical structure of the object hints at its purpose, but it is clearly a device not meant to be used on land.
Tin Man It fell from the sky.
Saria ......
We're too far away to discern any concrete details. But what can be confirmed at the very least is... this thing has the mark of Rhine technology.
To be precise, it has Kristen's handwriting all over it... I'm sure of that.
Tin Man ......
"Horizon Arc Project".
Saria What?
Tin Man I'm surprised you've not heard the name, given your position at Rhine and your relationship with Kristen.
Saria ......
<Background fades out and in>
[Silence enters the plant.]
Silence I'm glad I didn't get spotted...
[A Transmitter construct was spotted nearby...]
Silence There really was one here!
[...but it flew away...]
Silence It's gone...
[...and Silence lured it towards her and managed to catch it.]
Silence Dorothy was right. Transmitters react to each other, and it wasn't too difficult to catch them with the one she gave me.
But there's too few of them, Dorothy said there were more... could they be nearby?
This is... the Triton Factory?
A colossal ruin lies before her.
Just how many injuries or casualties happened in there? Silence recalls the news not mentioning any numbers relevant to that question.
She recalls the destruction at Site 359, it was difficult for her to even picture what it looked like before the ruins.
Silence Was that Saria? Who was that with her...?
Saria, do you have something to do with this, too?
<Background 6>
Ifrit Do you know where we're going?
Rosmontis (Shakes head)
Kal'tsit We're heading to Saria's stronghold in Trimounts as part of our arrangement with her.
Ifrit Saria! It's been ages since I saw her.
But if you need to talk to Saria, you two are gonna be busy, right? I guess she won't have time to talk to me?
Kal'tsit You and Rosmontis will stay with the Doctor.
Ifrit ......
Doctor Ifrit, where were you just now? / Ifrit, tell me more about what you did on the way here.
Ifrit Oh, right... When the star came falling down, I was telling Rosmontis a story that Silence told me before.
You still remember it, right? You weren't writing any of it down...
Rosmontis Yep, I still remember.
That night, it seemed the entire city heard the queen's prayers and the sound of her tears splotching onto the sand... In the end, the queen passed out in the high tower of the palace.
The queen's faithfulness reached the hearts of the stars. One after another, they soared through the skies and came before the old king.
The old king was swallowed by the endless surge of brightness. Within it, he saw a sight that he had never seen nor dreamed in his entire life.
The next morning, the queen awoke to find a huge hole had appeared on the palace's roof, and the old king, who had passed away hours ago... stood with a smile still lingering on his now stiffened lips.
Were the stars brought here by her prayers?

After operation

Blake negotiates with the Vice President and makes a risky decision. Saria and the Tin Man analyze Control's objective. Silence is saved by the Director of the Human Resource Investigation Section, Jara. In a gloomy building, Nasti mutters a few words.
<Background 7>
Blake ......
[VP Jackson enters the room.]
Jackson Colonel, sorry to keep you waiting for a half hour.
Blake I'm the one who should apologize, Mr. Vice President. Your schedule in Trimounts is packed, and I heard from Secretary Pavard you had to cancel a meeting on account of my sudden visit.
Jackson The military's response to the District 13 incident has been quick...
It has also been intense.
Blake You had just given such a powerful, rousing speech for the masses. This couldn't have happened at a worse time.
Jackson By the looks of things, this is more than a little "accident" on your end as well.
Blake I'm just saying... It's still too soon to reveal the "Horizon Arc Project" to the public.
Which is why we would like you to cancel the rest of your itinerary and leave Trimounts. And we'll take care of these "accidents" as soon as we can.
Jackson ......
Colonel, I understand what you're asking...
But my schedule isn't going to change. In fact, I'm going to extend my stay in Trimounts.
In my last meeting, I decided I'm going to Rhine Lab to enjoy a fruitful dialogue with our exceptional researchers.
Blake ......
Jackson We're one Columbia, Colonel Blake. We're all ready to give everything for our country.
But, with all the technological pioneers gathered in this city, they form the bedrock of Columbia's technological development. It's no exaggeration to say they're shaping the future of our country.
Do you understand what I'm getting at?
Blake ......
Jackson Even on the assembly lines of our nation's most developed munitions plants, it takes a day and a half to produce a single shell to spec.
And that doesn't include the time it takes to send it out into the field to give the men some real practical time on the thing.
Take a step back, Colonel. The more we find ourselves facing superweapons that can change the world, like that "Arc-01", the more composed we have to be.
This is Columbia. Not Sargon, not Bolívar.
Blake ......
<Background 5>
Tin Man These past few years, the Armed Forces, or more accurately, the Department of Defense, has continued to explore the nation's military capabilities.
As a whole, progress has been fairly steady. From the President's perspective, this is a good thing, and he is glad to see it happen.
However, given the shifts in international dynamics in recent years, particularly the re-emergence of Victoria's Shard, a number of things have changed.
Such a terrifying superweapon has erased the concept of "distance." All our ground defenses will be rendered useless, and the dust brought about by the Storm may well fall upon our pillows at any time.
The voices within the Department of Defense have grown increasingly hawkish, and a number of troubling signs have already appeared. They're hedging their bets on the research and development of similar era-defining strategic weapons.
Saria And that's how Kristen caught the military's eye?
Tin Man Correct. Kristen became the military's core technical advisor.
In a very short period of time, she submitted the proposal for the "Horizon Arc Project," planned the construction of the Arc-01 superweapon, and quickly began its implementation.
The military has devoted a vast amount of resources to it, and as such, Rhine Lab has enjoyed greater policy-side support for quite some time now.
This is why Rhine has been able to stand head and shoulders above many other tech companies in Trimounts.
According to the information we have on hand, the construction of Arc-01 required digging complex S.H.A.F.T.s as well as erecting a H.A.M.H.R.R. at our aircrafts' altitude limit.
A monumental project indeed, and the military has spared no expense in the effort.
I imagine the man in front of you who fell from the sky was a part of this project.
Saria's eyes shift from the factory ruins to the sky above her.
Saria Using the sky as an intermediary transfer node?
Tin Man We don't know the specific conceptual design, or how it's implemented...
Saria Using the sky as a transfer node to focus or redirect an enormous amount of energy, so as to achieve a powerful strike over extreme distance...
In theory, that is indeed possible...
But would Kristen really help the military construct a superweapon?
<Background 8>
[Blake returns to the lounge.]
Ferdinand Looks like you didn't get the answer you wanted.
Blake I knew from the beginning. This just makes it more apparent.
A good politician would never rush to make his stance clear. At least for now, they don't want us taking over the project that fast.
Ferdinand And how do they intend to do that?
Blake It's simple. All they need to do is delay. If we say that efficiency is the pursuit of scientific research, then, Ferdinand, "delay" is the preferred tool of these politicians.
When the Singas administration first entered negotiations in Congress to reclaim the Woods Company's logging camp, virtually no progress was made in three years. It took the latter party losing control of the area.
They want to delay until we have our hands full, until we lose faith in that damned "Horizon Arc Project," until it doesn't matter anymore.
You've already been on-site, right? What are your conclusions?
Ferdinand It was indeed the test flight of Arc-01's H.A.M.H.R.R.
The sky appears clear, but it is far from being a safe haven. Kristen will need to test the new pressure and navigation system, a trial-and-error process that may need more than one flight.
Blake ......
Ferdinand I'm more curious about the military-controlled S.H.A.F.T. at the bottom of Arc-01. Where did Kristen launch a beast of that size?
The H.A.M.H.R.R.'s black box still hasn't been found? By tracing its routing data, we can triangulate the position of the launch site and locate Kristen.
Blake We already conducted a full-scale search in District 13. Came up empty.
Ferdinand Someone managed to retrieve the black box at the very beginning.
Blake Any possibility it might've been destroyed, given an explosion of that scope...?
Ferdinand (Shakes head)
Kristen has already been missing for two weeks. She may have already obtained the experimental data she wanted in the black box, but she still doesn't want us to find her.
In other words, the so-called "Horizon Arc Project," propped up by the military itself, is completely out of the military's hands.
Blake ......
Ferdinand The longer the delay, the more variables there will be.
Blake I know.
[Blake's phone rings...]
Blake ......
[...prompting him to walk outside.]
<Background fades out and in>
[Blake answers the call as he returns.]
Blake It's me.
That's right. Jackson had no intention of talking things through with us.
Me? Why would I have anything to hide? Go ask the agent sent to spy on Kristen...
Understood. I won't give an inch. I'll resolve this situation post-haste.
Wait, what did you say?
Alright, I understand.
[Blake hangs up.]
Ferdinand You don't look so good, Colonel.
Blake ......
You're right, Ferdinand. We can't let ourselves get bogged down any longer.
<Background 5>
Tin Man The fact that Kristen went AWOL while the military had eyes on her precisely shows that the project has progressed to a near-feasible state.
Saria She might've defrauded her investors.
Tin Man We have our suspicious as well, but you seem pretty sure of it, Saria.
Saria Because I know her well enough.
Tin Man Oh?
Saria Since its establishment, Rhine Lab has been committed to breakthrough research in civilian technology, and rarely intersects with the military. Kristen herself has no interest in it.
If the "sky" were part of her research plans, it would not be a means, but rather her ultimate objective.
Tin Man ......
The Wrights?
Saria Precisely.
Tin Man "We haven't even explored everything these lands have to offer, and have only just begun measuring the heights of the skies. Why fly to such high places in vain?"
I still remember that comment in the newspaper made by the hovercraft expert, Stevenson, after the Wrights' test flight crashed.
It encapsulated his regret for the death of the genius scientists, but has been twisted out of context as "accurate peer review." How ironic that it's become a weapon used against the Wrights.
I'd like to hear more.
Saria Stevenson had a very good relationship with the Wrights, and even looked after Kristen to some degree after their passing. Later, Kristen was able to get on track in academia thanks to his recommendation.
Tin Man A substantial secret that even I'm not aware of.
Saria But, the relationship between Stevenson and Kristen is not a cozy one. She inherited her parents' obsession with the skies, and does not expect others to understand.
She abhors the sky, Tin Man.
<Background 3>
[Transmitter constructs fly around as Silence walks.]
Silence It can't be a coincidence that Transmitter appeared at the scene of the accident, but what exactly is the connection between Transmitter and the explosion?
Did the things used in this factory require Transmitters? I recall no such relationships between Triton Chemicals and Rhine Lab. Or, perhaps, the Transmitter had something to do with the ring-shaped mechanical object that smashed through the factory building...
Saria's too far away. I can't hear what she's saying...
Maybe I can try moving the drone a bit closer.
[Silence pilots the drone closer to Saria, but it get shot down.]
Columbian Soldier An unidentified drone has been shot down.
Silence Oh no...
Columbian Soldier Miss, show me your security clearance.
Don't have one? District 13 is under temporary lockdown. I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me.
Silence I'm a worker at the Triton factory. I had the day off today, but I heard the factory exploded... so I came here to see what's going on.
Columbian Soldier If you're a worker at the factory, then explain the drone. And don't say you have nothing to do with it.
Silence I–
??? She's going to photograph the site.
[A lady walks in.]
Columbian Soldier Marianne...?!
Is it really you? Oh my g–
Marianne Marianne...
The last time I heard that name... was forty years.
Columbian Soldier You're talking about that press conference, right? It was right around the time your last movie came out, you told the world you got hurt in a Catastrophe while shooting the thing, and you retired to behind-the-scenes work...
My dad goes nuts every time he talks about you!
He's got your complete filmography collection, and we've watched every movie ten times over!
I still remember "The Spy Catchers"! You caught saw the spy on the shore and leapt straight off that cruise ship! That was something...
You just melt into every role you play. Today's mass-produced Wrankwood stars could take a cue or two from you.
Marianne Thanks.
Unfortunately, the only role Marianne plays these days is a negotiator of employee salaries.
Columbian Soldier You're...
Marianne Director of Human Resources at Rhine Lab, Jara Booker Wilson. This is my clearance. I have a house in District 13.
Columbian Soldier ......
Jara This woman is indeed a Triton employee. Rhine Lab and Triton Chemicals had a number of... disagreements. Just like the corporate struggles in "The Spy Catcher"...
Columbian Soldier I know. This is Trimounts, after all.
Jara A subsidiary factory suddenly went up in flames. If photos from the scene hit the tabloids, that would send Triton down in scandal. This is her housewarming gift for joining Rhine.
That would indeed be a violation of military regulations. Fortunately, the drone's been shot down, so the photos won't leak.
Now then, let's move on and discuss your job-hopping.
Silence ...Sure.
Jara But let me add something first. Isn't it a little unreasonable to suddenly ask the locals to lock themselves inside and wait for updates before they can do anything?
Columbian Soldier We're just following orders.
Miss Marianne, I... I want to trust you. So, both of you, please leave. No exceptions.
[The soldier walks away.]
Jara Your name's Silence, right? I remember you were helping Parvis bring me some black bean tea.
Silence Director Jara, does this have something to do with Rhine Lab?
Jara That's why you snuck in here?
Silence There are... some things I need to make sure of.
Jara This isn't exactly the best place for chit-chat.
[Jara hands an address to Silence.]
Jara Head over here, and wait for me.
Silence Where are we...?
Jara Don't worry. It's my District 13 residence.
Silence What about you?
Jara I have company. An old friend has some business with me.
[Silence leaves as someone lights up a cigarette...]
Jara I don't think I've ever heard you breathing. When you smoke, are you just letting it swirl around your stomach?
[...who reveals himself to be the Tin Man.]
Tin Man It's a habit. Just like what you used to do after finishing a mission. You'd record the event on a note before burning it on the spot.
That young researcher back there... You always have a soft spot for the youth.
Jara Eh, can't exactly ignore it, can I?
An employee of my own company shows up in a military lockdown, it's be bad for business if she gets caught.
Tin Man I see you're just as attentive to detail as ever, regardless of what field you're in.
You've caught my eye a number of times over the years. From the intermediary investor for all of Trimounts to the head of Rhine HR, you've contributed pretty much your entire network to this tech company.
In other words, without you, we wouldn't have the Kristen we know today.
So, is you being here right now also the fault of that reckless girl?
Or, do you have ideas of your own?
Jara Have you considered the possibility that I'm here because I bought a residence in District 13, and that I spend a few days here when I'm not too busy?
I'm getting old, Tin Man.
Age notwithstanding, when I came back to my senses, I realized that my health, my dreams, my friends, and my family... had all been given to my country.
In the end, nothing remained of Maylander's "Morningstar."
I don't even have any tapes of the movies I made when I was young by which to remember my so-called "youth."
Tin Man I wasn't trying to point the finger at you, Jara.
But if you're hoping that I turn a blind eye to this, I'm afraid I can't help you... Maylander's only responsibility is to the country.
Jara I just wanted to tell you I have no regrets. So even now, I won't do anything that would truly harm Columbia.
Tin Man ......
Are you still mourning the death of the Wrights?
Jara ......
As much as I'd like to deny it, the scene still haunts my dreams even now.
<Background 9>
[Ho'olheyak knocks the door.]
Ho'olheyak Delivery. Come sign for it.
??? Put it on the workstation.
Ho'olheyak scans the space in front of her, a massive, hollow underground ring-shaped structure. In other words, a "well."
Originium lamps fastened to the well's walls provided only a basic lighting, making it difficult to determine the overall depth. Inlaid within the grooves running along the walls are cables extending into the darkness.
The person with who she was speaking earlier is now pacing back and forth, leaving her with but a busy silhouette.
She seems to be busy testing something. Even in such a deep area, her actions do not seem to cause much of an echo. Presumably, the surface structure incorporates some high-performance sound-absorbing material.
The entire area seems to be as still and silent as lingering mist.
Ho'olheyak Are you not afraid of the dark? Do you not get bored? We're several hundred meters underground... and those boorish soldiers are patrolling just above us.
You've been here a number of months, right? Haven't gone up for a walk?
[Nasti, the one Ho'olheyak is speaking to, approaches her.]
Nasti I'm busy, K'uk'ulkan.
Ho'olheyak I don't have much free time on my hands, either.
Nasti What I'm saying is, put the black box down, and get lost.
Ho'olheyak I'm taking a risk here to get this to you under the watchful eyes of the military and Maylander. That's a bit cold of you, wouldn't you agree?
Nasti This is a deal between you and Control. It's got nothing to do with me.
You didn't do anything with the black box after you got your hands on it, did you?
Ho'olheyak No.
Nasti Damn, ice cold.
[Nasti resumes analyzing some data.]
Nasti The data calculations are... Well, not that complicated.
Nasti dives back into her own work, and the screen is once again engulfed with a large amount of data, like a tide flooding across land.
She focuses up more, leaving Ho'olheyak alone to do little else than stare at her back. That is when she notices the devices around her waist–
They appear as a lattice of dead branches, spliced together irregularly. But as Nasti intermittently works at her station, they sway back and forth in a short, regular rhythm.
As if sentient, they seem to be following Nasti's thoughts.
Ho'olheyak Looks like you managed to find nourishment for the rootless branches... Hmph.
Nasti The trajectory data has deviated slightly from the previous calculation, but is still within the expected range. It appears that Transmitter can indeed be used as an alternative navigation resource.
That being the case, we need to speed things up.
Ho'olheyak By the way, how did Kristen get you, the head of Engineering, to willingly coop yourself up underground to do the hard work for her?
Nasti doesn't answer. She enters a few commands, and as the screens in front of her go dark one by one, she turns and heads towards the door. Behind her, the underground space becomes dimmer and dimmer.
Ho'olheyak Ready to touch some grass, Nasti? Did something good happen? Surely you're not going to keep the good news from me?
Nasti (In Sarkaz) Begone.
Ho'olheyak takes a step back upon hearing that one word. Her body instinctively carries out the order, as if executing a "command."
Ho'olheyak Cute curse you have there, Banshee.
Did any of the staff ever tell you you've got a bad temper?
The icy-cold air caresses Nasti's neck before dissipating like an illusion. The young banshee shivers slightly.
A crack forms across the bone pen in her hand.
Nasti ......
Ho'olheyak Oh my, they don't quite make them like they used to, do they? I know you have an entire drawer filled with spares.
But, I've always been curious... if you broke all of your bone pens, would you still be able to perform your little tricks?
Nasti Go ahead and try me.
I won't give the same command twice, K'uk'ulkan.
Ho'olheyak Fine, fine. Are all Banshees as much of a stick in the mud as you?
Don't pass up on this rare opportunity to get some fresh air. If you're afraid of the dark, I don't mind keeping you company partway.
Before the banshee can speak again, Ho'olheyak nimbly disappears behind the door.
The darkness lingering within the air trembles violently for a spell, then Nasti finally lets go of her words.
Nasti ...Ugh.
I should go pick her up.
(In Sarkaz) At last, the muddled dream is about to settle.