Epilogue 3: Long Road

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Epilogue 3
Long Road
Near Light
Previous Epilogue 2

The knights still have a long road ahead of them. But in this developing era, knighthood is destined to die.
NOTE: This interlude is accessible from the Information Port once the player raises their Prestige with the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi Kazimierz to Respected.
Female Kuranta icon.png
A Grocery Store Owner
Male Old Kuranta A icon.png
A Kazimierzian Villager
Male Kuranta B icon.png
A Kazimierzian Villager
Kazimierzian Knight A icon.png
An Escorting Knight
Ursine Soldier icon.png
Ursus Officer
Kazimierz Streets
Village Outskirts
Kazimierz Ghetto
Village Blurry
<Background 1>
The Candle Knight As I am now, I don't think I have the patience to sit down to read a book––
[Margaret and Viviana are having a chat.]
Margaret Viviana. When did it happen?
The Candle Knight I don't know.
If I had to say though, it would probably be the moment I charged into the Major without steeling my resolve.
Margaret You're welcome to stay.
The Candle Knight I've thought about it before. After all, the Grand Knight Territory still has a knight like you.
But, this is also the choice I've made.
Margaret Choice?
The Candle Knight You know, when I decided to draw my sword so that you and the Blood Knight could go on that fantastic adventure, I was actually... very excited.
Margaret ......
The Candle Knight Don't go all quiet on me, it's making me embarrassed...
It's not the kind of experience you get to have every day. Fighting for others, for a greater ideal, for something that seems unobtainable.
Maybe after leaving Leithanien, I never really lived as a knight.
Margaret You aren't staying after all? If you leave, it'll be playing right into their hands.
The Candle Knight Let me put this another way, Margaret. Don't "let" me stay. Beg me to come back. I'll come back for sure.
But for now, I'll follow the Nova Knightclub's "arrangements"... and stay for a while in a remote city.
It'll be a fresh and exciting adventure.
Margaret What about the other knights, your friends?
The Candle Knight The few that I do have, aren't they all here already?
Margaret I'm honored.
At least let me see you off.
The Candle Knight Sure. Having the champion see me off would be a great honor of my own.
Oh, right. I forgot about this book when I was packing up. You can have it though, so that works out nicely.
Margaret A poetry anthology?
The Candle Knight "Twin Moons and Marigold".
Margaret Hmm... I'm not familiar with Leithanien's literary scene...
The Candle Knight The wonderful thing about symbolism and metaphors is that you're not forced to come up with a single concrete answer.
Just like the Radiant Knight and her deeds.
My ride's on its way. Do you see it?
Margaret Yes.
The Candle Knight I wonder if the Grand Knight Territory will be different the next time I'm back?
Margaret You know as well as I that this country won't change so easily.
But at least, I want knights to be called knights once more.
The Candle Knight Good. Remember your promise, Margaret.
[A knight escort approaches Viviana.]
An Escorting Knight Sorry to keep you waiting, esteemed Candle Knight. Whenever you're ready.
Oh, what a surprise. Good day to you as well, esteemed Radiant Knight.
The Radiant Knight Hello.
The Candle Knight Are we leaving right now?
An Escorting Knight Ah, yes... You'll be the last passenger. The Catastrophe Messenger is also ready.
The Candle Knight Alright. I hope it's a lovely city.
Until next time.
[Viviana takes her leave.]
Margaret See you again, Viviana.
[Margaret watches as the Viviana's car speeds away.]
Margaret ......
She's gone. You're still not coming out?
[McKee reveals himself.]
Spokesman McKee ......
Margaret If I remember correctly, you're...
Spokesman McKee General Chamber of Commerce spokesman, McKee... But now that the Major is over, I won't have that title for much longer.
Margaret Maybe it's time for you to take a stand.
Spokesman McKee The affairs of Madam Droste and the Nova Knightclub have always been my responsibility.
Spokesman McKee I was just carrying carrying out my last assignment. But by the looks of things, I was too late. What a shame.
Margaret You... I see.
Spokesman McKee The way Madam Droste was mistreated... has everything to do with you.
Radiant Knight, we are now enemies, given what you did at the Major.
Margaret That's not quite accurate, Spokesman.
It's just that we're committed to our own beliefs, and fight for our own ideals and justice.
That is... assuming the General Chamber still has ideals, and isn't just relying on others to line their pockets.
Spokesman McKee I didn't expect you to be this sharp-witted.
Margaret I'm just stating facts.
Spokesman McKee Alright then.
So this is where the Candle Knight is going to live. Not a bad place.
But I'd write her a couple letters, if I were you. She might not be as strong as you think.
<Background 2>
The Candle Knight The City of Saplings and Artisans, Ognisko.
An Escorting Knight Oh right... What business do you have over there?
The Candle Knight What business, huh...?
Maybe I want to try my hand at poetry. The name of the city is pretty poetic, isn't it?
An Escorting Knight Haha, a bumpkin like me wouldn't dare prattle on in front of someone like you.
The Candle Knight You're too modest.
An Escorting Knight Are you looking forward to the next chapter of your life?
The Candle Knight Hmm.
Maybe. It really might make for a nice poem.
<Background 3>
Nightmare Knight ......
What do you want, pegasus?
[Madame Ioleta approaches Tola.]
Ioleta I'm not sure if the knights still remember this, as it isn't something taught in the history books.
The so-called "Khaganquest." The true name of the ceremony is––
(Ancient language) The Khaganquest that crosses the heavens.
Nightmare Knight What... do you know...?
Ioleta When Nightzmora warriors came of age, they would head to a trial site of their choosing, under the watchful eyes of their family and tribe leader.
The ancient race's traditions always believed "self-reflection" to be the ultimate test. Confidence or arrogance, caution or cowardice; all would come to light.
Not all Nightzmora tribes had this tradition though. Only a few examples of similar rituals can be found in historical texts.
There is but one exception. One single person spent an entire lifetime completing that Khaganquest, and that person has entered history.
Nightmare Knight ......
Ioleta Tola. We assumed your grandfather to be deceased, but not only did he survive, he also continued the Nightzmora bloodline.
Nightmare Knight Pegasus!
Ioleta Anger... Your birthplace is hundreds upon thousands of leagues from the Grand Knight Territory. Did you come all this way to become a knight, rampaging your way through the arena, just to vent this anger?
Nightmare Knight ––And yet, I still dare not raise my blade against you! Pathetic!
Who the hell are you?!
Ioleta Just an old, feeble campaign knight. Put your blade down, young Nightzmora.
I wasn't done with my story. That man who did not complete his Khaganquest until he reached death's door, began his journey in the once-lush grasslands of eastern Ursus.
Nightmare Knight ......
Ioleta He stood in the middle of the vast prairies, looking out across the wide land, and made a promise to his tribe and to his brothers and sisters–
His Khaganquest would cross the kingdoms of the hippogryphs and the pegasi. He would topple the exalted throne of the Gaulish Emperor, and tear down Leithanien's thousand Spires...
In the final ten years of his life, he did indeed complete his Khaganquest as promised. The great Khagan flayed the entire world, burned away the previous epoch, and set his sights on the border of human civilization.
Your ancestors accomplished great things. Tola, you are a part of the Khagan genealogy... the last descendant, living right before our eyes.
Nightmare Knight Hah! The Kheshigs' greatest accomplishment was pulling the pedantic wisemen like the pegasi from their thrones![note 1]
But look at you!
Ioleta ......
Nightmare Knight Even as they looked down on us from high, what have the pegasi done but watch as those pathetic jesters tore down the era of knights?
Take a good look at yourself! What about you resembles a knight?! What is that slender ceremonial toothpick at your waist going to block?
Ioleta In Kazimierz, I need not draw my blade on anyone.
Nightmare Knight ––Nice joke!
Ioleta Also, we were not watching idly.
We simply did not have the ability to turn back time.
Nightmare Knight Grr...
I'm not interested in fossils who've lost their will to fight... Out of my way.
Ioleta Then where is the place you plan to begin your trials?
Nightmare Knight That's not for you to know, pegasus.
Ioleta But you no longer have a leader to answer to, or a family to return to.
You have no plans to come back.
Nightmare Knight ......
Ioleta Vogelweide told me everything, Nightzmora.
I've watched your matches. I can't stop you from leaving.
Nightmare Knight What?
Ioleta After you've completed your journey, if you still wish to return to Kazimierz, you can become a great knight and step onto the battlefield honorably.
People of your kind are rare, and you are an exceptionally rare talent bearing the Khagan's blood.
Though that bloodline no longer runs thick, I do believe you'll always be an excellent warrior. You deserve a chance to experience true, glorious combat.
Nightmare Knight So arrogant.
You and all the knights I've seen the entire way across Kazimierz have all been the same. Arrogant.
Fighting for you, fighting for this eyesore of a country, is supposed to be glorious?
Ioleta I simply do not wish to see such a promising sapling seek out its own death.
Nightmare Knight Hah. My choices are mine alone, pegasus!
Leave. Get out of my way. Leaving this city is only the beginning of my journey!
<Background 4>
[Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight walks through a village's streets.]
The Blood Knight ......
A Kazimierz Villager Hmm? Huh? Whaaaat?
A knight? Why are you here? The elder never told us we'd get a Grand Knight to visit...
[Dikaiopolis turns around and responds to the villager.]
The Blood Knight I bought a plot of land nearby.
A Kazimierz Villager Ohhh! You must be the knight who bought old Jackie's plot! Ahh, a pleasure to meet you!
Umm, please forgive me if I guess wrong, but judging by your dusky red armor and your sturdy posture, your title... what was your title again?
The Blood Knight Hm... I'm not a knight anymore.
A Kazimierz Villager Then, if I could be so bold, you... might you be...
Dikaiopolis, the Blood Knight?
The Blood Knight I was once called that.
A Kazimierz Villager My god... You, you really are...
All of us are huge fans! Why did you retire all of a sudden? You and the Radiant Knight... Ah! If you're out here, you must be in some money trouble, right? I mean, just ask and–
No, no, what am I even saying? I'm so sorry... You're the great champion, of course you'd have more money than us... Come, come, I'll show you around...
The Blood Knight Yes. Alright.
<Background 5>
A Kazimierz Villager Look, right here is the biggest shop in the village. The old master's not doing so great these days, and now his daughter's taken over...
[A Kuranta woman walks out of the store.]
A Grocery Store Owner Oh? And who might this knight be?
A Kazimierz Villager We were just talking about him too. Crazy coincidence isn't it? He's the one who bought that plot! Take a guess at who he is–
The Blood Knight No, right now, I'm–
A Kazimierz Villager It's the Blood Knight! The champion! The Blood Knight, Dikaiopolis!
An Onlooker The champion? Is it really him?
The Blood Knight is coming to stay with us?!
A Grocery Store Owner Th-The Blood Knight?? In the flesh??
The Blood Knight Yes.
A Grocery Store Owner I...
[The store owner faints, but quickly got back up.]
A Grocery Store Owner Oh, I'm so sorry! Ahem, I let myself get carried away there. Here, if there's anything you ever need... Just let me know, and I'll get it for you. Don't worry about the rest!
I mean it! No need to be shy!
The Blood Knight ......
In that case... what crops do you have here?
A Grocery Store Owner C-Crops, you say? Normally, we purchase all the seeds we need for the village in bulk, but if you have any special requests, I'll arrange it for you!
The Blood Knight Just out of curiosity, do olive trees grow here?
A Grocery Store Owner Olive trees? Th-The kind from Minos? Hold on, maybe the village elder will know...
The Blood Knight Don't worry. It's not urgent.
Just let me know when you find out.
A Grocery Store Owner I-It's no problem at all! I'll be right back!
[The store owner rushes off.]
The Blood Knight ......
A Kazimierz Villager Oh my, where are my manners... Am I being a bother? Hey! Give him some space! He must be tired after coming all the way here from the city!
Over here, sir! I'll walk you back!
The Blood Knight One moment.
If you recognize me, then you also should know... that I am an Infected.
A Kazimierz Villager Hm? An Infected... Oh, yes, right, you're an Infected knight.
The Blood Knight You're not afraid of Oripathy?
A Kazimierz Villager Of course we are!
But what of it?
The Blood Knight Then you all should keep your distance from me.
A Kazimierz Villager Ohhh, that's what you meant... Right, you are an Infected after all. I'm sorry, I was way too excited.
But still, don't you need people to help you out every now and then?
The Blood Knight ......
A Kazimierz Villager See, farming isn't something you can just jump right into... Um, you don't have any prior experience, right?
There are a few students in the village. When I head back, I'll ask them if they know if you can grow olives here... Oh, that's right, about the Oripathy. Um...
Can they treat Oripathy in the city?
The Blood Knight Not effectively. That's why I chose the plot of land farthest from the village. If you don't have any particular business with me, it's better to stay away. It's very dangerous.
A Kazimierz Villager Then, do you think I can get an autograph first?
The Blood Knight ...Heh.
What's your name?
A Kazimierz Villager Me? Oh, haha... I forgot to introduce myself. They all just call me the old dentist. You can call me that too if you'd like.
The Blood Knight Sure.
If there's anything I need help with, I'll be sure to ask.
But at least right now, I need to...
A Kazimierz Villager Sir?
The Blood Knight ...Haha.
"Go home first." Need a change of clothes too. Can't always be walking around in a full suit of armor. Why don't you head back home for now?
A Kazimierz Villager Right, right, I should do that!
Well, I won't keep you any longer, Sir! See you later!
[The villager leaves.]
The Blood Knight ...*cough*
*Hack!* *cough* *cough* ––
Whew. I really do need to hurry back... and grab a change of clothes... *cough*...
<Background 4>
A Kazimierz Villager Wow... I never expected to actually meet the Blood Knight in person... I can still hardly believe it!
A Kazimierz Villager Hm? But now that I think about it, when did he announce his retirement? And he even chose to come to a place this far out in the sticks... I wonder if there's some other reason he can't talk about? Hmm...
[Someone walks nearby.]
A Kazimierz Villager Hmm? Another visitor? Since when is our sleepy little village so lively? Maybe living in the big city really isn't all it's chalked up to be, haha!
A Kazimierz Villager Hello there! Where are you from? The road ends up ahead! Come this way!
[The one walking by the villagers is revealed to be Roy of the Armorless Union.]
Roy Good day to you, mister.
<Background 6>
■■ years later, Northern Ursus, "Border of Civilization"
1:43 P.M. \ Light snow
Ursus Officer A Why are we still out on patrol on such a cold day?
Ursus Officer B Stop your whining... There's not so much as a village around these parts, only a Sami observatory a bit further off... Well, it actually belongs to a Columbian.
Ursus Officer A That's strange!
Ursus Officer B I heard–– but this is only a rumor, that yesterday, a Sami priest of some sort was in a real hurry to see the boss.
Ursus Officer A A Sami priest? Oh, you must be talking about those snowpriests. Why are those terrible things crossing the border all of a sudden?
Ursus Officer B Hell if I know. Well above our pay grade though. Not something we need to know... Just keep your head down and your eyes fixed on the endless snow in front of you. Each and every day, 'til your eyes hurt.
Ursus Officer A Fair enough–– Wait, slow down!
Up ahead... Are you seeing that over there?
[The officers rushed to a horn left on the ground.]
Ursus Officer B Is that... a horn?
Ursus Officer A Looks like it's been left here for a while too... I don't see any wheel markings or footsteps. What do we do?
Ursus Officer B Let's head back and report it to the boss. There shouldn't be any man-made objects around here... Can you tell what this horn might've been used for?
Doesn't look to be anything Sami at least. Seems pretty old, and worn out.
Did you hear that, or am I just imagining things?
Ursus Officer A Huh? Probably just imagining things.
Anyway, let's get in touch with the team first. Still got a working connection?
[One of the officers reported back to their headquarters...]
Ursus Officer B 7th Expedition Team, 7th Expedition Team. We've discovered a... horn of some sort. Yes, no other markings nearby...
Hold on, it's that sound again!
Expedition Team, Expedition Team! We've found something else nearby! We'll contact you again in ten minutes!
[...but signs off abruptly.]
Ursus Officer B Hey, look over there! Since when was there a forest that way?
Quick, hand me the spyglass!
<Background black>
According to the 7th Expedition Team's intel, two Ursus patrols found an "army" at the far northern border.
And when they followed the trail of the "army", they reportedly heard the sounds of war drums and clashing weapons, but could not find traces of any people.
The only thing left behind was an abandoned horn, nothing else.
The Sami individual denied doing anything, and the Columbian observatory only further corroborated this denial. The snowy land was shining peacefully, as far as the eye could see.
There was only a single row of footprints gradually disappearing into the thick snow, extending past the far north, beyond the border of civilization.


  1. The original text is actually written as "...pedantic Elders..."