Epilogue 2: Choice

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Epilogue 2
Near Light
Previous Epilogue 1
After the first rays of dawn, the Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub will make their own choices, and of course, others will do the same. But as for which choices are correct– whether now, or in the future– it's all up in the air.

Note: This interlude is accessible from the Information Port once the player raises their Prestige with the Kazimierz General Chamber of Commerce to Respected.
Male Kuranta A icon.png
A Kazimierz Villager
Kazimierzian Infected Knight A icon.png
An Infected Knight
Kazimierz Ghetto
RI Bridge
Kazimierz Streets
Village House
<Background 1>
An Infected Knight Ugh, so do we all have to go to that Rhodes Island place for treatment?
Sona You don't "have" to go, you "get" to go. Just because you're used to living with Oripathy doesn't make it less dangerous!
No matter how many things we still have to do, if our bodies fall apart first, what good are all those ideas?
An Infected Knight Well, you have a point.
Sona I sure do. Take care of yourselves. It's been a while since we've gotten any serious Oripathy treatment.
We knights aren't the only ones affected either. There are still so many ordinary workers, farmers, and civilians with us... and we can't force them to suffer through Oripathy.
We can't let what happened to Jamie happen to anyone else.
An Infected Knight Right.
[The Infected knight leaves...]
Sona Phew...
[...as Greynuty shows up.]
Greynuty Sona.
Sona Oh, Ashley, what's up?
Greynuty We talked to that Sarkaz medic, Hibiscus. Rhodes Island has to leave the Grand Knight Territory this afternoon.
We have a lot of people with us, so we need to get ready asap.
Sona Alright. Justyna and Iwona should be reaching out to the rest of the Infected who can still be contacted.
Greynuty The Armorless Union and General Chamber of Commerce really plan on giving up, huh?
Sona If what we learned is true, they should be a bit tied up right now with their own problems.
And besides, Rhodes Island is still under the protection of the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi. At least for now... they're safe.
Greynuty ......
Sona Hm? What'cha staring at me for?
Greynuty What did Toland say to you?
Sona Huh? Where did that come from all of a sudden?
Greynuty Ever since the two of you went to that village outside the Grand Knight Territory, you're like a completely different person.
Sona ......
Greynuty Those villages on the outskirts of the Grand Knight Territory were established over the last few years in conjunction with the Kawalerielki Alliance. There shouldn't be anyone out there except a bunch of ordinary farmers.
I doubt the bounty hunters have a foothold out there, so he must've had some other purpose.
Sona He entrusted us with a single task.
Concerning Kazimierz, this country, the Infected, and all of us.
Greynuty Why didn't you tell me then?
Sona Ahaha... Honestly, I'm not sure why myself. It's been on my mind this whole time. Thought I'd tell everybody about it once I sorted things through in my own head...
Greynuty Hmph...
Sona A-Are you mad at me?
[Justyna and Iwona joins in.]
Justyna Then just come out with it.
Isn't that what you once said to me?
Iwona Haha. You don't even know how fidgety Greynuty has been the last few days. I kept having to tell her everything is fine.
Greynuty Pshh. No one here asks you to carry everything on your own, Sona.
Sona Sorry.
Justyna So, what's eating you up?
Sona ......
If what we are going to do next is at odds with the purpose we had when establishing Pinus Sylvestris... What would you do then?
Greynuty What does that mean?
Sona If we're no longer just fighting against the corrupt knights, against the K.G.C.C., no longer solely fighting for the benefit of the Infected––
If we have to tolerate the discrimination against the Infected, join hands with former enemies, choose our fights carefully... If we have to completely change ourselves––
––If we had to indefinitely set aside the peaceful lives just in front of our eyes, and leap into the fire again... What would you do?
Justyna ......
Greynuty ......
Iwona Ugh, what's with all these questions out of the blue? I'm not good with the philosophical stuff. What's the difference?
Greynuty How would you answer your own questions?
Sona As an Infected, as a knight, I believe... that we should strive to do more. Although right now... I don't know.
But as "Sona," this isn't how I want to leave you all... Still, I'd rather that than force you down a path you never intended to take.
And beyond that, nobody even knows where this path will lead.
Greynuty Sona...
Sona Um.
Greynuty I've seen you lost in thought a whole bunch recently, and it's made all of us uneasy. But I hope... I hope you understand one thing.
Pinus Sylvestris may be the name of a knightclub, but we all know that even if we're knights, we also aren't really knights.
Whether you're coming to us as a knight, as an Infected, as a Zalak, or even as just regular old Sona, you can always talk to us.
Sona Ashley...
Greynuty And, you'll get the same answer every time.
We're not splitting up.
Justyna To be honest, after everything we've been through, I don't think there are any Infected in the knightclub who strictly identify as knights.
Of course, those who want to leave and pursue an ordinary lifestyle, we'll help them as well...
But that lifestyle isn't for us. Not the four of us.
Iwona That's right! If we were as mercenary as those guys, I would've waited all these years for nothing!
Greynuty What are you waiting for?
Iwona For a storm! So I can become the lightning!
Justyna If you like lightning that much, you should just paint your armor gold.
Iwona Woah... Great idea!
Sona Haha...
Now that you've all made your feelings clear, let's focus on the issue in front of us!
Let's get the Infected over to Rhodes Island! No rest till everyone's on board!
We're going... to set sail soon.
[An Infected knight rushes to Sona and co..]
An Infected Knight Flametail! Not everyone made it for the roll call! They must've been captured by patrolling knights!
Iwona Huh? Didn't they make everyone legal? Why are the knights still arresting people?!
An Infected Knight I-I don't know... Th-They said they're not releasing anyone without a ransom!
Greynuty Grrr... Corrupt nobles in need of some discipline... Sona.
Sona I know. Tell the others to keep to the plan and report to Rhodes Island. We need to act fast.
An Infected Knight A-Alright. What about you?
Sona We're gonna do what we've always done.
<Background 2>
Hibiscus Uhh... Hmm...
Amiya Hibiscus, all these people...
Hibiscus I knew what was coming, but actually seeing this many at once... makes me wonder if we actually have the capacity.
Amiya It'll be fine. Doctor got some help from Mr. Malkiewicz.
Hibiscus Oh right, Amiya, I heard we were planning to open a new office in the Grand Knight Territory?
Amiya Ah... Yes. With how many Infected knights there are, we can't keep them all on Rhodes Island forever... Plus, there are still those Infected who we can't take care of, who still need a way out.
When the time is right, Pinus Sylvestris will help us establish a office.
Hibiscus How nice. They'll even get to see their homes again.
Was this that Flametail Knight's idea?
Amiya Not entirely. The Doctor also pitched in.
Hibiscus Aww, I really wanted to meet Flametail Knight. I heard she's done so many amazing things. Amiya, do you know why she isn't here yet?
Amiya Huh, now that you mention it... She was supposed to be here by now...
[Shining approaches Amiya and Hibiscus.]
Shining Amiya, Hibiscus, it's time to go.
Amiya Oh, okay.
Shining, have you seen those knights from Pinus Sylvestris?
Shining From what the Infected knights told me, they stayed behind to help some Infected who were being harassed by knight-nobles, and were unable to catch up with the rest of the team.
Hibiscus Then, we need to go back them up––
Amiya Until we leave this country's borders, Kazimierz will continue to keep a close eye on us.
Shining Even now, dozens of campaign knights are waiting for our "foreign enterprise" to leave the Grand Knight Territory.
<Background 3>
An Infected Knight Sorry... I let my emotions get the better of me, and I got into a fight with that knight-noble.
Sona Don't worry about that now. Even if you hadn't overreacted, they would've found some excuse to torment you. Just grit your teeth and run!
Justyna Sona, we've got company. Not the knight-nobles. It's the Armorless Union.
They're tailing us from both sides, up on the roofs.
Iwona Aha, perfect. I was just about to feel guilty for not leaving them a parting gift!
Greynuty That makes two of us!
Sona No, we have to keep moving and get to Rhodes Island as soon as we can. We mustn't cause trouble for them.
Greynuty Sona?
Sona The Radiant Knight!
[All of a sudden, Margaret Nearl the Radiant Knight shows up before the young P.S. knightesses...]
Margaret Hm.
[...and uses her Arts to aid them.]
<Background 2>
Hibiscus A pillar of light?!
Amiya That must be Nearl, right?
Shining Yes... No doubt about it.
None... at all.
Amiya Shining...
Hibiscus Ahh!
L-Look at that red-tailed Zalak running towards us! Is that the Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub?
Amiya Huh? Isn't the boarding ramp on this side though?
A Distant Voice Sorry I'm late, Miss Amiya–––
Gangway! We're jumpin––!!
Amiya Wait, what? Are they actually going to––
[The P.S. knights managed to pull of a risky jump into the R.I. landship past the boarding ramp as it is being retracted.]
An Infected Knight W-We're actually doing thiiiiis?! Woooah, that felt like a real heroes' entrance, right out of a novel.
Iwona Haha, piece of cake!
Greynuty I wouldn't have brought my shield with me if I knew this was going to happen... *cough* *cough*...
[Justyna approaches Amiya and Hibiscus.]
Justyna Sorry for dropping in unannounced.
Hibiscus ......
Amiya Ah, it's fine...
Shining Long time no see, little knight.
Sona *huff* *huff* Heh, it wasn't that long ago.
Amiya Sona...?
Sona In the flesh! How've you been, Amiya? Should we get everyone introduced?
<Background 4>
Czarny ......
A Kazimierz Villager Good morning, Mr. Czarny. Why the formalwear today? Are you finally heading back to the city?
Czarny A very distinguished guest will be paying me a visit today. I've waited a long, long time for him.
A Kazimierz Villager Oh... What kind of guest? Is he also from the city?
Czarny He's... a former colleague.
A Kazimierz Villager I see, I see. I won't bother you anymore then. Just make sure to fetch the water before the sun goes down.
Czarny I will.
<Background black>
Czarny I'm also very curious what he's like now.
The last time we met... He was still a helpless little pen-pusher. So wishy-washy that he couldn't even speak up for himself. Didn't even have a single decent suit.
But now...
You've changed so much, Malkiewicz.
[Someone knocks the door...]
Spokesman Malkiewicz Mr. Czarny.
Czarny Come in.
<Background 5>
Czarny I know you must have a lot of questions.
[Malkiewicz approaches his former superior Czarny.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Czarny What, are you surprised that my house is so run-down?
Spokesman Malkiewicz The thing that surprises me more is how well you seem to have adapted to this life.
Czarny Haha... I'm sure that one day, the number of people in high positions solely because of their birth will become fewer and fewer.
Just look at your tone of voice now, Malkiewicz. You're more qualified for your job than I ever could've imagined. Congratulations.
Spokesman Malkiewicz I...
Czarny Before I found work in the Grand Knight Territory, I was just the son of a winery worker.
Spokesman Malkiewicz That's quite different from what was on the resume you left in the office.
Czarny Oh... You even did your homework on me. See, Malkiewicz? I have a good eye for talent.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Czarny You are in peril, and you are powerless within the K.G.C.C., but you still managed to track me down and find my home, even after I completely changed my identity... You found me, Malkiewicz.
"I can hardly recognize you anymore."
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......!
Czarny If you're going to be uncomfortable, at least try not to show it. It's bad for negotiations.
I am a branded criminal, and you... Well, the fact that you've come before me today without a completely new face means that you've risen through the ranks since the end of the Major.
Come, let us toast to your promotion.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Mr. Czarny, your exile was unjust.
Czarny Oh. You didn't come here just to tell me that.
The fact that you know the truth, about how I was treated... means that the people who told you this truth wanted something from you.
If I was in their position, I surely would've wanted "Czarny" dead.
Spokesman Malkiewicz I'm not doing that.
Czarny Why?
Spokesman Malkiewicz That goes against my principles.
Czarny Principles, hm? Do you not realize, the person standing before me, speaking so confidently of "principles" was a pauper who couldn't even put food on the table just a few months ago.
Face it, Malkiewicz. You've already embraced this society. Sooner or later, you'll join its chosen.
Mmm... Quite a nice aroma to these two cups of wine.
Spokesman Malkiewicz But I... don't think you should have to lose your life...
Czarny Platinum of the Armorless Union was just as naive and innocent as you, which is why I have my life. Of course, I think she only spared me out of convenience.
My family chose not to accompany me to this little village, instead continuing their comfortable lives in the Grand Knight Territory.
They divided up my assets, the Radiant Knight became the champion, and Czarny became a criminal. The Infected can never break the shackles of public perception–
––It proves I never misjudged Kazimierz. It is what it is.
Come, Malkiewicz.
This bottle of brandy was given to me by a former employee who I had promoted. He secretly sent someone to deliver this to me after learning that I was still alive.
Despite that, though, he still looted my ill-gotten "bribes." I had to pretend not to see that the necklace he was wearing came from my collection.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Czarny And this glass... is poisoned. But don't worry, I only just slipped in the drug. As long as you don't drink it, nothing bad will happen.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ––What's the meaning of this?!
Czarny Help yourself to a glass. I'll take the other one.
Spokesman Malkiewicz No! This is ridiculous–– I'll be taking my leave!
Czarny Of course you can leave, Malkiewicz, but the end result will be the same. Oh, and don't try to throw out the wine either. Wine is very precious, but poison is plentiful.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Why... Why are you forcing me to do this? I don't understand! We only just met by chance during the Major––
Czarny Why?
Malkiewicz, have you really not figured it out yet?
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Czarny Cheers, Malkiewicz. To your continued ascendance, and to... my retirement.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ............
<Background 4>
[Malkiewicz walked out of Czarny's house.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
A Kazimierz Villager Hm? Are you Mr. Czarny's guest? Why are you here alone? What happened to him?
Spokesman Malkiewicz What does Mr. Czarny... usually do around here?
A Kazimierz Villager Haha, that's a story to be shared over dinner! The folks from the city sure know their stuff. Most of the time he's helping the other villagers plan their business, or teaching the kids how to read and write...
What's wrong? Your face is all red... D-Did I say something to offend you?
Spokesman Malkiewicz No, it's nothing.
A Kazimierz Villager Oh... Are you headed back then? S-Sorry to bother you.
[The villager leaves.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz I won't give in.
I won't become what you said, Mr. Czarny. I'll fight to the bitter end.
I swear it.