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In Arknights, summons are units that are deployed by certain Operators to help them offensively or defensively.


Unless noted otherwise, all summons will be forcibly retreated when the Operator that deploys them leaves the map.

Summon Operator Use
Blazing Sun.png
Nearl the Radiant Knight icon.png
Deals True damage to nearby enemies and Stuns them when deployed. Cannot be summoned at will, instead automatically summoned when Blazing Sun's Obeisance is activated. Not counted towards the Unit Limit but will self-destruct when Blazing Sun's Obeisance expires.
Cursed Doll.png
Shamare icon.png
Reduces the ATK and DEF of surrounding enemies. Invulnerable and not counted towards the Unit Limit, but will self-destruct after a period of time.
Dusk icon.png
Attacks deal Arts damage. Cannot be summoned at will, instead summoned through Image Over Form and Finishing Touch. Not counted towards the Unit Limit but will self-destruct after a period of time.
Industrial Water Cannon.png
Weedy icon.png
Push enemies back in each attack. Invulnerable and not counted towards the Unit Limit, but will self-destruct after a period of time.
Kazemaru icon.png
Behaves identically to Kazemaru's Substitute. Cannot be summoned at will, instead summoned through Origami Art - Twin Shadows. Not counted towards the Unit Limit but will self-destruct when the skill expires.
Ling icon.png
Varies depending on the skill used; see article for details. Up to three (four with Ling's upgraded SUM-Y Operator Module) may be deployed at a time.
Medic Drone.png
Silence icon.png
Heals surrounding friendly units. Invulnerable and not counted towards the Unit Limit, but will self-destruct after a period of time.
Nightingale icon.png
Taunts enemies, has high HP and RES, and can often dodge Physical attacks. Not counted towards the Unit Limit but loses HP over time.
Mobile Buggy Cam.png
Scene icon.png
Reveals invisible enemies in the surrounding tiles. Also slightly reduces the speed of nearby enemies with Scene's upgraded SUM-X Operator Module.
Mobile Riot Shield.png
Jessica the Liberated icon.png
Taunts enemies and changes Jessica the Liberated's facing to where the M.R. Shield is deployed. Can only be deployed in the adjacent tiles to the Liberated and not counted towards the Unit Limit, but will self-destruct after a period of time.
Mon3tr summon.png
Kal'tsit icon.png
Can only be directly healed by Kal'tsit herself and will have 0 DEF if deployed outside her range.
Night Banisher.png
Silence the Paradigmatic icon.png
Applies Silent Sentinel with greater effectiveness to friendly units within its range. Only available for deployment while Overlooking Vision is active. Invulnerable and not counted towards the Unit Limit, but will self-destruct when Overlooking Vision expires.
Phantom in the Mirror.png
Phantom icon.png
A weaker illusory double of Phantom which shares his skill and has an independent redeployment time than Phantom himself.
Mayer icon.png
Reduces the ASPD of blocked enemies.
Rosmontis's Tactical Equipment
Rosmontis icon.png
Reduces the DEF of blocked enemies and Stuns nearby enemies when deployed. Cannot be summoned at will, instead automatically summoned when "As You Wish" is activated. Not counted towards the Unit Limit but will self-destruct when "As You Wish" expires.
Ray icon.png
Extends Ray's range to its own range. Invulnerable and not counted towards the Unit Limit, but will self-destruct after a period of time.
Sand Obelisk.png
Beeswax icon.png
Stuns nearby enemies when deployed. Cannot be summoned at will, instead automatically summoned when Guardian Obelisk is activated. Not counted towards the Unit Limit but will self-destruct when Guardian Obelisk expires.
Skadi's Seaborn.png
Skadi the Corrupting Heart icon.png
Extends the Corrupting Heart's range. Invulnerable and not counted towards the Unit Limit, but will self-destruct after a period of time.
Soaring Dragon L.png
Soaring Dragon L.png
Soaring Dragon A.png
Magallan icon.png
Varies depending on the skill used; see article for details. Up to three (four with Magallan's upgraded SUM-Y Operator Module) may be deployed at a time.
Deepcolor icon.png
Nothing special
Pozëmka icon.png
Attacks enemies in a range of up to three tiles straight ahead with lower ATK than Pozëmka but benefits from her skills.


Traps are deployed automatically by certain Operators and manually deployed by Trapmaster Specialists, in which case they must deployed on tiles without enemies, although Levitating the enemies gives the player a moment to deploy traps beneath them. When a ground enemy (and only ground enemies) is too close to a trap, it will be triggered; note that invisible enemies will not trigger traps.

Trapmasters can notably replenish their trap's count with their skills.

All traps are invulnerable and do not use up the Unit Limit.

Trap Operator Use
Champagne Bomb.png
Swire the Elegant Wit icon.png
Deals Physical damage and Slows the victim when triggered, with the former dealt twice if the Bomb has been deployed for at least 3 seconds. Cannot be deployed at will, instead deployed through "Courtesy Gift".
Robin icon.png
Deals Physical damage when triggered and either Binds or pushes back the victim(s) depending on the skill Robin uses. Up to six/eight (E1)/ten (E2) may be deployed at a time.
Front Toward Enemy
W icon.png
Deals Physical damage and Stuns enemies in the surrounding tiles when triggered. Cannot be deployed at will, instead automatically deployed through Jack in the Box. Will disappear if not triggered after 120 seconds.
Grzmot Mine.png
Ela icon.png
Has different effects depending on the skill Ela uses, ranging from Slowing and reducing Physical/Arts accuracy, Stuns, or Slows and inflicts Fragile. Up to two/three (E1)/four (E2) may be deployed at a time.
Old Day Remnant.png
Ebenholz icon.png
Deals Arts damage and drag enemies in the surrounding tiles towards it when triggered. Cannot be deployed at will, instead automatically deployed through Desolate Echoes. Will disappear if not triggered after 30 seconds.
Resonator trap.png
Dorothy icon.png
Damages enemies when triggered with various additional effects depending on the skill Dorothy uses. Up to six/eight (E1)/ten (E2) may be deployed at a time.
Welcome Mat.png
Frost icon.png
Deals Physical damage when triggered and either Stuns or Binds the victim depending on the skill Frost uses. Up to six/eight (E1)/ten (E2) may be deployed at a time.


Reinforcements are utilized by Tactician Vanguards and can only be deployed on a tile within their attack range, which is designated as a "Tactical Point". When the Tactician attack enemies being blocked by their Reinforcement, the damage they deal is increased.

Should a Reinforcement be KO'd or retreated, it will revive itself over a period of time during which it is invulnerable but can neither attack nor block enemies. Therefore, the Reinforcement can only be relocated by redeploying their respective Tactician.

All Reinforcements cost no DP to deploy and do not use up the Unit Limit.

Reinforcement Operator Use
Flowing Shape.png
Muelsyse icon.png
Can copy an Operator by placing them on top of the Flowing Shape while its skill is active, giving the Shape most of the Operator's attributes and a trait to either Steal enemy ATK/DEF or create more of itself periodically depending on whether the copied Operator is a melee or ranged one.
Metal Crab Guard Team.png
Beanstalk icon.png
Nothing special
Blacknight icon.png
Can attack Sleeping enemies, which it will target over the others.
Vigil icon.png
Can have up to 3 Wolf Shadows that is generated over time; each Shadow increases the Wolfpack's block and attacks' hit counts by 1, and is expended to have the Wolfpack survive a lethal attack with fully restored HP.

Support Device

Support Devices are utilized by Artificer Supporters to augment friendly units. An Artificer can only have a limited number of Support Devices deployed at a time.

All Support Devices do not use up the Unit Limit, are invulnerable, and will self-destruct after some time have passed from when they are deployed (except Stainless' Support Devices).

Support Device Operator Use
Full Auto Modeler.png
Roberta icon.png
Buffs the DEF of a melee unit and grants them Shield(s). Up to three may be deployed at a time.
Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab.png
Stainless icon.png
Given while Stainless uses the Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab skill. Will be attacked by friendly units, who does no damage towards it and attacks enemies over it. Fires a shot that deals AoE Physical damage whenever attacked enough but loses some HP and can be "repaired" by having Artificer Supporters attack it. Also reduces the Physical damage taken by the friendly unit behind it. Up to two may be deployed at a time.
Stainless' Multifunctional Platform.png
Given while Stainless uses Extreme Firepower or Efficient Resupply with different effects depending on the skill in question; see article for details. Only one (up to two from Elite 1) may be deployed at a time.
Reliable Battery.png
Windflit icon.png
Buffs the ATK of a Caster or Supporter (and only Casters/Supporters). Up to two may be deployed at a time.