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This article is about the Terran nation-state. For the race, see Ursus (race).

A great empire formed primarily by the Ursus peoples. It is known for its vast territory, harsh environment, and military might.
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Ursus, formally known as the Empire of Ursus/Ursus Empire (Империя Урсус) and historically called the Empire of Hippogryph (Гиппогрифская Империя), is a Terran country located at its furthest north. The largest country in Terra that borders Kazimierz, Victoria, Leithanien, Sami, Higashi, and Yan, it is famous for its military might and the physical prowess of its predominant Ursine inhabitants. Ursus is an imperial monarchy with the Emperor (Tsar) as the head of state, although a power struggle between the military old-guards and loyalist aristocrats is happening behind the scenes.

Ursus is particularly known for its militarist and xenophobic attitudes against other Terran nations. Founded via a violent revolution that toppled the Hippogryph dynasty, Ursus’ strong urge to purge its political rivals deteriorated into an all-right expansionism against other nations. But since the failed campaign against Higashi and a violent civil war initiated by the rebellious military, Ursus’ stability greatly dwindles due to civil unrest and political rivalries.

Ursus is also infamous for its cruel treatment of the Infected, being some of the worst treatment across Terra, who have become the target of pogroms carried out by the local patrol units. Those who manage to survive are usually sent to Originium mining camps in the vast tundra of the north alongside political prisoners. They are subject to forced labor until they either die from their Oripathy or are systematically killed for the overseers and guards' entertainment. When an Originium mine becomes exhausted, the remaining prisoners are to be executed before the mines are destroyed.[1]

The Ursine language is similar to the Russian language in our world through somehow, both have distinct grammars and accents even though both are mutually intelligible enough with each other.

A great empire with a mostly Ursus population. Its vast lands lie in the extreme north, and though it sits on a great wealth of mineral resources, much of its territory remains undeveloped. Under the leadership of the previous emperor, Ursus stepped down the path of industrialization and militarization, rapidly building its power by launching wars against neighboring countries. However, with its defeat in a war against Higashi and the igniting of tensions between the army and the nobility, Ursus finds itself in the midst of a turbulent societal revolution.[2]


Hippogryph dynasty

Long before Ursus, the Empire of Hippogryph, a nation ruled by the eponymous Elder, laid its foundation along the frigid mountains of the north. At the dawn of civilization, the Hippogryphs were driven there to flee from harassment of the Teekaz where they would decide to settle and name the lands after themselves. The rule of the Hippogryphs was marked with despotic racism in which they enslaved various "lower-classed" Ancient races and forced them to do laborious works such as building mountain castles of the upper class. Among them, the Ursi were the most oppressed as their racial stamina was utilized by the Hippogryphs as mere disposable cheap labor forces.[3]

"The might of Ursus shall be glorified across the land!"

The Hippogryphs' despotism would come to an end at the dawn of the common era. In Terran year 11, the hordes of the Nightzmoran Khaganate mercilessly trampled the old aristocrats as they were defenseless against the nomadic empire. In the meantime, the constant defeats fuelled their oppression against the Ursi through forced conscription, which further degraded the Hippogryphs' military. The enraged Ursi populace eventually aroused a bloody revolution between the year 27 and 31 to overthrow the Hippogryphs. The Ursi rebels were led by Igor the Great the “Bear Herder,” a talented Ursine general and the only alien high-ranking official in the Hippogryphs’ court who betrayed them to save his fellow men. Once the rebels captured Deity Grypherburg in the year 31, they crowned Igor as their Tsar and rebranded the nation as the Empire of Ursus to commemorate the Ancient’s victory against the oppressive Elders for the first time in Terra’s history.[3]

Military expansionism

The war against the Hippogryphs, however, would not stop with Igor’s coronation. Despite expelling them from the capital, Igor continued his campaign to fully expel rebellious Hippogryphs from the Ursine land. Starting from the central flatlands of the old border, the Ursi continued to expand eastward to hunt down the remnants. However, Igor's campaign suddenly fell into a stalemate for around twenty years by the time they reached the eastern ranges, and Igor went ill and eventually passed away during the campaign.[4]

In Terran year 58, Igor's son, Alexei Igorevich the “Young Tsar” continued his father’s legacy by issuing a state policy titled the “Eastern March” in the name of capturing the Hippogryph remnants. His policy, however, indirectly fueled up the Ursi’s culminating militarism. Under three consecutive emperors spanning almost a century, the Eastern March became a full territorial expansion across northern Terra, including the virgin wild west that was once dotted with many Samifjod tribes. The Ursi vaunted their heroic nationalism while capturing fertile land to support its war machines, but along the way came with their brutal oppressions of many tribes.[5]

Ursus’s western expansionism was soon contended by other regional powers. The Kazimierzian knights, armed with well-equipped weapons, easily defeated the Ursi troops, forcing the latter to adopt military and political reforms. The reform succeeded in erasing the remaining old system of the Hippogryphs, causing the Ursi to catch the upper hand against Kazimerz.[6] For the remaining centuries, there were a total of ten invasions called the "Ursus-Kazimierz Wars" where both side struggled to capture their respective land, and the tenth campaign between the year 1019 and 1062 resulted in the Ursi’s full occupation of Kazmierzian territories for around a decade.

During the reign of Emperor Ivan Yevgenich, Ursus became active in the Battle of the Four Emperors in hopes to capture Gaulish spoils. The fall of Gaul resulted in their Originium technologies flowering in Ursine borders that revolutionized their industries and weaponries. By the time Ivan’s son, Vladimir Ivanovich, succeeded his throne, Ursus’ military might was at its zenith. Coupled with his talented leadership, Emperor Vladimir’s rule was marked with unprecedented numbers of territorial expansions starting from his victory in the Tenth Ursus-Kazimierz War. The Ursus troops expelled the Samifjod tribes to the furthest hostile north, and an invasion onto the eastern empires of Yan and Higashi was already culminating. Political rumors regarding Vladimir’s despotism were wide-spread in which many nations feared that Ursus would even invade Leithanien and Victoria.[6] Ursus' might during its heyday is acknowledged by many with the following line:

Five groups of shieldmen can slaughter a squard of knights;
Four Royal Guards can wipe a settlement off the map;
Three Wendigos can conquer a small town;
Two army groups can decimate a duchy;
One sovereign can throw the world into chaos.
—The testimony of Ursus' might[7]

However, Ursus' unrestrained expansionism was not without cost. Its immense military put a huge strain on its economy and population, especially once the spoils of war can no longer sustain further conquests. As the empire expanded, it suffered many defeats, leading to a decrease in morale. Back in its homeland, many citizens began to grow unsatisfied with the empire's militaristic policies and their poor living conditions. The Ursine leadership needed a scapegoat to take the blame, and this scapegoat eventually became the Infected. Various laws were passed encouraging discrimination against Infected, which served to distract the population's attention from their leaders' corruption.

Ursus' expeditions to its northernmost border also resulted in a grave consequence: their encounter with the northern demons, aka. the Collapsals, at the Infy Icefield. Even though the Ursi were able to harness their power via the Emperor's Blades, it came with countless sacrifices. One such devastating defeat was the death of some twenty Emperor's Blades in the "Valley of the Setting Sun" that turned the land to be forever contaminated by their corruption.[8] The Ursi were forced to set up the "Border of Civilization" to guard both the Collapsals’ invasion and barring anyone entering the Icefield without permission.

Bloodpeak Campaign

A war against Higashi known as the Bloodpeak Campaign in the year 1072 marked the turning point in Ursine expansionism. Originally, the war in the east was meant to be a distraction from internal conflicts following Emperor Vladimir's illness and the empire's inability to hold annexed Kazimierzian territories.[9] So, the Ursine government dispatched the Fourth and Sixth Armies to carry out the war, and in the early stage, the Ursine war machine easily crushed the Kougon samurai troops. However, the war came along with utter confusion among the armies. In an account of a lieutenant of the Fourth Army, they had not received further orders from their superior in regards to advancement and retreat; they were forced to be stationed at the frontlines. As time prolonged, the supply chains started to deteriorate, the superiors were mad over the amount of new orders, and even the Sixth Army began to retreat from the frontline abruptly.[6]

An excerpt from Memories of Lt. Yuri Zaitsev, 5th Artillery Regiment, 2nd Special Division of the Ursus Fourth Army
"Since the war started, the army's negative attitude towards combat was extremely obvious. Our unit was originally ordered to cover the 9th and 10th Heavy Armored Corps and the 17th Artillery Regiment — my brother's unit — to launch a raid on the enemy's town. However, half a month after we and those troops were stationed, we still didn't receive an offensive order from the Division Staff. We thought that the operation was cancelled, so we waited at the outpost for another week, but there were neither attack or retreat orders. Later on, even our supply baggage began to have problems. My immediate superior, Captain Andrei, was very confused. He once went to the Imperial Guards' General Staff HQ. He claimed having seen piles of brocade envelopes there. They should all be Imperial orders sent from Deity Grypherburg, but the seals weren't opened. And the officers just smiled at him and said, 'Just hold your position.' We waited endlessly for a month, and the warship almost sunk to the ground. We even heard that the Sixth Army received retreat orders and already started to withdraw from the battlefield on a large scale, but this was simply impossible. Fear started to swallow us. What we were afraid of wasn't the enemy, but ourselves seeing the Empire's dark side that shouldn't even exist"[6]

The inconsistency in military orders resulted in Higashi taking the opportunity to break through the Ursine defense line. Not only did Ursus suffer a heavy loss, but also Higashi successfully invaded Ursine soil in retaliation. Even Kazimierz took the opportunity to recapture its lost territories amidst the failing campaign in the east by initiating the “Daybreak over the Golden Prairie” under the assault of House Nearl.[9] Under Yanese mediation, both factions signed peace agreements and retreated back to their borders, yet the campaign abruptly ended the Empire's expansionism.[10]

The war had severe consequences to both factions. To Higashi, it was a pyrrhic victory as the Kougon samurai suffered great casualties to defend their homeland. On the Ursus’ side, it was the most devastating campaign that ever initiated, resulting in the fracture of Ursus’ military machine. Being gravely shocked over the devastation, Emperor Vladimir finally succumbed to death a year later. Although his son, Fyodor Vladimirovich, ascended to the throne and sought after modernization through economic reforms and pacifist policies, this action was seen as a threat to the conservative side in the military, the “old guard”, who gained profit from expansionism.

The Great Rebellion

Following the failed invasion of Higashi, Ursus underwent the Great Rebellion between 1074 and 1076, a civil uprising that brought severe consequences to Ursus’ militarist government. It allegedly started in the oblast of Grigori near Deity Grypherburg when a drunk soldier of the Sixth Army injured a nobleman in a tavern. The army not only did not compensate the nobleman, but also presumptuously ordered the oblast council to punish them, bringing civil protests against the army. But the Sixth Army crossed the red line when they sent troops to occupy the oblast in the name of quenching civil unrest and even executed everyone in the oblast council.[6]

A picture of the "Sixth Army's Heroes Memorial", built between 1072 and 1073, which was considered an insult to their failure in the Bloodpeak Campaign. It was later destroyed during the Great Rebellion

Hearing the treacherous action of the Sixth Army, Emperor Fyodor furiously ordered the Sixth Army to meet him as a mercy. The Sixth chose to disobey in the name of “preserving the military” and “bringing the emperor out of the palace.” The general even ordered the nearby Third, Eighth, and Fourth Army to occupy the surrounding districts and lay siege onto the capital.

By the end of 1074, the rebellion escalated into a full-scale civil war between two factions: the military old guards' Sixth, Eighth, and Fourth Armies and the royalist Fifth Army. The rebels’ siege at the capital city caused the aid of the Second and Seventh Armies, those who were dispatched from the western frontlines against Kazimierz, to arrive late by early spring of 1075. The reinforcement resulted in an all-out direct conflict all across Ursine soil between the two factions for almost a year.[11] In the midst of the war, the Fourth Army betrayed the military and allied with the royalists, turning the tide of the war.[12] By the winter of 1076, the Sixth and Eighth Armies were fully annihilated, marking the end of the Great Rebellion.

The Great Rebellion brought long-term consequences to Ursus. A large number of high-ranking officers were purged from the Ursine military, weakening the overall national strength.[13] The aftermath also gave rise to a new generation of intellectuals who were seen as more moderate and progressive. It inspired the civilians to rise up and fight for the rights of the Infected, such as Buldrokkas'tee's son, and its accumulation would lead to many Infected militant groups voicing out their rage against Ursus' oppression like the Reunion.

Present days

In the present days, the conservative faction continues to bring Ursus back to the militarist path, believing that only war will strengthen the empire. The Chernobog-Lungmen crisis of 1097, initiated by Reunion and backed up by the Third Army, was one such conspiracy that aimed to drive Ursus into another conflict. Emperor Fyodor Vladimirovich continues to push forward to end both Emperor Vladimir’s despotic legacies and the Infected's plight. On the other hand, the new nobility in the State Council with Islam Witte at its helm are working to reform the empire, concentrating on consolidation of the Emperor's power and development of industrial trade.

Notable people

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  • Fyodor Vladimirovich
  • Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Igor the Great
  • Count Boris
  • Kolya
  • Alexei Igrorovich: Titled the "Young Tsar", he was Igor the Great's eldest son, who succeeded him on the throne when he was 16. In Terran year 58, Alexei issued a national policy to purge the remnants of the Hippogryph Empire that would later deteriorate into territorial expansion.
  • Tatiana.png
    Tatiana: An Ursine civilian who used to work as a copyist at a local university, until she was forcefully turned into Infected by the vengeful Reunion during their occupation of Chernobog. After being tortured both physically and psychologically, she initially mistrusted other Infected. She and Guard encountered R.I. as they were infiltrating Chernobog. After some initial hostility, R.I. provided her basic treatment.[14][15]
  • Ivan Yevgenyevich: One of the previous monarchs of Ursus and the father of Vladimir Ivanovich, who led the country during the War of the Four Nations. It was said that the Duke of Wellington surpassed his power during his prime.[16]
  • Ivan Iziaslav: An elderly Ursine Infected who contracted Oripathy after working in the Originium mines. He took care of Talulah alongside his wife after she fled from Kashchey. Ivan handed himself to the patrolmen while they launched an anti-Infected pogrom on his village in order to keep Talulah and Alina safe.[17] He was murdered on the spot after demonstrating his Arts before the patrolmen.[18]
  • Ivan's wife: Ivan's unnamed wife who took care of Talulah and showed concern towards her. Her fate remains unknown after Talulah and Alina were forced to escape the village.[19]
  • Fedot Semyonovich Dezhnev (803-879): An Ursine explorer, cartographer, and waterway planner responsible for discovering the Kolossal Prime Vein, and showcasing Sami culture for the first time to the outside world. He also led four expeditions to the Infy Icefield between 838 and 851, and his team became the first people to successfully return from the region. He retired in 852, at the age 49, as a way to protest against the Ursine government's oppression of the Samifjod, refusing to serve the Tsar ever again.[20]
  • Asmundir Fedotovich Dezhnev: Fedot Dezhnev's son, who was a lecturer of the Ushinsky Pedagogical University.[20]
  • Baron Neva: An Ursine noble who was stabbed to death by the royalists of the First Army during the Great Rebellion. Following his death, the Nomadic City that once was part of his jurisdiction was abandoned.[21]
  • "Alyosha Bluebeard": A cavalry commander of the Ursus Imperial Army and an old comrade of Hellagur and Patriot. At one point made a bet with Hellgaur that Patriot, then loyal to Ursus, would ascend to the Grand Marshall rank in the army.[22]
  • "Barclay the Bald Bucther": A veteran soldier of the Ursus Army who fought alongside Patriot and Hellagur against the Kazimierz campaign knights during the "Daybreak over the Golden Prairie". According to Hellagur, he was extremely worried when he saw Kirill Nearl rallying numerous knight Orders that were already ambushed by the Ursus troops.[22][23]
  • Oleg Rublev (?-1090): A famous Ursine poet and friend of E.E. Erikson, who was the author of the book Under the Clouds (Под облаками). He was exiled in 1075, and spent fifteen years traveling around the world until his passing in Victoria in 1090, unable to return to his motherland.[24]
  • Grand Duke Vaikal: The Deputy Marshal of the Third Army and one of Kashchey's associates. Being the biggest benefactor of the Farscope Refinery, he was under disputes with Count Boris of Chernobog over the price of raw manufacturing materials, and as a result, he instigated various, albeit unsuccessful, attacks on the city. He also secretly manipulated the Reunion movement as part of their conspiracy to ignite a war against Yan, but their plan was ultimately spoiled. He later committed suicide in order to prevent the death sentence for his war crimes.[13]


Most Ursine soldiers and troops are notable for boasting good stats in addition to having a ranged attack which can target Ursus Civilians and Talulah, the Fighter over friendly units.

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Elite Infected Patrol Captain sprite.png
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Elite Ursus Assault Crossbowman sprite.png
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Elite Ursus Armored Caster sprite.png
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  • Chernobog
  • A general view of Deity Grypherburg, a symbol of the might of Ursus
    Deity Grypherburg (Божество Грифербурга): The capital of Ursus, where the imperial palace and the State Council is located. To some old guards, it is the holiest place in Ursus.[25] Originally the capital of the Hippogryphic Empire, it was captured by the rebelling Ursi led by Igor the Great in the Terran year 31, and later retrofitted into a nomadic city in 1033, under Vladimir Ivanovich's orders. During the Great Rebellion, the armies supporting the old guard would launch a siege against the imperial palace, with the Sixth Army leading them. The Second and Seventh Armies would eventually return from the western front to aid the Reformist forces there.
  • Shiraziberg (Ширазиберг): An industrial nomadic city briefly mentioned by Talulah.[21]
  • Simoch (Симох): A city said to be driven into a lake and sunk by the Emperor's Blades.[26]
  • Dezhnev: A city located in the Northernmost borders of Ursus, named after explorer Fedot Dezhnev. It was abandoned later on for unknown reasons.[20]


  • Pine Valley Retreat: A sanatorium in central Ursus where Grand Duke Vanya stayed after becoming a political victim.


  1. 6-13
  2. Startup screen text (since Episode 9: Stormwatch)
  3. 3.0 3.1 p. 139, "Ursus," Terra: A Journey.
  4. pg. 140-141, "Ursus," Terra: A Journey.
  5. p. 141, "Ursus," Terra: A Journey.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 p. 142, "Ursus," Terra: A Journey.
  7. Episode 07 PV description
  8. WD-8 Before
  9. 9.0 9.1 Home
  10. p. 331, "Higashi: Letters From the Farthest East," Terra: A Journey.
  11. pg. 142-143, "Ursus," Terra: A Journey.
  12. WD-3 After
  13. 13.0 13.1 END8-1
  14. 7-9 After
  15. 7-10
  16. 13-22
  17. R8-1 Before
  18. R8-3 Before
  19. R8-3 After
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 p.294, "Sami", Terra: A Journey.
  21. 21.0 21.1 R8-5 Before
  22. 22.0 22.1 The Anonymous Ones' War
  23. Fate
  24. p. 138, "Ursus," Terra: A Journey
  25. WD-ST-1
  26. R8-11 After