Operation story: R8-11

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Kevin icon.png
Infected (Fighter)
Guerrilla Shieldguard icon.png
Yeti Operative B icon.png
Yeti Squad Member
Snowy Village

Before operation

The most terrifying violence in Ursus befalls the young leader, bringing death, fear, and greetings from the darkest depths of the shadows.
<Background black>
The snow hasn't melted. And spring hasn't come.
It feels like this next spring is never going to arrive.
Each time I lift my head up to see the candlelight, I just cannot help but to reach my hand out to put it out, only to light it up anew in the darkness.
Please go away soon, winter. If you don't go away soon, we'll be buried by all this snow.
Please, I beg of you.
February 21st
<Background 1>
Infected Fighter Talulah, is something wrong?
Talulah ......
Infected You've been pretty gloomy the past couple months. Did something happen?
Talulah Nothing... nothing at all.
Infected I haven't spent that much time with everyone here, but going by what I've heard from the others, I got the impression you used to be a bit more... energetic?
Shieldguard Hey, watch it, buddy. Talulah's not often down in the crowd like this. Why don't you try repeating what you just said to the captain and see if he appreciates it?
Infected Yeah, can't say I have the balls.
Talulah Patriot isn't as scary as it sounds. The Shieldguards are all like this. Don't let it get to you.
He just hasn't been talking much because of his throat problems lately... and his silence can be intimidating.
As for how I'm doing... Don't worry.
Yeah... I just have a lot going on in my mind. Our team is getting closer and closer to the Ursus cities. and there's a lot we need to thrash out. I probably gave you that impression because I've been really trying to rack my brain.
Infected Yeah, you're right. We're running low on provisions, and we don't have enough manpower. If this goes on, we aren't going to last much longer.
Talulah That's right, and that's why we need to pay extra attention to what all the outside forces are up to.
First of all, we need to make contact with the local Infected groups and diaspora as soon as we can.
And aside from that, there are bound to be people trying to track us down... If we take even one wrong step and fall into their trap, all of us will have end up in a snowy grave.
Infected That doesn't sound good.
Talulah Of course it doesn't, but as long as we plan our route carefully, we won't find ourselves in that situation.
...So that's why, the most important task we have at hand is to minimize our losses.
Breaking up our teams might conceal our movement better, but then communications will become a problem.
Infected Oh, right, we can't use those comms we took from the Ursus. We don't have their transmitters.
Talulah This will put our liaisons and recon units in unnecessary danger.
It's a drain on resources to train someone to use the guerrillas' code words. If we want distribute whole sets of comms to everyone, we'll need to get our hands on the prototype somehow...
Yeti Squad Member Talulah... Talulah! Our recon units were ambushed!
Infected That's nothing. Why do you need her to clean you...
Yeti Squad Member Shut up! This is nothing like what we've faced! Poor bastard fell over before any of us even figured out who the enemy was!
They pinpointed our recon caster and ambushed him with exact precision! We've never seen anything like that from the patrol units...!
Talulah Whenever something concerns our teammates, we can't just brush it aside.
Yeti, take me there.
Shieldguard, we might've encountered an Ursus Army platoon. Come with me.
Shieldguard Yes, ma'am!
Talulah Remember, even if they are just an advance team, be extra careful. If something goes wrong, we might have a large-scale retaliation waiting for us. We need to avoid that at all costs!
Shieldguard Understood!
Talulah Runner, inform Patriot immediately!
<Background fades out and in>
Yeti Squad Member Tell FrostNova right away—Ugh! Ah, *cough*...!
Infected Kondrasha!!
Shieldguard Hang in there, Yeti!
Yeti Squad Member Aghh!!
Shieldguard What...? What just happened?! Quick! S-Set him down here! Take that goddamned spear out!
(...What's going on? The black spear... grew out of his body?!)
(No, it can't be... The Empire's monsters?! What are they doing here?!)
??? *Hiss*...
Infected Ngh, ugh... Ungh!
What? Think you're all that?!
I'll show you what for! Let's go! Get him!
Shieldguard Stop...!
Infected What are you doing? Why are you stopping me?!
Shieldguard You have no idea... You have no idea what you're facing! You don't even know what exactly he is, and you want to get yourself killed?!
Emperor's Blade 1.png
??? *Hiss*...
Infected What are you so freaked out for?! We've got this many people on our side!
Shieldguard (Smashes shield into the ground)
Infected Ugh?!
Shieldguard Do you want to get yourself killed?!
That's the goddamned Ursus Royal Guard!
<Background 1>
Royal Guard? ...To think the Shieldguards have fallen this low.
Take my advice. Kill yourselves now.
Shieldguard All Shieldguards, back in formation! Protect the other soldiers!
Remember! Don't give him any openings!
Royal Guard? *Hiss*...
There is fear abound in the air.
The Infected next to you isn't ready at all.
Infected ...I...
Shieldguard Don't be afraid! The more afraid you are, the more likely he will kill you!
He may attack at any moment! Eyes open! Don't take your eyes off of him for even one second!
Royal Guard? ......
Looks like I'm leaving empty-handed again. These three cities need to be cut off from the information net for being completely useless.
Infected Ugh, ugh...! What are you so smug for?! You...
Royal Guard? Surrender to the local garrison, or I will slice all your mouths and noses off and bringing them with me.
Infected M-Mouths and noses... Isn't that...
...The Liches... The Facerending Liches! I-I thought that was just a made up fairy tale...?!
You mean... we are looking at them right now?! The Liches that slice faces off of bodies after killing everyone, leaving behind nothing but a bunch of nameless corpses in the forest?!
How long have these guys been around...? I first heard the story... T-They could only be Liches!
Shieldguard No, they aren't legends, and they aren't the Demons in the fairy tales! They're murderers and executioners!
Infected How are we even supposed to fight Liches?! We are no match for these guys! We're just people, just normal people!
Royal Guard? The Infected... called himself normal.
Infected ...You... You...
Help... Help me...
Shieldguard Don't run away!
All of you, stay right where you are! You'll die if you run!
Infected He's not even human! How are we supposed—
Shieldguard I'll kill anyone who runs!
Infected What?!
Shieldguard Like it or not, you're now in the same boat as everyone else. If the defense line falls, everyone will die!
They are nowhere as terrifying as you think. They're still made of flesh and blood! Not even the Royal Guards can take down the Shieldguards' layers of defense without a tough fight...
...But if you're scared, you will become their breakthrough. They'll start with you when the killing starts!
Royal Guard? We're both among the strongest forces in Ursus, and yet the Shieldguards choose to oppose us and stand with the Infected. How foolish.
These are truly unfortunate times.
Shieldguard He's unsheathing his blade! Shieldguards, shields up!! Hold!
Royal Guard? ......
Shieldguard ......
Royal Guard? *Hiss*...
Shieldguard ...He... He's not attacking?
Royal Guard? ...Something is burning. I can smell it.
Infected Ahh... My body's starting to warm up...
—Could it be... she's here?!
She's here! She's here! Relax, everyone, she's here! Even the Liches are no match for her flames!
Shieldguard ...Don't let your guard down! The Royal Guards aren't...
??? You wanted to bring whose what back with you now?!
Royal Guard? *Huff*...
??? You hurt my people. If you turn to violence, then we will return the favor—
[Talulah appears, but...]
Talulah With violence—
Royal Guard? I see you.
3, 7, 22, 36. [Code words], [Code words].
Talulah ...What are the Ursus Royal Guards... doing here?!
Royal Guard? *Huff*...
Shieldguard Talulah... You shouldn't have come. You should've waited for the Captain...!
Royal Guard? You want to know why we are here.
We are here because we are looking for the duke's daughter. In other words, you. We need to assess the situation.
The sound of the snow falling to the ground is crisp and clear.
Talulah What did you just call me?
Royal Guard? The duke's daughter, and bear this in mind. Given your social standing, surely there are more civilized vocabularies you could use to refer to us.
Infected Huh?
Talulah ...Whose daughter did you just call me?
Royal Guard? You deny the truth, as you are wont to.
Talulah You think I'm the daughter of a snake?!
Royal Guard? Anger... and it stems from your irritation... You want to run away from the truth.
Talulah The "Emperors' Blade"...? *Spit*! You came all the way here today to mock me? Or are you here to kill me?!
Royal Guard? *Hiss*.
Shieldguard —Protect Talulah!
(My brothers! The Royal Guards may be fierce, but there's only one of them! We have Talulah leading the charge, and we'll hold the line! With the rest of you supporting us, we'll definitely...)
(...My Infected brothers?)
Infected ......
(The duke's daughter? What is he talking about?)
"Emperors' Blade" *Hiss*.
You didn't tell them who you really are.
Is this part of your plan?
Infected ...Plan...? What plan?
Shieldguard How dare you mock her?!
Talulah You better watch who you are talking to before you try to provoke someone and turn people against her, executioner. My identity has nothing to do with the goal we are working toward here.
"Emperors' Blade" You can only turn one against another if there existed trust between them in the first place. I doubt there is any trust between you and the rest of them.
I can only surmise... You believe the trust they have for you will remain unscathed even after they come to know who you really are.
Talulah All that coming from a masked villain that carries out covert massacres at the Ursus Empire's behest? I'm afraid no one here needs to be criticized by your kind.
"Emperors' Blade" Your words are strong... and confident.
If this is as you expected... Very well, I must reassess the situation.
I bid you goodbye, then. Remember this well. There is one thing we share with the people standing around you.
We have no trust in you. You must take action to earn even the tiniest trickle of trust.
Talulah ......
"Emperors' Blade" *Hiss*... You have a question?
Talulah You attacked my people. You know we are here.
"Emperors' Blade" Am I perhaps misunderstanding you?
Talulah Who are you trying to rat our secrets out to?
"Emperors' Blade" *Huff*...
Which secret?
Talulah Soldiers, we can't let him give away our location!
Shieldguard (Talulah, are you confident... you can defeat a Royal Guard?)
Talulah (If we don't do this, we'll face even more losses down the line... We'll have the Patrol Unit and even the Ursus army hunting us down day and night!)
(It takes the Royal Guards time to respond to our actions.)
(Only if we bring the enemy in front of us under control now will we have the choice between retreating or pressing forward later. If we want to be able to pick, we have to act now!)
Besides, while we may need to raise our guards against him, we have no reason to fear him. He represents fear, but fear doesn't stand a chance against our anger for our unjust treatment.
Shieldguard —She's right. The guerrillas have no reason to fear the empire's murderers.
How can we still call ourselves the Aegis of the Infected if we just tremble in fear? A lone man is no match for all of us, united! He's just a lone executioner, nothing more!
"Emperors' Blade" You are mistaken about one thing... I am not here alone.
There is one more of us behind you.
Shieldguard ......
Emperor's Blade 2.png
A figure wearing a large overcoat stands solemnly on the path Talulah just took.
Each and every flake of white snow, falling from the gray sky up above, abruptly turns black as it lands on his coat, before disintegrating and scattering across the ground as ashes.
<Background 1>
Talulah There's two of them...?
Shieldguard So what? Just the two of you trying to cut off the dozens of us? Ridiculous!
"Emperors' Blade" Daughter of Kashchey, allow me to postulate that you've come to the following conclusion: Your peers will not be suspicious of you merely because of your identity.
Then let us verify the results. If your judgment proves incorrect, then the promise your father made to us shall be considered void.
Infected What is he talking about...?
Shieldguard ......
What are you people daydreaming about?!
Snap out of it! They're not just after Talulah!
Infected ...What?!
Shieldguard Do you think these murderers will just let the rest of us go once she's dead?
Protect Talulah!
Talulah No... Protect the soldiers!
First, push them back! After that, secure a way out! Finally, protect yourselves!
Don't think too hard about it all right now! Just do everything you can to stay alive!
After all... there is nothing we can do if we aren't alive. If they kill us here, it'll all be over!
"Emperors' Blade" What you said could not be more different than how your father would see it.
...I am afraid you may only prove to be a disappointment, leader of the Northern Tundra Infected.
Talulah I'm not a leader.
I am just... an Infected. I have no reason to impress you.

During operation

"Emperor's Blade" Buldrokkas'tee, you will stand up against us for her?
Patriot Come. Show me how, this new crop, of Royal Guards, fights.
Let me see it, the power, you used on the demons. Show me the lands, coursing through, your veins.
With just the two of you, there is nothing you can do to kill me.
"Emperor's Blade" ...Wendigo! All we want to do here... is to get a feel of how far the budding young snake has come.
We won't take either of your lives.
That said, even though you might be able to keep yourself alive—
If we were here to kill her, would there be anything you could actually do to save her from our blades?
Patriot Come. Don't look at her. Face me.
"Emperor's Blade" ...*Hiss*...

After operation

Even the Emperor's Royal Guard cannot shake Patriot with their darkness and terror. The young leader does not shy away from violence, but the shadow she carries never gives up the will to consume her.
<Background 1>
Talulah Ugh... Get the... hell away!
[Talulah uses her Arts against one of the Emperor's Blades.]
"Emperors' Blade" Such potential!
*Hiss*...! I should take my hat off to you!
Alas, I forgot to bring my cap with me today.
Talulah Haah... haah...
"Emperors' Blade" It's pointless to keep fighting.
We are merely protectors of Ursus. You may take you men with you. Live on as the protector of these Infected if that is your wish. Let us take what we must to realize our respective goals. I find that reasonable.
Talulah You call yourself a protector... but who did you ever protect...?!
"Emperors' Blade" All nations have men who call themselves protectors. There are many things that need to be protected, and also far too many men who call themselves protectors.
Most of them are corrupt and incompetent, yet the rest of us excel precisely because of the things we protect.
We are protecting Ursus's future.
Talulah You think that will cover up everything you've done?!
You've committed more crimes than anyone can ever count. You drove Simonch City into the lakes, and not a single person got out of that Elafia village—
I can name all the atrocities you've committed one by one and let the whole world know all that you've done!!
And you dare to brag to me about your country's will...? Your foolishness will one day be crushed by reality!
"Emperors' Blade" ......
All societies will at some point have to bring out their lashes and whip their laziest and most simpleminded members. That being said, we are blades, not whips.
If cutting off branches that do nothing but suck the tree dry of nutrients was a crime, then yes, that makes us evil.
You said you will "expose" our "atrocities". That merely tells me you are unable to confront us, not to mention how likely the way you see things will change.
If I walk towards you, I suppose you will take a step back?
Shieldguard Talulah...!
Talulah Stay back! Protect the soldiers!
"Emperors' Blade" Ursus's beneficence is of equal weight to its devilries. When you stand up against our evil deeds, you must also face all the good that we have done.
All of it.
A nation cannot be measured by good or evil. Nothing is worthy of discussion on this metric.
...Perhaps it's not realistic to expect you to reach his heights and fully grasp his wisdom so soon.
But if everything is as he said, then perhaps we will come for your advice when that day comes.
Right now, aside the potential and the seeds hidden in you, you have nothing.
The empire isn't something you can understand, Vouivre.
Wait. Vouivre... No...
You... It can't be...
[A towering Sarkaz interrupts the talk between the Emperor's Blade and Talulah by striking the former...]
"Emperors' Blade" 36... [Code word]!
??? Two Royal Guards by their lonesome aren't enough to kill me. If you want to make an enemy of me, you’d better bring a third man with you next time.
[...who is revealed to be none other than Patriot as he walks towards the Blade.]
Shieldguard Captain!
Shields forward! Push!
"Emperors' Blade" No. Patriot. No.
Patriot There are five Royal Guards here, counting the ones still trying to put up a fight with my daughter over on the other side.
The Royal Guards I knew would never waver or pussyfoot around! Tell me! How confident are you in your strength?!
"Emperors' Blade" We don't want to be your enemy!
Wendigo... You are a legend known to a few of us in the Empire's army.
Even if the common folk of the nomadic cities have long forgotten, all of us still remember the tales our forebears told us.
You have my respect, Wendigo!
Patriot ......
Shieldguard Ah...
"Emperors' Blade" ...So you follow her. Lying has become second nature to the soldiers of the tundras, it's hard to know what to believe.
So it's the truth, then. You are Infected.
Patriot It shouldn't come as a surprise that I am fighting for the Infected.
"Emperors' Blade" That's not right, Wendigo. This plan will fail.
Patriot There are lots of Infected in the country.
"Emperors' Blade" Fantasies do not come true just because more people believe in them.
Patriot Before you write this off as a fantasy, how many of Ursus's defeats and victories have you personally participated in?
"Emperors' Blade" You're right. My generation hasn't seen much action.
Therefore... I am inviting you to join us. Ursus Captain Buldrokkas'tee, I ask you to come with us. Ursus needs you.
Shieldguard What's that?!
Talulah ...What...
Glory to Ursus.png
"Emperors' Blade" Having fought under the command of the last emperor for over a hundred years, surely you must remember Ursus's greatness in those times.
Was it a prosperous and marvelous era?
Everyone united under the banner of Ursus regardless of race, and they all fought for its future. Enemies far and wide fell to our blades and cannon fire, and we stood undefeated in the battlefield.
I am far from the only one who wishes to return to those glorious times... All of us want to see again an era when all men are brothers and share the same deep hatred for their enemies.
We can bring all those greedy countries to part with the lands they stole, and give the downtrodden the chance to regain their dignity under the glory of Ursus. We conquer not to annihilate, but to rebuild.
We gave this world a new lease of life.
Let us rebuild that era. With all people united, facing all the storms that come our way together. I do believe it's far better than living your days on the tundra, toiling away.
<Background 1>
Shieldguard Try saying that to the Ursus folk who toil so oppressed they can't lift up their heads!
"Emperors' Blade" No one has it easy. Such is the cruelty of the times we live in. Life is difficult for Ursus citizens as well.
The lack of order, the loss of power, and the destruction of morals. These are all mistakes.
These are the mistakes that ruined Ursus, and we know where the problem lies.
We can fix these problems.
Shieldguard ...Nonsense!
"Emperors' Blade" You may ask your leader and see if he believes us.
Shieldguard You...!
"Emperors' Blade" Buldrokkas'tee, we can set Ursus on the right path.
Patriot You’ve got one thing wrong. I am not the leader. Not anymore.
She is the leader. Ask her if she believes any of that.
"Emperors' Blade" ......
Patriot I fought with your fathers. Your strength and tactical acumen are no less impressive than theirs.
But you look at the Ursus of those times with rose-colored glasses. What you see is nothing more than your wild fantasies.
"Emperors' Blade" You cannot deny the glory of that era. Everything you did tied you back to Ursus. Even your title symbolizes your desires and aspirations.
Patriot Let me ask you this, then. Is there a place for the Infected in that Ursus you are trying to forge for this emperor?
Talulah Those positions bestowed upon you as favors are just fickle illusions, nothing more, just like those fantasies of yours!
"Emperors' Blade" Talulah... *Hiss*.
...You are right.
Perhaps things will be different with the help of you and your men.
Talulah What are... you talking about?
"Emperors' Blade" Blades do not make promises. Weapons do not ever make promises.
But I believe the Infected are a force that Ursus should've possessed in the first place.
All of you should strive to become a symbol of Ursus's glory. The Infected who oppose Ursus shall perish. As for all of you, if you are willing to take up arms for Ursus, it will be recognized as a glorious and noble deed.
Talulah can hear the men whispering around her; the murmurs have never been louder.
Patriot Just because I don't oppose your theories doesn't mean that I agree with them. Such simplicity is a kind of arrogance.
Perhaps you've come to enjoy having this kind of authority? The kind of freewheeling authority that tells you everything you do is to build a better future? What gives you the right to brag about glory?
"Emperors' Blade" In that case, if you are fighting for the minority, on what basis are you saying you deserve the majority's endorsement? What is so righteous about your fight for the Infected?
Surely you will be able to give me an intelligent answer, Wendigo.
Patriot —What does justice even have to do with how many people you got?
Royal Guard, I will ask you just one question. How many people actually loved the Emperor in those days? Was that number high, or low?
"Emperors' Blade" Hfff...
Patriot And did the Emperor's death have anything to do with you?
"Emperors' Blade" If I answered, "It had nothing to do with us..."
It looks like we won't be coming to an understanding.
Patriot In any case, my liege has passed. Ursus now belongs to someone else, and what I follow now is merely an ideology.
—Her ideology.
Patriot Stands For Talulah.png
Patriot helps Talulah up as though she, too, is his family, both right at this moment and for the years to come, until the day when he loses her.
"Emperors' Blade" *Hiss*...
Why her?
Patriot Because we know each other well.
Perhaps the road you described is indeed a yellow brick road, but I'm afraid I've already made my decision. I chose the Infected.
A soldier serves his country and his beliefs, not its tyranny. That is why I will destroy this empire and ignite a war of righteousness.
"Emperors' Blade" We, too, need the support of the Infected, and we are also fighting for a just cause.
Why do you refuse us, then?
Is it because you believe the path the "Reunion" is taking you is better than the unity and reform we seek? Because it's more efficient? Or is it perhaps because it hurts the Ursus common folk less?
Patriot No, it's simply because the war has already begun, and I need to see it through to the end.
Even the Emperor I served, as benevolent and kind as he was, never accepted the Infected, and these promises are now nothing but lies to me.
If you could truly unite the Infected, then we wouldn't have a war.
"Emperors' Blade" It is our hope the Infected will unite under your lead.
Patriot If you actually wanted to unite them, you wouldn't need me.
Enough, Royal Guards.
I've already walked the path you are singing praises of, and that's why I don't believe there are any "better choices" out there. If you tell me you had that kind of foresight, it just tells me you haven't yet faced the irony of fate.
One day you will understand. Just like the twenty Royal Guards who died in the Valley of the Setting Sun. They were killed in the tundras and at the hands of foes of other races. It's much better than dying at the hands of your countrymen.
Royal Guards, I am a traitor. I betrayed the Empire. There is no room for us to reconcile.
<Background 1>
"Emperors' Blade" A declaration is nothing more than that, a declaration.
Even if that is what you believe, Wendigo, what about the people standing behind you? Will they trust her as much as you do?
Even if they revere your might and your honesty, how will you assure them they are not just worshipping a powerful idol?
Is an evil idol able to shelter them better, or is an idol who lets herself be trampled upon more preferable?
Patriot I hope you aren't trying to use the former as a metaphor for someone whom I respect.
"Emperors' Blade" Reality is far colder than the flurries of the Northwestern Tundra, Wendigo. Once you lose power... you'll find yourself at the mercy of those who are capable. And the first ones to make that move might not be your enemies.
Perhaps they know not who Kashchey is, but they know what a duke is, and they know the duke's daughter will one day become the duchess.
The people around you are not like how you see them. Her strength will one day come to rival yours, she will be no less resourceful, and her cunning will be on another level.
Patriot I take it you are complimenting her?
"Emperors' Blade" No, Wendigo, no... You haven't been an Ursus citizen long enough. You don't understand. I am talking about Kashchey.
Patriot Just because one inherits the knowledge of corruption doesn't mean they too will fall to it. The footmarks she left on the tundras is proof that she won't meet the same fate as the old snake.
"Emperors' Blade" *Hiss*... *Huff*...
...I've heard stories that you dote on young people, or perhaps pamper is the better term.
Patriot I will always have respect for those that are truly worth respecting, now and always, from the moment they were born and through the years, even after their deaths.
Patriot Leave.
"Emperors' Blade" Buldrokkas'tee...
Patriot Leave. Right now.
I won't hold it against you for attacking our soldiers for the time being, or I could kill you two right now, wait for the Royal Guards to come and collect your bodies, and go to war with them until only one side remains—
—Even if we find ourselves on the losing side.
"Emperors' Blade" ...Ah. Wendigo... I'm afraid I cannot spill any more secrets.
Our warning isn't merely a rhetorical tool, Buldrokkas'tee.
We can only mourn for you.
Patriot When we find ourselves fighting against each other on the battlefield, I should find myself mourning for you instead.
"Emperors' Blade" That day won't come, Wendigo. That day won't come.
Farewell, "Patriot". This day has been unfruitful. How regretful.
I should add, Talulah... We look forward to seeing your improvement on the battlefield.
You should lead them. You are more than up to the task.
<Background fades out and in>
[FrostNova rushes to Patriot's side after the Blades left.]
FrostNova Daddy...!
Patriot Yelena!
FrostNova Hah, haah... We... we fought them off... together with the Yetis... Haah...
We fought off one of them...! But did they... retreat on purpose?
Was there... five of them altogether? I couldn't... protect my team by myself...
Patriot You did fine. You will do better next time.
FrostNova I will! Definitely...!
...What happened here? Why is everyone...?
Talulah? What happened to... the Shieldguards?
Shieldguard ...Captain... what they said just now...
Patriot They traced some imaginary tracks in history. From that, they determined that the future will be the same as the past, that their statuses decide what the future will hold. That is itself a kind of arrogance.
I can vouch for her, but I am sure not everyone can come to accept this just yet, so I ask you to keep this under wraps for the time being.
Shieldguard We know! We all understand! We all know what kind of a person Talulah is.
But... were they telling the truth?
FrostNova Don't tell me...
...What are you thinking? You already said it yourself! A person's upbringing can't determine how you see—
Talulah It's true.
FrostNova Talulah...
Shieldguard ......
Talulah I was raised by the nobles to one day take over.
There's your answer. Anything else?
Patriot My leader.
Talulah Please, Patriot, I told you not to call me that. Let's pack it up here... Faust and the crossbowmen still have training after this. You're joining them, aren't you?
As long as you do not disappoint with your character, I will support you until the very end.
Talulah Yeah.
FrostNova Talulah... My dad supports you.
Talulah I won't tell you to do the same for me, Yelena.
FrostNova *Sigh*. You don't really think—
Talulah Give me a piece of candy.
FrostNova Here. I never thought you'd ask me for one of these.
Talulah Hm, let's get going.
Let's pack it up, everyone. If you want to know more, I'll tell you everything...
Infected ......
<Background black>
What is it that you are planning?