Sarkaz Lancer

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The Sarkaz Lancer is an elite enemy in Arknights.

Enemy description
A Sarkaz mercenary. After special training, they are capable of rushing forward with a long spear, building up speed. The faster they charge, the harder they strike any who might stand in their way.


Gradually accelerates when moving, dealing bonus damage on the first hit after being blocked based upon Movement Speed.

A Kazdelian Sarkaz mercenary lancer, Sarkaz Lancers charge forth as they moves, where their movement speed gradually increases at a rate of 50% of their base speed every 0.5 seconds that stacks additively up to 25 times; the MSPD buff will be reset when the Sarkaz Lancer stops moving (including being immobilized due to Stun, Freeze, Bind, and Levitate). Should the Sarkaz Lancer get blocked while charging, their first attack will deal an additional instance of Physical damage equal to 600 × MSPD, giving the following implications:

  • If the Sarkaz Lancer reaches maximum speed, the attack deals 450 + 2075 = 2525 damage.
  • With Originium Flow Generators that increase the speed of enemies moving upstream by 80%, Sarkaz Lancers' speed will be increased further to 6.075 tiles/sec., which means that the attack will deal 450 + 3645 = 4095 damage.

Overall, Sarkaz Lancers, in spite of their unremarkable stats, are a highly dangerous foe capable of inflicting massive damage and possibly outright knocking out Operators with strong DEF. It is advised to use crowd-controlling effects to minimize the damage they can cost or dispatch them as soon as possible for comfort.


Intermezzi DM-3DM-7DM-EX-1DM-EX-3DM-MO-1
Story Collections BW-3FA-3PS-5SV-4
Stationary Security Service GladeNumb Way ForwardSweet PartyVicious CompetitionWanderers' Shelter
Integrated Strategies Barrens CadetRight in the KisserTerminus of LifeUnending
Reclamation Algorithm Invisible Boundaries (Fire Within the Sand)Invisible Boundaries (Tales Within the Sand)LivelihoodMineshaftOre GuardiansSkirmishVein Guardians
Contingency Contract Windswept Highland
Paradox Simulation Aak: Just Take Your MedicineChiave: Genius CommanderEnforcer: Consilium PraeparatoriusEthan: Enemy Ambush ControlPaprika: "Don't Touch My Friends!"Thorns: Help's Here, Want It or NotToddifons: Rain of FireVigil: Nell'alluvione
Other BF-1BF-2BF-3LTTB

In Barrage Fortress, the Sarkaz Lancer appears as the boss of BF-1 and normal enemies in BF-2 and BF-3 under the name Pokey Sarkaz Bro (placeholder) with modified stats (see the respective operation's enemy notes for more information) and the following tooltip:

(Description goes here) Lighter than a train! Deadlier than a trainwreck! Next time, make sure to match him up with a suitable Durin opponent.


Weight 3
Life Point penalty 1


Silence Stun Sleep Freeze Levitate Frighten Fear
Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable


  • In DM-3, the last three Sarkaz Lancers are scripted to head towards a hole despite their route showing that the Lancers head towards the bottom-right Protection Objective (which is close to the hole they are actually heading). Even if the player somehow shifts the Lancers into the Objective, they will continue to head towards the hole.