Basin Sea Reaper

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The Basin Sea Reaper is an elite enemy in Arknights.

Enemy description
A Sea Terror that emits ear-splitting screeches. Should its nourishment be interrupted, it will immediately counterattack any nearby threats, until all other signs of life have ceased.


A Sea Terror resembling Deep Sea Sliders but with larger size, mantis-like "arms," and a blooming "head" capable of emitting incapacitating shrieks when provoked, Basin Sea Reapers have significant HP and defenses which make them extremely durable, although their ATK is on the lower side, and are initially on a passive Standby state where they do not attack, but as soon as they takes damage, the Reaper will enter an active Combat-Ready state where they inflicts Nervous Impairment equal to 10% of their ATK in each attack and 20% of their ATK to friendly units in a radius of 2.5 tiles around the Reaper every second, and have their speed quintupled, but loses 4% of their maximum HP every second. Basin Sea Reapers are usually, but not always, pre-spawned on the map instead of spawning from Incursion Points, in which case they will only start to move 30 seconds after they spawns or upon entering the Combat-Ready state, whichever comes first.

Their ability to inflict constant Nervous Impairment means that Basin Sea Reapers must be kept away from friendly units (especially if they are packed close together) lest the Reaper's attack and aura causes them to accumulate Nervous Impairment at a rapid rate, which can (and will) cripple the player's defensive line. Stalling Basin Sea Reapers with crowd-control or sacrificial Operators (especially Executor Specialists) is a sound strategy to counteract them by letting the Reaper expire on their own from the HP degeneration in the Combat-Ready state.


Intermezzi SV-5SV-EX-4
Annihilation Watery Tidehollow
Contingency Contract Sal Viento Karst
Paradox Simulation Deepcolor: Battlefield ChartingErato: Sweet Dreams AbyssalGreyy the Lightningbearer: Light's SourceHoneyberry: Emergency First AidIndigo: Bleaklight, Riddlelight


Weight 2
Life Point penalty 1


Silence Stun Sleep Freeze Levitate Frighten
Immune Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable

Contingency Contract buffs

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Basin Sea Reaper: Predatory Need I
Reduces HP degeneration rate in the Combat-Ready state by 25%
Contract-enemy dslntc amod 2.png
Basin Sea Reaper: Predatory Need II
  • Increases ATK and speed by 25% and 50%, respectively
  • Reduces HP degeneration rate in the Combat-Ready state by 25%
Contract-enemy dslntc amod 3.png
Basin Sea Reaper: Predatory Need III
  • Increases ATK and speed by 50% and 100%, respectively
  • Reduces HP degeneration rate in the Combat-Ready state by 33%
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Basin Sea Reaper: Survival Need II
  • Increases HP by 40%
  • Reduces HP degeneration rate in the Combat-Ready state by 50%
Contract-enemy dslntc bmod 3.png
Basin Sea Reaper: Survival Need III
  • Increases HP by 70%
  • Reduces HP degeneration rate in the Combat-Ready state by 80%