Pocket Sea Crawler

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The Pocket Sea Crawler is an elite enemy in Arknights.

Enemy description
A Sea Terror imbued with impurities. The density of its body tissue surpasses that of some alloys. Victims stabbed by it will feel as if they have been set alight.


A Sea Terror that resemble sea urchins with a transparent outer shell exposing its innards and a dense body filled with impurities that they can release in self-defense, and slowly crawls along the ground as the name suggests, Pocket Sea Crawlers have sheer HP but no defenses whatsoever and lack offensive capabilities aside from releasing a burst whenever the Crawler loses 15% of its maximum HP, dealing Arts damage and inflicting Nervous Impairment equal to its ATK towards friendly units in a radius of 2 tiles around the Crawler. If the Crawler takes damage that exceeds twice of the burst's HP threshold in one instance, it will only release a single burst instead of multiple; there is a glitch where if the damage taken by two (or possibly more) Crawlers in a very short timeframe far exceeds the burst's HP threshold (at least three or four times), they will not release the burst at all.[1]

Pocket Sea Crawlers are one of the most annoying Sea Monster enemies, since if they are carelessly attacked even by Operators with low DPS due to their lack of defenses (even worse with those having above-average DPS like Exusiai) when one is close to friendly units especially if they are tightly packed, it will result in them receiving Nervous Impairment at an alarming rate, which can (and will) be fatal for virtually every Operator! Fortunately, the Crawler will not release its damaging bursts while being disabled, thus they can be trivialized by keeping them Stunned or Frozen.


Intermezzi SV-6SV-7SV-8SV-EX-1
Annihilation Watery Tidehollow
Stationary Security Service Receding TidesSea Waves
Integrated Strategies Craft Brewer KillerNethersea Brand Land
Contingency Contract Sal Viento Karst
Trials for Navigator Deep in Danger
Paradox Simulation Deepcolor: Battlefield ChartingErato: Sweet Dreams AbyssalHoneyberry: Emergency First AidMulberry: Compatriots


Weight 4
Life Point penalty 1


Silence Stun Sleep Freeze Levitate Tremble
Immune Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable

Contingency Contract buffs

Contract-enemy dsurch 1.png
Objective: High-Performance Separation I
  • Burst damage doubled
  • Now immune to Stun and Freeze
Contract-enemy dsurch 2.png
Objective: High-Performance Separation II
  • Burst HP threshold reduced to 12%, and damage and radius increased to 2.5× and 2.3 tiles, respectively
  • Now immune to Stun and Freeze
Contract-enemy dsurch 3.png
Objective: High-Performance Separation III
  • Burst HP threshold reduced to 9%, damage tripled, and radius increased to 2.8 tiles
  • Now immune to Stun and Freeze
Contract-level hidden dsurch 1.png
Environment: Sea Crawler Proliferation I
2 additional Pocket Sea Crawlers will spawn
Contract-level hidden dsurch 2.png
Environment: Sea Crawler Proliferation II
4 additional Pocket Sea Crawlers will spawn
Contract-level hidden dsurch 3.png
Environment: Sea Crawler Proliferation III
6 additional Pocket Sea Crawlers will spawn


  1. arknights bug abuse (YouTube, by Yii)