ISW-NO: Nethersea Brand Land

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Nethersea Brand Land
Mizuki & Caerula Arbor
4F – Secret Hotbed
Nethersea Brand Land map.png
For the Sea Terrors, this is of course a paradise. Were it possible, they would want the nethersea brand to spread across all of Terra.
This stage is filled with <Nethersea Brand> that continuously seeks to expand, inflicting damage and Nervous Impairment. Try to counteract it by making use of <Emergency Aid Buildings> and <Active Originium>.


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 28 ~ 29
Static devices Emergency Aid Building ×1
Terrain properties
  • The Active Originium effect increases ATK and ASPD by 10% and 60, respectively, deals 90 True damage every second, and lasts for 5 minutes.
  • There are Nethersea Brand on every melee tiles.
The Emergency Aid Building is spawned on either C7, F3, or F6 at the start of the operation.


Normal Shell Sea Runner ×10, Nethersea Predator ×12
Elite Nourished Reaper ×3, Pocket Sea Crawler ×3
Nourished Reapers have 30000 HP, 400 ATK, and an attack interval of 3 seconds.


Condition: Enemies have greatly increased HP; additionally, the abilities of certain enemies are enhanced
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 28 ~ 29
Static devices Emergency Aid Building ×1
Terrain properties
  • The Active Originium effect increases ATK and ASPD by 10% and 60, respectively, deals 90 True damage every second, and lasts for 5 minutes.
  • There are Nethersea Brand on every melee tiles.
The Emergency Aid Building is spawned on either C7, F3, or F6 at the start of the operation.


Normal Shell Sea Runner ×10, Nethersea Predator ×12
Elite Nourished Reaper ×3, Pocket Sea Crawler ×3
  • All enemies have their HP increased by 20%.
  • Nourished Reapers have 30000 HP, 400 ATK, and an attack interval of 3 seconds, and their HP degeneration rate in the Combat-Ready state is reduced by 50%.