ISW-NO: Underground Ascension

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Underground Ascension
Mizuki & Caerula Arbor
4F – Secret Hotbed
Underground Ascension map.png
Some Seaborn have developed a rudimentary ability to fly. Though their progeny are unable to take to the blue skies, they have already leapt over chasms that humans cannot hope to cross in a lifetime.


Condition: Enemies have increased ATK and HP; additionally, certain enemies have greatly increased HP.
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 14 Varies 37 ~ 38


Normal Bone Sea Drifter ×25, Ocean Stonecutter ×5
Elite Skimming Sea Drifter ×7
All enemies have their HP and ATK increased by 20% and 10%, respectively; Skimming Sea Drifters have their HP increased by 56% instead.