ISW-NO: Voiceless Summons

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Voiceless Summons
2F – Offshore Island
Voiceless Summons map.png
What is it that allows some humans to utilize Sea Terrors? Or, is this utilization nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of the humans?
This stage has <Bushes> that prevent your units inside from being targeted by enemy ranged attacks.


Condition: More Elite enemies will appear, and enemies have increased ATK, DEF, and HP
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 26 ~ 28


Normal Originium Slug β ×15, Guerrilla Herald ×2, Ocean Stonecutter ×7
Elite Guerrilla Siegebreaker ×4
All enemies have their HP and ATK/DEF increased by 40% and 20%, respectively.