ISW-NO: Hunting Grounds

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Hunting Grounds
4F – Secret Hotbed
Hunting Grounds map.png
Based on the situation, it was clear who the prey was. Based on the results, it was also very clear who the hunter was.


Condition: Enemies have increased ATK, DEF, and HP; certain tiles are no longer available for deployment
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 42 ~ 43
Terrain properties Friendly units cannot be deployed on C7, C8, D7, D8, E7, and E8.


Normal Bone Sea Drifter ×25, Ocean Stonecutter ×8, Baleful Broodling
Elite Defense Crusher ×4, Demolitionist Leader ×1, Retching Broodmother ×4
  • All enemies have their HP and ATK/DEF increased by 50% and 20%, respectively.
  • Baleful Broodlings are spawned by Retching Broodmothers and excluded from the enemy counter.