Mine Deployer

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Sensor-based mine deployment device. A challenge for the careful, a nightmare for the careless.

The Mine Deployer is one of the three Combat Props in Operation Lucent Arrowhead, the second crossover between Arknights and Rainbow Six Siege, which can be used after CR-5 is cleared.

The Mine Deployer emits a laser trip across low ground tiles ahead of it which will be stopped upon coming into contact with a wall or high ground tile once its skill is charged; enemies that breaks the laser trip will cause the Mine Deployer to launch a sticky bomb at the enemy which detonates after a short delay, dealing Physical damage in an area and Stuns the victims.

Caution is advised when using the Mine Deployer on operations featuring Originium Explosives, as while it won't launch sticky bombs toward one, the blast can damage the Explosive as well!





100 2000 0 0
DP cost Redeployment time Block count Attack interval
5 10 seconds 0 N/A
The Mine Deployer has an aggression level of -1, which is redundant as it is invulnerable.


Lay Mines
Auto Recovery
Effect SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Launches a detection line forward that extends until it reaches high ground; enemies that cross the detection line will be tagged with bombs, and the bombs can further detonate Originium explosives 0 10
  • The sticky bomb detonates 1 second after attaching to the enemy, dealing Physical damage equal to its ATK toward enemies and Originium Explosives in the surrounding tiles to the enemy whose the sticky bomb attaches to, and Stunning affected enemies for 5 seconds.
  • If the enemy whose the sticky bomb attaches to leaves the map before it detonates, the explosion will not be triggered.

See also