Fighter Guard

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Blocks 1 enemy.
—Trait description (shared with Dreadnought Guard)

Fighter Guard, colloquially known as Brawler Guard, is a branch of the Guard class in Arknights.

Fighter Guards are similar to Dreadnought Guards, but their attacks have a very fast attack interval of ~0.8 seconds in addition to having a low DP cost, although they have a low ATK to offset their high attack rate which makes them almost ineffective against enemies with high DEF.


Chongyue icon.png
Mountain icon.png
Dagda icon.png
Flint icon.png
Indra icon.png
Beehunter icon.png
Jackie icon.png

Operator Modules

Module Information
FGT-X module.png
New trait:
Blocks 1 enemy; Has 15% Physical Dodge
Chongyue icon.png
Jackie icon.png
FGT-Y module.png
New trait:
Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when above 50% HP
Beehunter icon.png
Dagda icon.png
Flint icon.png
Indra icon.png
Mountain icon.png


  • Fighter Guards can deal extremely high DPS against enemies with low DEF due to their rapid attack interval.
  • Their low DP cost makes them useful for holding off early enemies as the player generates DP for more expensive units.


  • Fighter Guards' effectiveness drops dramatically against enemies with moderate to high DEF.
    • Hence, any form of ATK increase for them or DEF reduction for enemies are recommended to increase their damage output against the enemies.