Cloud Ladder

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This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
This device's name, skill name(s), and skill description(s) are tentative translations which may not represent the official English localization and will be updated when Yumen Market is announced or released in the Global server of Arknights.

The Cloud Ladder is a Directional EC Unit in the Stationary Security Service game mode of Arknights, introduced in the sixth Dispatch Cycle, "Wilderness Zone", and can only be used in Yumen Market.

The Cloud Ladder passively increases the damage dealt by friendly units in ranged tiles by 10% and reduces the damage they took by 10%, and increases their Tactical Equipment cap by 1, in addition to immediately transferring a random Operator when deployed.

When the Cloud Ladder is deployed, the Operator in front of the one ahead of it will receive a Tactical Equipment of the latter's class.

Directional EC Components

Cloud Ladder upgrade A.png
Branch A: Reinforcement and Expansion Modification
The damage increase and reduction of friendly units in ranged tiles is increased to 20%.
Cloud Ladder upgrade B.png
Branch B: Long Distance Transport Modification
The Cloud Ladder is taken back into the Deployment Waiting Zone instead of Recuperation Area after being deployed.





100 0 0 0
DP cost Redeployment time Block count Attack interval
3 5 seconds 0 N/A


Effect SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Choose an Operator and copy that Operator's Tactical Equipment to another Operator in front of them 0 0