Operator story: Kal'tsit

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One of Rhodes Island's top executives and Amiya's mentor. Also head of the Medical Department.
She is a long-time Rhodes Islander and Amiya's staunchest supporter.
Dr. Kal'tsit is rigorous to the point of "obsession" when it comes to Amiya's health, doing everything from advising Amiya on her behavior to monitoring her vitals.
Although she hasn't said so directly, it is clear to Amiya that Dr. Kal'tsit has some ulterior motive for taking care of her.
Archive description as an NPC

One of the first members of Rhodes Island and one of the few remaining members of its predecessor, Babel, alongside the Doctor, Closure and W, the Feline named Kal'tsit is the head of the Medical Department and R.I.'s unofficial leader/director – despite Amiya being the de jure leader. Although Kal'tsit seems to be a cold person with a detached and unfriendly attitude, she is an admirable leader with great determination. She is willing to make great sacrifices to protect those important to her, particularly Amiya and the Doctor because of a promise she had made to protect them, despite currently wanting to kill the Doctor herself. While Kal'tsit has been on worse terms with the Doctor since Theresa's death, she eventually cast aside her mistrust to work together with them in the face of greater threats. With the biomechanical creature that accompanies her at all times, Mon3tr, Kal'tsit is willing to provide help to the Doctor in the most dire situations.

From ordinary scientist to politician, Kal'tsit has been playing the world on her hands.

Kal'tsit's past is so enigmatic that it is scarcely possible to trace back to it. Twenty years prior to the start of the Main Theme, in the Terran year 1077, Kal'tsit was a brilliant scientist known for her leadership in the study of the Sarcophagus of Chernobog, Ursus. For this research, she was bestowed the title of dame. She has worked as a Leithanien scholar, an advisor and Arts trainer for Westin Security of Columbia and even a cleric in Laterano. She has witnessed countless incidents across Terra such as the Silence of Iberia, the annihilation of Gaul during the Battle of the Four Emperors, and Columbia's independence. She even befriended many long-living mortals like Buldrokkas'tee and the Nachzehrer King.

But the further one attempts to trace Kal'tsit's past, the more confused one would become. She was involved in numerous political affairs behind the scenes such as the third destruction of Kazdel and the Nightzmoras' grand conquest of the Foehn Hotlands. She is well aware of the existence of the almost-immortal "deities" like Alive Until Sunset. The most surprising (and shocking) part is that Kal'tsit herself is in fact a literal "immortal" and a remnant of a project, codenamed "AMa" by the so-called "First Civilization". Her immortality is maintained by "reincarnation" upon death – with her current incarnation being the tenth, allowing her to witness the never-ending changes of Terra. Not only has Kalt'sit witnessed a large swath of Terra's history, but also she herself is the history. Nevertheless, she never forgets her millennia-old goal and continues guiding the Terrans to restore their lost advancement and wake themselves up from the never-ending internal strife so that one day, Terra could prepare itself for the worst to come.

Kal'tsit first appeared in Episode 02 before being introduced as an Operator with the release of Under Tides.


A Walk in the Dust

Darknights Memoir

Kal'tsit was a key figure her time in Babel and was almost always seen by Theresa's side. She was talking with Theresa before Theresa had decided to save the injured Ines and W from an ambush by other mercenary forces.[1] Following this event, Hoederer, W and Ines decided to remain in Babel's employ in allegiance to the Sarkaz King. After some time, Ines and Hoederer desired to leave Babel, to which Kal'tsit expressed her disappointment, but nonetheless respected their choice.[2]

Under Tides

Towards the end of the battle with the giant Seaborn in Sal Viento, Iberia, Kal'tsit appeared in front of the three Abyssal Hunters to provide her support. With the beam shot out by Mon3tr, the church collapsed and the Seaborn fell off the cliff together with the building, giving a fatal blow onto it while burying the remaining Sea Terrors.[3]

After the incident, Kal'tsit met the High Inquisitor. She persuaded him to reveal Iberia's reality to the outside world as it is the only way to stop the Seaborns' encroachment. In order to deal with the rest of the issues, Kal'tsit willing let herself to be incarcerated in exchange for the Hunters' freedom.[4]

Blaze: Will You?

Episode 02

Kal'tsit first appeared in Lungmen, talking with Wei Yenwu about the the uprising in Chernobog.[5] She emphasized the threat Reunion posed to Lungmen and offered him a cooperation between Rhodes Island and the L.G.D. in order to prevent Reunion from causing another disaster in Lungmen.[6] After a heated debate pitting Kal'tsit and Amiya against Ch'en, Wei ultimately agreed to have Rhodes Island assisting the L.G.D. in defending Lungmen from Reunion.

After the trio left Wei's office, Kal'tsit noticed the presence of the newly awakened Doctor and learned of their amnesia. She greeted them curtly and coldly, to the Doctor's confusion.[7]

Episode 04

After the joint Rhodes Island - L.G.D. operation that resulted in Skullshatterer's and Misha's deaths, Kal'tsit welcomed the Doctor and Amiya back aboard the Rhodes Island landship.[8] When she heard reports from Amiya of the mysterious powers she manifested against Skullshatterer, Kal'tsit immediately checked the rings Amiya wore. Although relieved to see them safe and sound, she scolded Amiya, telling her to be more careful. She also told the Doctor to keep better watch over Amiya, and ordered them to prevent such a situation from coming up again.

The next morning, Amiya encountered Kal'tsit and the Doctor again. Kal'tsit informed them that an abandoned city had been discovered in the vicinity of Lungmen, suggesting Rhodes Island should investigate, and asking Amiya to look over the proposal. She then told them that the Blacksteel operators were to return to Blacksteel; and that the R.I. detachment were to meet Penguin Logistics in the slums of Lungmen. Kal'tsit sent Amiya off despite her retorts to speak privately with the Doctor. She expressed her disappointment and anger at the Doctor's failure to protect Amiya, and told them that she would likely find herself under strong pressure, through which she would need their support. Kal'tsit also ordered the Doctor to always check on Amiya's rings after intense encounters, and to report their status to her.[9]

Episode 05

While she did not appear personally, Kal'tsit was seen in a flashback in 5-11, shown to have figured out Wei Yenwu's plan to lure Reunion into a trap during their attack on Lungmen and informed the Doctor about it.[10]

Episode 06

Kal'sit speaking to Crownslayer, after she was subdued by Projekt Red

Kal'tsit and Projekt Red hunted down Crownslayer in downtown Lungmen. Upon her capture, Crownslayer recognized Kal'tsit and called her a traitor, claiming her to be responsible for the massacre of the Sarcophagus research team, and the death of her father, Ilia. Kal'tsit ordered Red to release Crownslayer, offering her a chance at taking Kal'tsit's life, but summoned Mon3tr for the duel. Utterly terrified at the sight, and well aware that she was outmatched, Crownslayer told her to just kill her, rather than just messing with her. Kal'tsit refused, then clarified how she was not a traitor, and she did not get her father killed by betraying him. Kal'tsit then questions Crownslayer's motivations, then orders her to leave Lungmen to seek a better future.[11]

Episode 07

Kal'tsit suddenly interrupted Wei and Ch'en's argument to give him and Amiya the urgent news: the core city of Chernobog had been approaching Lungmen, and would collide with it in the next thirty-six hours. While Wei initially dismissed her by claiming Lungmen could defend herself, she questioned Wei's understanding of the situation, prompting his realization. The core city had been broadcasting identification codes, claiming to belong to Ursus, which would make attacking it an act of war.[12][13] Initially contending that Ursus would not start a war with Yen in the knowledge that it would be mutually assured destruction, Wei is asked to reconsider by Kal'tsit, claiming there were many fools and madmen in the world. After hearing the voice message from Witte's Messenger to Wei, Kal'tsit was certain that the inaction of Ursus is deliberate.[13]

Kal'tsit conducted Rhodes Island's infiltration into the core city of Chernobog to stop its rampage from within. During the mission, she also allowed Rosmontis to take part in it, much to the dismay of the Doctor, witnessing her fighting for the first time. Kal'tsit did this deliberately, claiming that they had to get used to seeing Rosmontis' methods. This argument led her to reminisce her conversation with Warfarin where they discussed Patriot and the prophecy of the "Lord of Fiends."[14]

Kal'tsit attempting to stop the last Wendigo's final advance

When Rhodes Island's operatives came into contact with Patriot, Kal'tsit attempted to reason with him, citing that the Reunion was already rotten from within. However, Patriot, unsurprised and having had his own doubts over Talulah's true intentions, refused to comply. While Kal'tsit did not want to kill him, she was first to realize that Patriot had made up his mind. Kal'tsit briefed all operators on the target: codenamed Patriot, the last of the Wendigos, and called the attack. The battle severely injured Patriot. Even so, nothing seemed to be stopping the Wendigo's last march. Recognizing Amiya to be the heir of the Sarkaz King, he chanted the prophecy of the "Lord of Fiends." Kal'tsit, believing the chant to be Originium Arts, ordered all operators not to listen to it and believe a single word. In his dying throes, he attempted to kill Amiya, which led Kal'tsit to attempt intervening. Before she could deal the fatal blow, however, Patriot froze in place, dead.[15]

After Patriot's defeat, Kal'tsit and the Doctor parted ways with Amiya and Rosmontis' squad. The two encountered W. W expressed her disgust and hatred for Kal'tsit, calling her a monster for being able to cooperate with the Doctor, whom she called a murderer. However, she had two common enemies with Rhodes Island: Talulah, and Theresis. The Doctor only came third in her list of targets, securing a temporary, if shaky truce. Incensed by Kal'tsit mentioning that W cost Rhodes Island the lives of thirteen operators as part of her "deal," W insulted Kal'tsit and threatened her. Kal'tsit, unamused, ordered Mon3tr to literally toss W away, taking her to the command tower.[16]

Episode 08

Kal'tsit wearing a gas mask while dealing with "the Singer"

The squad led by Kal'tsit and the Doctor headed deep into the core of the Sarcophagus. They quickly found themselves having to deal with the Herd roaming around the area. The Doctor noticed the presence of a strange infected creature, quickly recognized to be Mephisto, transformed due to the Sarcophagus. Mephisto was using his Arts to breed more of the Herd. Noticing the Originium shards floating around his body, Kal'tsit ordered all operators to wear gas masks, and to get ready for battle. Kal'tsit was equally amazed by the creature's appearance and disgusted by the abnormal phenomenon.[17] Upon the creature's defeat, Kal'tsit immediately shut down the power core from the Sarcophagus to stop the city's rampage.

Kal'tsit explained the history of Chernobog and the Sarcophagus, specifically the massacre of the research team she was a part of to the Doctor, and told them of their collective responsibility towards the Infected. When the Doctor expressed anguish at weight upon them, Kal'tsit suggested that they could give it all up, and abandon their link to Rhodes Island's neural network. Nevertheless, the Doctor rejected this idea.[18] Kal'tsit wondered why Theresa trusted them, and explained that they were, to her knowledge, responsible for her death, which was why she hated them, and would hate them "forever," but also acknowledged that she was not their fairest critic, and that was why she'd not tell them anything if they would not remember by themselves. Upon hearing this, a memory flashed through their mind, showing a woman named Priestess. This appeared to be the first and only time Kal'tsit expressed genuine surprise. However, she did not answer any of the Doctor's questions.[18]

When Amiya successfully defeated Talulah, Kal'tsit and the Doctor rushed toward the control tower. They had to quickly intervene to save her from exhaustion and her excessive use of Arts. Kal'tsit took a sample of the Doctor's blood as an ingredient to a solution for Amiya. When her condition stabilized, Amiya mistook Kal'tsit for Theresa. Nevertheless, she was glad to see her again.[19]

Kal'tsit listing the Rhodes Island operators killed in action during the Chernobog Incident

A few weeks later after the Chernobog-Lungmen crisis, Kal'tsit had to deal with the remaining issues in Rhodes Island. She broadcasted her thanks for the operators' efforts, and paid homage and remembrance to operators that had sacrificed themselves in the operation. It is revealed that, under the Doctor's insistence, she had declared FrostNova a member of Amiya's squad, posthumously.[19]

Mansfield Break

Grani and the Knights' Treasure

Kal'tsit was approached by Skadi following the latter's involvement in a conflict centered the Knights' Treasure. She rebuked Skadi for acting on her own accord, saying that it could jeopardize R.I.'s standing. In return, Skadi dismissed it and reminded her of her need for information, giving her the key to the Treasure's chest she recovered after Grani opened it.[20]

Noticing that the key's core had been filled with blood, Skadi told Kal'tsit that the blood was Grani's. She offerred her the key in exchange for the information she needed. Although she did not need the key, Kal'tsit agreed to tell Skadi what she wanted; where the Originium chemical weapon used against Specter came from, which Kal'tsit knew by the fact that the Abyssal Hunters are "bound in blood" (which Kal'tsit quotes in Aegirian). In the end, she reminding Skadi to follow her orders in exchange for her help next time.[20]

Heart of Surging Flame

During the 1097 Obsidian Festival, Kal'tsit met Alty, the bassist of the heavy metal band Alive Until Sunset, in the Rhodes Island landship.[21] Kal'tsit had thought Alty was an Aegir and told her that R.I. is not an "amusement park" before asking her business in R.I. She also made clear that she has no interest in the Aegirians' bizzare adventure. When Alty asked Kal'tsit whether she knows who the Aegirians' enemy is or what she herself actually is, Mont3r suddenly appeared to protect Kal'tsit. Kal'tsit stopped Mon3tr after saying that Alty is "young." Alty then asks Kal'tsit about "those special Aegir" to which Kal'tsit told her that the Abyssal Hunters are doing what they need to do.[21]

As Alty told Kal'tsit that she trusted her, she replied by saying that most people are not aware of the hidden threat beneath Terra's great seas. Alty then asked what had happened under "that" part of the sea before the scene fades to black.[21]

Episode 09

After Outcast's death, Misery requested Kal'tsit to conduct the funeral by himself. Misery insisted that R.I. enter Londinium as soon as possible, but Kal'tsit warned that he should not be controlled by his emotions.[22]

During the events of Talulah's jailbreak by the remnants of Reunion, Kal'tsit was performing surgery; she was caught off-guard by the attack. Before Talulah and Nine escaped, Kal'tsit ordered Mon3tr to shoot down their aircraft but failed.[23]

Gavial the Great Chief Returns

Kal'tsit authorized the requisition of a stealth aircraft to Blaze and Gavial to permit them to return to Gavial's hometown in Sargon for the election of the Great Chieftain. She also allowed the Doctor not only as a short vacation, but also justifying that it would do them good to learn more about one of Rhodes Island's eldest members, Gavial. She officially claims this vacation to be a field investigation, assigning Blaze as the Elite Operator escorting them. She insisted on the Doctor to bring the aircraft back safe and sound.[24]

After their return, Kal'tsit chastised the Doctor for the aircraft damaged by Tomimi, and docked the Doctor and Blaze's respective pays to fund the repairs. She then mentioned to Gavial that she was prepared to make contingency plans in case of Gavial's departure, saying she considered it a possibility. In return, Gavial mused that Kal'tsit was saying she cares about her, which the Doctor acquiesced to.[25]


Kal'tsit asking the Doctor about their purpose and goal

Kal'tsit appeared in the following stories.

  • Memoria: While staying in the Rhodes Island landship, Kal'tsit let the Doctor to have a good day off. However, it was interrupted by a suddenly Catastrophe. When everything was safely settled, Kal'tsit revealed to them that the formula the Doctor calculated was actually created by themselves.
  • Cogitatio: During her days in Babel, she was concerned with Theresa's business and told her to rest. Kal'tsit was also involved in the judgement of Marco, a confused Sarkaz who assaulted the Doctor. Kal'tsit told Theresa that death should be the sentence, to which Theresa agreed.
  • Anterior: Before entering Victoria, Kal'tsit had an arrangement for R.I.'s patients to transfer them to Conor County. When she met the Doctor, they decide to help her in dealing with the patients' equipment. Later in the afternoon, the two has a talk at the dock. Kal'tsit raised up the question of the meaning of being alive and whether the Doctor would be a person with emotion or not. She also asked them what would the Doctor fight for in the end. Upon hearing the Doctor's confirmation of their goals, she reminded them not to forget the promise they made.

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Lone Trail

Under Tides

Stultifera Navis

The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Operational Intelligence

In the story vignette Among the Light and the Dust, Closure asked Kal'tsit to meet her into her office, which at first, appeared to be motivated by a simple friendly chat. Closure bantered about pranking the Doctor while Kal'tsit chastised her for her various pranks. As Kal'tsit turned to leave, unmoved by Closure's antics, Closure claimed to need her help to fix a power outage.

Along the way to the location, the two met Heavyrain, a recovering patient of Kal'tsit's, whom she brought along such that she acclimatized herself with the layout of the landship. While Heavyrain insisted to guard Kal'tsit, she sent her off curtly, pointing out that she did not need protection. After Heavyrain's departure, Closure gushed about her politeness, and teased Kal'tsit about her being another of her "strays," which she had a habit of picking up. Closure then recalls, to her surprise, that Heavyrain was the patient on whom Kal'tsit performed a 72 hours-long surgery. Noting that other operators took breaks, she plainly asked if Kal'tsit was drugging herself to continue working, which Kal'tsit refused to answer.

As they worked together to fix the power outage, Kal'tsit and Closure discussed about the Doctor's rescue operation.[5] Kal'tsit pointed out that it was a very risky decision, but Amiya would not budge on the issue. Closure countered, claiming that the operation only happened because Kal'tsit abstained to vote. In return, Kal'tsit declared that she would support Amiya's decision. While Closure lauded her for this, she pointed out that she still had to deal with the fallout, and expressed her concern on the matter.

After they finished the repairs, Kal'tsit questioned why Closure was grilling her. Closure revealed her true intentions: getting Kal'tsit to open up and stop bottling her feelings. Kal'tsit dismissed this as a waste of time, but was visibly warmed up to the notion.[26]

Gladiia: Dehydration

SilverAsh: Unbreakable Ice

Mizuki: The Fifth Contact

Skadi: Endless Journey
