Operation story: 4-1

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RI Surgery Room
Living Room
RI Bridge

Before operation

Amiya seems tired and confused after returning to Rhodes Island. Kal'tsit gives the Doctor a clue about the secret etched upon Amiya's body.
After a brief respite, they are faced with a new challenge.
<Background black>
8:36 PM \ Rainy \ Visibility: 12 km
Rhodes Island
<Background 1>
Kal'tsit Welcome back.
Amiya ...Mm.
Kal'tsit ...
I already heard what happened from the recon squad.
Amiya, let me check your hands.
Amiya There's no need for that, Dr Kal'tsit...
Kal'tsit Amiya.
Amiya I, I...
...All right.
[Kal'tsit checks the rings worn by Amiya.]
Kal'tsit ...
It looks fine. The rings haven't cracked or discolored.
But it might be different next time.
Listen closely, Amiya...
Be a little more careful.
Amiya Dr Kal'tsit, I...
...I need some rest.
Kal'tsit Go ahead.
Amiya Mm...
Kal'tsit ...
Never put Amiya in this much risk again.
You are also responsible for what happened.
When you first came back to Rhodes Island, she looked a bit like this.
These emotions never really left Amiya.
This has to change.
...Dr {nickname}, you should stay with her.
Don't mess up.
[The Doctor walks into the entrance of a room.]
Doctor *knock* *knock*
Amiya It's open.
<Background 2>
Amiya ...
Doctor {nickname}...?
Worried? I am?
...You saw right through me, hehe...
I thought I did a good job hiding it.
Yes, I'm a bit worried... just a little, though.
I'm already used to doing this.
After all, I can't drag down everyone else any more.
Right, Doctor?
...I don't understand.
Doctor... I don't understand.
Doctor (Stay silent)
Amiya No, I... I know what we're trying to do. I also know... that some sacrifices are inevitable.
But I... what I don't know is...
Why must I watch people disappear before my eyes one by one... even though they can be saved?
We were so close... Maybe just a little bit more...
I know that I have a duty... and I will continue to move forward...
But right now... I just feel so tired.
Doctor ... / Amiya...
<Background black>
Amiya Please let me have some time alone, Dr {nickname}.
Thank you.
<Background 1>
Amiya Good morning, Dr {nickname}.
Oh, Dr Kal'tsit, you're here as well?
Kal'tsit Amiya.
I have a rather urgent mission here, and need some people to help out.
An abandoned city was discovered not far from Lungmen.
I surmise that it's one of the cities that formed in the aftermath of the Chernobog incident.
We'll have to explore that city, uncover more information, and search for any survivors.
If the situation is particularly serious, for example, if Reunion is hiding there, then there may be serious ramifications on our future operations.
Here's the specific proposal that I have in mind. Look over it when you have time.
Amiya Understood.
Kal'tsit Oh, one more thing.
Franka submitted a report to me mentioning that they had to return to Blacksteel.
As for the situation in the Lungmen slums, Penguin Logistics requested for you to meet them there to discuss some information.
There are some more sensitive details, so it'd be best for you to go in person.
Amiya I know. I'll head over right now.
Doctor, let's go––
Kal'tsit I still have some things to discuss with Dr {nickname}.
Amiya ...
May I listen in?
Kal'tsit You may not.
Amiya I can cover my ears...
Kal'tsit You cannot. You should get going.
Amiya Aww...
Dr Kal'tsit, you're not allowed to bully Dr {nickname}.
Kal'tsit I won't.
<Background fades out and in>
Kal'tsit ...You...
You couldn't even do something so basic.
Forget it, I had a feeling this would happen.
Amiya is an incredibly resilient kid.
But, if she has to force herself to be strong, there will come a day when the pressure breaks her.
Do not let this happen.
If there is a next time, you'd better be a little more useful.
What's with that face?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Excuse me, but what do you mean by Amiya's rings...?
Kal'tsit It's related to the state of her health.
If Amiya is involved in an intense battle...
...You must check her rings immediately afterwards.
No matter what changes you see, you must report them to me.
<Background black>
Kal'tsit For the time being, that's all you're allowed to know.
Oh, right. You have to go down to the medical center in two days to have a physical done. Don't forget it.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ...
<Background black>
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Kal'tsit ...You can go. Liskarm is waiting outside to escort you.

After operation

In the ruins of a satellite city of Chernobog, a team consisting of Meteorite, Frostleaf, and Jessica are carrying out an exploration mission.
Back at the bridge of Rhodes Island, Amiya bids a temporary farewell to her friends from Blacksteel and Penguin Logistics.
<Background black>
6:03 PM \ Overcast \ Visibility: 19 km
Desert by Lungmen \ Facility #14
<Background 3>
Meteorite ...I've reached the destination.
No other abnormalities found.
Report complete.
Frostleaf, why were you frowning the whole way here?
Frostleaf I'm just a little concerned about Amiya's group.
Meteorite They've already safely returned to Rhodes Island.
Nearl and Dobermann already left Lungmen a week ago for their next assignment.
It must be a pretty tough mission if it required sending those two together.
Blacksteel and Penguin Logistics both have their own matters to attend to.
Jessica Oh, Liskarm and Franka...
I'm... I'm glad that they're safe...
Meteorite You've got to work hard as well, just like them.
When Franka sent you over to me, she spoke very highly of you.
Jessica R-really...?
Meteorite If only you weren't so timid, she said.
Jessica Uuu....
Meteorite ...Hey, don't act like you're about to start crying!
Aren't you also a member of Blacksteel...?
Jessica I, I'm not... crying...
Meteorite ...
...In any case, let's continue our mission.
Our next task is to work with the other recon teams to scout out this entire city.
Other than searching for survivors, we also need to assess the situation.
If we encounter hostile Infected, we'll have to deal with the threat quickly.
Even though our mission isn't particularly dangerous, it's still best to proceed with caution.
In the event that Reunion is involved in this, we'll retreat immediately and report back to Dr Kal'tsit.
Jessica Mmhm, mmhm!
Frostleaf Understood.
Meteorite All that's left for us to do... is to focus on our job.
<Background black>
6:12 PM \ Overcast \ Visibility: 19 km
Rhodes Island
Deserted Mobile City – 2 days after the discovery of "Facility #14"
<Background 4>
Amiya Ah... You made it, Doctor.
Texas Good timing, Dr {nickname}.
Exusiai Our job here is about done. You probably won't see us for a while~
Doctor Are you leaving already? / ...Got it. / I'll miss you.
Liskarm We'll see you soon enough.
Franka It won't be long before we're back on standby in Rhodes Island.
Don't miss me too much.
Exusiai Well, unfortunately, we don't have such an official-sounding reason. Right, Texas?
Texas Hold on a second...
Exusiai Penguin Logistics... is about to go on vacation!
It's only going to one precious day... But still––
Texas ...Apologies. This isn't the best time to talk about it.
Amiya Don't worry... Everyone needs to get some rest.
Texas ...I should be the one saying that to you.
Amiya Huh...?
Exusiai That's right, that's right. Amiya, girl, you really need a bit of R&R!
Amiya There are many things in Rhodes Island that must be taken care of...
Liskarm I can understand that, but make sure not to give yourself too much pressure, Amiya.
Franka No matter how strong your will is, your body won't be able to keep up if you get exhausted.
You'd better not get sick. Everyone's counting on you!
Amiya I... Everyone has always been looking after me.
Texas We were also inspired by the way you fight.
Just that much is enough.
Exusiai Since I'm already here, I'll take this opportunity to get a free check-up before heading back.
Franka Our work here is about done anyway. Next up is...
Amiya, Dr {nickname}.
Doctor Huh...? / ...
Amiya I'm listening.
Franka & Exusiai ...
Keep up the good work~! Cheer up!
Amiya Wha... huh?
Liskarm After we finish our report, we'll be right back.
Texas No matter what, life must move forward.
Amiya, take care.
Amiya Everyone... I...
...I will. You all take care as well.
See you next time.
<Background fades out and in>
Amiya ...
I have to visit the slums in outer Lungmen again. I should be of assistance.
Doctor Will you be fine by yourself? / Isn't that a bit dangerous...? / Amiya, should I go with you?
Amiya Don't worry, Doctor.
Another member of Rhodes Island, Projekt Red, will be joining me in Lungmen.
She's really good!
With her there, you don't have to worry about me.