9-9: The Innocent

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The Innocent
Episode 09
Previous 9-8
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9-9 map.png
There is evil taking place, and the innocent die for an ideal. Strange stone statues have appeared on the battlefield, rising silently above the ruins.


Environmental Condition: Friendly units' HP and ATK are significantly increased, Redeployment Time is reduced, and Starting DP is increased.
Recommended level Elite 1 Level 50
Sanity Drill Plan EXP LMD
0 0 0
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
8 30 3 45
Friendly units have their maximum HP and ATK doubled, and redeployment time halved.


First clear
3 Stars
3 Stars
Loxic Kohl.png


Normal Dublinn Sniffer Hound ×15, Dublinn Sniper ×8, Dublinn Phalanx Infantry ×20
Elite Tombkeeper Grotesque ×2