Operation story: 9-9

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Male Victorian A icon.png
Busy Youth
Victorian Boy icon.png
Male Victorian A icon.png
Grieving Man
Female Victorian icon.png
Sorrowful Woman
Victorian Guard A icon.png
Victorian Soldier
Dublinn Soldier icon.png
Dublinn Soldier
Victoria Streets
Victoria Square
Victoria RI Office

Before operation

Learning her close friend has been executed, Jane is thoroughly shaken, and Outcast consoles her. Horn orders Bagpipe to find a Messenger to send word about Dublinn, and at the same time, she comes to learn of the stolen Originium goods' whereabouts.
<Background 1>
[Janie hurriedly returns from getting supplies.]
Janie I'm back. I found some bread and clean water. Craig's been running about most of the night, he needs to fill up his stomach...
Er, what's wrong with everyone? What... happened?
Sorrowful Woman ......
Grieving Man It's her! She's the one who tipped the Victorian Army off... She killed Saoirse!
Janie What... What are you talking about?!?!
Saoirse... What happened to Saoirse?!
Grieving Man You're asking? She's dead! You black-hearted Victorian soldier! You got close to her just so you could pluck intel from her own mouth, didn't you?
And now she's been executed–are you happy?!
Janie I...
I never even thought...
How could this...
I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Saoirse...
Grieving Man Save your tears! You've no right to be sad for her! And you've no right... to be standing here!
Janie I was sincere with her, always...
Grieving Man Sincere? A Victorian soldier, telling us Tarans sincerity?
What a joke for the ages!
Janie Aren't we all... countrymen?
Grieving Man Countrymen? What do you know of our country?
Have you eaten the grains we eat, spoken the language we speak, felt the pain we feel?
Janie But I've always wanted to help you...
Grieving Man Don't come any closer! Put down your flag! You're not calling for backup on us!
Janie I don't want to... I wasn't...
Grieving Man Get out of our land! Never again will the home of the Tarans need Victoria's ensign!
Janie ......
You want... me gone?
Sorrowful Woman We've got no choice.
You saw how... I never even did any wrong, and yet... none of you would just let me go...
I think... Ronan was right, we have a chance now. If we can just win, then nobody will ever come hassling me or Craig again... *sob*...
Janie Craig... do you...?
Craig ......
We don't need you!
[Someone throws a stone onto Janie.]
Janie A... stone?
"Have you seen the looks in their eyes before?"
"In their eyes, no matter how you behave..."
We aren't the same kind.
<Background black>
Janie So it was... me who never figured it out.
I should go.
<Background 2>
Horn The troops are retreating in defeat. Over half the blocks in this city will very soon fall into the spectre force's hands.
Bagpipe How'd they break so quick?! I was thinkin', even if their organization and trainin' was rock-bottom level, at least they could hold out until tomorrow mornin'.
Horn You noticed how that squad from the barracks behaved just now, didn't you?
Bagpipe I saw it. We were holdin' the stadium together, but then once the enemy came, they all ran for the rear in a flash. Would've been useless no matter how we held out.
Horn They seem to have completely lost their will to fight.
Bagpipe That might be it. After all, it was a situation just now. The enemy shows up, the residents in refuge all cheer for 'em and open the gates in. Any soldier'd be a little deflated watchin' a scene like that.
Horn But Colonel Hamilton doesn't seem in any way like the kind who gives up this easily. He especially values County Hillock.
The barracks might be at a disadvantage right now, but they didn't seem to be in any chaos at all when they retreated. They still had firm organization.
I can only believe that this present state still falls into the Colonel's plans. He has some other intent in this war situation.
Bagpipe Closest forces are County Kevin's barracks. If we sent out the signal for help, they could get here by evenin' soonest.
Horn ...Assuming they receive the signal in the first place.
Bagpipe Worried about problems with the comms system?
Horn It's our third day since coming here, and we still haven't received any news from Londinium. County Hillock is like a lone island at this moment.
[Sounds of fighting are heard across Hillock.]
Bagpipe No problem, just a few grenades and a wee squad of mixed forces. I'll sort it out. This street's still safe for the time bein'.
Horn Bagpipe... remember in training when you just joined us, I gave you two hours of weighted handstand push-ups as a punishment.
Bagpipe Course I'd never forget, Leader. Wasn't much of a bad punishment as far as I'm concerned, but for a while, I really thought you didn't like me too much.
[Explosions and shots are heard in the distance.]
Horn I never told you why.
Actually, it was because you told me as you were reporting in, you'd stuffed mince pudding and blankets in your marching bag.
Bagpipe Eh? That's a hometown treat. It's good, honest.
Horn You said much the same at the time.
On the day of the solo cross-country test, you were already starving when you came back, and you obviously kept food in your bag, but you still wouldn't eat it.
Bagpipe Couldn't really bear to... I was goin' to have it as a reward for myself, once the trainin' was over. Scoff it down at the happiest moment.
Horn I once maintained that a person too attached to her home, unable to surmount the past, could not become a good officer.
So, though your grades at Royal Guard were exceptional, and Instructor Slim spared no effort in recommending you to me, I still had doubts as to your potential.
Bagpipe So that's what it was! But you've been awful nice to me since.
Horn You proved yourself.
I gradually came to understand. It's only because you have an indestructible attachment in you, that you could become who you are today, a most excellent Victorian soldier, someone to surpass me.
[More explosions are heard.]
Horn Bagpipe, what I say next, you need to listen well–
We have to give up on this block. I'm about to take Cello's group to a comms base in the northeast corner. We're hoping it hasn't been occupied by the spectre force yet.
And you, go immediately to the contact station, find a Messenger, and ensure you find them a way out of the city too.
If there's already no way left, then make one.
Bagpipe, I order you. Shy at no cost. You have to relay out what's happened in County Hillock.
<Background fades out and in>
Busy Youth Dammit. The others are all with The Leader doing more meaningful things, and I get the rotten luck of sweeping up here...
Funny now that I think about it. There's fighting going on all over. Why would The Leader insist I sweep clean around the statue?
[As the young man walks awy, Janie grabs him.]
Busy Youth Huh? Who is it... What are you grabbing at me for?
Janie ......
Is this where... Saoirse died?
Busy Youth Saoirse? You mean the traitor The Leader executed? Yeah, it was all her fault. She's dead, and you want me here bloody sweeping up these ashes...
Janie You mean, what you're sweeping is...
Busy Youth Rubbish, nothing more.
Janie ...No.
She... She was a good girl. To her family, to her friends... she was so warm. She gave... everything for this city.
Why? What... did she even do wrong? She teared up just reading romance novels–she'd never have it in her to harm anyone...
Busy Youth Wh... What in the world's wrong with you?
Do you sympathize with this traitor? Just who are you?!
Janie She's not called "traitor." Her name is Saoirse.
She shouldn't be lying here so alone. I'm taking her back home.
Busy Youth You've got a screw loose. I'm leaving.
[The young man leaves...]
<Background fades out and in>
[...and reports Janie's presence to a Dublinn soldier.]
Dublinn Soldier What's happening over there?
Busy Youth Sir! There's someone strange, crouching there, going on and on about taking the traitor home! I think she might be an enemy as well, and a traitor too!!
Dublinn Soldier Alright, good on you for reporting.
[While Janie is gathering up Saoirse's cremated ashes, a Dublinn soldier approaches her.]
Dublinn Soldier Hey, who are you?
Janie ......
(...Saoirse, maybe you were wrong, and so was I.)
(You used your life to protect these people, and they didn't even care that you did. And they welcomed the rioters, too. The way this city's turned out now, they're not that innocent at all.)
Dublinn Soldier Are you from the other side?
Janie The other side? I don't know anymore–which side I'm even stood on.
Dublinn Soldier Don't move! Any more, and your skull is–
[The Dublinn soldier is shot dead by several Victorian soldiers who have just arrived.]
Victorian Soldier Dealt with yet another few.
[Several Dublinn soldiers and sympathizers are killed after a short skirmish.]
Victorian Soldier Rabblesome dregs... hah, I'll take however many I can do in on the retreat.
Hey, Vouivre over there, have you seen more of them about?
Janie (...Dregs.)
(Calling Saoirse rubbish. Of course they're dregs.)
They just went running that way.
Victorian Soldier We'll head right over–
[The Victorian soldiers pursue the fleeing Dublinn soldiers.]
It seemed as if I heard the residents' shrieks, and seemed too as if I'd heard nothing at all.
I only thought of bringing Saoirse away, but no matter how I tried to put the strength in my fingers, the ash would still slip and fall through the cracks.
Janie Saoirse...
A hand reached out to me.
Outcast Time to get clear out, Jane.
<Background 3>
Outcast Here, lemon tea. Warm up.
Janie *Sob*...
Outcast If you want to cry, just let it out.
Janie ...I can't get the tears out.
Outcast I can feel your anger. Do you hate them?
Janie Perhaps...
Outcast You got those soldiers to grab a Taran who supports the riots. That make you feel any better?
Janie ...No.
Maybe, I hate myself even more.
If... I didn't hand that slip over, Saoirse wouldn't have died, would she?
But all I wanted was to stop a bigger conflict... I thought, so long as I stood up, I could change...
Outcast We wouldn't call it fate if it always went how we wanted.
Jane, can I tell you a story?
Janie Go on. I'll try to listen.
Outcast I'll keep it short.
Decades ago, when I was about your age... No, maybe a bit older, back when I worked for the Church–
Janie You don't seem a thing like those Laterano clerics.
Outcast Years and experience are pretty good at changing a person.
They had me arbitrating a war. Who the sides were, or why they were fighting, that's not important anymore. The parties responsible for getting the ball rolling are probably all dust anyway.
I just remember, there was a city asking for my help. I told them to lay their weapons down, I was ready to be their go-between, and off I went for peace talks with a general from the side sieging the place.
The people in the city really weren't up for it, with the whole 'surrendering to tyranny' thing, so I took some drastic measures to get them talking, but we still never came to an agreement, in the end.
I gave up hope and left, bringing with me just a few who were willing to quit fighting, but the second day after I left, the city was breached.
Pretty much everyone who stayed ended up dead.
I believe... a good chunk of them all thought, nearing death's door, I'd still come and protect them in the end. But I didn't.
Looking back, I guess I was on the other side. I was the sinister pretender who'd given them hope, gotten them massacred.
Janie But you're not!
Outcast You sure? Who can say?
After that, I renounced my appointment as a cardinal, and left Laterano.
Janie It sounds like you tried your best...
Outcast Really? What if I kept at it, tried harder to stop the massacre that was coming?
Janie Then you probably couldn't save a single one.
Outcast Or maybe I shouldn't have gone there with unrealistic hopes in the first place. Maybe I should've walked up and put a bullet in the head of the brute about to butcher an entire city.
Janie Wouldn't that... have other consequences?
Outcast No one can tell you the consequences of opening fire before you do it.
But still, are you telling me you'd stand by and watch–just let evil happen over and over, and over again?
Janie ...I wouldn't.
You're right. No matter how I keep questioning myself... I don't regret it at all.
<Background 2>
Horn Bagpipe... I hope you can still make it.
[Horn receives a call from Triangle...]
Horn Triangle?
[...and when she anwers, sounds of fighting are heard over the radio.]
Horn You came in at the right time. I'm about to dash for a communications center, position not far from here. You don't have to enter the city, we'll rendezvous directly at the outskirts–
Triangle ...Leader.
Horn What happened to you?! You sound in awful shape! Were you wounded?
Triangle Hah... not a... big issue... ahah... forget it, it's a little big. But no need... to fuss about me.
Leader, I don't have much time. We've definitely found what we were looking for.
These Originium products were sent to the artillery battalion.
Horn Artillery battalion?! The barracks' one?
[An explosion over the radio momentarily cuts off the call.]
Triangle Yes, absolutely. We're in here right now.
Horn The barracks have already been breached by the spectre force?!
[More explosions and shots over the phone interfere the call.]
Triangle To be honest, I don't know.
Another thing you need to know. The Originium products we found had all gone through modification.
Horn What kind of modification?
Triangle I only came by a part of it. Their structures aren't whole, someone's taken out the parts with active Originium... Do you still remember the serial bombing case at Stockton?
Horn The offending group created a huge amount of incompletely combusting bombs, and caused grave Originium dust pollution in the core district, in retaliation against the government.
Triangle Right... hah... you get what I mean.
They have us surrounded... we're out of luck hiding...
Horn And Snare? The others?!
Triangle Snare's... next to me. There's a bolt clean through her heart... she went without too much pain, fortunately. Bass and Mandolin are still in the warehouse. Sorry. I couldn't bring them...
Horn ......
You did all you could. You're a fine leader.
Triangle Am I, then...? Surely not as good as you, Leader.
[A heavy shot is heard over the radio.]
Triangle These hostiles... they're bizarre. They use weapons just like ours. And on top of that, I can hear... familiar call-outs...
Just who... is our enemy?
Horn ......
That's not important, Triangle. You all come back alive for me, you hear that? This is an order!
Triangle Hah... got it, Leader. I'll keep it in mind.
[An explosion preceded by a grenade shot is heard over the radio, cutting off the call. Now the radio goes static.]