9-1: Storm Assault

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Storm Assault
Episode 09
Previous Part 1 Recap

Victoria's 7th Frontline Infantry Battalion, 2nd Tempest Platoon, makes landfall on County Hillock.
Victorian Guard A icon.png
Adjutant Hill
Male Victorian A icon.png
Panicked Youth
Victorian Guard A icon.png
Victorian Soldier
Pursuing a case of theft of military Originium products, Bagpipe under the Tempest Platoon arrives at County Hillock, and conducts an assault operation at a certain warehouse from her intel.
<Background black>
"The hibernating mountains carry smokestacks high,"
"And the tracks run hauling my home with creak and cry"
"I found an acorn rolling in the gutter all alone, and right by a rivet rusted all of its chrome..."
<Background 1>
[A group of Victorian Army soldiers led by a Lupo codenamed "Horn" enter a warehouse. Horn reaches out to her teammates.]
Horn We've entered the warehouse. Investigation team, report status.
Triangle Leader. Vital signs to the southeast. Seven shelves away from you, moving within one meter.
Horn Number of heads?
Triangle One.
Horn Any Originium response?
Triangle None for the time being.
Horn Good. Hold your positions.
[Horn signs off.]
Horn Bagpipe?
Bagpipe Got it!
Horn What are you looking for?
Bagpipe Doesn't it sound like someone's singin'?
Horn Don't get distracted. This means our target's guard is down.
Keep to the plan. Wait for my signal, then you charge. For now, keep moving in.
Five, four, three...
[Horn and Bagpipe breaches the room by busting the door open...]
Bagpipe Bunker destroyed!
[...spooking a young male Feline inside the room.]
Panicked Youth Ack–
*cough* *cough* *hack*... Wh–what's going on? All this smoke out of nowhere!
Horn Don't move! Stay where you are, raise both your hands up!
Panicked Youth I–I... you're... Victorian soldiers?
Bagpipe What do you mean by that? Aren't you Victorian too?
Panicked Youth Er...
[The young Feline looks around before running away.]
Horn He's looking to run. Cello, watch to intercept!
Bagpipe Leader, he's not headin' for the exit, he's turned back–
Horn !!
Triangle! Target heading for the back shelves! If you pick up any Originium response, open fire immediately!
Everyone else, form behind my shield!
[Horn and the rest of the squad pursue the young Feline, but Bagpipe breaks off...]
Horn Bagpipe, what are you doing?!
[...and attempts to flank the young Feline to catch him by surprise.]
[Bagpipe collides with the young Feline who drops something as he falls to the ground. Bagpipe picks it up and covers it with her body, believing it is a bomb.]
Bagpipe I'm coverin' it! Everyone, run!
Horn You–
Bagpipe ...!
Triangle Leader, no Originium response. That's not a bomb under Bagpipe.
Bagpipe Oh! False alarm.
Horn And the target...?
Bagpipe Sorry, I knocked him a little hard. He won't be standin' for a while.
Horn And what of the boxes?
Bagpipe I'll take a peek. All potatoes and carrots, and cauliflowers too! I squashed 'em flat. Shame, they seemed just fine for eatin'.
Horn ......
Stay alert.
Bagpipe This one, this one, and this one... they're all the same. Leader, it's all produce and grains in here.
Horn Triangle, watch for anyone else nearing our perimeter.
Oboe, you search the warehouse with Bagpipe. Signal on any discovery.
Cello, take this man stuck on the floor and tie him up.
[Horn's squadmates pinned the young Feline to the ground.]
Panicked Youth Urgh...
Horn Right now, sir, we're going to need you to answer a few questions.
Panicked Youth I–I don't know anything. I'm here for sorting the potatoes.
Horn Are you from County Hillock?
Panicked Youth Yes...
Horn Have you heard of any spectre force?
Panicked Youth Spectre... what? *cough*, *cough* *cough*... Doesn't force mean people like you lot, all the soldiers?
They took Lowry, Julia and Chris away... is it–is it my turn now?
Horn I want you to calm down.
Listen. We have people who saw a batch of Originium goods enter this warehouse late last night. And now, those goods aren't here. You need to give me an explanation.
Panicked Youth Explanation? That's what you're looking for? You're not going to just hang me? I–I... *pteuch*.
Bagpipe Hey! What are you spittin' around for? You've gotta care about hygiene!
Horn Any leads?
Bagpipe None, it's potatoes everywhere. If our information wasn't wrong, then they must work a sight fast.
Horn Alright.
Bring him. He definitely knows something, he's just not willing to open up.
Panicked Youth There it is... you're all the same! Dying to find faults in all of us, torturing us... you Victorian oppressor beasts!
Bagpipe Eh? Again? He thinks callin' another Victorian "Victorian" counts as an insult? It's flyin' over my head.
[Triangle reaches out to Horn.]
Triangle Leader, incoming.
Horn How many?
(Prepare to break up.)
Bagpipe (Yes, Leader.)
[Horn and her squad split up, but...]
Triangle Update, Leader, they seem to be our own.
[A Victorian Army captain walks into the building...]
??? They're in here.
[...followed by soldiers who surround Horn and her squad.]
Victorian Soldier ......
Bagpipe (Leader, we're surrounded.)
Horn (Going by the numbers, yes.)
Bagpipe (If you listen to the voices, there don't seem to be too many left outside. If I crack the wall by me, then we've got our chance!)
Horn (Don't get hasty.)
??? I see you've had a very fierce confrontation in here.
[Horn approaches the captain.]
Horn Rita Skamandros, 7th Frontline Infantry Battalion, 2nd Tempest Platoon Leader.
??? Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Skamm... Skamandros.
Horn My name isn't too easy to remember. You can call me Horn, Captain.
??? Very well, Horn. I'm Kelly, Louis Kelly. I'm sorry, codenames aren't our style.
Horn Captain Kelly, you and your troops are presumably also here to investigate this warehouse.
Captain Kelly Correct, we've received the tip-off too.
Horn Then you ought to understand how grave this situation is. A great deal of illicit Originium goods were stolen off a military transport a couple months ago, and ultimately came to vanish in this region.
Captain Kelly Ahem...
Horn I need not remind you, Captain, with this much ordnance, coupled with recent thefts in surrounding counties–if fallen into felonious hands, the menace posed will reach far beyond County Hillock.
Captain Kelly Good, thank you for the run-down. I understand.
Horn And we're very thankful for your cooperation.
Captain Kelly Hill!
Adjutant Hill Sir.
Captain Kelly Take this young man... this suspect back to camp.
Bagpipe What? It was mad for us gettin' this man as our lead!
Adjutant Hill Sir, her spear is obstructing fulfillment of my duty.
Captain Kelly Er...
Horn ......
Bagpipe, let it go.
Bagpipe But our mission–
Horn –We're on Hillock land right now.
Captain Kelly pulls a handkerchief from his pocket, and wipes the sweat on his forehead.
Captain Kelly Very glad we could persuade you, Lieutenant. You and this young Vouivre lady, and all others present...
Ahem–you must be certainly worn out by your hard journey, dashing here from Londinium.
Horn It's our duty as soldiers of Victoria.
Captain Kelly Yes, quite right. Now, if you still have intention to operate in County Hillock...
Horn We're obliged to continue tracking the thieved Originium goods. This is an order from Londinium. I imagine Colonel Hamilton would see sense too.
Captain Kelly Of course, of course. You may accompany me back to camp.
Bagpipe Leader, do we really have to give him up to them? They have to be doin' this on purpose! Ever since we touched foot on the outskirt plate, they've been followin' right behind!
Right until now, just as we caught him–
Horn "Stationed troops of the Empire have a responsibility to address any threat to public safety that arises within their station."
They haven't violated any code.
Bagpipe Ugh... alright.
Horn Captain, he's yours. As per code, we may also take part in the interrogation–we hope you recall.
Captain Kelly Ha, hahah... yes, quite in line with code.
Panicked Youth N–No... let me go! Don't take me!
Adjutant Hill Heh...
Panicked Youth Help me... save my soul! I haven't done anything... I don't know...
[The young Feline resists to be taken into custody by Hill, forcing the adjutant to knock him unconscious.]
Captain Kelly Hill...
Adjutant Hill Tara rabble like him always do make a scene like this.
Captain Kelly Take him away.
Bagpipe Ugh, really! What gives them the right!
Leader, I think... that wee Feline wants us to help him. He's scared to death of goin' with them.)
Horn (......)
Triangle Here, Leader. Still in position, outside in the same tree. They haven't noticed me.
Horn (Good. Take the reconnaissance group, and keep investigating along nearby transport routes. If you find any leads, immediately report back.)
Triangle Understood. Are we notifying their barracks?
Horn ......
No need.
Be sure to defend yourselves.