Here in Vernal Terrene

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Here in Vernal Terrene (Hanzi: 浸春芜; Pinyin: Jìn Chūn Wú; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Chìm-chhun-bû; lit. "Sunken in the Spring Field") is an Arknights music track and the Operator EP of Shu, performed by Taiwanese singer Yvonne Hsieh. The song is fully sung in Hokkien and its chorus is directly quoted from the Minnan folk song "Thi Oh Oh" (Hanzi: 天黑黑; Pinyin: tiān hēi hēi; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Thiⁿ O͘-o͘).[1][note 1]

Nature's range hoards all told grains; here soak the vernal rains terrene.
Hands cup growth and decay in flooding drops, to dye deep jade the thousand fields.


草木生 春耕农忙
风吹薄雾 黄莺歌唱
日佮暝 如影流光
恍如浮尘 坱埃而翔

(哎)大荒(霜露改 四季循 何时终?)
夏去秋来 变换平常
无穷(阳春至 枯木生 何所为?)
林草羽虫 春生秋亡
无休(日月星 黄道躔 何所成?)
玉露风云 天地茫茫
万象 万象

天黑黑 要落雨
天黑黑 要落雨

西风吹 田岸稻芳
日暗鸣蝉 声凉霜降
天地肃 谷粮满仓
风调雨顺 祥瑞安康

(哎)八方 (霜露改 四季循 何时终?)
夏去秋来 变换平常
无穷 (阳春至 枯木生 何所为?)
林草羽虫 春生秋亡
无休 (日月星 黄道躔 何所成?)
玉露风云 天地茫茫
万象 万象

天黑黑 要落雨
天黑黑 黑黑

草木生 春耕農忙
風吹薄霧 黃鶯歌唱
日佮暝 如影流光
恍如浮塵 坱埃而翔

(哎)大荒(霜露改 四季循 何時終?)
夏去秋來 變換平常
無窮(陽春至 枯木生 何所爲?)
林草羽蟲 春生秋亡
無休(日月星 黃道躔 何所成?)
玉露風- 天地茫茫
萬象 萬象

天黑黑 要落雨
天黑黑 要落雨

西風吹 田岸稻芳
日暗鳴蟬 聲涼霜降
天地肅 谷糧滿倉
風調雨順 祥瑞安康

(哎)八方(霜露改 四季循 何時終?)
夏去秋來 變換平常
無窮(陽春至 枯木生 何所爲?)
林草羽蟲 春生秋亡
無休(日月星 黃道躔 何所成?)
玉露風雲 天地茫茫
萬象 萬象

天黑黑 要落雨
天黑黑 要落雨

Chháu-ba̍k-seng, chhun-king-lâng-bang
Hong-chhui-po̍h-bū, n̂g-ing-koa-chhiùⁿ
Kî-thiⁿ-hō͘ -hun-hun (lâi), ngiâ-chhun-chiàu-tang-chhàng
Li̍t-kap-mî, jû-iáⁿ-liû-kong
Hoáiⁿ-jû-phû-tîn, ing-ai-lî-chióng
Goān-hō͘ -seng-pah-kok (lâi), sú-chheng-khing-tiân-liông

(Ai) Tāi-hong (song-lōo-kái, sù-kuì-sûn, hô-sî-chiong?)
Hā-khì-chhiu-lâi, pìⁿ-hòa-pîng-chhiâng
Bû-kiông (iông-chhun-chi, ko͘-ba̍k-seng, hô-só͘-uī?)
Nâ-chháu-ú-thâng, chháu-seng-chhiu-bông
Bû-hiu (li̍t-ge̍h-chhiⁿ, hông-tō-chíⁿ, hô-só͘-chhiâⁿ?)
Gio̍k-lō͘ -hong-hûn, thiⁿ- tī-bâng-bâng
Bān-chhiāng, bān-chhiāng

Thiⁿ-o͘-o͘ , beh-lo̍h-hō͘
Thiⁿ-o͘-o͘ , beh-lo̍h-hō͘

Si-hong-chhui, tiân-huānn-tiū-phang
Li̍t-àm-bîng-siân, siaⁿ-liâng-sng-kàng
Thìng-suat-hō͘ -an-bîn (lâi), liàm-chhiu-siu-tang-chhàng
Thiⁿ-tē-sō͘k, kok-niû-muá-chhong
Hong-tiâu-hō͘ -sūn, sióng-suī-an-khong
Sūn-bu̍t-hāu-liû-choán (lâi), sù-bān-bu̍t-seng-tiông

(Ai) Pat-hong (song-lōo-kái, sù-kuì-sûn, hô-sî-chiong?)
Hā-khì-chhiu-lâi, pìⁿ-hòa-pîng-chhiâng
Bû-kiông (iông-chhun-chi, ko͘-ba̍k-seng, hô-só͘-uī?)
Nâ-chháu-ú-thâng, chháu-seng-chhiu-bông
Bû-hiu (li̍t-ge̍h-chhiⁿ, hông-tō-chíⁿ, hô-só͘-chhiâⁿ?)
Gio̍k-lō͘ -hong-hûn, thiⁿ- tī-bâng-bâng
Bān-chhiāng, bān-chhiāng

Thiⁿ-o͘-o͘ , beh-lo̍h-hō͘
Thiⁿ-o͘-o͘ , beh-lo̍h-hō͘

Come the plants, a year we plow
Stir mists the winds, sing orioles
Pray rains keep falling (come) winters told by springs
Day and night, light flows like dark
Revel in dust, this soaring past
May rain birth our yields (come) endless fertile fields

(Ah) Wastelands (Frostrime thaws, seasons heed, unto when?)
Summer to fall, change where change comes
Boundless (Spring shines down, dried trees bloom, unto where?)
Verdant or winged, dead by leaves' turn
Restless (Sun, moon stars, the eclipse, unto what?)
Storms in jade dew, realm beyond glimpse
All things that be

Skies grow dark, rains we hark
Skies grow dark, rains we hark
Skies grow dark

West winds stir the fragrant rice
Cicadas' dusk rings in the frost
Sleep well to snowfall (come) on harvests grow strong
Stillest realm, full stores of grains
Red skies at night, fine luck and health
Turn as the year turns (come) so all can be grown

(Ah) All ways (Frostrime thaws, seasons heed, unto when?)
Summer to fall, change where change comes
Boundless (Spring shines down, dried trees bloom, unto where?)
Verdant or winged, dead by leaves' turn
Restless (Sun, moon stars, the eclipse, unto what?)
Storms in jade dew, realm beyond glimpse
All things that be

Skies grow dark, rains we hark
Skies grow dark, rains we hark
Skies grow dark, grow dark


The official music video of Here in Vernal Terrene
The instrumental version of Here in Vernal Terrene


  1. Note that the original title in Hanzi is 天乌乌 (Trad.: 天烏烏; Pinyin: tiān wū wū) in Hokkien, but the transliteration has been popularized to the current Mandarin version.
