Hammer Down

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Hammer Down To the Grinning Valley
Rim Billiton Outback
Transport B
Rim Billiton Outback Night
RI Bridge
Warmy's Originium Arts suddenly go out of control in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately, they happen to run into Amiya, the Doctor, and Savage after their trip down memory lane. When the incident subsides, the Rhodes Island group decides to tag along on the journey to the Grinning Valley in search of a "Feranmut." Ray, afraid of Warmy losing control again, finally opens her heart.
<Background black>
Normally, we don't get closure right when something happens.
Just like when Mum and Aunt Jemma had that argument in the middle of the night. Such a noisy one it woke the neighbors––
They were arguing about the same old: "How should the factory go about starting up the wheat grinder and the rice miller without disturb the workers' rest."
Just like those young Billy businessmen who helped the farmers and factory workers build a coalition during the "Cage Incident"––
Even though they made an effort to break free of the grasp of the counts and the Victorian Chamber of Commerce, how many of them were just in it for the business? How many of them actually cared about the future of the Rim Billitonians?
Also, just like that one trip, with the Doctor and Amiya...
Maybe some questions will always have some sort of closure.
<Background 1>
[The Doctor, Amiya, and Savage are riding in a car.]
Savage Eh? Dunno where you're gonna go yet?
Wasn't heading back to the nomadic platform to search for traces of your childhood just the first stop along the journey? Like, what happened to the second stop, and third stop, and so on...?
I filled a tank of gas and even prepped a portable stove and a tent...
Besides, the Rim Billiton Miners' Cup is in the group stage right now... If we head straight south, we might make it in time for the cross-country burdenbeast race across Big Hammer Mine...
Or maybe we could go for some of Rim Billiton's local specialties? I've committed a lotta fantastic eateries to memory over the last few years, especially the ones that've opened up inside hollowed-out mining tunnels.
In any case, Kal'tsit said that you guys don't have any work coming up for the next little while. So, why not put that whole Victoria thing on the backburner for now?
Amiya Th-There's no need to be pushy, Savage... It's not that I'm too worried about what's over the horizon to enjoy the trip or anything!
What I mean is, I think I might prefer how we used to do things before, like just wandering around without any particular goal in mind.
Well, umm, that might not be entirely accurate either. I'm sure the Doctor had some idea of where we were going.
Doctor ...I did?
Amiya Because as far as I can remember, it seems like new things are happening every day, and there are always different sights to see.
If we were here to casually tour through Rim Billiton's barrenlands, we'd probably just be seeing a whole lot of sand, mines, and Originium clusters.
Savage Well, about that... I think that's moreso you're having a streak of bad luck, and getting yourselves into trouble the whole way here...
At least Amiya's more than capable of holding her own now, and I'm not the same empty-headed, hot-blooded newbie I was before. Even if we run into a scrap, I'm sure we can resolve it without too much hassle...
[The car suddenly brakes.]
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Ouch!
Savage S-Sorry about that, Doctor!
Amiya Doctor! Are you alright? Did you bump your head?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Savage What was that sound just now?
Amiya Doctor... If you've hurt your head, please speak up...
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Doctor It's fine... My head's still intact.
Amiya Savage... What happened? Why'd you suddenly slam on the brakes?
Savage Take a look over there––
See that transport vehicle over there coughin' up smoke?
<Background 2>
Alanna Jacker, go get some bottletree water. The more the better!
Ray Alright.
Alanna Bring a tarp over and help me hold her up.
Ray Alright.
Alanna Then, grab some tape and tie her to the condensate pipe, then dip her feet in cold water and give her a good soak.
[Ray returns with the water.]
Ray Okay. But, why?
Alanna Call it a trade secret. Doesn't matter if it's a fever or a burn, this is the fastest way to cool down!
Medicine's fine and all, but you sometimes need to tackle the external problem head on, and this is the way you do it!
Potlid Lanns...
Alanna Don't worry. There's nothing to be scared of. I've got meds. I figured something like this would happen sooner or later... Hurry up and drink, Warmy.
Ray She's burning up.
Alanna She has the strength to swallow the meds, so it's not as bad as it could be. The fever should be going down soon.
Yeah. I know it can't be that serious. Trust me.
Ray Alright, I believe you.
But, I don't think what she has is a fever.
Alanna ...I know.
It's her Arts. She used them to fiddle with the temperature of the power plant again. Without my permission.
Shoulda dawned on me a lot earlier when I realized how smooth the ride was and how much power we had driving on these roads.
I don't know how many times I've told her not to go around casting with her bare hands, but she just can't get it drilled into her head. She's always eager to prove her own worth.
Silly girl. What a darned fool. I knew from the moment she got in the truck that she was dumb and stubborn...
...Damned dipstick.
Ray We can always find a doctor. We're not that far from a platform.
Alanna You're not getting anything from those docs that I can't already do.
Trust me, we'll be fine. I'll get us through this.
Ray If you say so...
[The temperature starts rising again.]
Ray Alanna, the power cabin's getting hotter and hotter.
Alanna Yeah? Can't tell, since my back's still dripping cold sweat...
[Alanna puts her hand on Warmy's head.]
Alanna Agh. She's burning up. How.. is she this hot?
I've got another folk remedy. Can you go catch some Originium slugs...?
[The truck's doorbell rings.]
Ray Alanna, there's the bell. Someone wants to board.
Alanna Gah. Go chase them off, jacker.
Ray No, you should go.
It'll be bad if her Arts go out of control. She'll hurt herself, and others too.
Alanna What are you trying to say––
No way. No way it would come to that. Not a chance. She's my own adopted daughter.
You just wait, Ray. I'll take care of this whole mess.
I'll be right back.
[Alanna hurries off.]
Ray If an Infected gets sick, or if their Arts start going out of control, it should be another Infected to deal with it.
That way, even if they disintegrate, it at least won't create new victims.
That's standard protocol on the job.
<Background 1>
[Alanna steps out of the truck.]
Alanna Get out.
Savage Wait a sec! I'm the driver for that vehicle over there. I've got tools. Do you need any help?
Alanna Help? Hah. With what? I'm doing just fine over here.
We're just taking a little break over here. So, if you wanna help, buggering off would do us just fine.
Savage Huh? But your ute over there is giving off white smoke. Doesn't look to be in great shape...
Alanna That's just how it is. I'm the one driving it. Think you know her better than me?
Savage ......
Sorry. I'd still like to get in and have a look around.
Alanna I don't have time to give you a ride.
Last warning. Go away, or I'll make you go away.
Savage ...You're shaking.
Alanna Who, me? Don't kid yourself.
Though, that gear you're wearing...
Savage ––You're a troublemaker who's done something bad, aren't you?
Alanna ––And you're a merc out on the hunt for Infected people, yeah?
[Something explodes inside the truck.]
Savage An explosion–– from inside the bus?!
Alanna Strewth, I told you to bugger off! I don't have time for you!
[Alanna immediately rushes back inside.]
Savage Hey, wait!
What's going on with that truck? Its body is damaged in several areas, and the front's rather deformed...
The smoke should be coming from the condensate pipe not properly dispersing the heat...
And then, there's that driver...
She seems to be worse for wear than the bus itself...
<Background 2>
Ray ......
Poor gray-ears.
The engine has long since stalled, but the sound of water flowing through the condensate pipe can still be heard from the power cabin.
The temperature inside the cabin is unusually high, but the drenched Potlid continues to shiver.
Ray Alanna said this was supposed to help.
Potlid Just... a bit longer... then...
As her words trail off, Potlid's lips quiver slightly, as if sleep-talking.
Ray thinks for a moment, then holds the girl's scorching-hot hand. Though the hand subconsciously tries to shrink away, it has no strength to do so.
Ray ...Burning hot.
It's alright. Now, I'll be able to see how badly your Arts are going out of control.
This isn't any miraculous technique or anything, but I can at least reduce the danger a bit.
Some people are fine sticking their head in the sand, some coop themselves up in abandoned mine shafts and wait for the whole thing to get blown up and sealed off, and others try to run far, far away into the barrens.
Sure. People get sick, just like old parts get rusty. Bound to happen.
As long as you handle it properly, it won't affect anyone else, and it won't turn into a big deal.
[Warmy limply sits upright.]
Potlid No... I...
I don't want this...
Ray Easy there, gray-ears. Your body temperature's still high.
Potlid A long time ago, everyone in my family, the whole family, they were all Infected.
Ray Right.
Potlid All of them... knew how to put their noses to the grindstone. They built their own homes... and lived simple but fulfilling lives.
I was happy too. I could... make a big pot of soup and share it with everyone...
They'd eat yummy food... and then they'd get better. After they got better, they wouldn't need to come back anymore...
Ray Easy now, gray-ears. If your temperature gets any higher...
A few sparks crackle through the air.
Ray I can't hold you anymore.
I know what I'm doing, gray-ears. Some people don't know how to control their own strength, and end up hurting people or even killing them by accident. But, that's not me. I'm going to knock you out... You'll just be sore for a few days.
I'm letting go now.
Potlid If I... eat more... and grow up more... and my sickness gets better... Dad, will also come back...
Why... were those people on the road looking for Infected? Why do I have to hurt Lanns, just because I'm an Infected?
Ray ......
The rawness of the blisters on her hand force Ray to pause.
Potlid Ray....
Is it bad... to be an Infected?
[The vehicle's fuses explode and the lights burn out.]
<Background black>
Ray ......
Gray-ears... You must be hurting.
I can feel it.
There are times when the Oripathy flares up and I can't sleep, I know.
But when I remember that ray of light shining through... I can relax, and finally close my eyes in peace.
...Calm, gray-ears. Calm down. I WILL find it.
Alanna ––Potlid! Potlid!
<Background 2>
Alanna How's she doing?!
You... This blood...
Ray Alanna, I...
...Gray-ears is fine, but stay back. Her heat's gone down a little.
She's already caused a small explosion. Alanna, these damaged internal components and broken pipes, are they a big deal?
Alanna ......
The pipe is whatever, but...
The medicine... doesn't seem to be working.
[Savage runs into the vehicle.]
Savage See, I said you needed help...
...Huh? The saw, wrenches, duct tape... And, this girl... I've seen her before...
Why'd you tie this little girl up? What are you doing to her?
Alanna ......
What am I doing?
What... am I even capable of doing?
Ray Alanna...
Alanna I'm not an idiot. You think I don't know these tricks don't work? You think I haven't seen an old friend getting heatstroke in the workshop, then being tortured with these crude methods to the point that he never came to work again?
"Rusty Wrench" managed to survive. Couldn't talk anymore, but he could still work; Old Bobby said it saved his life... But, you think I don't know they're the exception that proves the rule?
You really think... I don't know Oripathy is an intractable disease?
But, this dumb kid doesn't know that. She thinks she can be cured. What else can I do but play along?
I believe in the little medicine I can get my hands on, and whatever folk remedies reach my ears.
I can't just... watch another one die in front of me while I watch helplessly.
[The Doctor climbs into the truck.]
Doctor Greetings, ma'am.
Mind if we take a look at the girl?
<Background fades out and in>
Amiya Sleep peacefully now. You don't have to burn yourself anymore
I'm sorry for using my Arts on you...
May you be free from the pain and suffering of Oripathy in your dreams.
Doctor Her subconscious casting has already stopped. / Good work, Amiya.
Amiya I could feel it. She is a deeply wounded girl.
Is there anything else I can help with, Doctor?
Doctor We're good for now.
Doctor A simple injection should take care of things.
Amiya I'm done with my Arts too... Go ahead and let the others in.
[Alanna runs back inside.]
Alanna Is she really going to be okay?!
Amiya Mhm. Her subconscious casting has stopped, and the activation process of the Originium crystals inside her body has also been halted. But the fever symptoms haven't been completely relieved yet, and we'll have to continue monitoring her for a while.
Alanna I've been driving this truck around for who-knows-how-long. Never thought I'd run into a doctor in a place like this...
...All I can say is, thank you.
Amiya You're welcome. Treating the Infected has always been Rhodes Island's duty.
That said, I'm not a doctor, and the Doctor is, well, not that kind of doctor. Just to be sure, we should get to the Rhodes Island branch office ASAP, where we'd have real diagnostic and treatment equipment to properly examine the patient.
Alanna ...Rhodes Island?
That reminds me. The girl gave me a card, saying that some lady told her... to give it to her family.
Savage Oh, I'm the lady.
The girly was clearly infected, I figured her family ought to understand...
Alanna Hah, found it. This is the one. The symbol of the excavator drill pointed straight at the sky.
Amiya ...the what?
Alanna Ain't easy doing business around Rim Billiton these days. Competition's too fierce, so figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to go tucking instead.
But your company offers some serious benefits. It's absolutely wild that you'd have such an advanced medical department in a construction firm... If only the Billy companies could learn from you guys!
Amiya Um, Alanna, I think there's been a little misunderstanding...
But, I do agree with you. If all of Rim Billiton's companies committed to raising awareness about the Oripathy prevention, our young patient here might not be in such serious condition right now.
And... we should really put what we do at Rhodes Island front-and-center on our business cards. After all, the Infected rarely have proper access to medical services.
In any case, we'll have a proper medical team dedicated to Warmy's treatment at the branch office. If it's not too much trouble for you, I'd like you to drive for the nearest nomadic city.
Alanna Sure.
Wait, hold on.
There's a bit of a special situation with the truck. Once we go back, we might not be able to leave again. Plus... I have an agreement with someone else.
Savage Special situation? Oh, that reminds me, you're supposed to be a transport, right?
But, if you keep going in that direction, the only thing waiting for you is an uninhabited wasteland that's prone to Catastrophes.
Wait, don't tell me... You were planning to go plant bottletrees there?
??? No... We're... going to search for the "Feranmut"...
Savage ...Feranmut?
[Warmy wakes up.]
Potlid Please... don't leave Warmy behind...
Alanna Don't worry, nobody's leaving you behind. We're just having a little discussion.
You're awake?
How's your head? Are you dizzy? Are you still running hot?
Potlid Lanns... You look so upset... Did something happen? I think I just had a long and tiring dream...
...Mm, at the very end of the dream, I think I even saw the Feranmut.
Ray asked me to take a good, long look at the giant shadow. I looked and looked as hard as I could, but I couldn't quite make it out.
Lanns, can I go with you to find the Feranmut?
Ray ......
<Background 3>
[As night falls, the group sit outside around a fire.]
Alanna Here, try this.
This is all we have now; it hardly enough to express our thanks.
Not only did you save Potlid, but you're even willing to travel with us to make sure she's okay.
Amiya No worries, Alanna. We had no particular destination in mind to begin with.
Also, the Doctor's intrigued by the Feranmut you mentioned.
[Savage walks towards the group.]
Savage It's done, Alanna. I've pulled into the transport bay.
The rest of the journey is up to you.
Alanna Hah, no problem there.
Savage But there is one thing I still don't understand. What exactly is this "Feranmut" you're searching for?
Alanna It's a type of... Uhh, this massive...
All you need to know is, it's some sort of mythical creature! I've heard there are incredible explorers out there planning to turn these legends into documented columns!
As for this beast, it flies for months at a time over the windswept dunes of Rim Billiton, flying over the highest peaks to spew flames at the sun. It appears in the mist of nightfall with a luster more brilliant than the moons!
We set out this time to look for some more useful clues! Isn't that right? Um... Ray?
Savage You talking about the lady with the crossbow over there who's hardly said a word this entire time?
Alanna Forget it. She can enjoy the cold wind by her lonesome.
In any case, that's how mighty a Feranmut is.
Savage Eh... That legend sounds all over the place. Don't think I've heard anything of the sort before.
Amiya I've heard of it.
A massive fowlbeast devours the clouds in the sky. Before it can finish eating the last cloud, right before the day the sky falls, the people on its back all jump into the boundless sea of stars...
A long time ago, the Doctor used to tell me bedtime stories like that.
Doctor I did? / Sorry... Don't remember that.
Amiya Well, umm, of course, you put it in different words, but...
I have a vague memory... Your tone at the time, it really made me want to believe the stories were real.
Alanna Never would've guessed it, but looks like our friend here has quite a vivid imagination underneath that hood.
But we're not after fairy stories here! We're looking for the real deal!
[Warmy approaches the group with some food.]
Potlid Mmmmh~ The freshly stewed, piping-hot sweet potato soup is ready!
Alanna Woo, this is the good stuff! Hurry up and dig in, everyone!
Savage Appreciate it, Warmy!
Potlid Don't mention it. There's also veggies cooking in the pot!
[Warmy runs back to the truck.]
Savage Wait a minute... This flavor... Why does it have a hint of Originium slug?
Alanna Umm, well, I did add a little bit of slug slime.
I've tried it before, and the flavor's not too bad. It's soft and chewy, doesn't stick to your teeth, and it shouldn't be poisonous at all.
Savage Wow, I think you're on to something.
By the way, Alanna, the food you served up before was pretty good. I didn't expect you to be such a cook.
Alanna Is it really so surprising? Do I look to you like a woman who doesn't know her way around the kitchen? The factory workers were always tripping over each other to get at my food!
Though... my real specialties are way more flavorful. Don't care at all for this light, time-consuming stuff.
Everything you ate just now, from the beet soup to the Originium slug slime sweet potato stew, was all prepared by Potlid here. I just served it.
Savage It's Warmy's work? I know she's getting better and all, but... are you sure it's wise to let her do all that by herself?
Let her rest up, and I'll handle the rest!
Alanna Calm down– Don't go bugging her over it. She can handle it.
If anything, I think she'd be sad if she felt like there was nothing she could do.
She's always been like that, wanting to prove that she's all grown up and capable... Which is how she ended up in this condition.
Amiya Oh, right, Alanna...
Alanna Yes?
Amiya Has Warmy... been through something?
Even though she's always smiling and full of energy, I feel... a deep sorrow coming from her.
Her inner feelings seem at complete odds with her smile.
Alanna ...Haha.
Kids like to act strong and tough. That's all there is to it.
Amiya But, normal kids don't cling to it in that way...
Alanna It's because of what her father said to her before he left home: "I want you to grow up happily, just as you are now"...
The day before he left, it was her birthday. Nasty business, right? Children tend to take things like birthdays and birthday wishes awfully seriously.
Savage Then, where is her dad now...?
Alanna Who knows? All I know is, the girl relies on me, because every time her father left home for work, it was in this vehicle.
Miners are the most common types you'll see aboard, with Cautuses a close second. And her father happened to be both. Like hell I'd be able to pick him out of a crowd.
Though, did I ever mention to you that this ol' girl's about to go out of commission?
Because several of the mines I used to stop at got shut down. The last one was due to deep depletion, all the rocks that got dug up were totally worthless. And then two years ago... a mining accident claimed another.
And so it was over the last two years, when this kid hopped onboard, saying that if she didn't keep the brightest smile on her face, her father wouldn't recognize her.
Amiya ......
Alanna Alright, I'm gonna go give her some motivation, and a helping hand. She's probably a bit too fired up right now and wants to make a miners' family dinner on that little Originium stove you guys brought over.
You're pretty nice people too. It's been a long time since she's cooked for anyone else.
Though, I hope what you said when you sat down at this table is true: that you won't end up getting sick breaking bread with Infected...
Or at least, you're like me. Y'know, good things happen to good people and all. So that makes it perfectly fine to live with the Infected.
[Alanna heads back to the truck.]
Savage She didn't know the danger she was putting herself in when she decided to keep Warmy around.
Doctor Amiya.
Amiya I'm here, Doctor.
Doctor Do you feel guilty about it? / Do you think fate smiled on us?
Amiya Oh, is it written all over my face or something? I was just thinking...
...I keep thinking, what would have happened... had you never pulled me from the wreckage of that vehicle?
Walking along the streets of Rim Billiton, I always feel like those running and shouting Cautus children... are no different from me.
Disasters aren't uncommon in Rim Billiton. The dangerous old ways of mining, the unusually frequent Catastrophes...
Savage Heh. There were some Victorian businessmen who said this is no way for people to live.
Amiya Oh, of course I'm not trying to say that life in Rim Billiton is terrible or anything... Though the natural environment here may be harsh, our homes are always full of warmth.
Rim Billiton's large households often come together to jointly adopt children.
But... I'm just happier that I get to do something like this.
Doctor Like being able to help Potlid? / Like fighting to protect the Infected?
Amiya Also, like being able to rescue you. And before that...
The young Cautus doesn't finish her words. You know there's something she's hiding from you.
Amiya's expression is somewhat wistful, but there's no sign of regret or remorse.
Amiya ...Now that I'm looking back, every year since I left home has been so terribly long.
Everything seems to be speeding by around me, before I can grow taller or change out of my childhood clothes.
So, I find myself wondering... When I think of my mum and dad, what should I say to them to give them an idea of what I've been through...? So that they still recognize me?
Savage ......
Amiya But, coming back to Rim Billiton, it finally dawned on me.
The only thing I want to tell my parents is – I survived.
Because the Doctor took my hand.
You suddenly remember something.
You remember the huge Rim Billiton logo emblazoned on the laser mining module mounted atop the Rhodes Island landship. You remember seeing it before.
You remember some of the materials that Rhodes Island has gradually been making available to you lately.
Rhodes Island's predecessor, "Babel," customized this Rim Billiton mining module that was attacked during the initial shipment.
The mercenary team dispatched by Babel failed to stave off the attack, resulting in the deaths of many people on the transport team.
You remember the thick, black smoke, slowly burning in the empty wilderness.
Doctor ......
Vague, distant emotions float into your mind along with the hazy memories.
Though it still doesn't feel like your own past, you cannot help but to feel an infinite...
Doctor ...Loneliness.
Amiya What I wanted to search for... Was the vestiges of the journey that began here.
As well as the traces of Rhodes Island being dug out from here and towed across the entirety of Rim Billiton, before setting sail for the far reaches of the continent.
I was just thinking...
If I had never met Rhodes Island, if I had never met Dr. Kal'tsit or Theresa... If I had never met the Doctor––
What a shame it all would've been.
<Background 3>
Savage Phew... Finally helped tidy up around here.
But seriously, never would've expected Alanna and Warmy to be living together inside a truck like this. Good thing I didn't charge in, waving my hammer around, to try to rescue Warmy, or else this thing would've been a goner.
Speaking of which, when was the last time I had a campfire dinner with this many people?
Has there ever been another time where I got to enjoy such a merry one with Amiya and the Doctor?
<Flashback starts here>
Savage A grunt? That's it?
Does it not make your blood boil? Those bastards in suits want to plunder our mines! And since when did my friends become as snobbish as the Victorians?!
Doctor ...Sorry.
I was just... thinking about the stories in some old books.
Savage ......
Don't look at us like that.
The way you look at the stars in the sky.
<Flashback ends here>
Savage ...Even back then, I wasn't always happy every time.
Amiya and the Doctor... they're fast asleep?
Must've had too much fun and gotten tired, huh? Seriously, it's not safe here. You'll catch a cold at this rate...
Avg 46 i01.png
Doctor Savage?
Savage Huh?!
Doctor, you're awake?
It's pretty dark tonight, and I couldn't see your face clearly and...
Did I wake you?
Doctor There are some beasts out there that never sleep. / Some people are still awake.
Savage So you're looking out for Amiya here, huh?
Fair enough. The Billy barrens have always been dangerous, and the people you meet aren't always friendly.
––Which is why, you have no idea how anxious I was when I first met you!
You, a sickly foreigner, trekking through the wilderness with a little girl in tow! You were a goner!
You weren't afraid because you didn't know a thing about Rim Billiton. I could write it off as Amiya trusting you regardless...
...But it wasn't until a lot later when I understood why she always slept so soundly next to you.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor You make me sound smart.
Savage Well, yeah. You have a good grasp of everything, and a lot of tools at your disposal.
But, there are other areas where you don't seem that smart, which became evident the more we traveled together.
Like that one time you said, "I know these berries are incredibly bitter," but then took a big bite of them anyway before urging Amiya not to do the same.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You make me sound like I'm always on my toes.
Savage ...Well, yeah. You rarely get any time to rest.
Be it the barren wilderness, the glimmering of the starry sky, or the steel frames and cranes rising over a city, you can stare blankly at these things for a long, long time.
Maybe you didn't consciously decide to stay up to stand guard for Amiya, but you nevertheless managed to help her avoid some ferocious fowlbeasts and highwaymen.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Savage Mind if I take a seat?
<Background 3>
Savage ...It's just like it was.
*sigh*... I wanted to tell you something along the way, but we ended up getting tangled up in another weird mess again.
At least there wasn't any real danger.
Doctor Were our travels like this back then too?
Savage Well... For me, the biggest difference was my attitude, I suppose?
To be honest, I was a bit disappointed back then, and wanted to go for a walk. A really long one.
Doctor I heard about it from the other Rim Billitonian operators.
You would've been even more famous here.
Savage Well, yeah. It was because of that "Cage Incident."
But after everything was said and done, I followed you and Amiya on that trip, and to everyone else, it seemed like I'd ghosted them. By the time I returned, they'd mostly forgotten about the whole deal.
Which is exactly what I wanted.
At the time, I saw businessmen signing contracts to develop the mines for the people of Rim Billiton, but they turned around and threw us into cages, same way predators in the wilds snatch their meals.
But, I'm even sadder about the ones who promised to protect our land together, swearing not to let the old dukes strip us of our dignity.
Some people, as soon as they tasted wealth and status, turned out no different from the businessmen and robber barons.
Hmph. Just thinking about it makes me want to swing my hammer around and smash their glass houses to bits.
Doctor Please calm down, Savage.
Savage Oh! I'm so, so, so sorry, Doctor! I didn't mean to scare you...
Heehee. It feels crazy to be telling this story again.
In any case, I was absolutely furious at the time.
I couldn't stand that feeling. Like people were suddenly plucked out of their own skin, made to become completely different people. That look in their distant eyes... didn't seem like any way you'd ever look at a friend...
To sum it all up, I can't trust them anymore.
And so I... have trouble understanding certain others.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Might I, by any chance, know once such individual?
Savage ...Yeah.
Don't worry about it. My hammer's just for protecting you.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Whoever those "certain others" are, I hope they can live up to your expectations.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Savage You and Amiya both gave me your answers.
Amiya already told me she's willing to go down that path, and doesn't regret it at all.
I can see how heavily that burden sits on her shoulders, but now, all I can do is try to help her carry some of that burden.
As for you, Doctor...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Savage This isn't right, Kal'tsit. What are you playing at here? What happened to Amiya's body? How could you leave a CHILD as young as her to suffer this?!
––Tell me, was this the Doctor's decision? Is she nothing but a pawn to the Doctor?
I... I wanted you to swear to it. I couldn't shake the doubts that I had, but I also wanted to have faith in you, so I asked for a vow.
You promised that after you took Amiya from Rim Billiton, that you'd do your best to treat her with kindness and let her grow up healthy... and free.
...Yeah, I know.
There's no use asking for answers from an amnesiac Doctor.
But how about you, Kal'tsit? Are you waiting too?
Alright, two can play at that game. Time will tell all.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 3>
Savage The same goes for you, Doctor.
If there's anything you need from me, please let me know.
Doctor (Point into the distance)
Savage Hm? Already?
Oh, that's right.
She's been sitting there all night.
Doctor, are you trying to say that she's a threat?
Or, is your assessment something altogether different?
<Background fades out and in>
[Savage walks towards Ray.]
Ray ......
Savage It's gotten late. Why don't you warm yourself by the fire?
If anything, you should go rest and replenish your stamina, since you were the one who got hurt today.
Warmy made a ton of food, and Alanna already put it away in the truck. I can go grab it and heat some up for you if you'd like.
Ray I...
Savage She's quite the chef, you know. I'd feel bad for you if you missed out.
Ray How's she doing?
Savage She's fine now.
Actually, you should go see her yourself.
Ray Thank you. All of you.
But I... I felt her pain.
I always thought I didn't fear pain... But now, I can't stop trembling.
Savage ......
The woman holding the weapon is not shaking at all.
She simply stares into the night sky, as if she dares not avert her eyes or look anywhere else.
Ray ...I've seen Infected burn themselves to ash.
Sometimes, the only choice for those Infected who can no longer be saved is to send them away.
Something like that... should never happen to Warmy.
[Ray closes her eyes.]
Ray I... feel so terrible.
From the very beginning... I was the reason why the truck went off-route.
Savage Yeah. Alanna told me everything.
Do you want to turn around and leave?
Ray ......
But at least, I should...
Savage Good enough for me. I mean, even the Doctor's interested in that Feranmut you mentioned now.
Starry Skies.png
Savage The stars sure are beautiful, aren't they? You've been staring at 'em for a while now.
Ray ...I can't say.
All I know is, they're far, far away, and shimmering in the darkness.
It's slightly better than staring just at the darkness.
Savage Are you afraid of the dark?
Ray No. It's always so dark in the mines that I've long since gotten used to it.
Savage The mines, huh? Well, I guess you probably don't care too much them, huh?
I totally get you. I used to work underground as a security officer, and it was always stuffy as hell.
I also know that sometimes, people are too afraid to look at the things around them because they don't want to be sad, and so they look up into the sky.
Ray ......
Savage What about you?
What do you see? And what are you looking for?
Why'd you decide to go truckjacking in the first place?