Boiling Point

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Boiling Point To the Grinning Valley
Male Old Kuranta B icon.png
General Storekeeper
Male Kuranta B icon.png
Charlie the Sproglet
Male Rim Billitoner icon.png
Worker "Brake"
Female Rim Billitoner icon.png
Worker "Motor"
Blank icon.svg
Familiar Kind Man
Blank icon.svg
Office PA
Blank icon.svg
All-Transport-Trucks Broadcast
Transport B
Rim Billiton Settlement
Container Yard
Old Warehouse
The transport truck will soon make its last trip. Warmy works with Alanna to prepare their truck to be returned. However, still attached to the truck, she is hoping to delay its return. Almost as if in answer to her prayers, a strange passenger hijacks the truck and demands to be taken to the Grinning Valley.
<Background 1>
I hear leaves blooping and bubbling away inside a scalding hot pot. I love that sound.
There's the static from Dad's radio too, and the oldie hawking on about sharpening your blades, and the sound of the ute's power plant as it drives... I love all that too. But I'm not gonna hear them anymore. Or, well... I won't soon enough.
Here's the fire, burning. Telling me, hey, chin up, just chin up a bit... you know, Dad's hoping you will.
Actually, I think the fire's a little weak. I'll give it a bit of air. Puffff—
Eh? What's that sound I hear...?
<Background 2>
[Potlid steps out of the kitchen.]
Potlid Lanns! Can you not dink on your bowl?
I told you to stop doing that! What if you get on someone's nerves?
Alanna I'll dink on anything I please. Can't I be the boss of my own ute? Besides, with how loud the truck stop is, nobody's gonna be pointing fingers at me!
Potlid Don't make excuses.
Alanna I'm just bored, mate...
You're making an awful lot of food today. What's the occasion anyway? I've been waiting ages, I'm starved!
I had to make some noise to get a message across to the food: "Don't get cold now, we need to wait for Potlid to join us for our meal."
Potlid Excuses again... You don't worry about anything, you're like a kid.
If you're that bored, come help me out in the kitchen!
Alanna Oh, but you're the six-star chef here. You're killing it in there, Potlid!
Potlid Would you stop calling me Potlid alrea—
Alanna —What's this red dish here?
Potlid Oh, that's the tomato braised cystybeast!
It's fresh from the pot. It'll blow you away!
Alanna Tomato braised cystybeast? What's with the color? Shouldn't the broth be a little more yellowy—?
Before she can finish her sentence, Alanna has already rammed her spoon into the piping-hot bowl and scooped an entire slab of cystybeast meat into her mouth.
The food burns her tongue, but Alanna gives the Potlid a thumbs-up nonetheless.
Alanna ...Hm... Mmhmm...
It's perfect! That's our truck's six-star chef!
Potlid Hehe~
But the meat you brought back this time's especially fresh. I didn't have to use a lot of seasoning to make it taste good!
Alanna Really? Looks like the market man gave us the freshest on hand, knowing we're leaving. Guess it was worth buying from him for two years.
Potlid Don't say things like that, Lanns. I think he's been real good to us from the very beginning, going by what you've told me.
I'm picturing a kinda short, good-tempered man in a dirty apron. A short, fat, middle-aged man.
Alanna Yeah, nah, that's not what he looks like. When he stands in front of his shop holding a cleaver, not a single person dares to swipe even a single carrot from the market.
Haha. When you get older, I'll let you walk around town yourself.
That reminds me. When was the last time we had tomato braised cysty?
Potlid The last time...?
It was probably when we first ate together.
And you made that meal yourself!
Alanna Oh, that does feel like a long time ago. You still remember?
Potlid Of course!
You said "cooking's just one of the things I'm good at," but then you made an in-sane-ly sour tomato braised cystybeast.
Alanna *cough*, how was I supposed to know those tomatoes were gonna be that sour? The broth was bright and yellow. It looked so tasty.
Potlid I still remember the look on your face after you gave it a taste.
Alanna Wh-What does it matter if it helps fill our tummies? Flavor comes second! And didn't you finish all of yours?
Potlid It's not good to waste food! Besides...
Ah, let's not talk about the past. I don't want the food to get cold because you can't stop complaining.
Potlid lightly touches the bowl, and suddenly the braised meat becomes just as piping hot as when it was fresh out of the pot.
Amid the rising white steam, Alanna's expression grows stern.
Alanna Hey!
Didn't we agree not to use Arts for little things like that?
Potlid I...
But this is the fastest way to warm it up...
I'm just heating the food up. Just a quick use. It's nothing to worry about!
Alanna ......
Whatever. It's your health, not mine.
But as soon as we get to Iron Carrot City, we need to find you a teacher who can teach you real proper casting.
Potlid ......
Alanna Come on, tuck in. What are you waiting for?
Potlid Let me enjoy the view first. You always look so happy when you eat. It puts a smile on my face just watching you.
Potlid takes a cloth and wipes clean the broth that's spilled over the bowl, then wipes her hands.
She takes a few thick books from the shelf and stacks them on her seat, one-by-one, before sitting on top of them.
Potlid places one arm on the table flat while her other hand props her head up, and she looks at Alanna with a smile on her face.
Potlid We're going to have to return the truck when we get to Iron Carrot City, and they'll shut the route down forever.
Alanna Yeah.
Potlid Hmm...
Alanna Think you'll miss it?
Potlid ...Not really.
Warmy never gets sad.
Alanna Well, alright then.
In that case, after this route's suspended, do you still wanna stay on my truck?
After we return it to the company, they'll probably keep it around. Though I doubt it'll go to the stops we took before.
Potlid ......
Even so, I won't let it get to me... Yeah, nuh-uh, I won't!
As long as you're right here by my side, there's nothing to be unhappy about!
Alanna ......
Alanna reaches out to pat Potlid on the head. Her ears twitch in response.
Potlid Hehehe...
Alanna What's wrong?
Potlid Th-That kinda tickles...
Seeing the young Cautus's reaction, Alanna laughs.
Alanna Then—
Then, my wonderful, perpetually-smiley Potlid. Help me run some errands later, will ya?
Potlid Huh? But it's been so long since I've gone into town...
Alanna You'll be fine.
See, I took the safety valve off to make it go faster, and I can't have the company finding that out when they inspect the ute.
So we need a new safety valve right quick.
And we'll also need some daily necessities for a long trip. The workers said they'd bring us some, but I said no.
Potlid Hm... the guys at the motor pool know you're leaving?
Alanna Yeah, but I still have heaps of things that I need to deal with here. If I were to go, I might not be done by tomorrow morning.
Potlid Do they know you're taking me with you?
Alanna Hm, I suppose.
Anyhow, that's why I'm counting on you to take care of that. You're a young lady already anyway.
And here—
Alanna passes Potlid a paper scrap with some wobbly writing on it.
Alanna Sell those things out the front door. We should be able to get some money out of them.
As for the rest, follow the shopping list. Here's my purse. Take it with you.
I still have one last bit of work to handle.
Potlid So this is the last...
Alanna Let's divvy up the work and get this done. Divide and conquer.
Potlid Okay... let's do it!
<Background 3>
General Storekeeper ...Then the metal crab woke up. It got to its feet, snipped twice, and carved the tower crane into pieces.
Everyone took a good look, and turns out all that reinforced concrete didn't make a dent in its shell when everything came crumbling down. Of course they dropped their shovels and blowtorches and ran for their lives.
Haha, how's that? I heard it's based on a real story, real people, uh, crab and all. This is what we're showing for tonight's open-air movie night, over at the slag heap.
Reticent Customer ......
General Storekeeper Eh, no need to thank me. I've never seen you around, so you have to be new here.
Let me go more into the rules of our ball and card games here. Each factory district has different rules. You know that, right?
Reticent Customer ...I just want a sandbeast.
General Storekeeper Ahem... Fine.
I have a few of them in this basket here. Pick whichever you want. All my sandbeasts are well-trained. They eat and sleep and follow their masters close.
You really don't wanna talk about anything else? Like, fine weather today, isn't it? It's not often we get a day without a sandstorm out here. Makes work much easier—
Potlid W-Watch out! Out of the way. Out of the way—
I-I can't stoppppppp—!
[Potlid loses control of her cart and crashes into the other customer.]
<Background fades out>
General Storekeeper Crikey, who's having such a little kid cart all these things? Don't they know this street goes downslope...?
...Little girl, you with me? You think you got brain damage?
<Background fades in>
Potlid *sobs*...
I'm okay! I'm not a baby anymore! I'll be fine!
Ah! It took me so much work to pile up the pots and dishes. Now they're all over the ground...
The little girl prepares to bend down to pick up a big pot. At the same time, a hand reaches out for it.
The two both take a reflexive step back; Potlid nervously tugs her own sleeve.
Reticent Customer ......
Potlid Um... Miss, I can pick these things up myself. You don't have to help me.
Reticent Customer Okay.
Potlid Also, thanks for stopping my hand truck there!
Reticent Customer Yeah, you didn't say you wanted to stop, but there's a recycling facility up ahead. It wouldn't be good if you crashed into it.
Potlid Huh...? Okay, you have a point!
I'm sorry, Mister. My things are blocking your shop's entrance. I'll clean it all up right away!
General Storekeeper It's fine, little girl. Take your time.
Potlid Hmm...
Oh, hold on, so this is the "Tinny Longears" general store.
Mister, I'm here to talk business!
General Storekeeper Business? Hahaha... shouldn't someone be watching you?
Potlid I don't need her to help me with this. She has her own work to do. We're dividing and conquering.
General Storekeeper Mhm... Alright. Wait here for a sec.
Girl, you picked out a sandbeast yet?
Reticent Customer ......
Let me have another look.
General Storekeeper I'll deal with the little girl first, then. C'mon, what are you buying?
Potlid First things first. I need to sell some things before I buy anything.
Take a look at these pots and pans, as well as this Originium gas cooker. I'm selling them all. I heard that second-hand kitchenware that's kept well and clean sells for a lot of money.
General Storekeeper *cough*, *cough*... A pot so scorched, even its handle's black, a fork with broken teeth, and scrap sheet metal... You're trying to sell this?
Potlid With the money I make from selling these and the change in my purse, I know I'll have enough for a safety valve, an electrode holder, spray paint...
General Storekeeper *sigh*, how about this? Bring everything you want to buy to the counter. I'll give you a discount and take your wares based on the total price. Whatever's left over, I won't take.
Potlid Nuh-uh, I have to sell all these things.
General Storekeeper I can treat you to a cold carrot.
[Potlid's ears twitch in excitement.]
Potlid Okay!
General Storekeeper It's a deal, then. Let's see. This gas cooker is more than enough. Take the rest of that garbage back with you, okay?
Potlid On second thought... nuh-uh.
General Storekeeper You're a weird one, little girl... Why are you insisting on selling all those things? If you didn't look like such a nice little bun, I'd be thinking you committed some kind of crime and came here to get rid of evidence.
And let's be real. I don't know you from Bruce. How am I supposed to just offload the garbage you hauled here? What if you turn out to be an Infected?
Potlid ......
I knew it! An afternoon wasn't going to be enough to sell all of it! Nuh-uh, I told her, and she didn't believe me.
Alright, I'll have to report back, then think of something!
General Storekeeper Hold on, little one. Who sent you?
Potlid Huh? Lanns. Alanna of the Barrenlands.
General Storekeeper Alright, alright. I don't know you, but I do know her. Look at her dumping her work on a little girl like you. Not that I'm surprised.
Here, a footstool. That way you can get a better view while I tally the numbers up. Tell her I'll take her things for now, and whenever she gets a day off, she owes me a meal.
Potlid Huh? Why the change of heart...?
Hm, I guess it's fair. I'm not a kid anymore. If I'm asked to do something, I get it done.
General Storekeeper What's the matter? You're weren't happy when I wouldn't "talk business," and you're also unhappy that I'm taking these off your hands?
Potlid Huh? Yeah, nah. I've been happy the whole time.
Hmm... the safety valve model that Lanns told me to get's not on the shelf.
General Storekeeper Let's see...
Didn't this model go obsolete ages ago? Ever since the union set the regs, the guidebook's been full of tips to never buy that junk again.
Potlid Nuh-uh, I have to go look for it elsewhere. I'll find it! Mister, look after the hand truck for me!
[Potlid runs off.]
General Storekeeper *sigh*... I really need to talk to Alanna about this.
What about you, Miss? Have you picked one yet? Or do you have something else in mind?
Reticent Customer ......
<Background 2>
Alanna Agh, what do I even do with you? Gimme the spanner. I'll do it. I know my ute better than anybody else.
Charlie the Sproglet Hey, you hired me for this, Alanna. You want to save yourself some money, come out and say it.
Alanna I'm not always tight on money like your broke arse. I'm no alcoholic, and I don't drive my truck so bad that it breaks down every other day.
Besides, if I do less work than you, how am I supposed to boast to Potlid about my skills?
Charlie the Sproglet Hahaha, that little runt...?
This thing we're taking apart right now. That's where she sleeps, right?
Alanna Uh-huh.
Charlie the Sproglet Hahahaha, really?! Alright, I'll give it to you. I lost this time.
We all thought you were just talking big.
Given your temper, shouldn't you have made her somebody else's problem a long time ago?
Alanna ......
Charlie the Sproglet —Uh, my bad. Stop glaring.
Alanna My temper? Hmph, who do you even think I am? I took her in because all of you bet against me having the patience to take care of a kid, and I wasn't going to take that slander lying down.
Look down on me again, and the next time I'm back, I'll kick a ball into your faces.
Charlie the Sproglet Eh, it's mainly that we haven't seen her the last two years. We only have your word to go on.
You got your treads chewed by a big beckbeast, you swapped the control valve at the last minute under Catastrophe clouds to speed up your transport, you caught a passenger that got blasted into the sky by a geyser... Everything you say is like it's all happened.
Alanna That all actually happened, I'm telling you.
Charlie the Sproglet Fine, it happened. Now why did you keep her locked away in the truck the whole time, never letting her out to spend time with the rest of us?
—Surely she didn't want to stay shut up in there?
...If that's really the case, what are you planning to do tomorrow when the truck's out of commission?
Alanna ......
...I'll figure something out once I get to Carrot's. The company has to give me a new route, right?
Charlie the Sproglet You'll figure something out... Hold on, you're going to Iron Carrot City to wait for a new route instead of staying here?
You're never coming back?
<Background 4>
Potlid Hm, this is the only one I could get... It's not quite what Lanns told me to find, but the shop said we should at least be able to plug it in. It'll be fine.
It's getting dark. If I don't hurry and get back, we won't finish everything we have to do.
Lanns... should be back too by now?
Jittery Passenger Uh, little girl, hello? You're walking kinda leisurely, not like you're trying to catch a ride...
Potlid Huh? Do I look leisurely? Hehe...
Jittery Passenger If I might have a little of your time, would you happen to know when the last transport to Iron Carrot City leaves?
Potlid Half past nine at night.
I know that route better than anybody.
Jittery Passenger Oh, okay. Appreciate it, kid.
Half past nine... I still have some time.
Potlid *sigh*, I'm really worried about Lanns for some reason. What's going on...?
There is an old, abandoned workshop belonging to the vehicle located at the city transport gateway. Its lights, familiar as ever, can be seen through its windows.
Potlid wipes the dust off the window and peeks inside—
<Background 5>
The passage leading to the exit bears the "workplace fatigue" from the workers' frantic movement, all the loading and unloading they perform every day.
They say the passage is old and smoothed out, just like the bottom of the tin lunch box that the old factory director has used and washed for two decades.
As the workers cheer on, a metal ball, or more precisely, an amalgamation of a variety of scrap metals compressed together and polished into a ball, is dropped onto the smooth surface.
The ball rolls forward.
Worker "Brake" Good shot, mate!
Worker "Motor" Beautiful, and you knocked them all down in one go... Good one, Alanna!
Worker "Brake" Let's see. Eighteen, nineteen... You're ahead by twenty. How are we supposed to catch up?
Charlie, you sproglet. Let's call it quits while our score doesn't look too terrible. Don't embarrass the factory!
Charlie the Sproglet Alright, alright. Just shut up and watch. Let me show you wankers what a perfect shot looks like.
Instead of worrying about me, maybe start racking your brains to figure out how we'll decorate tonight's send-off party for Alanna...
First, we'll make it a welcome party. We'll welcome Alanna as a proper member of the Rustdreg Town motor pool family.
Worker "Motor" Really now? If you don't knock all the pins down in this one go, you aren't getting another shot at it.
Charlie the Sproglet Put a sock in it.
He bends down to put the fallen pins upright, and rubs his hands against his trouser pockets, his sweat leaving a clearly visible mark on the fabric.
He picks up the ball, places his toes just slightly before the foul line, and stares straight ahead—
Alanna Hold on.
Charlie, that's enough.
Charlie the Sproglet Huh?
Alanna I'm in the lead for now, and you still have a chance to overtake me. We could put our argument on hold—Considering the score, it should be an acceptable outcome for both of us.
Let's call it a draw. What do you say?
Charlie the Sproglet ......
Alanna, forget this place. There's not a single person in all the matches ever played in the RMIA who ever tried to pull a trick like this.
If I'm remembering right, we agreed that if I win, you stay. If you win, we won't keep you, and you can go wherever.
And now you're asking for a draw...? What do you want us to do? Cut you in half and have one half drive your truck, while the other half stays here?
Or are you going to spend half of your time on your new life and the other half with your old friends?
Alanna I'll pass. I'm not like those new factory district reps.
They announce their newest expansion plans at their morning conferences, supervise mine work in the afternoons, and go to some boring social engagements in the evenings.
I've got more than enough on my plate, and I can't be in two places at once. I only have enough sanity in me to hold the gear lever, at most leaning one ear closer to the passengers to eavesdrop on their funny stories.
So, here's my suggestion—
I'll head to Carrot's to get everything dealt with. The next time I'm back, I'll talk to all of you about joining the motor pool.
Charlie the Sproglet So you're saying you're never coming back!
Why? Because of our bet? Because of that little kid?
[Potlid steps into the workshop.]
Potlid Lanns?
Alanna ...Potlid?
Potlid Wh-Wh-Why are you bowling here? Didn't you... Didn't you say you had lots to take care of?
Alanna Uh, we haven't settled our bet, so of course I have to take care of this—
Potlid (Sighs)
(Whispers) Lanns... you lazy cystybeast.
Potlid raises her hand up high and shoves Alanna's shoulder as hard as she can.
Her sleeve slides down to reveal a black, irregularly-shaped crystal cluster. Not even the bracelet that Alanna gave her is able to hide its luster.
Potlid Hm? Why are your friends all looking at me?
Alanna —Ugh, they're just curious. Come, we're going back to the ute.
<Background 2>
<Background fades out and in>
[Alanna shows off the newly renovated truck to Potlid.]
Potlid Woah...
Alanna What do you think? I'm willing to bet no one could tell that just four hours ago, there used to be an illegal kitchen here, right?
That's what you get with the best vehicle makeover hands in the entire district. It's not every day I get to put my skills to work.
Potlid Yep, I really can't tell at all...
But Lanns... You didn't tell me you were taking it apart...
...Even so, it's amazing!
You told me the work we had left was a huge pain, and you might not finish if you had to do it all alone. Isn't that why you asked me to buy all those things?
But not only are you all done, you're bowling with the men here. You're even having a lolly water and reading magazines!
Alanna Uh, haha, but of course.
Anyhow, we only have three minor problems left now.
First off, we need to use spraypaint to cover up the smoke damaged wall here. Let me show you how it works first. After that, you have fun with the other two cans.
Potlid I think I might've started a few too many fires...
Alanna Next, we have the power plant pipeline's safety valve.
Potlid Oh, I couldn't find the kind you wanted. Does that mean...?
Does that mean we won't be able to hand in the truck tomorrow?
Alanna Don't worry. I knew you wouldn't be able to find a model that old.
Potlid Ehh...?
Alanna You see, we're getting our truck inspected and upgraded because even though all the other parts are fairly new, the power plant is too old.
No one cared about it before, but the unions in Big Pillar have been clamoring for standardization.
Hah, 'standardization.' Sounds like a pretty cool word, right? You can think of it as setting up rules.
The old power plant's problems don't bother me, but the union says they're switching over to the top-of-the-line thingies in the ads for our own good, and I think they have a point.
Anyway, it's because ours is against the rules that we're going to get a new one from a transport company in Carrot's tomorrow. We'll be fine, even if this valve isn't a perfect fit.
We just have one last run. As long as it gets our ute to its final destination, it's more than enough.
And if we end up having to use the backup pipeline, then... I'll need you to help me out.
Just like before, I'll ask you to go down to the power plant to take a look at things, and you'll need to report anything that seems off right away.
Potlid Mm... Okay!
Alanna Finally...
This is the 'Decommissioning Report' we need to hand over to the station when we leave. Once we're gone, we aren't coming back.
Potlid ......
Alanna stops for a bit and glances at Potlid.
Alanna Hah, all these silly formalities, right? And they barely gave me any heads up. I asked Thick Palm Parker to teach me how to fill out the form, and it took two whole hours. I didn't have time to take it to the station today.
You did pretty good today, so I'll turn in this report tomorrow morning on my own. You can stay in the toolroom and sleep in!
Potlid Hmm...
Alanna If you're sad, it's okay to let it out...
Potlid ...If we get a route change, you probably won't get a lot of chances to see your mates here, right?
Alanna Huh?
Potlid That's why I'll hand in the report tomorrow!
That way, you can spend a bit more time with your mates, and you won't be so sad over not seeing them anymore!
My kitchen's gone now, but when we get to our new home, once our house is built, I'll make the sweet meat soup that always put a smile on your face.
Alanna Haha, sounds good.
[Alanna gives the other Cautus a good smack on the back.]
Potlid Ugh! You slapped my back too hard!
Alanna You're growing up, aren't you? You'll get used to it.
Okay, now catch.
Tonight, I'll let you have lolly waters with me and go to bed an hour later than before.
<Background 4>
Potlid *yawn*—So tired.
But I won't get lost! I'm not a little kid. I can read a map!
Yep, take a turn here, go upstairs right ahead...
Huh...? The man from yesterday is still there. Did he miss his ride?
Not only is he sitting in the same place, he's in the same pose, and looks just as depressed. Wow, incredible...
Jittery Passenger Oh, it's you, little girl... G-Good morning... Perfect timing.
Uh, when's the earliest truck to Iron Carrot City today?
Potlid At 6:20.
I'm actually that truck's—No, I mean... I'm taking that truck, too!
Jittery Passenger Looks like I'll make it...
Potlid I can take you there. That way, you won't miss it!
Jittery Passenger N-N-No thanks!
Sorry, I... I really appreciate it, but... uh, I want to sit here a little longer.
Potlid Are you... waiting for someone?
Jittery Passenger Me? No, I... Uh, what makes you think that?
<Flashback starts here>
Familiar Kind Man Come, Warmy. No more waiting. Let's go back into the hut tonight.
These things happen.
<Flashback ends here>
Potlid Because...
It's a very normal thing to wait for someone.
Okay, I'll be on my way. Bye bye! I hope you'll get to see the person you're waiting for!
[Potlid hurries off.]
Jittery Passenger No, um, I'm scared to death... I don't want to see...
...*sigh*, Cautus kids sure run quick... I should, uh, thank her nonetheless.
<Background 6>
Office PA Next. Bring your documents into the office.
Potlid (Stands on tiptoes) How far away is the office? I can't see it at all from the line...
What should I do? It's almost time to leave. I don't think I'll get it handed in time.
So many people here this early. Maybe luck's not on my side. Even a big girl can't help it when she's unlucky.
No-Nonsense Woman *Sigh*, yeah, there are too many people here. Nothing wrong with the union trying to make the event seem more above-board, but they didn't have to handle both beauty pageant registrations and government forms in the exact same place, did they?
This is almost exactly how everybody used to line up in front of Grandma's room to complain!
Good thing I'm taking care of this. If it'd been the Doctor or Amiya here, it would've been a huge headache, what with how much work they have on their hands.
*sigh*, Amiya, Amiya... She's just a teenager. Why exactly does she have so much on her shoulders...?
Right, little girl, you said you were in a rush? Small and waifish as you are, you wouldn't be here for the beauty pageant, right?
Potlid Huh? N-No, I'm here to hand in our "Decommissioning Report." Here, it's this one!
If we don't hand it in today, then it won't get decommissioned, right...?
No-Nonsense Woman Oh, now that's easy. Just let me take care of it.
Potlid Huh—?
But it's our truck that's getting decommissioned... Do you know Lanns?
No-Nonsense Woman Yeah, nah.
But you couldn't be the driver, could you?
Potlid Um, no...
No-Nonsense Woman Yep, yep. That's what I am talking about. The report just needs to be handed in. Doesn't matter who does the handing.
I need to line up here anyway. Taking your report to the office desk there is nothing. Just leave it to me, and get back to your ride!
Oh... why so glum? Is there still something worrying you?
Potlid Huh? Do I look...? No, I can't be like this.
Um... Here, the report.
Thanks, Miss. You're too kind!
No-Nonsense Woman (This girl's condition...)
Here, kid. This is for you.
Potlid Um... it's a card?
No-Nonsense Woman A business card. Remember to give it to your family. Might come in handy one day.
<Background 2>
Alanna Hurry up! The passengers will be here any minute!
[Potlid clambers onto the truck.]
Potlid *pant*, *pant*... Coming!
Alanna You're gonna have to hide in the toolroom this trip.
Potlid I'll be fine. Remember, I stayed in there for a long time in the beginning!
Alanna Also, you can still use the little terminal here to check the monitoring screens. You can see every person on the truck... Guess I didn't have to say, huh?
Potlid Yeah.
Alanna Alright, I'm off to the driver's cabin.
<Background 1>
Potlid ......
I finished so much in such a short amount of time.
Even though I ran into lots of trouble, and even though Lanns said there probably wasn't enough time... we still managed to get the ute into shape to hand back, and we took care of all the paperwork.
Oh, the man from the station finally made it in. Thank goodness... Right, I even helped someone with the schedule.
All-Transport-Trucks Broadcast The transport vehicle's entrance is now closed. The vehicle will soon be powered on. Please take your seats or find a suitable area to affix your folding chair, bench, or mat...
Potlid ...I did such a great job, I should be happy, even proud of myself!
But, but...
I don't care what happens, I wish our truck didn't have to be retired—!
I... I still haven't got to see...
All-Transport-Trucks Broadcast This vehicle's being hijacked. We're heading to the Grinning Valley.
Potlid ...Huh?
Potlid looks at the display panel where the driver cabin's monitoring screen is shown.
<Background fades out>
The unfamiliar voice heard through the broadcast belongs to the strange woman she met yesterday. She's holding Alanna's broadcast mic with one hand.
Her other hand is steadily holding her crossbow, with its bolt pressed against the side of Alanna's neck.
She stares at Potlid with a cold glare through the monitoring camera's lens, perhaps noticing the subtle movement of its shift in angle.
All-Transport-Trucks Broadcast Anyone not heading to the Grinning Valley can get off now, driver included.
<Background fades in>
Potlid Huh...? It's a real truckjacking?