Afraid to Return Home

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Afraid to Return Home A Death in Chunfen
Yanese Villager Male icon.png
Agitated Villager
Male Yumenite A icon.png
Shanhaizhong Member icon.png
Panicked Shanhaizhong Member
Yanese Villager Male icon.png
Plowing Villager
Security Guard
Yumen Desert
Cave Entrance
Yan Inn
Cold Forest
Moushan Lot
Sargon House
After leaving Yumen, Qiubai searches for the remnants of the Shanhaizhong gang. Her chase leads her into their den, where she finds a child. After confirming that he only ended up there because of a misunderstanding, she decides to escort him home.
Mom, is Dad going far away again? For how long this time?
The snow and ice upon the river are about to melt. The rain this year has been just right, and it doesn't seem like there will be a drought or a flood.
The newly reclaimed land upstream isn't a whole lot, but it should be enough to grow rice for the family to eat.
Mom, can you try talking Dad out of it? So he can set aside his 'business'? I don't want new clothes or beautiful jewelry. I just want us to have an ordinary family life. That's what's most important.
I'm... kind of scared...
<Background black>
From a poor village to a prosperous town, from green saplings to a field of weeds.
Straw shoes traverse a thousand li, from tall mounts and vast lakes comes one's home.
<Background 1>
[A young Liberi runs across the desert.]
Panicked Youth *pant*... *pant*....
There's a cliff... up ahead...
[The cliff collapses before the youth.]
Panicked Youth Dammit! I'm really not gonna get away this time...
Don't panic, you can't afford to lose your cool... Even if you can't win in a fight, there should be enough traps along the way to make her eat it.
When I manage to catch her, I'm gonna need to teach her a hard lesson... for daring to look down on me...
[Qiubai catches up with the youth.]
Qiubai Tired of running yet?
Panicked Youth How did you–
Stay back!
Qiubai You look young, but you've got a hefty bag of tricks. Did the one who taught you to hunt ever tell you that traps meant for beasts won't hold a man?
Besides, aren't you worried that you'd land yourself an extra charge if someone were to fall into one of your traps? Intentional damages?
Panicked Youth What a joke... intentional damage? That's nothing! I've got a rap sheet... too long to list!
Qiubai So what you're telling me is, if I strike you down here, then your death would be deserved?
Panicked Youth That's right!
I mean... no, definitely not!
You stay away from me!
[The youth reveals a bag full of explosive charges.]
Panicked Youth See this bag of explosives here? Come one step closer and I'll pull the trigger. No matter how good you are at kung fu, I'll take you down with me!
Qiubai ......
Alright, I'll stay put then. You answer my question.
Panicked Youth Don't think you're gonna get anything out of me!
Qiubai How did you come to know that band of robbers over in that cave?
Panicked Youth Hah, come to know them? I'm their leader.
You might've made short work of my boys, but don't get cocky. I swear, I'm gonna avenge them!
Qiubai Leader? At your age?
Panicked Youth Oh? Got a problem with that? Go ask every village within ten li and see who hasn't heard of the fearsome "Fang Xiaoshi."
You'd be scared to death if you knew the terrible things I've done!
Qiubai Ridiculous...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
Twelve hours earlier...
Panicked Shanhaizhong Member Xiaoshi! Boss!
[The youth, now known as Fang Xiaoshi, runs toward the Shanhaizhong member.]
Fang Xiaoshi What's going on? Our enemies looking for trouble?
Am I finally gonna get to fight someone? Can you bring me along this time?
Panicked Shanhaizhong Member Damn it all, the guys who went to Yumen somehow pissed off a she-devil! She's been rampaging through our men on her way here!
It's too late to pack your stuff, just start running!
Fang Xiaoshi What are you talking about? Just one woman?
You guys looked pretty tough when we were showing our moves before, so how come you can't even beat a lone woman?
Panicked Shanhaizhong Member Shut up!
Cut the crap. Where's the burdenbeast you were in charge of?
Fang Xiaoshi Um... I sold it.
Panicked Shanhaizhong Member You sold it?!
Fang Xiaoshi Weren't you the one who told me to take it to get something to eat?
Panicked Shanhaizhong Member You dumbass! I told you to ride the burdenbeast into town to trade the gems we looted, and you sold off the burdenbeast too?!
Fang Xiaoshi That bags of rocks? The butcher didn't even know what those things were.
He saw our burdenbeast was pretty sturdy, so he gave me a good price. Half in cash, the other half in jerky.
Panicked Shanhaizhong Member You little––!
Fang Xiaoshi How long have we been stuck in these mountains? What's the point raising a stupid burdenbeast anyway? It ate more than us, and who knows when it might've attracted another tuskbeast over.
Panicked Shanhaizhong Member Ma de![note 1] Why'd I ever pick up a little shit like you? You're gonna be the death of me! Why I oughta–
[The Shanhaizhong member is struck from behind and falls dead as Qiubai reveals herself.]
Qiubai What's a kid doing here?
Fang Xiaoshi Who... who the hell are you?
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Qiubai No wounds. Guess you weren't involved in what happened in Yumen.
I know Shanhaizhong's depravity well, but I never expected them to get a little kid involved... Looks like there really is no limit to how low these people will stoop.
Fang Xiaoshi I have no idea what you're talking about!
Hey, lemme cut you a sweet deal. I'll let you off the hook for taking out my boys, for the time being.
[Xiaoshi steps back.]
Fang Xiaoshi Step aside, and I'll pretend I never saw you. Then, we'll each go our own way–
Qiubai I didn't give you permission to leave.
Fang Xiaoshi I told you, stay back!
Last warning! I've got explosives...
The boy feels only a gust of wind blowing past him. The cloth bag in his arms is ripped apart, beast jerky and various knickknacks fall to the ground.
Among the knickknacks is a protective talisman carved from a wooden plaque strung on a thick iron key. Painted upon it in conspicuous vermilion brush-strokes are the characters, "Moushan Village."
Qiubai A talisman... from Moushan?
[Xiaoshi tries to get the talisman back from Qiubai.]
Fang Xiaoshi Give it back!
Qiubai Is this the key to your home?
Fang Xiaoshi What's it to you?!
Qiubai A kid with a family to go back to should not be running around like this.
You're still young, so it's not your fault you don't understand the people you've gotten mixed up with... But, you at least should be able to tell good from evil.
Even if you weren't a part of their plot, if their accomplices ever came knocking on your door, do you know what would happen to you?
Fang Xiaoshi Who are you to lecture me on good and evil?
Qiubai I could also take you to the authorities, and you could explain yourself there.
Though, that would be a little troublesome for me as well...
I'll take you home and let your family sort things out.
Fang Xiaoshi No way!
I'm not going back! Over my dead body!
Qiubai That's not for you to decide.
The boy pulls a short knife from his waist. He extends his arms out straight, and the tip of the knife shakes uncontrollably.
Fang Xiaoshi Don't make me do this!
A real man's not scared of death. How can he just bow his head and surrender?
I'm not going with you, no matter what. Kill me, if you have what it takes–
Qiubai Very well–
Though the woman is clearly two meters away from him, the moment her voice rings next to his ear, the same side of his body goes numb.
Before he can react, a cold blade is already pressed against his throat.
Fang Xiaoshi ......
Qiubai So, you're afraid of death after all.
Good. That means you're not a complete idiot.
[Qiubai sheathes her sword.]
Qiubai There will always come a time when a man must answer for his words and actions. Anyone can say stupid things, but not everyone has fortune on his side.
Fang Xiaoshi What... do you want from me...?
Qiubai Show me the way. I'm taking you home.
<Background 3>
This is the last town before the mountains, and there is only one inn to be found.
The place is not particularly spacious, and the two occupy a table in the corner.
The moment the boy's rump lands on the chair, his gaze starts darting around left to right, causing the patrons at the next table to look over.
Qiubai gently places her sword on the table.
Qiubai No one can save you.
Fang Xiaoshi I know, I know. Stop pulling that thing out to threaten people for no reason.
<Background fades out and in>
They have been traveling for two weeks. One chases, the other flees. One is angered, the other cowers. Yet through this, they've formed a tacit understanding of sorts.
Innkeeper Head due north from this town, pass through a deserted forest, and you'll see a river at the northernmost end. On the other side is a mountainous area, and there's only one way in. Just follow the road and it'll take you there.
There should be a few villages in the mountains, but I've heard some have relocated over the years. Can't say for sure if the 'Moushan Village' you're looking for is still there.
Qiubai How much longer do you think it'll take?
Innkeeper The mountain roads are hard to traverse. Even if you try to rush it, it'll probably still take a week.
Oh right, spring is coming. The weather's starting to warm up, and beasts will be on the move. Be careful, if you're in a hurry.
Qiubai Appreciate it.
[Qiubai looks at Xiaoshi.]
Qiubai You told me you left home to "become an adventurer," but it turns out you haven't made it far from home... At first, I thought you were deliberately leading me the wrong way.
Fang Xiaoshi Well, the Jianghu is big, and I barely just set out on my journey before I ran into you...
Besides, I'm not stupid. If I led you to some uninhabited wilderness, wouldn't we both starve to death?
Even if I was trying to get away, I'd come up with a better idea.
Qiubai You sure know how to handle yourself.
Let's eat first. Who knows when next we'll be able to have a good meal after we leave town.
Order whatever you'd like.
Fang Xiaoshi Anything? You're paying?
Qiubai I don't have much on me, so if I end up not having enough to cover it, I'll leave you behind to do dishes.
Innkeeper You jest, my friend. A small eatery like this only has enough offerings to sate your hunger.
Fang Xiaoshi Ugh, you'd better not expect me to hold back. Hand me the menu!
I want this one, this one, this one... Actually, give me one of everything!
Innkeeper Excuse me, young sir, are you sure the two of you can...?
Fang Xiaoshi (Writes on the table with tea)
Innkeeper Huh...?
Fang Xiaoshi ("I've been kidnapped–")
Innkeeper (*gasps*) ––!
Fang Xiaoshi ("Get help–")
[Qiubai asks Xiaoshi,]
Qiubai Are you done yet?
Fang Xiaoshi Almost. Let's go with this for now!
Innkeeper Okay... Alright...
[The innkeeper leaves as Xiaoshi starts to walk away.]
Qiubai Where are you going?
Fang Xiaoshi To the washroom. What, are you gonna follow me?
Qiubai ......
Don't try any funny business.
[Xiaoshi leaves to the washroom as the innkeeper informs the security,]
Innkeeper That kid just signaled to me that he's been kidnapped...
I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when those two walked in. I thought they were just siblings... I have no idea what's going on...
Security Guard Are they inside right now?
Qiubai ......
<Background 4>
[Xiaoshi runs through the forest.]
Fang Xiaoshi Phew...
That woman... wouldn't follow me here, right...?
Hmph! Keep dreaming, if you think you can catch me.
What awful luck...
So much for the Shanhaizhong. I thought I was joining a pretty awesome gang, but they ended up getting taken out by one woman... And now, I'm running for my life here.
Didn't make any money, didn't learn kung fu, and even the bag of jerky I got out of it is gone now.
Fang Xiaoshi sits down on the cold, hard ground.
He curses twice, but that sound is overpowered by his stomach growling.
A young man wandering the Jianghu, the world of kung fu, his growling belly empty; the sky is high and the clouds distant, nothing around him but vast emptiness.
Fang Xiaoshi I should've had a couple mouthfuls of food before running off... Where am I supposed to go now...?
Qiubai I told you, you only get three strikes.
[Xiaoshi was shocked...]
Fang Xiaoshi How did you–
[ Qiubai reveals herself.]
Qiubai My patience has limits.
Fang Xiaoshi Why won't you just leave me alone?!
Qiubai If I leave you alone in the wilderness, you'll die.
Fang Xiaoshi So what if I die? What do you care?!
My whole life, nobody's ever given a damn if I live or die.
Qiubai Why should others care about a life that you don't yourself want?
Fang Xiaoshi What the hell do you know...?
You've never experienced a life of wandering ever since you were a kid, living by yourself with nobody to rely on.
Qiubai ......
Fang Xiaoshi Stop being all pretentious! How could a powerful swordswoman like you possibly understand–
[A loud roar is heard.]
Fang Xiaoshi (*gasps*) ––!
The boy turns around, only to realize that he is not the only hungry creature in the woods. From the trees' dusky, mottled shadows, a tuskbeast slowly emerges.
The tuskbeast's blood-red eyes flicker like candles in the dark night, its low-pitched growls making the grass and trees quiver and cower.
Fang Xiaoshi H-Help...
Qiubai Don't move!
Fang Xiaoshi I'm not...
Qiubai Don't make a sound. Don't run. And don't turn your back on it.
Don't panic. Make your way towards me slowly. Get behind me...
Fang Xiaoshi I... can't...
[The tuskbeast pounces...]
Qiubai Careful now–
[...but Qiubai pushes Xiaoshi out of the way and strikes it.]
<Background fades out>
Perhaps due to the loose fallen leaves beneath his feet, perhaps due to his nerves, the boy staggers and falls to the ground.
The tuskbeast catches the scent of his fear, keenly seizing the opportunity to hunt. It rushes out at almost the same time as the swordswoman.
On the battlefield, the claws of the tuskbeast should have been no threat at all to the sword.
Had there not been a child in need of protection behind it.
[Qiubai is heard cutting down the tuskbeast.]
<Background fades in>
[Qiubai gave Xiaoshi a jerky.]
Qiubai Here, eat up.
I ruined your jerky, so here's some roast to make up for it.
Fang Xiaoshi Are you okay?
Qiubai In what way?
Are you talking about the scratch I got from the tuskbeast, or about how mad you've made me?
[Xiaoshi gave Qiubai a medicine.]
Fang Xiaoshi This... is for you.
It's medicine my dad taught me how to make. He always takes it with him when he goes hunting, and it's good for treating scratches and bites from wild beasts.
Qiubai How do I know there's no poison in it?
Fang Xiaoshi ......
The boy draws out his knife and makes a deep cut, then pours some powder out from the medicine bottle to apply to the wound.
Though he grits his teeth in pain, he firmly resolves to not utter a sound.
Fang Xiaoshi Now do you trust me?
Qiubai ......
Fang Xiaoshi You sure took your sweet time, but you're still my hero.
Hmph. So this is what tuskbeast meat tastes like... Ugh, it's tough and gamey.
Qiubai Consider yourself lucky to get to eat cooked meat in the wilderness at all.
Fang Xiaoshi You do have a point... When I was with those men up in the mountains, it'd be months between a single bite of meat.
Qiubai Are you talking about your "boys?" Even the villains known far and wide couldn't get enough food to eat?
Fang Xiaoshi Why are you making fun of me...?
Qiubai I've seen my fair share of kids your age running away from home after arguing with their family, but I've never met a kid so desperate to be the bad guy.
Fang Xiaoshi ...I don't want people looking down on me.
What does it matter if you're good or bad? If nobody's scared of you, then you're gonna get bullied.
Qiubai Who taught you that nonsense?
Fang Xiaoshi I figured it out myself... from experience!
Qiubai You're only half-correct.
When you become feared, it's true that nobody will bully you anymore. Instead, they'll join hands to get rid of you.
The only way avoid making enemies is to avoid treating others as enemies.
Fang Xiaoshi I... can I ask you a question?
Your kung fu is so powerful... Where did you learn it?
Qiubai If you get thrown out there to fend for yourself across the Jianghu for five years, then get tossed into war for another five, you'll be at a similar level. If you survive.
Also, I had an exceptionally strong teacher.
Fang Xiaoshi Even stronger than you?
Qiubai Much stronger.
Fang Xiaoshi Then, if I train hard from now on, how long would it take for me to reach your level?
Qiubai Ten years.
Fang Xiaoshi Ten years?!
Qiubai Assuming you survived, that is.
Fang Xiaoshi M-Ma'am...
Qiubai What did you just call me?
Fang Xiaoshi What would you say to taking me as your disciple?
I'll follow you. Whether you're a wanderer or a hero, you'll be my master from now on!
Qiubai I'm not taking disciples. And I'm not about to just casually hand my kung fu to somebody else.
Besides, with how crafty you are, if you use the techniques I taught you to do evil, wouldn't that be my fault?
Fang Xiaoshi I promise! If you teach me kung fu, and I become as strong as you and nobody bullies me, I'll obey every word you say and be a good person just like you.
Qiubai You think I'm a good person?
Fang Xiaoshi I... I think so...?
After all, you saved me and gave me food to eat...
You're so strong, but you still spend money to buy things instead of stealing. You're nothing like the others.
Qiubai So, you're not totally incapable of telling good from evil.
Fang Xiaoshi But, I still don't understand why you're trying to save me.
Is it because heroes like you always butt into people's business?
Qiubai You've already asked me several questions.
Fang Xiaoshi Ma'am... You don't have to take me as your disciple, but at least let me follow you. Anywhere's fine, just don't force me to go home.
Qiubai I want to ask you something as well.
I can see you still keep the keys to your home with you, so why do you refuse to go back?
Fang Xiaoshi ...I'm not ready yet.
When I ran away from home, I made up my mind that I wouldn't go back until I've done something worthwhile.
Qiubai Are your folks still there?
Fang Xiaoshi I haven't seen my mom as long as I can remember, but my dad should still be there... I don't have any other relatives.
Qiubai All the more reason for you to go home. You have the heart to make your father worry about you?
Fang Xiaoshi I don't think me going back would make him happy... Everyone in the village hates me, looks down on me, and bullies me... You wouldn't understand at all.
Qiubai Same thing I told you before. If you want to get along with people, don't treat them as your enemies.
Besides, how much hatred could anyone possibly have for a boy your age?
Fang Xiaoshi I said it, didn't I? I've done a ton of bad things. You'd be scared to death if I listed 'em off for you.
In other words, I'd rather die than keep living as a nobody.
Qiubai You wouldn't say that, if only you knew how many people there are across this land who'd do anything for a chance to live.
Fang Xiaoshi Forget it. I can't beat you in a fight or in an argument. Whatever you say goes, I guess.
But one more question: why won't you let me follow you?
Qiubai A life of wandering has its risks. For a boy like you, it's better to have a place to call home than to be adrift outside.
Fang Xiaoshi What about you then? Where's your home?
Qiubai ...My home is long gone.
Fang Xiaoshi What does that even mean? Was it a Catastrophe, or was it demolished to make way for a nomadic city?
Qiubai Long gone means long gone. The place is gone, and the people are gone.
Fang Xiaoshi We've been talking about me all day, but why don't you tell me about yourself? I mean, you haven't even told me your name!
Qiubai Qiubai. "Qiu" as in hatred, "bai" as in white snow.
I am a nobody, with no stories to tell.
Fang Xiaoshi Well, whatever. If you don't feel like talking, so be it. I know heroes like you love to act all mysterious.
Qiubai Some stories remain untold because they're unpleasant.
If you've eaten your fill, go rest up. There's a long road ahead of us, so conserve your energy.
<Background 5>
"Pass the woods, cross the river, and you'll enter the mountains."
Though it is less like a mountain, and more like a forest made up of mountains.
One mount connects to the next, the peak of one mountain connected to the foot of another. There is no end in sight, no road to traverse.
It's as if the happenings of the outside world have no bearing upon what occurs deep in the mountains. It is too remote, and even time itself can be walled off by distance.
Fang Xiaoshi We're almost there! It should be around here somewhere!
Qiubai You made one hell of a detour just to climb this mountain. What are you trying to do?
Fang Xiaoshi I heard that if you stand on the peak here, you can see all the way to Yumen!
Qiubai ......
The boy tries his best to stand on tiptoes, gazing westward from the cliff. The wild grass grows rampant, and he can see only a faint line of dark yellow at the farthest edge of the horizon. A look of disappointment creeps onto his face.
Qiubai knows that out of sight, the wounded nomadic city is still crawling along the barrens, nervously licking its wounds.
Qiubai I passed by here a few years ago. Used to be more desolate.
Fang Xiaoshi You've been here?
Qiubai It's been a while.
Fang Xiaoshi For the Chidao, right? Look over there!
On the other side of the cliff, a gray trail winds along the terrain and extends all the way to edge of the horizon, quite eye-catching in contrast to the barrens.
"Chidao," a Yanese infrastructure project for Catastrophe avoidance, resource transportation, and aiding people living in remote areas.
Tens of thousands of such roads interconnect more than a hundred nomadic cities across the country's endless wilderness.
It stretches across wild, untamed mountains and erects bridges over low-lying areas. The supply stations set up along the roads are like neatly-sectioned bamboo nodes, bringing life to every place they reach.
If it can be said that the gods abandoned this barren land, then humans are the ones who once again laid out its veins.
All under heaven is strife, but humanity does what it can.
Fang Xiaoshi After I left home, I would sometimes see Chidao construction teams. But, what's the point of repairing these roads?
It's not like they can pack up and leave the same way nomadic cities can, so won't they just get torn up when a Catastrophe hits?
Qiubai The places that nomadic cities don't reach depend on these roads.
Repairing them after they're destroyed is a matter of necessity. The material cost is irrelevant.
Qiubai But very few know... Very few remember, that there are always people doing this work.
Not long ago, a Catastrophe swept across this mountain headed for Yumen. It caused great damage to the city, but also left behind a heroic tale.
Out here, far from civilization, there were no casualties, no buildings destroyed, and little trace of what took place.
At this moment, only the construction team is still hard at work here, busy repairing this unassuming stretch of road.
Fang Xiaoshi I heard that following this road west will lead you to Yumen. You said you'd been all over the place before, so have you been to Yumen?
Qiubai I have.
Fang Xiaoshi When I was still hanging around those bandits, I heard they were getting some guys together for a big job in Yumen. But, they didn't think I could hold my own in a fight, so they wouldn't bring me along.
Qiubai Consider yourself lucky.
Fang Xiaoshi What kind of place is it? Are there lots of heroes with great kung fu? A bunch of mighty warriors and weapons?
Qiubai No... It's mostly just ordinary people, going about their ordinary days.
Yumen travels along the desert, and is always followed by the wind and sand. How could the people there possibly have an easy life?
Fang Xiaoshi I'm not afraid of hard work, as long as I get to do something meaningful... Sure beats being stuck in this stinky ol' ravine.
Either way, you're not gonna talk me out of it... I'm only heading back home because you told me to, but give me a bit to prepare, and I'll be back out on the road in no time!
I swear, the next time I stand here, the name of Fang Xiaoshi will be known far and wide—no, I'll become a hero known to all!
Qiubai You'd better worry about becoming a good person first. If I hear anything about your fearsome notoriety again, I'll pay you a visit you won't enjoy.
Fang Xiaoshi You always know how to rain on my parade...
Anyway, we'll reach Moushan after crossing this mountain.
I know the way back from here.
<Background 6>
The light of dawn clears away the mountain mist, and the wind carries a few wisps of chimney-smoke in oblique trails.
Unmelted snow can still be seen atop the peaks in the distance, plots of farmland spread out thinly along the foot of the mountains.
The heavy rain must've hit halfway through the plowing season, the soft soil that had been pushed into ridges washed into a muddy mess once more.
In the places that have not yet been plowed, clumps of soil are packed together tighter and tighter, the heads of wheat from the last crop still droop.
At the end of the Chunfen equinox, working the fields proves to be difficult.
The villagers in the fields put down the plows in their hands, straightening their backs while rubbing their waists.
Plowing Villager Took long enough for the sun to come out. Looks like today will be a fine day, with just the right amount of sunlight.
Gotta till the fields again while I still can...
[The plowing villager noticed Xiaoshi...]
Plowing Villager Is it really you?!
[...and walks toward him.]
Plowing Villager Fang Xiaoshi...? You're Fang Xiaoshi, aren't you?!
Fang Xiaoshi Oh, is that Uncle Dayuan? You bet, look who's back!
Why are you staring at me like that? Are you still mad about that one time I accidentally poured fertilizer into your burdenbeast feed trough?
Plowing Villager You... You're still alive?
Fang Xiaoshi Of course I am.
But, I haven't seen you in three years, and your back's gotten even more crooked.
Plowing Villager Jian gui le...[note 2] damn it all!
I've gotta go tell the Elder!
[The villager runs off.]
Fang Xiaoshi See, what'd I tell you? Everyone here hates me.
Qiubai Looks more to me like they're afraid of you.
How many bad things did you do to make everyone so scared?
Fang Xiaoshi You should ask who started it.
People are the same wherever you go. They always find the boy who's easiest to pick on... But now that I'm back, I'm not afraid of them anymore!
Qiubai ......
Fang Xiaoshi What, never seen such a run-down place before?
Qiubai All I'll say is you haven't seen anything yet.
Fang Xiaoshi Grr.
Qiubai But I can add, this is the first time I've seen a temple like that at the entrance to a village.
And over here, why's there a fresh grave?
Fang Xiaoshi Because people die. Is that so strange?
The only thing is, I dunno which family they're from or why they were buried next to the temple.
[Xiaoshi stops.]
Fang Xiaoshi Well, whatever. I might not know who you are... But if you're buried here, you were probably one of the villagers.
Death is a release anyway. At least your suffering's over.
The boy turns sideways and bows in the direction of the grave. Though his words are frank, his posture is serious.
Fang Xiaoshi We're almost there. My place is just up ahead.
Qiubai Why'd you stop?
Fang Xiaoshi I...
...Forget it. Can't hide from it anyway. I'm not afraid.
<Background black>
[Xiaoshi knocks the door.]
Fang Xiaoshi Dad, I'm back.
<Background 7>
He steps into a tiny shack of wood and mud, to find nobody inside. Various trinkets and knickknacks can be seen all around, but they are organized neatly.
Seeing the leftover food on the stove, the boy seems to let out a sigh of relief.
Fang Xiaoshi That's strange. All the stuff's still here, but nobody's home?
Maybe he's out in the fields? I'll go look for him.
<Background 6>
[While Xiaoshi looks for his father...]
Fang Xiaoshi Dad...? Dad?
Where are you...?
[...a throng of villagers are after him.]
Agitated Villager Stop him! Don't let him get away!


  1. Hanzi: 妈的, Pinyin: māde; "Screw it/shit/f**k it" in Mandarin
  2. Hanzi: 见鬼了, Pinyin: jiànguǐle; "What the hell" in Mandarin