One-way Tracks

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One-way Tracks To the Grinning Valley
Previous Boiling Point
Mercenary icon.png
Inspector A
Mercenary icon.png
Inspector B
Male Kuranta B icon.png
Charlie the Sproglet
Blank icon.svg
Security Officer
Blank icon.svg
Tired Driver
Rim Billiton Outback
Transport B
Container Yard
Old Warehouse
Alanna contends with the truckjacker and cajoles her into bringing the truck to a checkpoint to call for help, but security officers want to board the truck to check for Infected. She pleads in vain to protect Warmy, and ends up charging through the checkpoint gates with the truckjacker's help.
<Background 1>
A long and narrow strip of dust rises up from the sand, burying any tracks we've left. A scene I've seen too many times to count.
They call me "Alanna of the Barrenlands", but I'm defo no unstoppable sandstorm. Just a tumbleweed that stops and goes.
My bets with the workers are a stage for me to perform on, and my passengers' adventures are just more bragging fodder for me.
But... are those really my stories to tell?
The lone vehicle sails across the land, over the ashen-yellow desert sand, and under the dazzling golden sun.
It deviates from its usual path.
What is it looking for? What is it running from?
Well... what am
I looking for? What am I running from?
Alanna Weather's pretty good. You can even see the Originium clusters in the distance. Reckon we'll reach our destination without a hitch.
??? ......
Alanna Quiet again. Nothing you wanna say?
I've never met a passenger as boring as you in all my time as a driver.
??? What did you say?
[The truckjacker aims her weapon at her.]
Alanna Ah, never mind... Hey, d-d-don't—keep that thing down, why don't you?
??? What are you doing?
Alanna I just wanted to open the window for some fresh air! That's all, promise!
??? Alright.
Alanna Can you uh, get your big buddy away from my head first? We can talk this through.
<Background 2>
Truckjacker ......
Continue towards the Grinning Valley, and I won't hurt you.
Alanna Telling me that after hijacking my ute and pointing this toy cannon at my face? What's even in that thing?
Truckjacker Custom bolts. Infected creatures are afraid of them.
Alanna I was hoping you'd say "carrots" or "lollies" instead.
Well, no worries. I'm no Infected creature, so I probably shouldn't find it too scary.
But if you insist on keeping it pointed at my head—
If you pull the trigger, big IF here—if I croak, what's going to happen to the truck?
Truckjacker I can drive it.
Alanna Can you now? It's gonna spin out of control by the time you get your mauley on the lever.
It'll charge straight into a cliff, or crash into one of those Originium clusters. And then—
Truckjacker ......
Alanna Fine. Even if you can drive, and the truck doesn't go topsy-turvy...
Kill me if you want, but what about the other passengers? They...
Or that guy—what about that Zalak?
Truckjacker I gave everyone the chance to hop off, but no one took it.
I just need the vehicle.
Alanna Don't you find it strange? Why he didn't leave?
I'd be worried, if I were you.
A hit-and-run tearaway, an unlucky fella fed up with his job...
Or maybe, he's an undercover copper on your trail? Don't let all that trembling and shaking fool you, he might be hiding some real skills under his sleeve!
Everyone's hiding a secret or two, yeah? Nah?
Truckjacker ...Hmm.
Alanna And if you're wondering why I'm still here? As a company girl, I have to keep their property safe.
This ute's been with me for an awful long time, so emotion or logic-wise, I can't just give her up to a rando blow in.
This should've been its... Right, it's on its way to be reborn! It should've gone for Iron Carrot City, where millions of ore chunks go every day. The passengers would salute it when it enter the motor pool.
There, it'd be remodeled into a newer, cooler version. Install a tunnel boring module, for example. So it can head straight underground the next time a Catastrophe warning sounds.
Hah, I gotta thank you on behalf of my ute! The new life we were about to find in Carrot's is all gone! Couldn't have done it without ya, mate!
Truckjacker You talk so much, and so fast. Real bonzer.
Alanna ......
Truckjacker A new life? What's that about...
Isn't life the same everywhere...? There's nothing new or old to it, or different.
Alanna Fine, maybe you're right.
Y'know, even having my head suddenly up against some stranger's weapon isn't anything new to me.
Maybe that's something to be sad about.
Truckjacker ......
The truckjacker slowly lowers the giant crossbow.
Alanna Why'd you respond to that, of all things...? Whatever, I guess you do have some humanity in there.
Though, even if you want this for your own free charter, you've gotta be a bit more polite.
That's how you'll make us, the people you've dragged into this, happier to cooperate with you.
Truckjacker I didn't want to involve anyone else.
I asked around, and there shouldn't have been any passengers this time.
Alanna I get it. You've been planning this for a while, huh.
But you're bound to have a surprise or two, even if your crime's nice and premeditated.
Fine, let's just say my beat-up ute and I hit the jackpot.
Truckjacker When we get there, everyone's free to go.
I'll pay you too.
Alanna Wow-wee. Sure hope so.
Then, for your "private charter", we'll first go to the Grinning Valley—but you have to make sure everyone here's safe, and enough raising your crossbow willy-nilly.
Truckjacker Alright.
Alanna Good then, jacker—just sit tight and enjoy the view on the way to your stop!
<Background 3>
At some point in time, the truck gradually begins to slow down before coming to a halt.
It enters a checkpoint, joining the other vehicles waiting to clear, one after the other. The truck inches forward, bit by bit, every time the other trucks go through the gates.
Alanna used to hate this part, but now she wants the traffic jam to go on for as long as possible.
Because this way, she can be even more certain that she'll get her off-course truck back.
<Background 2>
Truckjacker Crowded.
Alanna Hah, probably just another international entrepreneur clearing the raw materials out of the nearby mines. They must be working overtime to deliver the goods.
They spill money like water, and make us road warriors suffer.
Truckjacker Why not go another way? This road is so congested.
Alanna We have to go through Green Meadow if we want to get to the Grinning Valley. No choice.
Truckjacker ......
Alanna But they don't really check much. Just collect the toll and register a name.
Truckjacker Alright.
Alanna (The truck behind needs to hurry up. Good, that's it, now we've got no way out.)
The truckjacker leaves her seat, walking down the narrow corridor as if to confirm the conditions outside, and returns after a moment.
On her way back, the sound of her footsteps sends Alanna's heartbeat racing.
Alanna can only see the truckjacker's hand gripping her crossbow through the rearview mirror.
The figure draped in olive shades covers all the junk reflected in the mirror before appearing in her peripheral vision and sitting next to Alanna once more.
Her expression and body language show a sense of calm. The subtle noise of her clothes brushing the leather seat happens to bury Alanna's thumping heartbeats.
Alanna What's up?
Truckjacker Nothing.
Alanna (Seems she's not onto me. Phew.)
(Hmm... There's no way this is the only route to the Grinning Valley. This road is the shortest one, but you have to go through inspections.)
(I'll get a chance to call for help as long as I can talk to the inspector. I reckon she and her crossbow won't match up to the well-trained security stationed here.)
Truckjacker Looks like a Catastrophe.
Alanna Huh?
Truckjacker These vehicles all seem to be avoiding a Catastrophe... or maybe some other bad thing.
Alanna Why's that? How do you figure?
Truckjacker The scratches on their exteriors are from infected creatures. And there's some dust... it's just a little, but I can see the particles.
And the expressions of the people inside the cars too.
The mine workers tend to have similar looks on their faces after an accident...
The same kind of impatience and unease when they don't know where to go.
Alanna Hold up.
I'll go ask.
<Background 3>
Alanna Hey, bruv! Old bloke in the slag truck.
What's with the road being chockas today?
Tired Driver You didn't come from Double Helmet Mine, did you?
Alanna Nah, mate. Rustdreg Town.
Double Helmet... I remember a group of guys raving about mining some new place with a ton of minerals a while back—
Tired Driver There was an accident.
Some unstable Originium blew the mine inside-out, and now no one can stay there anymore...
Alanna Ah... bloody hell.
So you escaped? How're the others doing?
The driver suddenly coughs violently, and Alanna notices his face is unusually pale.
Tired Driver *cough* Them, well... they'll have to count on their own luck... I just hope my wife and kid are lucky enough.
Most of the vehicles here are probably the same as me, no home to return to. We can only stay elsewhere until they finish cleaning up the site.
Alanna turns back for a look.
The truckjacker is gazing out the side window with a calm look on her face.
<Background 2>
Truckjacker What's wrong?
Alanna ...Nothing.
Truckjacker They're coming.
Alanna What?
Truckjacker The grabbers. They're gonna board the truck.
Who? Not a soul in sight headed our way.
Alanna follows the truckjacker's line of sight and finally realizes what she was referring to.
A group of security officers at the checkpoint are chatting with the driver in front, while another group enters the vehicle with protective gear and violent intent.
Soon after, they drag the driver out of the car. His sleeves are cut open, with blood flowing from the exposed Originium crystals on his arms.
Alanna suddenly feels inexplicably uneasy—
Truckjacker They're searching.
Alanna ......
Truckjacker For Infected.
<Background 4>
In the truck's tiny tool room, little Potlid is keeping her word.
Potlid ...Hmm.
That Cautus hijacker lady is so weird.
But she and Lanns are looking pretty chummy... Did she really hijack the truck...? Oh! I get it! Lanns is so powerful, she can turn anyone into a friend!
Look! The monitor on the little terminal—
Jittery Passenger Umm...
Seems like... she doesn't want to hurt anyone.
Potlid Th-Then, are we going back to our route? Can we postpone the truck's retirement?
Jittery Passenger I don't know...
Potlid Huh—?!
Jittery Passenger What's wrong?
Potlid Just out of the blue here, but... why are you in here with me too, Mister?
This is a secret room, closed to the public!
Jittery Passenger Um... well... I got a little scared... no, not a little, I'm REALLY scared... this is my first hijacking...
I just hurried to the first door I saw...
Can you let me stay here, kiddo? Look, I'll squeeze myself into this corner and won't take up too much space, and I won't disturb your work either...
Potlid Huh? Okay, sure! But...
If you're scared, then why didn't you get off the truck before?
Jittery Passenger I... don't know why myself... Scared is one thing, but deep inside... I also felt a sudden relief.
Um... Like I might run into something even scarier if I got off the truck... I also want this truck to go as far and as long as it can—
Why didn't you get off?
Potlid Me? Why would I?! Lanns is still here, so there's no way I could leave her on her own!
Jittery Passenger "Lanns"... You're referring to the truck driver, right? Are you two family? Or...?
Potlid Family? Uh... I dunno, I left home so long ago.
Lanns is a little like Daddy, and also Mummy, and the miners too... If she's like everyone, then it also means she isn't like any of them at all either, right?
Lanns is Lanns. She made a bet with her friends, and I'm their chip...
So... we can't be family, right? We just live together, we've always been living together on this truck.
<Background 3>
The exit is right before her eyes, but the gates lie shut, blocking the vehicle.
A few security officers walk to the cab and knock on the window.
Alanna hesitates for a moment, but gets out of the truck anyway.
Alanna What's up, mate?
Inspector A Routine inspection.
Alanna Do you have to inspect public transport vehicles too?
Look, here's my operating license.
Inspector A Special circumstances. Please cooperate.
Alanna Nah, that can't be right. There were so many trucks in front just now, but you let them all go through. Now you stop us when it's my turn?
Crikey. Bloody luck's off the charts today, what with all these "nice things" happening to me!
Inspector B (Whispering) Sir, don't bother with her... I just checked the vehicle's identification number, and they came from Big Pillar!
(Whispering) You know, they've got tons of messily managed mines over there, and they don't standardize safety procedures either. Lots of Infected!
Inspector A Your vehicle ID isn't from Green Meadow, and we inspect all vehicles from out of town.
Alanna And what if I refuse?
Inspector A Then our well-equipped security will "politely" ask you out of your truck for a more in-depth investigation at our office.
We might lock you up for a few days, or months, confiscate your vehicle, revoke your license, and hit you with a nasty fine.
The specific steps we'll take will depend on how long you decide to keep messing with me.
Alanna Mate, ain't this a bit much? I've been driving for years and passed a lot of checkpoints, but this is a first...
The security officers raise their crossbows at Alanna.
Alanna ...Fine.
Only the driver has to cooperate with the inspection, yeah? Everybody else here is passengers...
Inspector A Passengers?
Alanna Yeah, they're all...
At this point, Alanna turns back, looking toward the passenger cabin's open door and the situation within.
Alanna ......
(Potlid's hiding good.)
(But... what about that Zalak?)
(And the jacker... wait, why is she loading her crossbow?!)
She... she's a passenger, bought a ticket.
But the equipment you've got on hand looks like it's out of regs? All the checkpoints I've been through, this is the first time I've seen anyone checking infection status.
If the passenger isn't willing to get checked, you'll put me in a spot of trouble. If she complains to the operating company—
Inspector A 'Nuff with your guff.
We're coming aboard.
<Background 2>
The party of passengers sit next to one another with an Oripathy screening device each on their hands.
Alanna is more worried about the others than herself—
Potlid dips her head down, staring blankly at the device's progress bar.
The truckjacker looks at the security officer sitting across from her, through the open door, and at every corner of the checkpoint.
The Zalak who was unwilling to get off the truck earlier is seated a short distance away from her... his legs shaking.
Inspector A Now what's with these two in a hidden compartment? Did you know they were on board?
Alanna ...Of course I did.
Inspector A And you deliberately hid them from us?
Alanna That's... you lot gave me such a fright with your fierce mugs, I forgot to mention them.
Haha, I'm sure we can talk this out...
[Just then, Potlid's device starting beeping.]
Inspector A —Whose device was that?!
Potlid ...!
(I... What should I do? What... what will Lanns do?)
A single bead of sweat trickles down Alanna's cheek.
The security officers do not look the least bit accommodating as they surround them. Looks like things are about to get tougher.
She needs to figure out a solution to this predicament, and quick, or else...
Alanna Well... Sir, dear sir...
This passenger here, she's just a little kid. She's come here to Green Meadow... to your prefecture to look for her dad.
I hear her father works in a smelting plant and it's been about a year since he's been home... The walls and gates at this checkpoint, and even the materials used in these testing devices might be the fruits of his labor.
This tiny Cautus... She only gets one ride every two, maybe three months, just to see her hardworking father.
She's a regular rider on our truck, and this has never happened before, everyone usually just breezes right through here.
With all due respect, sir, would you make things difficult for such a poor little girl who misses her daddy so very much?
Inspector A ......
There's been a flood of evacuees here from the Double Helmet Mine disaster.
Our superiors expect us to tamp down the influx of Infected here, so this is not about making things difficult. We're just doing our job.
(Waves hand) Get moving.
Alanna —!
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 5>
Charlie the Sproglet I saw it last night, Alanna. Clear as day.
That kid you've kept hiding in your truck for the last two years... she's Infected. No wonder you never bring her to see us!
You bloody clown. Going all the way just for a dumb bet.
Your damned stubborn competitiveness and bottomless pride...
I always said you'd drag yourself into trouble like that, taking some others down with you.
Alanna ......
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Alanna Wait!
Inspector A ......
Alanna Uh... Mister Inspector, Sir, we'll head right out of here, straight back where we came from! Right away!
What d'ya say?
Inspector A The checkpoint's our jurisdiction too, so you still have to comply with us, even if you don't intend to cross.
Alanna ......
Sir... I'll pay the toll here, or even an additional fine, or...
Or just impound the ute and even drag me away, I'll cooperate with your investigation...
I'm begging you, just... let the kid go... please?
Potlid has never seen Alanna with such an expression.
In their time together, Alanna has always been brave, fearless, and one might even say anarchic.
She makes funny faces, blows up her past experiences, and explodes into laughter without a care for her own image—
But now she's pleading with the officers in such an unbecoming way... for Potlid's sake.
Inspector A Take her away.
[The guards grab ahold of Potlid.]
Potlid Lanns...
...It's okay.
Alanna Don't...
Potlid You don't have to see me off, I'm just stepping out for a second. I'll come find you in a bit, Lanns.
<Background 3>
[Another Oripathy screening device beeps loudly.]
Inspector A Any other Infected?
Inspector B This one too!
Inspector A Then she goes too.
[The inspector pauses when he sees nobody there.]
Inspector A ...Where is she?
A crossbow bolt flies out, interrupting the security officers preparing to board and inspect the vehicle.
<Background fades out and in>
A flurry of additional bolts follows up, forcing them to retreat.
[The attacker is revealed to be the truckjacker.]
Inspector A Wh—
The purple-haired woman! Get her!
Security Officer Yes sir!
[A swarm of guards rush at her.]
A punch, a kick, a crossbow slam. A few officers knocked down with grimaces on their faces.
Another volley of bolts rips through their clothes and pins them to the ground.
The truckjacker steps over the messy pile of limbs until she reaches Potlid.
Truckjacker Let's go.
Potlid Wha?
Inspector A W—Wait! You haven't—
[The truckjacker glares fiercely at the inspector.]
Inspector A Haven't—
No, nothing...
Alanna ......
Truckjacker Get the ute started.
What's the matter...?
Alanna ...*cough* Back in the truck! Let's go!
(Glad I didn't turn her in.)
Right, what about you?
Your device didn't beep, did it? Why did you hop off?
Jittery Passenger ...Me?
I... I'm a little scared...
So... uh, wherever you lot go, I'll, follow...
Fallen Security Officer You're not going anywhere!
Jittery Passenger Ah...
The officer grabs the Zalak's calf, causing him to nearly trip, and he stomps on the officer's hand while balancing himself.
Fallen Security Officer AGH!!! My fingers—
Jittery Passenger S-SORRY!! I'm really sorry... I, we... we'll be going now!
<Background 2>
Truckjacker We're surrounded.
Alanna Probably backup... Strewth, shit's escalating real fast.
What do we do now?
Truckjacker I counted more than forty of them, the whole squad's armed with anti-armor.
And a thick steel gate in front of us.
I have no good ideas.
Alanna Ideas... Hmm... ideas... Actually, I got a good one.
It's super risky, but I'll brag about it for years if we succeed.
Truckjacker What?
Alanna I gotta say, jacker.
This ute of mine ain't no regular truck.
Wanna know its full name?
Truckjacker ......
Alanna It's called—Earthrock-excavating bottletree-transplanting crew-carrying intercity transporter.
Excavating and bottletrees aside, you know the two steel beams at the Rustdreg Town entrance? This beauty propped them up.
And of course, you're looking at the very driver responsible.
Potlid Lanns...
Truckjacker Your hands are shaking.
Alanna Shut it! Sit down tight—
We're going in!
[Alanna steps on the gas... and smashes right through the gate!]
<Background 1>
Jittery Passenger ......
Can I just... Is there anything we can use to patch up these holes?
I'm feeling... a little chilly.
Several holes dot the vehicle's exterior, funneling the wild winds from outside and messing up the Zalak's hair.
Alanna Nowt we can do. Just bear with it.
I'll look for a mobile platform to get some repair materials later...
...Wait, why're you still here?
Who even are you?
Jittery Passenger Ah, I... uh... I'm just an ordinary passenger...
I'm a good guy! Really! Look, here's my ID...
Alanna Jerry, huh... But I'm afraid we don't have any use for good Jerrys right now.
Jerry Don't worry about me! I won't tell a soul what happened back there!
Alanna ......
Well, it is what it is.
Everyone here's an accomplice now, so no one's getting away.
Got that, jacker? We're ALL jackers now.
Truckjacker ......
Alanna Also, thanks for that. Thanks a lot for saving Potlid.
Truckjacker My device went off too.
They would have sent us to the Infected treatment zone if they took us away.
But I still need to get to the Grinning Valley.
Alanna ......
Alright, alright. We're off to the Grinning Valley now, the truck's final destination!
But we might not have enough fuel for our trip, so we'd better find a mobile platform to resupply, and find a way to patch up my battered ute while we're at it.
Otherwise, it'll be tough to explain to the company when I hand her back.
Truckjacker Alright.
Alanna Right. So what's your name?
Truckjacker ......
The miners all call me Ray.
Alanna Alrighty, Ray. Still feel like "jacker" rolls off the tongue easier though.
Say, jacker. You got me a bit curious... you hijacked this ute and beat up those officers without a care... what in Terra's name are you after in the Grinning Valley?
That place isn't exactly car friendly, and I hear it's basically just wasteland ruins after Catastrophes wrecked it... Or do you mean, there might be some treasure to find there?
Out with it, mate! It'll be worth all that noise if there's something good in store for us!
Ray ......
I'm looking for a huge shadow.
Alanna ...A what?
Ray A shadow as tall as a mountain, shooting rays of light through the fog.
It can talk too.
Alanna ...It... can talk?
Ray Mhm.
Potlid ......
Jerry ......
Alanna Wha?! What kind of bloody creature is that?!