Home Screen

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The Home Screen is the main menu of Arknights, which allows the player to navigate through the other Arknights game menus.


The Home Screen with Amiya as the Assistant, the "Vision" background, and the "Day" UI, with the image taken in June 20, 2024. Courtesy of Temperanze; for privacy reasons, her IGN and UID are censored.
  1. Top left section
    • Options: Shows the game settings menu.
    • Notice: Displays important messages.
    • Mail: Displays the Mail Box.
    • Daily Sign-In: Displays the Daily Sign-In menu.
  2. Middle/bottom left section
    • Shows the player's level, in-game name, and user ID.
    • Shows the Assistant Operator's spoken voice line when the player enters the main menu, triggered by player idle, or upon clicking their character art.
    • Notifies the player about the ongoing event and/or headhunting banners.
    • Friends: Takes the player to the Friends menu.
    • Archives
  3. Right section
    • Combat: Takes the player into the Terminal. The ongoing event is also shown, and the player will be taken into the event's menu upon clicking it.
    • Squads: Takes the player into the Squads menu.
    • Operator Management: Takes the player into the Operators menu.
    • Store
    • Recruitment: Takes the player into the headhunting and recruitment menus, which are displayed together.
    • Mission: Shows the list of missions. Only Daily, Weekly, Pinboard, and Campaign missions are displayed here.
    • Base: Takes the player into the Rhodes Island Infrastructure Complex base.
    • Depot: Takes the player into the Depot menu, which shows a list of items.



The player can choose one Operator in their roster to be their Assistant. The Assistant will greet the player every time they enter the Home Screen either when logging into the game or exiting most menus. The Assistant can be tapped to have them speak.

As of Under Tides which introduced dynamic (animated) artworks, it is now possible to disable the Assistant's dynamic art animations (if they have one) on the Home Screen in the Options mneu, which can be helpful to lower battery consumption on older devices; the animations are enabled by default.

As of Invitation to Wine (CN)/Break the Ice (Global), the Assistant selection menu can be sorted to display Operators based on their rarity, time obtained, and classes. It also allows the assistant's position to be adjusted to cover different areas on the screen or zooms their artwork in or out.