Other alien races

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The following are other alien races who are neither the known Terrans (Teekaz, Ancients, Elders) nor those of the "First Civilization" who performed terraforming upon the Terran planets. Rather, these are more of "travelers" (or isekai-ed as used in the ACGN community) who accidentally find themselves upon Terra.


In the world of The Legend of Luo Xiaohei, Spirits (妖精; sometimes called Elfins) are basically natural spirits resembling to our world's yaoguai/yōkai/yojeong. They master supernatural powers that are not related to Originium Arts and could transform into many forms including becoming a human. Upon reaching a certain level, they could even evolve into a deified being.

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Ah Gen is technically half-human and half-Spirit known as Xuanli.


In the world of Monster Hunter, Lynians (獣人種じゅうじんしゅ) are short, intelligent creatures with mammalian features that are capable of comprehending human knowledge. There are only two subspecies, both ape-like or cat-like, with the latter being more peaceful to coexist with the humans in the MonHun world.

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Dungeon World

The "world" of Delicious in Dungeon (or the "Dungeon World" as the Arknights Terra Wiki will refer to) is a medieval fantasy world resembling European fantasy in literature and popular culture with various races such as humans, elves, dwarves, etc. Some of the races can be easily confused with the Terran races likes the Elves and the Durins who are of completely different origin and biology. These races in the "Dungeon World" include:

  • Tall-man (トールマン): A.k.a., ordinary humans or Earthlings, given the name as such due to their height, with an average lifespan of 60.
  • Elf (エルフ): Elvish beings with an average lifespan of 300 to 500 and pointed ears. They are natural-born magicians who can master magics, making them excellent partners in dungeon exploration. But they are also a very rare race whose population is dwindling due to rather low birth rate and their isolationist, secretive societies only found in the Central North and Central South Continents. There are a handful of hybrids of Tall-men and Elves called Half-elves (ハーフエルフ) who will inherit elvish traits but with both advantage and disadvantage: a much longer lifespan reaching almost 1,000 years old but at the same time the loss of reproductivity.
  • Dwarf (ドワーフ): Dwarf-like beings with an average lifespan of 200 that only reaches adulthood by 40, average height being half of the Tall-men, facial hair, and fatty but muscular bodies. Despite their low adaptation to magics, they are excellent underground explorers thanks to their keen ears, and their culture of metallurgy make them talented craftsmen and blacksmiths. They live in a loosely-banded tribal society in the underground world.
  • Half-foot (ハーフフット): Beings resembling the Hobbits in J. R. R. Tolkien's literature and the Halflings in Dungeons & Dragons. They possess stature lower than the Tall-men and Dwarves, child-like appearance but reaching adulthood by the age of 14, an average lifespan of 50, and less-than-average magical adaptation. They have an abundant population across the "Dungeon World," but they have been facing discriminations due to their appearance and their unfair treatment as disposable pawns in robbery. Because they possess exceptional hearing, they have a tradition of viewing those having thick ears as a symbol of wisdom.
  • Gnome (ノーム): Beings resembling garden spirits in Western fantasy. They are identical with the Half-foots and the Dwarves but with feeble bodies, proportionally large hands and feet, droopy ears, rosy noses, and an average age of 240 that reaches adulthood by 40. Their magical adaptability are quite high who can master natural and spiritual magics.
  • Kobold (コボルト): Beings that are named after the fictional race in Dungeons & Dragons. They are identical with anthropomorphic Perros but with strong resistance to poison, a lack of human language due to their vocal cords, and an average lifespan of 55 that reaches adulthood by 15. They are sparsely populated race, and they are often targets of slavery due to their instinctive traits and warrior culture.
  • Orc (オーク): Beings resembling the fictional race in J. R. R. Tolkien's literature. They possess swine snouts, pointy horns in some individuals, bulky bodies in both male and female that are covered with tough hair, hoof-like toes, protruding lower fangs, and an average lifespan of 55 that reaches adulthood by 14. Despite being discriminated by other races due to their physical appearance and culture, they are known to be excellent warriors.
  • Ogre (オーガ): Being that are named after the titular beings in Western mythology. They are identical with the Terran Oni with two protruding horns, sharp fangs, huge appetite, and an average lifespan of 58 that reaches adulthood by 15. They were used to be an abundant race, but the decline of food sources and their physical disadvantages that limit their migration have drastically decreased their population to around 5%. In modern days, they are only found in either islands of the Eastern Archipelago or sparse settlements in the north tip of the Western Continent.
  • Beast-man (獣人じゅうじん): Artificially created humanoids born from magics who possess animalistic traits like the Terran Ancients. They are created by combining the souls of animals and humans into one being through magics. They were first created as soldiers, but now they are treated as combatants in arena who are deprived of basic needs.
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The following are non-human creatures (animals, plants, monsters, etc.) alien to Terra.

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