Operator story: W

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Who would have expected that the Sarkaz mercenary who once fought for Reunion against Rhodes Island on several occasions eventually had enough of her life as a mercenary and joined R.I.? She approached R.I. following the aftermath of the Chernobog-Lungmen crisis and offered her service "for old times' sake" and to "tie up the loose ends." With the contract signed, R.I. got itself a formidable mercenary skilled in using mass destructive explosives. However, her rebellious attitude and the various "old wounds" of other R.I. personnel earn W mistrust and suspicion. To keep her in check, Ascalon is responsible for monitoring her behavior all the time.

However, W's change of heart was motivated by her past. She was a loyalist of Babel, R.I.'s predecessor, and was especially attached to its leader Theresa. Upon her unexpected death three years ago, she vowed to seek vengeance for the former King and her best friend. Along with her colleagues Ines and Hoederer, W joined the Reunion after hearing some rumors concerning Regent Theresis, the brother of Theresa whom she believed was responsible for her death. Since then, she had been looking for opportunities to carry out her vendetta against the Regent. This also explained why she never took her position in Reunion seriously – notably sparing Adnachiel's life in 1-11.

W first appeared in Episode 01 before being introduced as an Operator in Episode 07. By the events of Episode 14, W would took on the name Wiš'adel (pronounced "Wish-adel").


Darknights Memoir

Operational Intelligence

W having a "casual" talk with Flamebringer

At some point while fighting for Reunion and before encountering R.I. W learns that some of her mercs have gone AWOL, but she doesn't seem to mind, telling her Reunion soldiers to continue with the mission until she encounters Flamebringer, one of the deserters. After the two Sarkaz mercenaries have a talk, some of W's Reunion soldiers attack Flamebringer, who easily repels them. W remarks on Flamebringer's strength and tells the rest of her men to stay their hand as the two Sarkaz have another talk where Flamebringer reveals that the reason he deserted Reunion is because he can't agree with their methods. W doesn't condone Flamebringer's desertion but allows him to walk away unmolested.[1]

Episode 01

During the devastation of Chernobog, W is first sighted engaging a Rhodes Island Reserve Team who are covering the main R.I. force's retreat. Adnachiel attempts to distract W and allow his teammates to fall back but W easily incapacitated (though not killed) him, prompting the rest of the Reserve Team to regroup and drive her off after a short skirmish.[2]

Despite the Reserve Team's efforts, W manages to ambush the R.I. main force. Recognizing the Doctor and Amiya who in turn don't recognize her, W asks the Cautus (Amiya) why R.I. is devoted to her, but she and the other team members respond with hostility, resulting in a fight.[3] In the aftermath, W, feeling "nostalgic", chooses to allow R.I. to walk away and leaves with her Reunion subordinates. However, she expresses the desire to meet them again sometime soon.[4]

Episode 02

While R.I. is pursuing Skullshatterer and his Reunion cell throughout Lungmen, W confronts Lungmen Guard Department under Ch'en's command who are protecting Misha[5] and manages to capture her.[6]

W follows Skullshatterer and his Reunion cell as they retreat through the wasteland between Lungmen and Ursus with Misha in tow.

Episode 03

After Reunion's hideout is compromised by Exusiai and Texas, Skullshatterer asks W to protect Misha, a task she reluctantly accepts before suggesting that he ambush the joint R.I.-L.G.D. forces and kill the Doctor to disorganize them, which he agrees to.[7] Unfortunately, the ambush fails and Skullshatterer is killed by Amiya.

Nevertheless, W attacks the R.I.-L.G.D. forces after the foiled ambush,[8] but they managed to best her, at which point she throws a phone to Amiya, telling that someone wants to speak with her before using a flashbang to cover her escape as Reunion forces recover Skullshatterer's body.[9] W calms the Reunion forces who are panicking after learning of Skullshatterer's death and is reminded of her task to protect Misha by one of them. W talks with Misha, pointing out that she is the reason why the conflict happened in the first place and letting her decide what she would do next.[10]

Eventually Misha assumes the role of "Skullshatterer" and is killed in action alongside most of the remaining Reunion cell in a battle against the R.I.-L.G.D. forces. In the aftermath W makes a monologue about the fate that intertwines Misha and R.I. before concluding by stating that she is looking forward to seeing what would happen next.[11]

Episode 04

Upon her return to the ruined Chernobog, W is welcomed by Mephisto. They promptly show their dislike for one another by exchanging bitter words before W confirms that R.I. had taken the bait. After pointing out that "the old-timer" is about to bring back the "real goods" and that Mephisto fears him, W asks for Mephisto to work together with her for now as they have a bigger fish to fry, which he accepts.[12]

Episode 07

As Chernobog's core is on its way to a collision with Lungmen, W confronts Talulah at the Chernobog control tower, questioning her extreme measures. She seemingly agrees upon Talulah's justification, but the Draco eventually figured out that W intentionally sends Misha to her death earlier to deprive Talulah the key to the nomadic city's control systems, which she didn't deny.[13]

Realizing that Talulah had indeed changed, W attacked her, who retaliates with her Arts that W countered with her explosives. Throughout the fight Talulah questions W's motives before the Sarkaz reveals that she had placed explosive charges on the floor beforehand. When W tries to detonate them, it turns out that Talulah had "defused" the charges with her Arts, with Talulah using the opportunity to struck W down. Cornered, W detonates the explosives she had strapped to her body in a last-ditch attempt to kill Talulah; while Talulah survives the blast, W is seemingly killed.[13]

However, W barely survives and encountered the Doctor and Kal'tsit as they make their way to the sarcophagus where the Doctor is being kept before the events of Arknights' Main Story. Surprised to learn that Patriot is no more, W expresses her remorse to the death of an idealist like him; the Doctor told W that Patriot's death is a great one, prompting W to ask for an explanation from Kal'tsit, who refuses. W shows her disgust upon realizing that the Doctor and Kal'tsit are working together, questioning whether the Doctor is really amnesiac or not before pointing out that the Doctor is likely the one responsible for Theresa's death and Kal'tsit is "not truly a human".[14]

W then offered to help R.I. defeating Reunion, stating that Talulah, Theresis, and the Doctor are on her "hit-list", in that order. Kal'tsit accepts her offer, though her attitude annoys W; before she could make any trouble, however, Kal'tsit had Mont3r blast W through the walls with the Sarkaz vowing to get her for this.[14]

Episode 08

W having a chat with the Shieldguards

As W makes her way into Chernobog's control tower, she encountered the Guard, Rosmontis, and Guerrilla Shieldguard defectors as they break through the Possessed infesting the paths to the sarcophagus. W's appearance, however, aren't welcomed by the Guard and Rosmontis, knowing that she is the one who had killed Scout (or so they believed). W tries to explain that Scout forced her hand and he is a good soldier ever since the Babel times, though the two R.I. Operators can't trust her until W states that Scout had saved the Guard's life, which convinces him to let her go but warned W to not let him see her again. W then had a short talk with the Shieldguards before leaving.[15]

W appears after the fierce battle between Amiya and Ch'en against Talulah under Kashchey's control, asking for Amiya to give her the key so she could stop Chernobog from colliding with Lungmen. Amiya initially refuses until W pleads for her to read her emotions, at which Amiya realized that W aren't lying; to make sure of that, Amiya asks W to "say something that (I) can believe in", to which W answered by saying "the land can have a good night's sleep". W's answer reminded Amiya of a conversation between them during their times in Babel, which convinces Amiya to gave W the key that the Sarkaz promptly uses to access the controls. However, the key's access level turned out to be insufficient, much to W's shock, until Talulah gave W a second key.[16] With both keys in hand, Chernobog was finally stopped.

In the aftermath, W talked with Amiya, revealing that she knows the Chernobog control system's access code from Sergey – Misha and Skullshatterer's father – and she didn't expect the fact that Talulah is being manipulated by Koshchei all along; had she knew that fact, W could have prevented the deaths of many good people within the Reunion. W then bids her farewell with Amiya, hoping to never meet her again.[16]

Sometime afterwards W encountered a band of Sarkaz mercenaries and asks them to come with her as she states that she will return to being a mercenary like she were in the past, by "not fighting for anyone else", "doing whatever it takes to make a living", and killing anyone who stands in her way.[17]


Episode 10

Episode 12

Episode 13

External links
