Operator overview: W

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W is a 6★ Artilleryman Sniper who specializes in AoE, DPS, and Crowd-Control, and only available from Celebration limited headhunting banners starting from Cremation Last Wish. Being limited banners, the "pity" system from other banners are not carried over to every Celebration banner, but compensate that, W has a 70% chance in Cremation Last Wish and a 30% chance in other Celebration banners afterward up until Abyss Corrosion to be the 6★ Operator that appears in a pull, and can be purchased at the Certificate Store for 300 Headhunting Data Contract icon.png (200 Headhunting Data Contract icon.png since Our Kind) while a Celebration banner starting from Cremation Last Wish is up.

As an Artilleryman Sniper, W's attacks do splash damage affecting enemies in the adjacent tiles to the primary target with high ATK and long range of 3×4 tiles with a 1-tile extension ahead at Elite 1, or 3×5 tiles at Elite 2, at the cost of a high attack interval and DP cost, the latter of which increases with each promotion. Due to her rarity, W has the second highest DP cost of all Snipers, just below Spreadshooter Snipers.


  1. Ambush gives W a good chance to dodge Physical and Arts attacks, and Negative Taunt 10 seconds after she is deployed.
  2. Insult to Injury amplifies the Physical damage taken by Stunned enemies within W's range.


  1. King of Hearts has W fire a special grenade that does heavy splash damage and temporarily Stuns the targets.
  2. Jack in the Box has W plant a Front Toward Enemy when charged on any open, deployable tile within her range (prioritizing those with an enemy on it or close to one), which will detonate after a delay of 1.5 seconds when a ground enemy (and only ground enemies) is in a radius of 1.35 tiles to it (shown as a red ring around the Front Toward Enemy), damaging ground enemies in the surrounding tiles and temporarily Stunning them, but will disappear after 2 minutes if not triggered.
    • With a relatively low SP cost, Jack in the Box allows W to create a literal minefield to cause massive damage to any unfortunate enemies who wander into it, making its use to stall enemies with high HP and/or DEF indispensable.
    • If there are no enemies within W's range, Jack in the Box will plant the Front Toward Enemy on random tiles, meaning that they can often end up being placed in awkward locations such as ranged tiles with no melee tiles nearby. As such, it is recommended to deploy W facing towards melee tiles with no other friendlies and ranged tiles nearby to maximize Jack in the Box's effectiveness.
  3. D12 has W immediately plant an explosive charge on multiple enemies within her range which detonates after 3 seconds (if the victims leave the map before the charges detonate, they will prematurely explode), dealing heavy damage to enemies in a radius of 1.2 tiles around the victim and temporarily Stuns them.
    • While have a rather high SP cost, D12's Stun lasts the longest of W's skills which, when combined with Insult to Injury, allows her to literally wreak havoc on even the most durable enemies, especially if they are bunched up together, while leaving them a sitting duck for W and her allies.

Operator Modules

  1. The ART-X Module, Mercenary Bag, increases W's ATK against enemies that are being blocked to 1.1× in addition to increasing her maximum HP and ATK. Once upgraded, Insult to Injury's damage amplification is increased and it has W recover SP whenever she defeats an enemy.
  2. The ART-Y Module, Lost Dull Knife, causes W's attacks to ignore 100 DEF in addition to increasing her maximum HP more than Mercenary Bag and ATK less than it. Once upgraded, Ambush now gradually buffs W's ATK up to a limit so long as she does not take damage within a period of time (taking damage will reset the ATK buff) and the activation delay is reduced at Stage 3.

Base skills

W's base skills improve Snipers' Specialization training efficiency while she is assigned as the trainer in the Training Room.

  1. Sniper Expert α speeds up the skill Specialization training of Snipers by 30%. At Elite 2, Sniper Expert α becomes Patience which speeds up the training further by 65% if it is for Specialization Level 3.
  2. Insipid increases W's morale drain rate by 1 per hour while a Sniper's Specialization Level 3 training is in progress.


W is one of the best Artilleryman Snipers, and her extreme rarity is counteracted by her ability to do massive damage to multiple enemies unfortunate enough to cross into her sights; the enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all.

Art is a bang, and W is the master.