Operator dialogue: W

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Appointed as Assistant Truthfully, I've thought up countless possibilities about coming back here, looking out at the same scenery that she saw that day... But I never could have imagined that I'd actually be standing here with you. It's all too outrageous, "Doctor."
Talk 1 Where'd I go? Can't tell you. Kal'tsit bypassed you and directly gave me this order... Don't believe me? Guess the amount of trust you have in her is really telling. Fine, fine. I just went to splurge on some stuff. Just a bunch of clothes, and I've already gone through inspection. What, are you surprised?
Talk 2 There are a few cute little operators who always grit their teeth when they look at me, but when are they gonna actually gonna do something...? Kal'tsit already explained the situation? They're dealing with it? The hell's up with that? This place really should respect the importance of individual desires more. Just let 'em do it because like, I'm totally bored anyway.
Talk 3 You used to like working with us a whole bunch. Mercenaries are efficient instruments of war; like fast food, ready to eat and easily disposable. You want to know what happened? Hmm, some people would prefer that I keep my mouth shut about that topic~ Must be such a blessing to not remember anything, right?
Talk after Promotion 1 Save the Infected? Almost all the Sarkaz in Kazdel are infected, and you haven't even seen the kinds of oppression and conflict that go on there... So, how far do you plan to go with your "salvation?" For someone like Kal'tsit, who can't even protect a single Sarkaz, and for the person you've now become, what exactly do you intend to do?
Talk after Promotion 2 I want to know, if these idealistic and starry-eyed operators had witnessed those kind and gentle people die one by one, would they still do things the same way, with the same old song and dance? Hey, I'm not trying to look down on anyone. I'm just reminding you, don't just go twisting that person's ideas into some simple-minded mockery.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Hey you, about that thing on Amiya's body, y'know that Kal'tsit is keeping stuff from you, right? Luckily, you can gain the trust of others when you don't remember anything, but no, it's stranger that you can even trust other people. I have no idea what those two would say if they saw the way you are now.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 There really are all sorts of people here. More weirdos here than before. Ah, don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit about what the likes of them think about me but I've gotta say, Amiya's doing a pretty good job. At least she's working hard to become more like that person, and I've gotta respect that.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Dr. {nickname}, since nobody's ever mentioned this to you before, I'm pretty curious how you'll react when you start to remember that incident— No need to look all confused. For now, just remember this name: Theresa. Yes, Theresa.
Idle You're pretty freewheeling. Never imagined there'd come a day when THE Dr. {nickname} would be napping here completely defenseless... You forget the past and sleep that easy, huh?
Onboard Sarkaz mercenary, W. It's been a while, though I'm sure that means something altogether different to you. But don't worry, considering the "you" of the present is not the "you" that I'm looking for, consider yourself safe for the time being. Just for the time being.
Watching Battle Record This is all too familiar, almost terrifyingly so. Hey you, are you sure you lost your memories?
Promotion 1 Sure, I'm listening. Didn't think you were the type to personally micromanage the small stuff. But y'know, I'd much rather snatch something like this than have it be given freely.
Promotion 2 The fact that I'd get to fight alongside you the way you are now is certainly a charming little twist of fate. Why look, it seems that as long as you don't remember what happened on that day, the two of us can get along after all.
Added to Squad The two of us, let's both try to survive.
Appointed as Squad Leader A mercenary's leadership focuses on practicality. Don't expect me to babysit others.
Depart Mm, another beautiful day.
Begin Operation Just gotta kill them all to finish the job, right? Don't think in such simple terms? But that's a pain in the ass...
Selecting Operator 1 Acknowledged.
Selecting Operator 2 Understood.
Deployment 1 Who knows, I might sneak off to somewhere else.
Deployment 2 Nice, I'll take a nice nap over here.
In Battle 1 Who's gonna hit the jackpot today?
In Battle 2 Step right up, plenty of surprises for everyone~
In Battle 3 I'll give you until the count of three to surrender. Three~
In Battle 4 Boom! Ahahaha~!
4-star Result Seeing you draw out the full extent of everyone's power on the battlefield... It's a bit nostalgic.
3-star Result Did you see that guy's face just now? That absolute despair when he realized he was going to get blown apart and couldn't do a thing about it, have you ever seen anything funnier?
Sub 3-star Result It's rare for you to make mistakes like this. Are you getting rusty, or do you have more things worrying you?
Operation Failure Retreat? Keep casualties to a minimum? Heh, hard to imagine I'm hearing those words from your mouth.
Assigned to Facility This door's already been repaired, huh.
Tap Looks like there's a lot more stuff here, but far fewer people.
Trust Tap ...Which side of you is the real one?
Greeting Dr. {nickname}, what would you like to do for Rhodes Island today? The same as usual?
Title Arknights.

Appointed as Assistant Let's get cooking! It's my turn to cook again today... Oh, it's snowing.
Talk 1 Hoederer, what's wrong? Oh, the book you wanted me to check out? How should I know? What's that pile of ash in the fire? Hm... Oh! I "mistook" the book for tinder a little while ago. Eh, it's fine. We're cooking dinner with knowledge tonight. It's gonna taste fantastic, don'tcha think?
Talk 2 How much ammo I got? I just used ten grenades, so I have fifteen left. I used three mines yesterday, so I have six left... See, I'm right. Stop, I know what you're about to say. "If only you applied that memory to learning something." Really, you should've been a teacher, Hoederer.
Talk 3 Potato, potato. Ines's a big Mrs. Potato Head–Hm? Now that I think about it, you could probably squeeze a bomb into a potato. Maybe a good trick to play on an unlucky dumbass. Hey, Hoederer, you want a potato?
Talk after Promotion 1 Hoederer, I've been thinking. If the two of us went at her together, how do you figure our chances of doing that nasty Kal'tsit in? Hm? You're always like, we gotta plan for all contingencies. We gotta plan for that one too, right? Hah, that look on your face is hilarious.
Talk after Promotion 2 Ines, maybe you should try to learn a thing or two from that {nickname}. There's not a whole lot of people who can use you as bait without you noticing till halfway through. Me? One look at you and Hoederer's faces had my in stitches! Makes me wanna gift {nickname} a potato next time.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 My name... my name... Hey, Hoederer, you're always reading books, so why don't you come up with a name for me? Theresa said I should come up with a new one... Hey, what's with all those books? Pick a name myself?! Go to hell!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 "Hoederer, if you've got a death wish, just say so." "Ines, trust me. My head's reserved for just you, okay?" That's how your lovers' spat went last time, right, Ines? I'm just giving you my best impression.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 As soon as I'm done cooking, Ines always makes me help put up the tent, then Hoederer always drags me somewhere for recon. After that, there's always some kind of strategy meeting... Huh? Hey, Hoederer. Nothing. I was just talking about how I'll come collect your corpses when the two of you drop dead.
Idle Haghhh... I'll get some sleep before my next mission...
Onboard I know what it means to take up the weapons of the dead, naturally.
Watching Battle Record Your acting's too lame. Let me spice things up a little.
Promotion 1 How many pieces of candy am I worth now? I actually kinda like that method of valuing people. You sure we shouldn't go with that?
Promotion 2 Theresa called me over and told everyone what an amazing fighter I am, but she didn't look happy at all. How can I make her happy...? What if I invited her over and cooked her a nice dinner?
Added to Squad Who's the unlucky one this time?
Appointed as Squad Leader As long as I'm not on the same team as Ines.
Depart I'll blow up what I want. You guys do what you want, too.
Begin Operation Let me plant some potatoes first.
Selecting Operator 1 Alright, coming. Don't rush me.
Selecting Operator 2 The plan is to blow them all up, right?
Deployment 1 I'm in a good mood. Just your luck, huh?
Deployment 2 I'm in a bad mood. Just your luck, huh?
In Battle 1 You might not want to move your foot.
In Battle 2 Three, one, kaboom–
In Battle 3 Take a guess. Is this potato a bomb?
In Battle 4 Take a step and find out?
4-star Result Theresa always says that {nickname} takes on these missions willingly. Must be trying to bite the dust.
3-star Result Not a single one left. Babel oughta pay me extra for this.
Sub 3-star Result Hmm... If memory serves, I have some potatoes planted over where they're running.
Operation Failure If only I brought a few more mines, things would've been different.
Assigned to Facility How come this door still hasn't been fixed?
Tap Theresa?!
Trust Tap Isn't that the bunny who always follows the Doctor around?
Greeting Mind your step.
Title Arknights.