Operation story: 2-10

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L.G.D. Officer icon.png
L.G.D. Agent
Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
Lungmen Alley Rainy

Before operation

As Skullshatterer closes in on them, Rhodes Island is gradually forced into a dead end.
In response to Skullshatterer's hateful accusations and questioning, Amiya gives a resounding response, signalling yet another imminent battle.
<Background 1>
Franka Liskarm Are you able to hold the line?
Liskarm I'm fine over here!
Franka, watch out for an enemy flank!
Franka There's no end to them...!
Reunion Member You don't have a chance of breaking through our defenses!
I'm going to smash you...
[Franka strikes the Reunion soldier with her thermite rapier.]
Reunion Member Guh?!
Wh-what is that?!
Franka It's a thermite blade.
Does slicing count as breaking as well?
What a pain...
Medic! There's someone injured here!
Be careful when transporting them!
Medic I got it!
Franka Amiya!
How's the situation over there?
Liskarm I think we have a little issue here.
Amiya Franka...
The enemy leader... just showed up in front of me and Liskarm!
Skullshatterer ...
[Skullshatterer tries to break through.]
Skullshatterer Where else do you plan on hiding?
You can't escape us, Rhodes Island.
I'll grind you to dust...
...not even your bones will remain.
You traitors... have turned your backs on the Infected!
[Skullshatter fires a shot from his grenade launchers.]
Franka Oh~ This one's finally decided to show up.
Doesn't sound too impressive, though.
Liskarm Amiya, seems like we––
Franka Ack, it's a dead end!
Did I run too far ahead?!
Liskarm Franka's also having some problems...
Reunion has us cornered.
Amiya ...
Liskarm We'll have to fight.
I feel that... we more than match up against them.
We just have to get a bit more serious...
Franka Liskarm, you just don't understand.
Whatever level of power we choose to display, we can't let the L.G.D. feel threatened.
Liskarm But we can't just sit here and let them run over us!
Defenders, hold your ground!
Skullshatterer A leader of Rhodes Island, eh...
You're an Infected, but you still assist Lungmen in their slaughter of other Infected!
You have blood of so many of my comrades on your hands!
[Skullshatterer fires his grenade launchers.]
Skullshatterer Stand and face me!
Amiya ...
You were the ones who started the hatred, the pain, and the violence...
You were the ones who started all this in Chernobog!!

During operation

Amiya Doctor, our technical department has configured some Medical Runes on the ground. Operators deployed at these locations can recover their HP slowly.
PRTS Tap and hold for more details.

After operation

Reunion retreats, but not for any reason pertaining to their combat ability.
On another front, Ch'en is informed that all reinforcements have been cut off by just a single enemy.
<Background 1>
Skullshatterer Nngh...
Amiya Ugh... Gahh...
Reunion Member Aaah-!
Skullshatterer, are you okay?!
Skullshatterer Tch... What a troublesome bunch!
Reunion Member Skullshatterer, W just said that she's all finished on her end!
She's successfully retrieved the target.
Skullshatterer W... she won?
Reunion Member That's right, her assault went very smoothly!
Should we also retreat?
Skullshatterer ...
Send a signal to Talulah.
Reunion Member Roger!
[The Reunion solder launches a signal flare at the sky.]
Skullshatterer ...We're pulling back.
Hmph. Rhodes Island cowards...
The next time we meet... will be at your execution.
[Skullshatterer and his Reunion fighters withdraw.]
Amiya Reunion... is retreating?
Franka They're retreating very rapidly. Something must have changed with their plans.
Despite all that talk, they sure know how to run away.
Amiya ...
Something... doesn't feel right.
Liskarm Are you saying...
Doctor We weren't their objective in the first place...
Amiya ...!
That they were only here to stall us...?
If that's the case...
Oh no, the L.G.D. is in trouble!
...We have to help Madam Ch'en right now!
Franka, call the recon squad back immediately!
Liskarm, try to get in touch with Madam Ch'en!
<Background fades out and in>
Ch'en Where's the Special Operations Division? Their reinforcements are supposed to be here by now!
L.G.D. Agent We were just notified that they've been stalled by Reunion...!
Ch'en How's that possible? Reunion is nothing more than a gang of unruly thugs!
<Background black>
L.G.D. Agent ...And they were only facing... a single enemy...
Ch'en ...
Episode 02 End.png
Ch'en Unless...