Hand of Diffusion

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The Hand of Diffusion is a Collectible in Integrated Strategies, introduced in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.


Whenever Blast, Chain, and Splash Casters (Crimson Solitaire)/Fortress Defenders (Mizuki & Caerula Arbor onwards) damage an enemy, whether by their attacks or skills, they will restore 2 SP.

With Hand of Diffusion, the affected Operators can essentially keep their skill, if automatically activated, constantly in effect as well as helping those whose skills have high SP costs such as Dusk's Skill-Dusk3.png Image Over Form and Mostima's Skill-Mostima3.png Key of Chronology to improve their uptimes. As it activates whenever they damage an enemy, any damage over time caused by them also counts, as is seen in Ifrit's Skill-Ifrit2.png Pyroclasm.

Notably, Passenger benefits greatly from Hand of Diffusion and becomes one of the best Operators in I.S. with it, able to unleash at least three Skill-Passenger3.png Glorious Shards consecutively as demonstrated here. In Caerula Arbor, Horn also benefits greatly from Hand of Diffusion where she can unleash Skill-Horn1.png Flare Grenade in every attack!


  • Due to its usefulness for Passenger, who were once considered an underwhelming Operator (see Passenger's trivia), Hand of Diffusion is jokingly nicknamed "Hand of God" by the CN community.

See also