Black Tulip

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The Black Tulip is a Collectible in Integrated Strategies, introduced in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor.

Item description
Friendly Operators gradually gain ATK when not using a skill, up to a maximum of +60% after 60 seconds; this bonus will be reset when a skill ends

The Silence crushed the Iberians, so she wishes to speak up. If her words are not sharp enough, then her sword will speak for her.


Friendly units have their ATK gradually increases when their skill is not active, which is capped at 60% after 60 seconds (thus the ATK increases at a rate of 1% every second) and will be lost after the skill expires upon being activated. This is basically a lesser version of Liberator Guards' trait that applies to every Operators, but whether this would stack with the aforementioned is yet to be confirmed or tested.


In Caerula Arbor, the Black Tulip is given as the starting Collectible for the Lantern Bearer Memory Mapping.

See also