"The Return"

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"The Return" is a Collectible in Integrated Strategies, introduced in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor.

Item description
Operators gain +130% ATK for 6 seconds after dodging

This Kazimierzian best-seller is said to be a collective creation by fans. "Nearl" has already become an amalgamation of many ideals and fantasies. "For her, exile was not an escape. She came back, and stood alone against the era's torrents."


When an Operator dodges an attack, they will receive a 130% buff to their ATK for 6 seconds which does not stack if they dodged multiple attacks in quick succession; rather, the duration is reset.

On its own, The Return gives friendly units an unknown chance to dodge Physical and Arts attacks, which is not acknowledged in-game.


The player must have cleared 40 operations across all runs before "The Return" can be obtained from the next run.

See also