Antiquated Sheet Music

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The Antiquated Sheet Music is a Collectible in Integrated Strategies, introduced in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.

Item description
Hope +4

A tattered piece of sheet music. The notes can no longer be clearly read. No one knows for certain what story this piece was meant to tell.

Item description
Hope +4, All allied units gain ASPD +4

A tattered piece of sheet music. The notes can no longer be clearly read. No one knows for certain what story this piece was meant to tell.

Item description
Hope +4, All allied units gain ASPD +5

A tattered piece of sheet music. The notes can no longer be clearly read. No one knows for certain what story this piece was meant to tell.

Item description
Hope +4, All allied units gain ASPD +6

A tattered piece of sheet music. The notes can no longer be clearly read. No one knows for certain what story this piece was meant to tell.


Gives 4 Hope.png Hope when obtained.

In Expeditioner's Joklumarkar, the Antiquated Sheet Music is one of the Alterform Trinket Collectibles which has three additional variants depending on the difficulty level.

  • Alpine (Braving Nature +3 or higher): Now also increases friendly units' ASPD by 4.
  • Tundra (Braving Nature +6 or higher): Now also increases friendly units' ASPD by 5.
  • Polar (Braving Nature +9 or higher): Now also increases friendly units' ASPD by 6.


This item is similar to, and may be the item described in Phantom's Token.

See also