Hand of Buckler

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The Hand of Buckler is a Collectible in Integrated Strategies, introduced in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.

Item description
Decel Binder, Hexer, and Abjurer Operators' attacks deal extra Arts damage equal to 3% of the target's (current) HP

Drop by drop, bit by bit. It is unstoppable.


The attacks of Abjurer, Decel Binder, and Hexer Supporters will deal an additional instance of Arts damage equal to 3% of the target's current HP; the description in Crimson Solitaire does not acknowledge this fact, leading to many mistakenly believing that the damage is equal to the target's maximum HP.

With Hand of Buckler, the affected Supporters' DPS will rival that of Casters and allows them to do noticeable damage against enemies with high HP, especially bosses notorious for their towering HP pools like the Big Sad Lock, Samivilinn, and Kharanduu Khagan.

Supporters with skills that gain attack speed or faster attack interval such as Gnosis' Skill-Gnosis3.png Hypothermia, Istina's Skill-Istina1.png Concentration and Proviso's Skill-Proviso2.png Prevailing Argument gain the most from Hand of Buckler because the collectible's effect quickly adds up when the hits come fast. Angelina in particular experiences a massive powerspike from this collectible, as her Skill-Angelina2.png Arcane Staff - Particle Mode's low SP cost and extremely fast attack interval enables her to quickly strip the health of most Elites and Bosses alike down to critically low levels.

See also