Broken Wand - Malediction

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Broken Wand - Malediction is a Collectible in Integrated Strategies.

Item description
Caster Operators have -40% HP, but deal +70% Arts damage

It is virtually impossible to identify when the Sarkaz first encountered Originium, and the origins of these ancient Arts have long been separated from actual reality and common sense.


Increases the Arts damage dealt by Casters by 70%, or to 1.7×, in exchange for reducing their HP by 40%. This means that if the Caster somehow deals Physical damage (e.g. Ceobe with "Really Heavy Spear" and Tomimi with her skills), they do not benefit from Broken Wand - Malediction's Arts damage increase.


Before Broken Wand - Malediction can be obtained from the next run:

See also