Actor's Jewelry Box

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The Actor's Jewelry Box is a Collectible in Integrated Strategies, introduced in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.

Item description
Immediately gain +18 Originium Ingots

A box containing all kinds of shattered jewelries. The young lead actor wore these jewelries and stepped onto the stage, in the end falling from its highest point.

Item description
Immediately gain +18 Originium Ingots, every Collapse value increase grants +1 Originium Ingot

A box containing all kinds of shattered jewelries. The young lead actor wore these jewelries and stepped onto the stage, in the end falling from its highest point.

Item description
Immediately gain +19 Originium Ingots, every Collapse value increase grants +1 Originium Ingot

A box containing all kinds of shattered jewelries. The young lead actor wore these jewelries and stepped onto the stage, in the end falling from its highest point.

Item description
Immediately gain +20 Originium Ingots, every Collapse value increase grants +1 Originium Ingot

A box containing all kinds of shattered jewelries. The young lead actor wore these jewelries and stepped onto the stage, in the end falling from its highest point.


Gives 18 Originium Ingot icon.png when obtained.

In Expeditioner's Joklumarkar, the Actor's Jewelry Box is one of the Alterform Trinket Collectibles which has three additional variants depending on the difficulty level.

  • Alpine (Braving Nature +3 or higher): Now also gives 1 Originium Ingot icon.png whenever the Collapse rises.
  • Tundra (Braving Nature +6 or higher): Now gives 19 Originium Ingot icon.png and 1 Originium Ingot icon.png whenever the Collapse rises.
  • Polar (Braving Nature +9 or higher): Now gives 20 Originium Ingot icon.png and 1 Originium Ingot icon.png whenever the Collapse rises.

See also