Red Bow Tie

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The Red Bow Tie is a Collectible in Integrated Strategies, introduced in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.

Item description
Hope +2, Deployment Limit +1

The first present Phantom gave Ms. Christine. She is really fond of it.

Item description
Hope +3, Deployment Limit +1

The first present Phantom gave Ms. Christine. She is really fond of it.

Item description
Hope +4, Deployment Limit +1

The first present Phantom gave Ms. Christine. She is really fond of it.

Item description
Hope +4, Deployment Limit +1, additional Deployment Limit +2 when entering a battle from a non-combat node

The first present Phantom gave Ms. Christine. She is really fond of it.


Gives 2 Hope.png Hope when obtained and increases the Unit Limit by 1.

In Expeditioner's Joklumarkar, the Red Bow Tie is one of the Alterform Trinket Collectibles which has three additional variants depending on the difficulty level.

  • Alpine (Braving Nature +3 or higher): The Hope given is increased to 3.
  • Tundra (Braving Nature +6 or higher): The Hope given is increased to 4.
  • Polar (Braving Nature +9 or higher): The Hope given is increased to 4. When the player is in an operation entered from a non-combat node (e.g. Moneymaking from Nothing, Penalty), the Unit Limit will further increase by 2.


Except in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar, the player must have obtained 150 Hope.png across all runs before the Red Bow Tie can be obtained from the next run.


See also