General Investigation Database: Investigation Reports

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A list of Investigation Reports in Lone Trail.

The reports are quoted verbatim from the game and should be kept pristine. Edits and updates should be placed on other pages related to the same subject.
Mission Briefing
Reach 20% Case Investigation progress in S.H.A.F.T.
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Mission Briefing

In the forties, the DOD tried to exert their influence on Bolívar, but ended up turning her into a grisly meat grinder. Since then, they have been unable to face both the federal and coalition governments, with the "Federal War Preparation Act" serving as the best proof of their compromises.
A number of generals have strived to turn the tables on this decline—for there is nothing soldiers crave more than a strong military—and Columbia's rapid technological development was, to them, the dawn of a new era.
Hence, the DOD extensively approached and invested in a wide range of tech companies, so much so that it used to be said that any business plan need only mention "weapon" and "proposed" to attract military investment.
The President used to be pleased by the DOD's behavior, for it more or less promoted healthy competition benefitting the country, and their eagerness could eventually bolster Columbia's strength. The numbers don't lie, the DOD's extensive investments into R&D over the past few decades have indeed greatly enhanced our national defense capabilities.
However, the generals did not get the payoff they desired. The politicians cunningly snatched their achievements away, presenting their efforts as contributions to the country while the situation remained unchanged over the decades. I'm sure you know what those old timers who inherited the legacy of the revolutionaries in the fifties were thinking— they wanted to wash away the stain known as Bolívar from their uniforms, and the political upheavals never provided them their chance. And so, they decided to add another competitor to their arms race, and I don't mean another weapon, but still a tool vital to national defense policy.
Yes, the "Horizon Arc Project" was approved—not because of what it contained, but the fact that the proposal managed to pass is a testament to its merit. Rhine Lab does not focus primarily on military industry, but the DOD still had the audacity to invest in them. Who knows just how many contractors have been cursing them behind their backs for this betrayal?
So, the President is basically implying that we might go to war someday in the future, but it won't be started by the DOD.
Perhaps the military feels as if they're the ones being oppressed, and what they are protecting is the future of this country, but the Horizon Arc Project is nothing but a trigger for the wars to come—an unsuspecting fuse, and nothing more.
We must stop them at any cost.
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Interview From The Past
Reach 40% Case Investigation progress in S.H.A.F.T.
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Interview From The Past

Journalist (hereafter J): Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Miss Nasti.
Nasti (hereafter N): Thank Jara. She put all my other work on hold, leaving you the only thing on my agenda.
N: I just can't fathom why you reporters won't give me a break.
J: It's a historic achievement for a Sarkaz like you to reach an executive-level position in a Columbian tech company, so the public is very interested in you.
N: So, should I go rent an enclosure at the zoo to stay in until your curiosity has been satisfied?
J: Miss Nasti, I've met many others just like you, and no matter how much you deny it, surely it's as plain as day that nowhere but Columbia would have given you this opportunity in the first place.
N: *sigh* ...Let's just get on with it.
J: Excellent.
J: So, you learned architecture while in exile?
N: Correct.
J: Oh, I can already imagine the army of struggling college students resenting you for that. Though your Originium Arts are quite unique indeed... I presume your Sarkaz sensibilities must have helped a lot?
N: They're nothing compared to other banshees.
J: Does every banshee carry a pen as sleek and modern as yours, then?
N: No, this is my own redesign.
J: Incredible. I think you might just start a new trend.
J: Miss Nasti, you've always been upfront that you grew up in Kazdel, so why did you leave your homeland for Columbia?
N: The civil war was about to break out and I didn't want to get involved.
J: That's it?
N: That's it.
J: Was there nothing more... sentimental behind it? Perhaps you fought with your mother over which side to choose, or a brother's death left you distraught?
N: That's none of your business.
J: Miss Nasti, you may be unused to being on camera, but I would like to remind you that you're currently a figure of public interest. Every oppressed Sarkaz in this country has their eyes on you, and your attitude might very well affect their circumstances.
N: ......
J: So let's be honest with each other, shall we?
N: Fine. It was neither someone's death nor the looming war on the horizon that made me leave Kazdel.
J: To my knowledge, most Sarkaz are rather belligerent. Why else would you people always be getting into wars, right? Though you personally are anti-war, are you not?
N: ...No one likes war.
J: Ooh, I like this answer. A Sarkaz pacifist.
J: Lastly, I'd like to know—do you think you'll stay on as the Director of Rhine Lab's Engineering Section long term?
N: I don't particularly care for the position. I'm only here because someone promised me a dream.
J: A dream?
N: (In Sarkaz) A muddled dream.
––Excerpt from an interview transcript from seven years ago
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Conrad Jackson
Reach 100% Case Investigation progress in S.H.A.F.T.
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Conrad Jackson

I know what's on your mind, rookie.
S.H.A.F.T. is still nominally under the DOD, with city defenders on patrol, and you think that's a signal that they're breaking the ice with the central government?
Yes, you're right. Jackson was a military brat, and has close ties to plenty of generals. He wouldn't have won the election back then without the DOD's support. Someone tried to rub him out this time, yet he still stepped forward to act as a bridge between the DOD and Maylander.
You can't shake the feeling that Jackson threw away what should rightfully have been our and Maylander's achievements?
You're still a bit wet behind the ears.
Our goal was never to shut down the DOD. They're a part of Columbia too, and we need only make them understand the new position they're in.
If Jackson hadn't taken the initiative then, we might have suffered even more casualties. Politicians and officers.
He had the DOD concede at just the right moment, and even made a personal guarantee that the DOD and Maylander wouldn't clash again.
After we discovered that Kristen's goal was no threat to national security, everyone involved was showering him in praise, especially the generals.
Got it, kid? You should be admiring him.
Put yourself in his shoes. Even if you had time to mull it over, would you have had the guts to make the same decision, standing amidst all that hostility, right after an assassination attempt?
...Heh, so you're not a complete idiot.
Right, he didn't toss out the fruit of Maylander's labors, but simply shoved it into his own pocket instead.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
The relationship between the previous vice presidents and Maylander is like a see-saw. Sometimes the stronger side does have more influence on things. It is what it is. But if we all want to keep playing this game, then it's best not to start a winning streak.
So now that we're on the same page, you should be crystal clear on why the higher-ups are glad to see this happen.
Everything we do is for Columbia.
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A Diary Entry
Reach 20% Case Investigation progress in H.A.M.H.R.R.
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A Diary Entry

Regardless of how the media will spin their story, I know at the very least that Columbia did not let the Wrights down.
Their research funding applications should have been impeded at multiple phases. Even with fanatical astrology schools and scientific conspiracy theorists after their lives, Columbia acknowledged their intelligence, and the country would never mistreat scientists of their caliber. So Maylander sent me to solve their problems.
Their deaths were purely an accident. If there was a conspiracy, it could only have been my own. They simply failed. Failure is an everyday occurrence in any business, while success is often accidental. Even the price they paid for it seems normal enough to me—their lives.
I really should just finish this report and send it to the Tin Man, before relaxing at my villa until my next assignment.
That's how it should be.
I had some history with the couple, from work. Any practical difficulties they encountered were meaningless in the face of their zeal and cleverness. How could anyone hate them, people who explored the unknown, shining even brighter the more difficult the situation?
Even if they were denied praise and recognition for their failure, they shouldn't have been mocked and ridiculed by both their peers and laymen after their deaths. Some fanatics even made pilgrimages to the crash site.
I saw their daughter at their funeral as well. Kristen Wright.
She didn't cry or make a fuss, she simply looked at the sky.
I could never forget the expression she had then, it's appeared in my dreams too often for that.
I must do something for her.
–––A page from Jara Booker Wilson's diary
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A Meeting
Reach 40% Case Investigation progress in H.A.M.H.R.R.
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A Meeting

The following is a summary of an emergency meeting held by the DOD right after the H.A.M.H.R.R. took to the skies:
Soldiers, I want you all in position. This mission is different. Our great Columbia has entered a state of war, and the battlefield is right under our nose: Trimounts. The DOD has granted me the highest level of authority, requesting the full cooperation of 4 perimeter divisions and 7 military bases, and everyone present will form our temporary command center. The order from above is clear, and I will repeat it word for word: "Get that Rhine Lab ring down, whatever it takes."
The target's altitude is currently 240 meters and rapidly climbing. Our existing military aircraft are unable to fly as high as it can, so we must endeavor to damage its propulsion systems as much as we can during its lift-off window to prevent it from reaching its target altitude, or at least slow it down.
This special operation will be divided among three teams. The drone attack team will be made of three attack squads: first, a Propulsion squad equipped with shockwave charges, detonating them 500 meters from the target to provide a springboard for the other two squads to approach the target before it can adjust its altitude; next a Demolition squad equipped with high explosives, aiming to unleash their payload on the target's outer armor—everyone should have already been sent the details; and finally an Assault squad to enter through the burnt-out hole and destroy it from the inside.
The second team will focus on garnering support from all our tech companies and military contractors to employ whatever means they have to eliminate the target. Whoever shoots it down will essentially take over Rhine Lab's position, and with such an opportunity dangling in front of them, I believe they will be even more motivated than we are.
Colonel Black[sic] will personally lead the boarding party to the target in a prototype boarding craft. He will keep in touch via the frequency used for spec-ops, so make sure your comm channels are open at all times.
Soldiers, if we do happen to survive this, I will be the very first to submit my resignation to the DOD. It is genuinely shameful to carry the rank and decorations of military honor after this humiliating experience. Perhaps it is time for the DOD to rethink the way we have looked at science, at technology, at these scientists.
But before that, we must first complete the very first aerial campaign in Columbia's history, perhaps even in all of Terra's military history. Terra bless us.
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A Dialogue
Reach 100% Case Investigation progress in H.A.M.H.R.R.
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A Dialogue

"Every Columbian knows the Revolutionary War's turning point was when Mark Max joined the fray. The tides of battle immediately reversed once he truly took the reins. Who could have imagined that the revolutionary army, so close to collapse just a year earlier, would under his command force a duke to abandon his ship and scramble back to Victoria, thereby establishing Columbia's independence?"
"A good general is not necessarily a good president." While such doubts did exist when he was elected, he proved through his actions that he was even better at being president. Columbia could not have developed into what it is today without him.
"Today, no one doubts him for a moment, and his approval rating has never faltered. Columbians feel blessed enough just seeing their president on TV, and want him to stay so forever."
"And everyone knows it's possible too, because Mark Max isn't really human."
"Yes, Selene Maylander[sic] did the right thing choosing to stay away from the public seat of power, instead going backstage to set up a foundation to guide this country for Mark, a hyper-rational super-terminal that is never wrong."
"Do you still have doubts about him, after learning everything to do with the Preserver?"
"No, I've long accepted the reality that my boss is a lump of iron. Or rather, I actually feel even more of a connection with him now."
"It's just... Surely you're aware that Columbia intends to take over the legacy Kristen left behind."
"I know. The support Silence received is a testament to that."
"In retrospect, the President may not have fully calculated Kristen's actions before it happened. But by the time that ring-shaped lab took into the skies, he might already have envisioned something similar happening."
"You're implying that Mark could have stopped Kristen if he'd wanted to."
"Yes, that ring's lift-off wouldn't have gone so smoothly otherwise."
"As for you, the Sarkaz have extremely complicated feelings about your relentless interventions into their history, but let's put those emotions aside for now. We understand more than anyone else that you usually make the right choices.
"And a person like you chose to stop Kristen.
"So tell me, Kal'tsit. Do you still think she was in the wrong?"
"......No. Neither of us were in the wrong. However, only time will tell which one of us is closer to being right."
"And what does 'right' mean to you?"
"In our present context, it's synonymous with survival."
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Reach 20% Case Investigation progress in Galleria Stellaria
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Do you know what it means to invite an astrologer here?
It means to mock them. To insinuate that their investigations into the starry sky are shallower than those of a scientist who dismisses the stars we worship as less than nothing.
But... well, I am the Honorary President of the Columbian Astrological Research Association, so I'll tell you three stories.
The first.
In the distant days of old, when humanity lacked the intellect we have now, we primitive barbarians lived as the tuskbeasts do, eating berries, drinking water, constantly fighting for territory, and treating each other as prey.
However, even then, we'd already had an interest in the stars.
There was a group of star-crazy fanatics among them, holding a nightly ceremony on the widest grassland plain they could find, to pray for the stars to descend.
And one day, a shooting star really did cross the sky. So their journey began.
They ran, ran, ran after it, until at last they realized they had ended up where they started.
And so, that was the earliest evidence in history that Terra is actually round—
Alright, I'm just kidding.
The story isn't entirely fiction though. The Archaeologists Association has indeed discovered murals in different countries, all from the same tribe. And they did indeed worship and follow the stars, chasing after any shooting star they spotted.
In the end, they didn't catch a single one, but their footprints have miraculously survived in various corners of the continent, as did their traditions in other tribes.
So by approaching it from that angle, could the stars have been a guiding symbol to these ancient people? To expand their horizons, to explore the unknown?
––A recorded conversation with former senior agent Ho'olheyak (1)
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Reach 40% Case Investigation progress in Galleria Stellaria
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The second.
Once upon a time, there was an astrologer who loved the stars so much, he kept looking for a way to touch them.
He ended up scaling the highest peak of this great land and jumped down from there, slowly drifting to sleep in the space between the starry sky and the land.
Yes, the protagonist of the poem "Starpod" is based on him.
And such a man does indeed exist in the annals of history.
He was a stargazer who also wanted to unravel the sky's secrets, making many observations and conjectures about the stars that even now seem advanced to us.
He did not directly conclude that a barrier layer exists. After all, technology back then was far from what it is now. But unlike his peers, he did not regard the unexpected change in the stars as a premonition.
What do you think happened to him in the end?
Scaled the highest peak on Terra like in the story?
Heh. He did think to, but could not. Because, in the end, the leader of his clan ordered him to be burned alive for disrespecting the gods.
I know all of this because his apprentice managed to escape their settlement with his research materials, and those materials were scattered all across the land for centuries. And now lie in a museum funded by Maylander. I may as well also mention that I was the one who gathered them.
Sadly, the materials he spent most of his life researching never actually contributed to the discovery of the barrier, because his apprentice also died suddenly, ending his legacy right there.
Even more lamentable is how that poet must have used those documents to craft his story. The literati do have a bad habit of romanticizing beyond the point of reason... Just imagine, if that man knew his legacy of exploring the sky had turned into a symbol of giving up on said exploration, he'd probably rise from the dead out of sheer anger.
As times change and civilizations advance, the meaning of "the stars" has changed from a symbol of exploring the unknown, to a garland of ignorance. You must admit that this is one of the more interesting things about history, hmm?
––A recorded conversation with former senior agent Ho'olheyak (2)
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Reach 100% Case Investigation progress in Galleria Stellaria
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Our last story.
There was a girl from a family of astrologers, and this family was fated to find a star that resides in this story.
She had this destiny instilled into her ever since she was a child, and gradually came to believe that finding this star was her reason for living.
Her hard work paid off when she finally found a clue—albeit one pointing in an unprecedented direction, but that made it all the more worth exploring.
She threw herself into it fervently, and the deeper she dug, the more she believed that the answer she sought must lie at the end.
She was so happy that, in this generation, she could realize her family's centuries-long desire.
But just as she was about to find this star, someone told her that the star she had been looking for was utterly meaningless.
The girl couldn't possibly accept such provocation, but this person spoke so naturally, as if stating an unquestionable fact.
The girl also knew that this person was searching for her own star.
"She's just implying that the star she's chasing is brighter than my own."
The girl wanted to get back at that person for her arrogance, and wanted to destroy her star while she wasn't paying attention.
But after she gave it her all and finally found that person's star, she found it was already close to losing all of its light.
Even so, she could tell how dazzling the star used to be.
The girl came to realize that even if she found her own star, it would never shine brighter than this one.
And even such a star eventually lost its brilliance.
At that moment, the girl knew in her heart that the star she had been chasing had long since lost all of its brilliance.
When one's faith completely crumbles, and all hope is blown away by the cold breeze of winter nights, the stars once again appear before us with unprecedented clarity, and we have no choice but to face the facts—the stars are just stars.
So, what do we do next?
––A recorded conversation with former senior agent Ho'olheyak (3)
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The Only Clue
Reach 20% Case Investigation progress in Hall of Stasis
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The Only Clue

This is the "Hall of Stasis," as Nasti called it in her testimony, that now lies only in ruins. The energy source has been exhausted, so it's impossible to determine the facility's function and purpose.
Those ice-blue cubes should have something inside them, but we tried everything we could to open them, to no avail. Not even a single scratch. We're handing them over to the central lab, and I hope the scientists boasting to be the country's number one can pull themselves together.
The writing used in the lab is also a problem. We compared it with the writing seen in Teekaz ruins, but spotted no similarities.
In short, our investigation has left us with no conclusions other than that we still know absolutely nothing about this place.
But we did find Nasti's secret lab—underneath Building C of Test Site 102—on a hidden floor that can only be accessed by entering a password in the elevator.
Test Site 102 is a joint project between the government and Rhine Lab, for civilian purposes. The project was launched three years ago around the same time as the "Horizon Arc Project," once again proving that what she did together with Kristen was pre-meditated.
This secret lab is connected to both the Hall of Stasis and S.H.A.F.T., so we can more or less conclude that the energy fired through S.H.A.F.T. that night came from the Hall.
We didn't find anything here more valuable than what she presented to us. We did expect her to tell us only what she wanted us to know, and to erase any evidence of her lies to protect herself.
But we didn't exactly find nothing. By restoring the communication records on one of the terminals here, we found some emails of her correspondence with Kristen.

Date: July 11th, 1096
To: Nasti
From: Kristen
Attachment: Unknown signal

Nasti, Scientific Investigation's base in the outskirts received a signal from an unknown source. No one can decipher it, me included. Interesting.
Since we can't decipher it, another way to go about it would be to find its source.
However, Scientific Investigation's equipment is unable to pinpoint a precise location. But I'm sure you can find a way.
Looking forward to your report.

The attached file with the unknown signal has been deleted, and the rest of the messages are encrypted. We'll need to meet with Nasti again.
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Reach 40% Case Investigation progress in Hall of Stasis
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Miss Nasti has reluctantly provided us with the password. It seems she had anticipated this.
Our investigation was worth it. Their emails reveal how Rhine Lab discovered the Hall of Stasis.
We have summarized their correspondence for easier reading.

November 3rd
That radio of yours has proved useful, Nasti. We've caught the source of the signal.
But rather than solving the puzzle, it's revealed an even bigger one.
The source lies about 100 kilometers northwest of Trimounts, and 3000 meters underground.
Yes, you read that right. Underground.
I've tapped my government contacts to confirm that there are no projects running over there.
Things are getting even more interesting.
I need your help.
December 16th
Direct your complaints elsewhere, Nasti.
I would very much prefer to have you attending these events while I dig about underground.
You can tell Justin Jr. that most of his questions aren't worth answering and he can act on his own. But I can answer yours.
You asked me what I'm worrying about.
I'm guessing your question is about more than this sudden excavation project, but also about the "Diαbolic Crisis"... or maybe something even earlier, yes?
My answer is simple—
How can I not feel anxious when everyone around me is patting themselves on the back for their absolutely unremarkable research results?
Nasti. Do you remember what you wanted to do when you left Kazdel?
January 3rd
I had a dream.
I was walking to the ends of the earth, where the sea meets the sky.
There was a floating sphere, and I knew it was the answer I had been looking for.
The answer told me I shouldn't have come, I'm not qualified, I'm not the one He has been waiting for, and I will never be myself again.
But I didn't relent in my barrage of questions for Him.
If one can trade their life for answers, then surely nothing could be more valuable.
The answer did not reply to me, but simply floated into the sky.
I looked up.
The stars were falling.
January 12th
I'll head over right away.

The messages end here. Miss Nasti says that she eventually returned to the surface and kept in touch with Kristen through Rhine's internal channels. However, we found the email records had been erased when we checked the database.
Kristen's thoughts are an important window into this incident, so we need to find another way.
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Here I Stand
Reach 100% Case Investigation progress in Hall of Stasis
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Here I Stand

In the Hall of Stasis, we found a personal terminal in a corner, belonging to Kristen. Most of the files are related to S.H.A.F.T. and H.A.M.H.R.R., things we already know about. However, we also found the rest of the correspondence.
February 9th
I've read all the messages you sent me.
They weren't important enough to warrant a reply.
And now, I've deleted them all, because they are absolutely worthless.
I am writing this email to tell you:
I did not die.
Also, I saw "God," in a literal sense. There is no other way I could possibly describe Him.
God spoke to me without pause, and knew the answers to everything.
He showed me the truth.
I did only two things during the week you presumed my death without authorization—question, and reflect.
But I must now inform you of the tragic truth—
My obsession with the sky is no different from those emails I just deleted—insignificant.
The dream I had was real.

February 11th
God has invited me to witness the death of everything, from a first-class seat.
An enticing offer.
From the start, my thoughts on the sky were never as complicated as others like to imagine. I only want to see what hides behind it.
I believe that unraveling the secrets within will guide us forward, and the truth has not disappointed me, but we might very well perish before getting a glimpse of the future.
The choice is simple then:
To do as the poem describes, sleeping peacefully like a pea in a starpod, to die within a beautiful dream? Or to suffocate in a vacuum?
My belief has never wavered—
We should die in the truth.
I'm ready.

February 17th
Attachment: Ideas on how to open up the sky
I'll be right back.
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See also