Herzenfolgen: Routine Visitations

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Transcripts of Routine Visitations in Zwillingstürme im Herbst's Herzenfolgen.

The available Routine Visitations in each day are chosen at random.

Leithanian Nobleman A icon.png
Art Magazine Editor
Vizegraf Heaton, editor of Zwillingstürmekunst, is an avid lover of the arts and styles himself an authority on them. He was witnessed at the concert scene, separating himself from the crowd while covering his face when the noise occurred.
He gazed at me calmly, as though he had been waiting for my questions. The emblem pinned to his chest indicated his noble identity.
Question Let's cut straight to the chase, Vizegraf. Did you notice anything unusual at the scene of the concert?
Answer I'm afraid I can't be of any help. I didn't notice anything unusual.
His tone was calm and his story perfect, as though it had been rehearsed. There were many records and books on the arts on the shelves behind him.
Question You're well-versed in the arts. What are your thoughts on the fantasy "Erdenherrenwinter" performed at the concert?
Answer It was a masterpiece! The beautiful and poignant melodies, subtle and ethereal, like the very snow of Erdenherre. You should have heard it live.
There was a dreamy look on his face when he talked about music. Perhaps the piece would offer a way to get the information needed.
Question I'm sure you remember the depiction of Ferl in the 3rd movement. What did you think of it?
Answer Oh, Ferl. How could I forget her? At the peak of her struggle against fate, when she decided to leave her family spire and go into the falling snow outside... It was a scene to bring tears to your eyes! If not for the noise...
At the time of the incident, the subject was moved to tears by the music. Recreate his emotions with the proper music of the heart. Perhaps the desire of wisdom is suitable, given his sorrows.
(Use any Sorrow's Opus with Desire for Wisdom)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you were deeply moved by the music, but chose to move away from the crowd when the noise began. Do you recall it now?
Answer I should have been sitting there with tears streaming down my face... then the performance was disrupted, and people started looking around them. No, I cannot allow them to see me cry, not as the editor of Zwillingstürmekunst...
No useful information was garnered from Vizegraf Heaton after he fell into self-admiration, and this line of investigation was closed.
Leithanian Nobleman A icon.png
Baron Lange
Baron Lange is a noble of Zwillingstürme. At the time of the incident, he was seen holding hands with his female companion near the source of the noise. Perhaps he noticed something and decided to look into it, but he insisted that he had never been there in the first place.
He slaps the table vigorously, his features compressing in rage, almost as if flames were ready to burst from his eyes. This happened right as his wife walked into the house.
Question There's no need to be so upset. I only care about the case at hand... In order to clear your good name, can you please tell us what you were doing at the time?
Answer Of course! But I'm warning you now – you know what will happen if you dare slander a noble. Dear, fetch me my notebook, would you? Let's take a look... that evening... Ah, I was a guest at Vizegraf Giffey's spire, so he can vouch for me. Is there anything else?
Vizegraf Giffey and Baron Lange are on very good terms, but the Vizegraf was not in Zwillingstürme that day. These are photos of his family on the bookshelf. Among them, the young woman here seems to match the description of the female companion in the intel.
Question You two are such a perfect match, I can't help but want to learn more about your family. Meine Dame, if you don't mind... who is the beautiful young lady in this photo?
Answer What does that have to do with your case–– Ah, of course, dear, I'm not mad... She's my daughter's etiquette teacher and comes by three times a week. That day... was indeed one of the days she came. She left right after the lesson ended... How am I supposed to know where she went?
I notice a bouquet of light blue flowers in a vase on his desk. They are a seasonal specialty of Kreis Erdenherre, and are extremely rare in Zwillingstürme. The organizer of the concert only had them brought over recently, to contribute to the atmosphere of the venue.
Question Truly, I thought wrongly of you, Your Excellency. You are a thoughtful man indeed. Flowers of this variety are hard to come by in the Einwald region. Did you find these just for your wife?
Answer These... Ah, yes. My wife enjoys gardening and such as a hobby, which I always keep in mind. As for the flowers, I specifically brought... Er, had Vizegraf Giffey bring them over. You certainly have quite refined tastes.
At the time of the incident: Baron Lange was appreciating the moving performance along with his daughter's etiquette teacher. Even as passions ran wild, he did not forget to pluck some of the nearby flowers.
(Use any Joy's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question Just as the melody shows, you picked these flowers that night, held hands with the etiquette teacher, and enjoyed the performance. Do you recall the scene now?
Answer Dear, it's not what you think! Nina and I are just friends! Sh-She's like a sister to me. What happened at the concert was just an accident... that strange noise occurred, and I was worried she would be frightened, so I grabbed her hand and led her away... Where are you going? Let me explain...
Baron Lange's wife slammed the door and stormed out, and the Baron continued sighing. I was unable to garner any useful information from him, and closed this line of investigation.
Male Leithanian A icon.png
Bratwurst Stall Owner
Völler is a sausage vendor in Weinshof. His wife claims he witnessed the agitators causing noise around the concert, but he himself was reluctant to be interviewed.
He had red cheeks that may indicate a drinking problem, though his wife claims he stopped drinking a long time ago. I don't expect him to have a good temper.
Question Herr Völler, could you tell me again what you witnessed?
Answer Like I said, I was flipping sausages when the noise started, and saw a suspicious figure sneaking into the alley.
I'm certain it's one of those lunatics who worship the twisted horns. They're always causing trouble, and it's hurting my sausage sales.
His gaze is drifting, and he keeps tapping his palm with a finger. He is lying.
Question What kind of noise was it? Could you describe it?
Answer What else could it be? Screeching, cacophony... my ears have been defiled! It's an insult to music! It ruined the performance!
An ambiguous description. His customers reported that he was alone at his stall that day and closed early. He was witnessed dancing to music by the stall, a few empty beer cans lying on the ground nearby.
Question I believe your wife was away from Zwillingstürme on that day. How is your relationship with your wife?
Answer My wife? Why do you ask...? Great. I love her. She cares for me a lot. She can be a little strict at times, yes... but that's a good thing for the family, isn't it? Hey, what does that have to do with you, anyway? Shouldn't you be looking for the culprits?
At the time of the incident, the subject had stopped drinking under the watchful eye of his wife. However, on the night of the incident, he was observed to be heavily drunk at his stall.
(Use any Joy's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you were enjoying a drink, or maybe a dozen drinks, that night while your wife was away. Do you recall it now?
Answer Alright, alright, a friend gave me a case of Ernstheim beer...
You know, I just... I just couldn't take it down. When that ominous sound began, I... I knocked the case over and didn't hear anything.
Herr Völler's wife angrily dragged him away by his ear. No useful information was garnered from him, and this line of investigation was closed.
Male Leithanian B icon.png
Café Manager
Herr Lindner is the owner of a cafe, which was closed due to suspicions of hosting gatherings of twisted horn worshippers. He surrendered himself to the Gendarmerie, claiming to be the one who caused the noise.
He cussed at the Gendarmerie, almost striking their noses with his finger. Care must be taken to avoid further provoking him.
Question Herr Lindner, perhaps we can sit down and talk about this. Why did you choose to express your dissatisfaction by disrupting the performance?
Answer Dissatisfaction? No, you're wrong.
Why would I be dissatisfied with our honorable Gendarmerie, and our majestic Kaiserinnen? But there were so many people at that performance, so many more than my cafe! I'm sure there were a lot of gatherings that you didn't want to see.
He swung his fists around with a proud look on his face. True, this was a fitting reason for him. Apparently, his son was a fervent worshipper of the twisted horns, and had been part of a plot to disrupt performances.
Question When was the last concert you attended?
Answer The Columbian rock concert last Friday in Bachshof! I gave them some accompaniment with my horn and drums! Haha!
In fact, the concert was changed at the last minute to a performance to commemorate the famous architect, Bach. This was not reported in the news. Last Friday, there was a loud argument in the cafe, which ended with his son storming out of the cafe after smashing a Columbian-made player.
Question There was a time when your business was in a slump, until you started playing rock music and Wrankwood movies in the cafe... correct?
Answer I don't know anything... I don't know who did it. Maybe a customer...
That stuff is not music! We've written so much beautiful music, music that's accompanied us our entire lives! But now...
Stop asking questions! I said I did it! What more do you want?
The subject was not at the scene at the time of the incident. He was fuming over his son's actions.. Recreate his emotions with the proper music of the heart. Perhaps worldly desires are more suitable, given his worries about his livelihood.
(Use any Anger's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you were in the cafe all day. You believe that your son was responsible for the noise and wanted to take the fall for him.
Answer My son... he used to be such a perfect boy... he loved watching me play the violin, and he got into the spires with top grades...
He saw business drop, all the young people going to rock parties at other establishments... he didn't mean to do it, he must have... he just lost his cool, that's all... please, believe me...
The Gendarmerie sent Herr Lindner back to his cafe. No useful information was garnered from him, and this line of investigation was closed.
Female Leithanian Gendarme icon.png
Captain Kristin
Kristin is a Gendarmerie squad commander stationed in Fortschrittshof. She is regarded as highly competent, and slated for a promotion very soon. Soon after I began my investigation in Fortschritt, she found me and demanded that I stop my investigation. She was responsible for security on that day, and I did not reveal my true identity in order to find out what her true goal was.
Her attitude was professional, irreproachable, but lacked material evidence for her warning.
Question Thank you for the kind advice, but I've spent time and effort on this... I deserve to know what I'm facing, at least, don't you think?
Answer I'm not allowed to talk about it... all I can tell you is that this isn't something you should poke your nose into. It's for your own good.
While these incidents had garnered public attention, few rank-and-file enforcers of the law knew their true significance. Was she trying to appeal to my empathy with sincerity? Perhaps I could ride along.
Question Well... I've had some progress in my investigation, and it's true that there seems to be something dangerous involved. For example, I'm sure you noticed the unusual smell at the scene...
Answer S-Smell? Well... you've gotten pretty far. You're better than I thought, which is why you ought to understand my warning.
She reacted quickly, but I made up the smell thing on the spot. She was not at the scene when the incident occurred.
Question One more little thing. All indications are pointing towards someone inside the Gendarmerie. After all, security was heightened that day!
Answer That's just an unsubstantiated hypothesis! This has nothing to do with the Gendarmerie! The noise was because... because... what do you know? Spit it out, or I'll force it out of you!
At the time of the incident, the subject was away from her post without permission. The sudden noise made her panic. Was she worried about her career? Or could it be...
(Use any Fear's Opus with Desire for Authority)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you were away from your post without permission that day. Perhaps we can talk about your actions that day, without this becoming public knowledge.
Answer Fine, I'll tell you what I was doing. But I won't be blackmailed. You can tell whoever you want... some Infected youths had snuck out of their community and came to the venue without permission. I could not allow them to fall into the hands of other Gendarmerie, so I took them to the Gendarmerie's rest area, where they would have a good view of the concert. Then...
I decided to keep quiet about Kristin's actions that night. No useful information was garnered from her, and this line of investigation was closed.
Male Spire Caster icon.png
Caster Suspect
This unidentified caster was seen at a concert in Bachshof, leaving the scene in a hurry when the noise broke out. He has been suspected of instigating many Arts-related disturbances in the past. Many citizens reported him as the instigator of this incident.
After I asked my first question, he continued fiddling with his Arts equipment and did not answer
Question Maybe you didn't hear my question. Let me repeat myself – what were you doing at the time of the incident?
Answer I heard you... It wasn't me.
He fell silent again as soon as he finished speaking. I had no other leads, so I could only keep asking.
Question You know who I act on behalf of. You're just as obligated to answer my questions as if you were in the spire. Perhaps now you'd be willing to talk about why you were at the performance?
Answer That being the case, you should also know where my own loyalties lie in the spire. So... no comment.
He is extremely tight-lipped, and I can't get any useful information out of him. Just as I am about to leave, I notice something hidden behind a stack of books on the bookshelf. It seems to be... a figure of a certain Columbian rockstar?
Question "The Creative Aesthetics of Conjuration Arts" ...You seem to have a number of illuminating books here that I find myself rather interested in. Mind if I borrow a copy or two?
Answer Wait, hold on! Don't touch anything–– C'mon, I-I'll answer your questions... About the music that day–– Uh, during the performance, I showed up late because I was dealing with some important matters, and by the time I got there... Uh, anyways, the situation there wasn't what I was expecting at all! Just as I was getting ready to leave, I heard that terrible noise...
At the time of the incident: The subject of the interview was leaving angrily because the concert wasn't what he expected. It is reported that the rock concert originally scheduled for that day was swapped out last minute for a classical music performance.
(Use any Anger's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question As the melody shows, you were indeed preparing to leave the venue due to a last-minute change in the genre of the concert... My apologies. Did you notice anything else that might've been unusual?
Answer I have nothing to say to you! Do you have any idea how angry I am? How much I suffered? I shelled out triple the price to get a front-row seat. I rushed over, but who knew that it had been changed to a free open-air concert? And then I get my ass reported? All because I cast Arts on my wand to make it glow that ONE time... Isn't that what Columbians do at concerts?
The caster, who revealed himself to be a fan of rock and roll, slumped back into his chair. I was unable to garner any useful information from him, and closed this line of investigation.
Female Leithanian A icon.png
Rauch is a flower vendor who often wanders the streets and was at the concert. Perhaps she noticed something unusual, but there were also rumors that she was missing a few screws, as it were. Any information obtained from her must be treated with care.
She stood before a blooming wall of flowers, a flower basket in hand, seemingly waiting for someone.
Question Excuse me, do you remember anything about what happened at the time of the incident? Did you see anything unusual?
Answer Pardon me, sir, but my eyes can no longer see your face, or whatever is reflected in your eyes. That concert was no different from any other in Leithanien, the music blossoming like the flowers on this wall.
Only then did I notice a shadow like a mist shrouding her eyes. Her blindness has gone unnoticed as she showed no sign of incapacitation. I was about to leave, but I felt a remarkable aura from her that compelled me to continue asking.
Question Could you try to remember if there was anything unusual? Even just a sound?
Answer I was tending to the flowers that day. There are many flowers here, every one beautiful... no need to be anxious. Perhaps there is one here that will catch your eye.
She lifted her flower basket, and the flowers inside smiled at me. For some reason, I found my gaze drawn to a golden flower.
Question Do you... remember what you were doing? Maybe I can help you remember.
Answer A couple bought the last flower in my basket, a rose filled with love. The joyful rose bloomed on their faces. My basket was empty, so I looked around. Oh... it was him...
A flower emerged from the bushes, but he was wilting. I felt tears streak across my cheeks...
The subject used flowers as analogy for her psychological state. She saw a wilting flower and wept for it.
(Use any Sorrow's Opus with Desire for Wisdom)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you discovered a special truth and felt sad about it. Do you remember anything more specific?
Answer A golden flower, swaying in the storm far away. Branches wilt and flowers fall. The time has come, and he no longer hears the call...
I bought the marigold from the flower vendor. Perhaps there was a deeper meaning behind her words, but I could not decipher it.
Female Leithanian A icon.png
Frau Lena
Frau Lena claimed to be an ordinary citizen who happened to be near a disrupted concert in Neuleopoldshof. She was taken in for questioning by the Gendarmerie, but seemed strangely reluctant to describe what she saw.
The woman sitting opposite me looked down at her hands, clenched tightly on her lap.
Question Could you describe what you saw at the time of the incident?
Answer Like I told you, I was listening intently to the performance when the strange melody began.
I don't know where it came from, or who was playing it... is this how you do your investigating? By interrogating honest citizens?
She wore an angry look on her face, but was avoiding my gaze. There have been multiple reports of thefts at concerts as of late.
Question No need to be nervous. How about we talk about something else? Let's see... the concert was a performance of the fantasy "Erdenherrenwinter." How did you become interested in it?
Answer What kind of question is that? I love music, especially fantasies. Erdenherrenwinter is one of my favorites, and I've heard it many times. What reason do I need?
That was the premiere performance of Erdenherrenwinter. She could not have heard it before.
Question You may recall that the concert was only open by invitation due to the timing. Do you have the invitation with you?
Answer Er, invitation... yes, I do...
Wait, I thought it was here... where did it go... Sorry, maybe...
At the time of the incident, the subject was likely at the concert to look for things to steal. She was afraid that her false identity would be exposed.
(Use any Fear's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question Outdoor concerts never require invitations. As the melody revealed, you snuck into the concert with ulterior motives. Do you recall it now?
Answer You're right... I took stuff without permission at the concert... but I wasn't trying to keep anything for myself!
I'm trying to return them... I just wanted to find my daughter, who was taken away from me twenty years ago... I wouldn't recognize her, but she... she'll have the amulet on her. I must find...
I told the Gendarmerie of Frau Lena's true identity, but also vouched for her future. No useful information was garnered from her, and this line of investigation was closed.
Male Leithanian Gendarme icon.png
Gendarme Schimmel
Schimmel is a gendarme responsible for security in Weinshof. He claims to have apprehended the instigator of the noise at the concert, but did not want me to meet him.
The interrogation report he handed me was full of set-ups and lies. Right now, I'm more worried about the safety of this so-called "instigator" than the actual investigation itself.
Question I've read your interrogation report... You don't want me to meet the suspect, so can you please tell me how he caught your notice?
Answer What else do you need to know? Pain in the ass... He was sneaking around at the scene, and an Infected to boot. From all my years of experience as a gendarme, I could tell from a glance. Hmph. Those damn Infected, I know them all too well. I reckon more than half the cases around the city are caused by their ilk.
He speaks with conviction, but his gaze is wandering elsewhere. He's trying to lie his way out. I need to ask for more details to expose him.
Question Can you provide me with a few more details? For example, how did you catch him in the act, and how did you apprehend him?
Answer I saw him sneakily take out one of those vile Arts units, and he started messing around with his little parlor tricks, which is where that awful noise came from. I caught him off-guard, so I rushed forward, and subdued him on the spot. His Arts didn't do a damn thing to me... Ahem, said a bit too much there. I've always been the type to keep things on the down-low.
He's pulling this out his rear. The investigation revealed that before the noise broke out at the concert, someone witnessed him having a verbal altercation with an Infected person next to him.
Question You mentioned the Infected. I'm curious what you think about Weinshof's stance towards them. You know, how we see them at concerts all the time...
Answer Hah, they're a bunch of dirty connivers, especially at concerts... The grating noise of their breathing is an insult to music! I have no clue how the higher-ups can show them that much courtesy, but I ain't about that! I have a duty to use my authority to keep those lousy pests away from the rest of us. Let's see them try to disobey!
The actual situation: The interviewee had a dispute with the Infected individual. He maliciously regarded this person's refusal to follow his rude demands as a violation of his authority as a gendarme.
(Use any Anger's Opus with Desire for Authority)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question As the melody shows, you abused the authority of the Gendarmerie at the concert, arrested an innocent person on false pretenses when you failed to drive them out, and deliberately retaliated... Aren't you ashamed of your conduct?
Answer ...Ashamed? Hahaha, why should I be? I come from a long line of casters serving the spire for generations, but I don't have a shred of talent for Arts and can't feel its essence, so all I could do was become a gendarme. Yet they can throw around Arts at will, just from having a few rocks sticking out of their body? Those disgusting opportunists! Ashamed of what?
I rescued the framed Infected, and Gendarme Schimmel was disciplined. I was unable to garner any useful information from the subject, and closed this line of investigation.
Male Leithanian B icon.png
Harman "Long-Ears"
Harman is an ordinary citizen who is somewhat well-known in certain circles. He wanders the city and hears many things. He claimed to have key information about the noise at the concert. I decided to have a chat with him.
He looked around in alarm when he learned that I wanted to know about what happened at the concert, and took me into an alley.
Question Aren't you being too careful? I just asking you to tell me what happened there.
Answer Hush. It's too dangerous for common folk like us. Are you sure you want to know? Alright, to tell you the truth, I wasn't there, but I do have something big that's 100% related to your case. I heard it with my own ears...
He pulled my sleeve and put up three fingers. I took out three Ducats and put them in his hand.
Question What did you see?
Answer Three days ago, I saw a strange masked figure near the Bachshof venue where the incident occur, around sunset. He was talking with someone else by the side of the street, someone who looked like a normal civilian, and they looked suspicious. I had a feeling it was something important and got close to them, and what I overheard... was what you're looking for.
He closed his mouth again and put up three fingers again. I did not have time for this.
Question I know you followed them. There are ten Ducats in this bag. Now tell me everything you saw.
Answer Well... I followed them once their conversation ended. Suddenly, he turned into an alley, and I followed him to see that he was talking to someone else. Then he took out something that scared the living daylights out of me.
This is worth more than ten Ducats, don't you think?
At the time of the incident, the subject was pursuing what he believed to be an important lead, only to be spooked by what the mysterious figure was holding.
(Use any Fear's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you saw something that made you realize the unusual nature of this case. Spit it out.
Answer Alright, but only for you. He took out a letter sealed with gold wax, and the other guy just let everything out when he saw it. You see, that guy must have been a secret government agent. This is BIG in capital letters, and I would stay far away if I were you... say, that guy was about your height and size...
I took certain measures to retrieve the Ducats from Harman "Long-Ears". No useful information was garnered from him, and this line of investigation was closed.
Leithanian Nobleman B icon.png
Instrument Store Owner
Muller is the owner of an instrument shop, where noises of an unknown nature had been heard late at night, mixed with what sounded like a man howling. He strongly denied such claims when investigated for possible links to the noises.
The instrument shop was spacious, the counter free of dust. He was wiping the trombone in his hands, while various instruments were displayed on the wall behind him.
Question May I inquire as to where you were last Friday evening, Baron?
Answer I tell you, I had nothing to do with the concert. I was in my shop and didn't go anywhere that night. I closed the shop when it was time, and went back into my room to rest.
Do you want to take a look?
His statements were consistent with the results of the investigation. The reported noises coming from the shop occurred around midnight.
Question I would like to know more details. What were you doing around midnight?
Answer What's the point of all this? I was... I was bathing. Sorry, I don't have a witness who can prove it. Happy?
There was clear hesitation in his answer. I noticed a page torn out from a book under the counter. Written on it were vocal techniques and the titles of several lieder. He had never demonstrated an interest in singing before.
Question By the way, did you develop a recent interest in vocal music?
Answer H-How did you know? Er, ahem, I mean, yes, the art form of lieder has piqued my interest lately. Only as a listener, of course.
Yes, I listen to the classic passages, humming along with them... I guarantee it has nothing to do with what you're investigating.
The subject may have created the sound by singing. He wanted to improve his vocal techniques and demonstrated a strong interest in doing so.
(Use any Joy's Opus with Desire for Wisdom)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that the sound from your house was created by you yourself. What is the meaning of those sounds?
Answer H-How insulting!
I know I'm not the best singer, but when warm water runs across my skin, I can't help but open my mouth and sing... haven't you ever had that feeling? I've been doing my best to improve my technique...
Baron Muller seemed devastated. No useful information was garnered from him, and this line of investigation was closed.
Leithanian Nobleman B icon.png
Jewelry Store Owner
Herr Musial, who runs a century-old jewelry store in Doppelhörnershof, said that the recent incident at the concert was similar to another case he had encountered, and insisted that the two were linked.
A bright light shines through the windowsill that has been in disrepair for quite some time. Through the window, one can see that hardly any customers frequent the store, and there is a "Store for sale" sign posted on the door.
Question Are you Herr Musial? We've been in touch before. Can you provide me with any additional details regarding the incident you mentioned previously?
Answer Oh, it's you. I've been waiting a long time for you... The incident happened a long, long time ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. Back then, this jewelry store was renowned throughout Doppelhörnershof, and its prized treasure was the famous Azure Lodestar gemstone. If you gazed upon its deep yet pure blue, even for a moment...
The Azure Lodestar was once reserved by a prominent nobleman, but it was stolen on the last day of its public exhibit. This story is well-known, and I require his information as quickly as possible.
Question Sir, I'm already aware of this. It's been a long time since the Azure Lodestar was stolen. But how is it specifically related to this incident?
Answer Let me finish. On the night it was stolen, I had invited the City Orchestra to play there. Just as the performance reached its climax, a terrible cacophony suddenly broke out, and chaos ensued. In its wake, the Azure Lodestar disappeared from right in front of everyone's eyes! The noise was exactly the same as what recently resurfaced. The thief must be the very same person you're investigating!
His account was similar to the description from back then, though there was no mention at all of the noise. At the time, there was a black market order from Sargon for the gem, and the delivery date was slated for the same day the gemstone was lost, but the transaction was never completed.
Question Though, I do have a little tidbit here, not sure if you know it already or not. The missing Azure Lodestar actually ended up in Sargon...
Answer In Sargon? Impossible! I personally placed the gemstone into the box and delivered it myself, but when I inspected the goods, there was only an ordinary stone inside! At the same time, the blinding Arts deployed at the venue were also broken through...
Could it be that the Sargonians deliberately swapped out the box to entrap me?
The real situation at the time: The subject of the investigation faked the theft in order to steal and sell the gemstone, but didn't expect that the package had been swapped.
(Use any Anger's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question Just as the melody shows, and as you've admitted yourself, you broke your agreement with the buyer and prepared to secretly pawn off the gemstone at a high price under the guise of a theft, but unexpectedly, the real thief was behind you... Poetic justice, wouldn't you agree?
Answer If not for that, I would've struck it rich a long time ago, and never would've ended up in the situation I'm in now...
I'll give it to you straight. All you need to do is spread the story that "the noise at the concert was someone trying to steal jewelry from Musial's shop," and there'll instantly be a steady stream of customers at your doorstep. Then, I'll package the inferior gems and sell them off, and we split the profit... thirty-seventy.
Musial changed the sign on his door to read, "Store for sale, low price." No useful information was garnered from him, and this line of investigation was closed.
Leithanian Nobleman B icon.png
Musician Schumann
Schumann is a well-known musician, the organizer of outdoor concerts in the Neuleopoldshof, and the composer of "Erdenherrenwinter." At the time of the incident, he was playing the piano onstage and experienced everything that happened firsthand. He has refused visitors until now.
His fingers dance lightly between the keys, the improvised beat matching my gradually-approaching footsteps. When I stop beside him, he ends his impromptu with a graceful glissando.
Question Professor Schumann, thank you for your time. Could you please tell me what you saw at the time of the incident?
Answer Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot to say about it. You say that there was a noise that interfered with my performance, but these things happen all the time – for example, the smacking of lips and tongues between audience members unable to control themselves. To be entirely honest, I'm not sure why anyone else would stop playing.
His articulations were deliberate and unrushed. Indeed, he did continue to play even as murmurs arose. However, there was actually a significant discrepancy between what he played and what was on the score.
Question Please pardon me, but I've seen your original score. You seem to have made a number of adjustments when performing the third movement live. May I ask what your rationale was at the time?
Answer The performance of music is not a rigid reproduction of the score, especially when the score itself is unsatisfactory. My current mood, my resonance with the opus, as well as any unexpected changes all become part of my interpretation.
To me, music is the voice of the heart. The voice of the heart as it exists at the moment... and only that moment.
His fingers once again perch atop the keys, and the melody that flows forth merges with his words. But at the end, his fingers produce a subtle yet out-of-place tone.
Question That being the case, you should've been very satisfied with the performance you put on at the time, and the noise should not have affected you. Is that right?
Answer No... I cannot accept that. That was my worst performance ever, and my expression was completely insufferable! Even as I completed the score, I still failed to understand how my own protagonist, struggling with her fate, felt as she walked into the cold winter of Erdenherre... But why is there a perfect melody in my memory, when I cannot bring it forth anymore...
At the time of the incident: The subject of the interview was extremely dissatisfied with his performance at the time of the incident. It fell terribly short of his expectations – but he still conceives of a perfect melody within his mind.
(Use any Anger's Opus with Desire for Wisdom)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question As the melody shows, when you were incensed at your performance yet nevertheless threw yourself into your playing... What did you see right then?
Answer I-I remember now! That's right, I heard it! That voice stepped into my melody, and my own performance followed it so naturally, until I could make sense of it...
Anger! Intense anger! That is the only fitting emotion! You're all wrong – that was not meaningless cacophony. Because it appeared, I was able to craft my perfect melody...
Professor Schumann grew excited, and ignored me to throw himself into his performance. I learned from him that the noise might've contained emotions of anger, and closed this line of investigation.
Female Spire Caster icon.png
Mysterious Caster
The caster of unknown identity had been present at outdoor concerts across the city. There was no evidence directly linking her to the incident, but it merited further investigation. Locating her was not an easy task.
A faint candlelight illuminated a corner of the room. The candlelight flickered, and a mask emerged from the shadows.
Question H-Hello. You know what I'm here for. As a frequent attender of concerts, did you notice anything unusual?
Answer The noise you seek has nothing to do with me. I have no interest in the cacophony of fools.
It was impossible to detect any emotion in the voice. More specific questions were necessary.
Question You seem to be particularly fond of outdoor concerts, regardless of the program and theme. There must be something that you are interested in.
Answer Only a mediocre detective would need to seek the truth through questions and answers... I suppose I could tell you. My teacher pointed the way. I followed the teachings, searching for a power beyond my imagination, which is connected to my very essence.
The caster held something tight in her hand while speaking. It seemed to be an amulet. I needed to know more.
Question What kind of power is it, that you would go so far to search for it?
Answer ...A staircase that would help me climb the spire and achieve great things. I saw the revelation in the light of my teacher's Arts and started searching, but I have yet to find it. I am walking through fog, and my eyes are wet...
The subject was searching for something unknown at the time of the incident. She believed it would lead her to greater heights, and shed tears because she had yet to find it.
(Use any Sorrow's Opus with Desire for Authority)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you were not interested in the noise at all. You are looking for something that you lost. Do you remember?
Answer The warmth... it comes from here. Why? Why does this little object feel so warm? It is like I'm wrapped in a blanket, in somebody's arms, but what follows is parting... sinking sorrow, overflowing tears. What am I searching for...
The caster grabbed her amulet tightly, her expression hidden behind the mask. No useful information was garnered from her, and this line of investigation was closed.
Male Leithanian A icon.png
Helmut is a skilled sculptor who made statues for Das Kaiserinnensfest at Lutonshof's industrial area. He was seen acting abnormally at the scene of the concert, crying loudly, and was arrested by the Gendarmerie on suspicion of public disturbance. It was later found that he had no employment permit, adding to the suspicions surrounding him.
He looked surprisingly calm in the Gendarmerie interrogation room.
Question Herr Helmut? I have a few questions. What were you doing at the time of the incident?
Answer I was looking along the road for my lost chisel, trying to find it before the concert ended. After I heard the dissonance, the Gendarmerie appeared, saying that I looked suspicious and that they were taking me in for questioning.
There was no change in his expression. He came from a family of sculptors, and his grandfather was a guest at many spires, but the family went into decline after being rejected by high society due to their commoner status following the ascendance of the Twin Empresses.
Question Looks like you could have cleared your suspicion by explaining yourself. What happened?
Answer They asked me what I lost. I described my chisel, adorned with garnet and obsidian, passed down to me from my father. They said someone like me couldn't possibly possess such an object, and that they were taking me away.
He gave a meek laughed and bowed his head. I realized that he was not so much calm as simply numb.
Question Why did you cry? Did something happen?
Answer No, there was no confrontation, nothing... I just saw the growing crowd and realized I might never see my chisel again.
If I can't work, I won't get paid, which means I couldn't buy suppressants... I started crying, and the Gendarmerie arrested me.
The subject was looking for his lost chisel at the time of the incident, and cried when he realized he could not find it.
(Use any Sorrow's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you had nothing to do with the noise. I sympathize with what happened to you... I'm sorry that you couldn't find what was lost.
Answer My chisel was a gift from a noble to my grandfather. He was the best in town.
When the city was renamed Zwillingstürme, my father was kicked out of the spires, and I was ejected by the atelier. I had to work in the shadows, like some kind of pest or vermin... I don't understand why...
I secured Helmut's release, but he was a broken man. No useful information was garnered from him, and this line of investigation was closed.
Male Leithanian Gendarme icon.png
Sheriff Fischer
Fischer was a gendarme of Lutonshof. He claimed to have caught the agitator causing the noises red-handed at the charity concert at the factory area, but the well-prepared perpetrator managed to escape. He intended to request additional men for the investigation because of this.
I waited ten minutes before he finally finished his conversation and gave a cursory salute to the envelope in my hand, never once looking me directly in the eye.
Question I came regarding the matter we discussed earlier. Can you describe the agitators in detail?
Answer Was I not clear enough? It was a Witch King cultist who wielded powerful Arts, which allowed him to escape. These commotions were clearly carefully planned. There is nothing else I can reveal, because I have my own investigation to conduct, Herr Detective.
He straightened his collar and prepared to leave. The authorities paying increasing attention to the Witch King's remnants has led many low-level Gendarmerie to see catching cultists as a chance for promotion, playing up even the slightest rumor.
Question There's another question. How did you find the agitator?
Answer H-How? Ahem... he was hiding in the crowd, fiddling with his Arts under his dirty robes, making sacrilegious sounds.
He might fool the others, but he could never fool me! He wouldn't have gotten away if I were even a little faster!
There was clear anxiety in his eyes. He was unprepared for my questions.
Question Can you describe the chase and capture?
Answer I... I chased after him while guarding against his Arts. He tried everything to stop my progress, but I charged forward with no regard for my own safety. Then he... yes, he turned all of a sudden, and hid himself in... where was it...
Listen, I don't have time for this. I need to get on this case right now!
At the time of the incident, the subject may have been chasing an agitator as he claimed, but he was definitely dreaming about a bright future for himself.
(Use any Joy's Opus with Desire for Authority)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you were thrilled about the bright future waiting for you. Could it have affected your performance in the chase? A little investigation should reveal the truth.
Answer Wait! Please, wait! We can talk about it... as long as you don't tell anyone else.
I... I was chasing a thief, not a Witch King cultist, and he got away. I couldn't... you understand, don't you? I trust you... just continue your investigation and pretend nothing happened. Deal?
I ignored his pleading and reported his false reporting to the Gendarmerie. No useful information was garnered from him, and this line of investigation was closed.
Female Leithanian Student B icon.png
Student Buchner
Buchner is a student of an Arts spire. She often appears at outdoor concerts for her own research, and therefore has experienced many noise disturbance incidents. According to her, there seems to be a pattern to them.
In order to explain it to me clearly, she pulls a roughly-chewed pen from her mouth and begins diagramming inside a notebook.
Question So you're saying that the noise contains a fixed rhythm?
Answer Precisely! Look at the sound scores I've recorded from Bach, Wein, Doppelhörner, and here, Sorgfalt and Luton too... Do you see it? This passage–– the sounds are almost identical.
The anomalous noise has not surfaced for a number of days now, and I have no audio data of it. However, if her account is credible, the pattern in the sound may prove to be a breakthrough in the case.
Question Is it possible that other sections currently considered meaningless noise also have some kind of pattern? Maybe these sounds are a code of some sort?
Answer It's not outside the realm of possibility, but if this indeed is a secret code, then we must deduce the corresponding cipher table beginning with this melody... Wait a second! I seem to have the vague impression... that I've heard this voice somewhere before...
I'll continue questioning.
Question Are you able to recall where you heard it? What were you doing at the time? I can help you remember.
Answer ...I remember it was at the Neuleopoldshof. I was on my way to the Ewigegnade concert hall, and there were celebratory decorations being put up on the sides of the road, and musicians playing the piano... Suddenly, I felt a pang of hunger, but didn't have a single coin in my pocket. Just then, the aroma of roasted hock started to waft over...
At the time of the incident: The subject was extremely hungry, and had no money to buy food.
(Use any Sorrow's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question As the melody shows, you were distressed by your insatiable hunger when you heard the noise... Do you remember now?
Answer Oh, yes, that was, that was... *gurgle*––*gurgle*... Ugh, it was the sound coming from my stomach. The topic of my research is "Relationships Between Musical Trends and Regional Cuisine." In order to collect data, I spend all my money rushing between various concerts, and end up having to go hungry... Ugh, I'm starting to get hungry again...
I treated Buchner to a meal of roasted hock and three large portions of sauerkraut. I was unable to garner any useful information from her, and closed this line of investigation.
Male Leithanian Student A icon.png
Student Holness
Holness is an Arts spire student who is also investigating the concert disruptions. He had visited numerous outdoor concerts across the city, and was a witness to the incident in Doppelhörnershof.
He glanced up at me, then continued to write in his notebook, paying no heed to my arrival.
Question Let's cut straight to the chase. We're seeking the same truth. Maybe we can exchange information. Did you notice anything at the time of the incident?
Answer Chaos. I noticed chaos. One moment, everyone was entranced by the music; the next moment, the fantasy was broken, like a golden age coming to an end without warning. Beneath the covered-up wound, chaos has begun to spread within us like poisoned blood...
His answer was meaningless to my investigation. I had to get something specific from him.
Question I think I understand what you said. I would like to ask you something else. You were there at the scene; did you notice anything suspicious?
Answer Good question. I did notice signs, tiny signals that could only be picked up by one with exceptional perception. I call it... doubt. Yes, the ordinary person would not notice it, but I could see doubt in the eyes of everyone who gathered because of the music, doubt about where to go...
Was he really investigating the same thing I was? I was unsure. I questioned him further.
Question Ok, how about another question. What were you doing at the time of the incident?
Answer I was seeking, searching, painting the portrait of the Leithanian society of our times. I was certain that the noise that broke through the melody was the key to the truth, and so I searched tirelessly, until I witnessed it for myself, something so massive that made me stop in my tracks.
The subject was pursuing a "portrait of society" at the time. He believed it had something to do with the noise that disrupted the performance, but seemed to have been intimidated by the truth.
(Use any Fear's Opus with Desire for Wisdom)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you saw the truth you were looking for, and felt a terrible fear. What did you see?
Answer The source of the sound. It was... struggle. The beautiful melody could no longer hide the stagnation of reality, and the sound that pierced the illusion was the cry of the people.
The people are crying that the age of glory will shine upon this land again, and call upon the twisted horns that will once again stand tall!
He quickly shut up when I reminded him that the Gendarmerie were nearby. No useful information was garnered from him, and this line of investigation was closed.
Male Leithanian Student B icon.png
Student Lindner
Lindner is an Arts spire student and fervent twisted horns worshipper. There were rumors that he was responsible for the disturbance at the Bachshof concert last week, but no concrete evidence could be found at the scene.
I found him in an abandoned concert hall in Doppelhörnershof, where he had been hiding for days.
Question I'm not here to arrest you, Lindner. I just want to chat. Can you tell me what you did at the concert?
Answer That sound... that sound was our proclamation—the Twin Spires will fall, and the filth from outside will be wiped away. A spire the likes of which has never been seen will stand again... the glory of Leithanien will return!
His voice was trembling, struggling to string together a complete sentence. He was clearly trying to muster his courage.
Question Don't be stupid. The one you're trying to call is no more. Answer my questions, and you might be able to return to the spires and study your Originium Arts. Do you understand me?
Answer Shut up! Herkunftshorn's eye still gazes upon Leithanien. He will not allow this vile era to continue. He will not abide the usurpers to sit upon his throne!
O-Our lives are but a small price to pay for his return!
This called for another line of questioning. His father had been anxiously looking for him, even turning himself in to the Gendarmerie in his son's place.
Question Think of your father! Did you know that he turned himself in to protect you? Tell me the truth if you don't want to watch the Gendarmerie take him away!
Answer What? Father? No! What have I done... It's true that I was planning on disrupting the concert, but the performance changed at the last minute.
As I was wondering whether I should continue the plan, I felt someone behind me, and broke out into a cold sweat... then I remember the concert being stopped.
The subject was planning to disrupt the concert at the time of the incident as a show of his blind worship, but became frightened by unexpected events.
(Use any Fear's Opus with Desire for Wisdom)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that something unexpected happened before you could put your plan into action. Do you remember anything more specific?
Answer I-It wasn't me! I remember now. The guy who appeared behind me cast Arts on me before I could do anything. I quickly lost consciousness and don't remember anything about him...
While Lindner had intended to disrupt the concert, he was not the one who actually caused the noise. Nothing else came of the lead that I garnered from him.
Female Leithanian Student A icon.png
Student Marlies
Marlies is a student of an Arts spire. She claims to have heard some noise at the scene, and was able to determine it contained some sort of rhythm, only... she can't exactly remember it.
With heavy Arts books propped on her head, she works to maintain her balance, expressing that this is an effective method for recalling one's memories.
Question How about this, do you remember what you were doing when you heard the noise?
Answer I was heading home at the time, trying to squeeze my way through the crowd watching the performance.
There were so many people there. I knew I shouldn't have gone out to buy sausages in the evening, even the shopkeeper was drunk... Well, that's when I heard that dreadful noise—Ah!
Just as she was excitedly describing the situation, a book slides off her head and crashes onto her shoulder, falling open. A schedule slips free of the pages and floats down, every inch of it crammed full with various tasks, all related to studying Originium Arts.
Question Do you all face such pressure to study?
Answer Pressure?
Well... teachers always say that climbing the spire is a long and arduous journey, and that many scholars never make it into the palace of knowledge. Every week, there's always some "lacking students" leaving the spire. Given that I'm an Edler, I gotta put in effort if I want to remain here.
She scratches her head and smiles brightly at the end of her explanation. She's quite optimistic. I can help her remember.
Question Could it be that... you used the excuse of buying sausages to sneak out and relax?
Answer Eh... You guessed it! I had a report due the next day, but couldn't figure out what to write at all, so I decided to buy a sausage and relax. Sausages are great! After that... I don't know why, but I felt really inspired after I went back, and I felt way
At the time of the incident, the subject was facing heavy pressure to study when a perfectly timed and delectable sausage brought her mood back up. Recreate her emotions with the proper music of the heart. Perhaps worldly desires are more suitable, given her enjoyment of delicious food.
(Use any Joy's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question As the melody reveals, you were feeling great after snacking on a sausage. Do you recall it now?
Answer ...Ah! Now I remember! I was chewing on my sausage as I walked, when all of a sudden that noise rang out, then... someone bumped into me! I was fine, but my sausage wasn't! The person who bumped into me wanted to apologize by singing me a song right then and there... So the noise wasn't the source of the rhythm.
Marlies went back to the spire to continue her studies. No useful information was garnered from her, and this line of investigation was closed.
Female Leithanian B icon.png
Suspicious Citizen
Frau Laudehr seemed to be an ordinary citizen. Informants reveal that she often showed up at performances, but stayed on the lawn away from the audience. She was present when the noise occurred. Perhaps she witnessed something, or perhaps...
She stood on the lawn with her hands on her hips, not bothering to hide her annoyance.
Question Sorry to bother you, Frau Laudehr. Did you notice anything unusual at the time of the incident?
Answer No, no! It's always the same. Nothing unusual ever happens.
I can't believe he drew so many people with his level of playing. If you ask me, it's a good thing that the noise drove the crowd away. They should spend their time listening to Wagner instead...
She kept going on and on. I had to change the topic and try to get a picture of her actions on that day.
Question Perhaps I can help you recall the details. Do you remember what you were doing at the time?
Answer I was tending to the lawn. I do this once a week, cleaning out the weeds, keeping the grass at the right height, making sure it's smooth and soft...
This is an art, but those bastards just trample upon it without the slightest respect.
She furrowed her brow at this.
Question Trampling upon the lawn... did it happen on the day of the concert? Who were they?
Answer That was the day when they came on the lawn and trampled my work. No respect at all!
Then the noise began, and I took the chance to pick up my hose and point it towards them...
The subject was tending to the lawn at the time of the incident. She was obsessed with creating the perfect lawn, and entered into an argument with those who stepped on it.
(Use any Anger's Opus with Desire for Worldly Things)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question The melody reveals that you were arguing with someone at the time, filling your heart with anger. Do you remember anything about them?
Answer I... I remember. They were telling me to leave the public lawn and not to get in the way of citizens who want to rest on it. They called themselves the Gendarmerie, but they knew nothing.
The poor lawn, trampled by so many people. I must take up the responsibility of trimming the lawn and make it beautiful again...
The kind-hearted Frau Laudehr spent the rest of the interview mourning for the lawn. No useful information was garnered from her, and this line of investigation was closed.