Stultifera Navis Action Logs: Dusty Picturebook

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A list of Action Logs of the Dusty Picturebook in Stultifera Navis' Inquisition Minute.

The nodes' suffix denotes their order in descending order. Therefore, EX-2 means that the node is the second in the order.

The logs are quoted verbatim from the game and should be kept pristine. Edits and updates should be placed on other pages related to the same subject.

Piercing together the scattered atlas

EX-1: Preface

In the atlas's preface, the author claims to be but a poor soul far from home, whose name is insignificant. To record the life that he and his friends had experienced, and to keep their memories from drowning beneath the waves, he picked up the brush. Surprisingly, the atlas seemed to be quite popular with children, their doodles often visible in its pages' margins. Perhaps the ones who grew up on land are using everything in their hands to tirelessly search for their nebulous homeland called "Ægir."
For some reason, the pages in the atlas are shuffled and scattered. This story will have to be slowly reassembled.

EX-2: Chapter 1

"Breogan has convinced us that Ægir has sunk into the quagmire of arrogance. Our cities are falling, our homes submerged in the abyss, but the consuls still believe in our imminent victory. No, we need to seek another path."
"We mustn't forget that though the ocean is vast, it is far from being the entire world. The land-dwellers are weak and short-sighted, but the power of change may well dwell within them. They have been besieged by the calamity of Originium, yet have learned to harness its power."
"Breogan never promised that this place would have the answers Ægir sought, but it is at least a new path. I still remember the moment we first set foot on land. The sand beneath my feet was no different from Ægir, but that was the first time I really felt what it was like to be caressed by the wind."

EX-3: First Landfall

You flipped through all the sections regarding "First Landfall."

EX-4: Waterlogged Dream

"These days, I will occasionally dream. Of dazzling golden domes, of my humid hometown."

EX-5: Chapter 2

"The place we landed is called Iberia, a country that is as wildly arrogant as it is backwards. It seems that pride is the common illness of all humanity, be it on land or at sea. We arrived along with Ægirian refugees fleeing disaster. The people on land have dubbed us Islanders."
"However, everything on land was still a novelty to us, especially to Breogan, who never seemed anywhere near as excited when he was being called a genius back at the Academy. There is never an idle day for him, as he leaves no stone unturned, no question unasked, and even quickly integrates with the locals."
"I really can't stand his complacent streak, what he's called 'the science of dealing with people." Two days ago, he heard something from an old man that caught his interest, and immediately decided to set off on a journey I have little hope for. We know too little about this land to make blind ventures."
"Alright, I guess I'll join his team after all. Hopefully, we don't end up dead along the way."

EX-6: Wilderness Journey

You flipped through all the sections regarding "Wilderness Journey."

EX-7: Pallid Snow

"I have never felt water in this form before–soft, cold, beautiful, and deadly."

EX-8: Brown Soil

"Soil is the cradle of life. They say that when the spring wind blows, green shoots will sprout here."

EX-9: Chapter 3

"How long has it been since we left that place? Five years? Six? We have crossed the cities of Victoria, gazed out across the plains of Kazimierz, toured the Basilica of Laterano, and nearly perished in the snowfields of Ursus. Now, we face Sargon's endless golden sands."
"Breogan is right, we are indeed approaching that truth. During our travels, we've briefly come into contact with several special beings, sometimes seen as prophets, messengers, or oracles."
"Yesterday, Breogan officially met with one of Them. They had an extremely difficult-to-say name that They insisted we use. I hope I didn't mispronounce it. Breogan chatted with Them for a good long while."
"'Feranmuts.' Terrestrial creatures of mythic proportions and unparalleled power. Breogan is trying to come up with a hypothesis, but to be honest, I'm taking the wait-and-see approach. They do have some similarities with the terrible creatures we've faced in the ocean, but they are also very different in other ways."
"I hope that hypothesis of his exists only to be falsified."

EX-10: Proxy

You flipped through all the sections regarding "Proxy."

EX-11: Scorching Fire

"These flames blaze more passionately than any I have felt before, perhaps because my partner in this conversation is that extraordinary."

EX-12: Throbbing Heart

"I can feel the excitement in each and every one of us. We are about to face a cornerstone of the truth."

EX-13: Chapter 4

"We've returned to Iberia once more. Over a decade has passed, and the country doesn't seem to have changed much, but the number of Islanders has only increased. It seems the situation in Ægir is looking bleak. I am starting to feel homesick, not knowing if my city still stands."
"Breogan has met a few friends in Iberia, a cleric named Carmen and a naval officer named Alfonso. They get together almost every day to discuss some, hah, 'grand plans."
"He really is far too good at dealing with people, or perhaps I'm too much of a hermit who prefers the company of a paintbrush. Breogan told me that his predictions are getting better by the day, and that he's found a way to integrate Ægir technology with Originium, and simply needs an opportunity to put it into practice."
"For example, being appointed as chief naval architect of Iberia."

EX-14: Grand Palace

You flipped through all the sections regarding "Grand Palace."

EX-15: Ocean's Premonition

"Breogan brought with him not only dreams of gold, but also a warning from the sea. Most people chose to ignore the latter."

EX-16: King's Arrogance

"Those with power tend to underestimate their ability. Even more so for those with great power."

EX-17: Chapter 5

"Breogan is going to build a massive fleet for Iberia. Even a fool can see how ambitious their king is, but so be it. Perhaps Breogan spoke true–that we are but visitors on land, and our ultimate purpose is to aid Ægir."
"I went to see the flagship while it was under construction. From an Ægir's perspective, it was a pretty average job, but for a country on land, it is a ship unlike anything they've ever seen. Breogan and Alfonso named it the Stultifera Navis, the Ship of Fools."
"My guess is that even though the two of them have withstood the pressure and insisted on keeping the name, they might have wildly different interpretations of what it means. Breogan has been constantly frowning as of late, seemingly aware of something about to happen. Or he could simply be worn out, as the king has also tasked him with building lighthouses and ports."
"Recently, he's become a darling of the Iberian media. Every paper heaps praise on him without a second thought, but I know his eyes are fixed on something greater. His judgment has always been correct, and I hope that remains the case."

EX-18: Chapter

"When did Breogan bring his Little Handy with him onto land? If I knew earlier, I would've brought mine too–it always helps me get the colors I need. He even bought an External Upgrade Module for it! That thing's expensive as hell!"

EX-19: Ship of Fools

You flipped through all the sections regarding "Ship of Fools."

EX-20: Burning Desire

"Nobody can resist their own desires, especially when you understand when they are desiring."

EX-21: Bounding Ambition

"Once ambition germinates, it knows only how to proliferate. Even if it's clear it will only lead to ruin."

EX-22: Far-Seeing Lighthouse

You flipped through all the sections regarding "Far-Seeing Lighthouse."

EX-23: Unquenchable Light

"Where there is light, there is also a shadow. The brighter the light, the deeper the darkness."

EX-24: Submerged Waves

"Do you hear the sound of the tides? It's as if someone is sobbing."

EX-25: Engulfing Waves

You flipped through all the sections regarding "Engulfing Waves."

EX-26: Proud Captain

"As a friend, Alfonso is absolutely qualified. As a captain... Fine, there isn't anyone to compare him to anyway."

EX-27: Decrepit Craftsman

"Friends, we are all starting to get old. Yesterday, Breogan spent half the day complaining about his new wrinkles. I think it's because he frowns too much."

EX-28: Calamity

"All sounds have vanished. The tide is approaching."
"A terrible wave. It will swallow us all."
"Something must've happened to Ægir. I have to find Breogan."

EX-29: Fragments of Silence

You flipped through all the sections regarding "Fragments of Silence."

EX-30: Soundless Tide

This piece of paper has been waterlogged for so long that the letters on it are no longer legible.

EX-31: Obliterated City

"...Leviathan...Ægir...lost...Abyssal Hunters... This plan is our last hope."

EX-32: A Few Lines of Footnotes

"I've already looked everywhere. Where is Breogan hiding? He couldn't have died in the Profound Silence, but the situation for him now is likely more dangerous than it was then."
"That's right, he foresaw it long ago, but the countermeasures he prepared were taken as evidence that he was responsible for the calamity. He was branded an evil sorcerer who sacrificed Iberia to the waves. Even our identity as Ægir has become a mark of original sin, and the land-dwellers accuse us of bringing disaster in our wake."
"I just saw an Ægir youth being beaten in a corner. The assailant was his Iberian neighbor, who he had always gotten along well with."
"Damn it, I have to find Breogan again. No matter what happened to Ægir, we have to go back."

EX-33: Back Cover

The Dusty Picturebook has been reassembled, but where is the ending?