Stultifera Navis Action Logs: Gran Faro

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A list of Action Logs of Gran Faro in Stultifera Navis' Inquisition Minute.

The prefixes of the nodes' names denote their storyline order in descending order, where the first number denotes the objective and the second number denotes the action. Therefore, 5-1 means that the node is part of the fifth objective and the first action.

  • If A or B is added after the action, it denotes multiple choices.
  • If the same node is listed more than once, it must be entered multiple times to proceed.
The logs are quoted verbatim from the game and should be kept pristine. Edits and updates should be placed on other pages related to the same subject.

Entering Gran Faro

1-1: Tide-Eroded Street Sign

This road has already become scantly traveled. Nobody cares about the stories that once unfolded here, nobody remains to record them. Silence falls upon all equally, bringing the same quietude. Only the street sign marks these memories, roughly engraved with the name of this small town– "Gran Faro."

1-2: Old Well

Gran Faro, seaside town–a rare sight these days. Rhodes Island, Iberia, and even Alive Until Sunset arrive here on the eve of a brewing storm.

Listening in on info about outsiders

2-1: Bitterscale Tavern

Inside Bitterscale Tavern, a man who has clearly consumed excessive amounts of cheap alcohol over a long period of time is muttering ambiguously, lamenting his lack of a worthwhile life. Upon hearing that foreigners are visiting town, he finally lifts his eyelids, revealing the cloudy pupils underneath, and lets out a sharp snort: "Alive Until Sunset? A rock-and-roll band? Pah! Let them rock-and-roll their way back to where they belong. We all know that this is just another one of the Inquisition's cheap tricks, and they're not welcome here!"
The man picks up his bottle and walks out of the tavern unsteadily. His trailing voice is still faintly audible: "They've already ruined this place, what used to be our..."

2-2: Small Chapel

In front of the chapel, a ragged beggar leans against the wall, his hands clasped together tightly. He is not so much praying as simply existing, hardly any different from a pebble. Day or night, young or old, healthy or sick, nothing matters to him. Nobody cares about him, and he also cares about nobody. At some point, he bows his head deeply, tears rolling from his eyes as he murmurs: "I don't deserve to be promoted."

2-3: Central Plaza

In the middle of the plaza, a Sea Terror still tries to observe the land even in death. Everyone who witnesses it realizes that Gran Faro has fallen into a terrible crisis.
Elsewhere, Kal'tsit finally rendezvouses with Elysium, and meets the members of AUS. At the same time, the death of the Sea Terror has mobilized its deformed kin, causing the entire town to descend into terror.

2-4: Messy Junk Pile

From a messy junk pile, a strange wheeled device rolls down. Though it is missing parts and covered in dust, it still emits a strange glow. Around its chassis, the words "Little Handy" are written in Ægirian. It's unclear what activated it, but it nevertheless whirrs to life. If its missing components can be found, it may prove to be unexpectedly helpful on the battlefield.

Investigating the cult's plans

3-1: Small Chapel

Around the chapel, the devout gather, trembling as they close their eyes. They turn around and press their foreheads against the cold wall, as if the chapel's weather-worn stone had become their last pillar of support.
An old man covers his eyes, convulsing as he screeches: "Fire! Light! He's brought light!"

3-2: Dark Cellar

Inside the dark cellar, the townspeople curse without cease: "What the hell was that...? Why is this happening to Gran Faro? First the Ægir, then the cultists, and now these damn monsters! I need to leave this place! Otherwise... Otherwise...! I've seen it with my own eyes! The Inquisition's flames will burn a person's soul dry!
"He didn't even have time to bring supplies. These supplies can still come in handy.

3-3: Seaside Path

Thiago attempts to convince Jordi to leave, and uses this opportunity to tell him about the truth of Gran Faro. The dark sea leaves no way out.

3-4: Plaza South

The cultists scatter before the Abyssal Hunters. A mysterious Hunter by the name of Ulpianus kidnaps Amaia, while Elysium finds a clue in the files left by the cultists.

Stopping the spread of the Sea Terrors

4-1: Narrow Alley

In a house along the narrow streets, an old man's vigilant eyes peer out from behind the curtains. He had experienced this decades ago, and is no stranger to it. Their hopes of rebuilding are being crushed underfoot, and the instigator is someone they believed in. The friends regarded as brothers have disappeared into the shadows, the plans into which countless hours were poured have been put on hiatus, and the imposing man with a lantern says: the cult has infiltrated you.
The old man gazes at the photo hanging upside-down over his bed. The once-dazzling sunset has faded. And thus, a dream was shattered.
The old man ponders – between monsters and humans, which is truly more terrifying?

4-2: Unattended Store

A rustling sound comes from an empty shop. A Sea Terror is curled up behind the counter, with an elderly woman sitting across from it. A stack of diagrams lies scattered between the old woman and the Sea Terror. Though half her face is concealed by a hood, she is undoubtedly staring at the creature before her. Many years ago, she had dedicated all her talents to Iberia's greatest expedition, but that intrepidity ended in a terrifying silence. After experiencing hardship, struggle, and disillusionment, she gave herself to a greater cause, one transcending country or geography–she sought to find the perfect other side that all living things could cross over to. What's more, within the cult, she was able to continue the research on monsoons and hydrology that has captivated her so.
Now that the Inquisition has arrived, the products of her blood, sweat, and tears must be burned, her theories never to see the light of day. She chooses to dedicate them to a Cycle of the great evolution, to a Sea Terror. Sea Terrors roam right in front of her, but do no more than roam. Fortunately, she is patient.

4-3: Run-down Shed

An abandoned shed sits along the reef's shore, offering a glimpse of how bustling this small town used to be. People from all over used to arrive, trying to restore a glimmer of hope following the calamity. But now, it's been abandoned, its sheets of metal rusting away. The precious materials once used to build this place are now scattered about everywhere, no longer of anyone's concern. These supplies can still come in handy.

4-4: Empty Street

The Hunters encounter AUS and realize that the town is under attack. While protecting the town, Elysium is attacked by Ulpianus, and Specter runs into Amaia, who was believed to have been kidnapped.

Finding a way to cleanse the Nethersea Brand

5-1: Warped Mailbox

Inside a warped mailbox is crammed a strange device with the words "Wilderness Survival Module" printed on the side in Ægirian. It seems to slot into "Little Handy." Who put it here, and what message are they trying to send to whom?

5-2: Penal Battalion Forward Base

In the Penal Battalion's forward base, humans are trying to unravel the mystery behind the nethersea brand. Its encroachment can only be staved off through the guardians' faith.

5-3: Quiet Trail

The townsfolk attempt to hand Jordi over to the Inquisition to save themselves. Thiago helps Jordi escape. Meanwhile, the appearance of the nethersea brand has put Carmen, Kal'tsit and the Hunters on alert.

Finding a way to cross the ocean

6-1: Collapsed Residence

The area where this collapsed residence is located may have been inhabited by Ægir Islanders, as the signboards bear faintly-visible patterns distinct from the Iberian style. Now, it is completely uninhabited. And when the previous inhabitants left, they lacked the time to even take their supplies with them. These supplies can still come in handy.

6-2: Burnt-down Research Institute

In this burnt-down research institute, the Church of the Deep cultists were trying to uncover the secrets of evolution. They seemed to possess academic curiosity as well, not just blind faith.

6-3A: Burnt-down Research Institute

The documents in the file cabinet escaped a fiery fate. They contain the data obtained by the Church of the Deep cultists over a long period of time. From the dates and labels, their research began many years ago. The promise of an evolutionary end-goal was so enticing and so real that it could drive the brightest minds to work towards it day and night, sacrificing themselves.
A few lines of handwriting are scribbled onto the file's header, perhaps a spark of inspiration from the cultist who recorded it: "what does it mean to become a part of the cycle of evolution? It means to be truly free from all suffering."

6-3B: Burnt-down Research Institute

The samples in the specimen storage escaped a fiery fate. The specimen storage houses a staggering number of samples, including photographs, anatomical diagrams, and tissue cross-sections. Some of these species have never been observed in the evolutionary record. The promise of an evolutionary end-goal was so enticing and so real that it could drive the brightest minds to work towards it day and night, sacrificing themselves.
How did the cultists feel towards the creatures they worshipped? When their scalpels sliced through the flesh of the Sea Terror, did they feel the same pain as if their own skin was being cut? Or will humanity's curiosity eventually supersede faith?

6-4: Abandoned Factory

Pretty much anything of value has already been whisked away, but the collectors over the years seem to have overlooked the toolbox in the corner.

6-5: Abandoned Factory

In the abandoned factory, the skeletons of incomplete ships lie scattered among mechanical giants, like corpses rotting in the wilderness with their flesh and blood plucked away. This factory came to life along with Gran Faro itself, its ambitious builders certainly unable to imagine that things would end this way. Pretty much anything of value has already been whisked away, but the collectors over the years seem to have overlooked the toolbox in the corner, with several blueprints and a notepad hidden inside it. The blueprints, signed by chief naval architect Breogan, depict a massive battleship, the magnum opus of Iberia's Golden Age before calamity struck.
But, both Gran Faro and this factory were born after the calamity, and the ships slated to be built here were nothing more than laughable toys compared to even the smallest in the fleet. The engineers here still carry with them blueprints of things that can no longer be brought into being. Are they meant for technical reference, or are they merely holding onto a beautiful dream?
Funnily enough, even this parody of the Golden Age is filled with nothing but corpses.

6-6: Seaside Street

In this town of special significance, the Inquisition and Abyssal Hunters must negotiate fair-and-square and reach a conclusion. They search once again for the Eye of Iberia, with time at their heels.

Arriving at the Eye of Iberia

7-1: Coldreef Port

A small vessel prepared beforehand by the Penal Battalion is moored in the port. When it sets sail into the sea for the first time, it will face completely unknown winds and waves.

7-2: Coldreef Port

If you look out from Coldreef Port, you will then understand the calamity that completely reshaped Iberia's coastline. The majestic harbor built more than seventy years ago sank into the sea without a trace, and it goes without saying that Coldreef Port cannot hold a candle to it. Though small, it still reserves a few berths for massive ships. In reality, those ships would never be able to return home.
After the plan to build Gran Faro was put on hold, Coldreef Port was almost never used. The few voyages in the port's records were mostly small-scale search missions carried out by the Inquisition and the Penal Battalion. Nobody ever returned from those expeditions.
Today, this long-since lonely port will finally see off another ship from its embrace. Its crew will set out to find the Eye of Iberia that is still looking out over the ocean. The assistant that the Penal Battalion placed in Gran Faro prepared the boat in advance, the old dockworker carrying out work he was unfamiliar with: loading the vessel with supplies for the voyagers. The boat slowly left the port and disappeared from the people's sight.
The dockworker thought to himself that he might never get the chance to send off another ship in his few remaining years.

7-3: Dusty Warehouse

Inside the dusty warehouse, supplies designated for the next voyage sit there unused. The only problem? Nobody knows when that will be, or if it will ever happen. These supplies can still come in handy.

7-4: Eye of Iberia

The Eye of Iberia remains standing amidst the waves. Nobody knows why this lighthouse survived the disaster, but perhaps it is because no matter how terrifying the wind and waves may be, nothing can stop people from gazing towards the sea. Iberia's eyes will never close, only be temporarily clouded over.

Heading to the lighthouse control room

8-1: Landing Point

Carmen and Kal'tsit remain in town and attempt to dispose of the wicked cultists before the Penal Battalion arrives, improvising a frontline position. The voyage to the lighthouse is far from plain sailing, and the Hunters have no option but to confront the Sea Terror menace head on–as well as a mysterious guest.

8-2: Lighthouse Entrance

Jordi searches for the entrance to the lighthouse under the protection of Irene. The Last Knight obstinately believes that this lighthouse is a disguise for the terrible waves.

8-3: Lighthouse Caretaker's Lodge

Traces of life remain within the lighthouse caretaker's lodge. When the calamity struck without warning, the guards stationed here were never heard from again. But now, more than sixty years later, there is still one guard staring out the window at the sea. His body has long since decayed, his eye sockets hollow, but duty is nevertheless duty. The diary here can be read, the drawers here ripe for rummaging.

8-4: Corridor to the Control Room

In the corridor on the control room's ground floor, a young man named Jordi stares at great length at every brick and every wall. This is the lighthouse the elders spoke of, the "Eye of Iberia" in his dreams. These corridors, stairs, and panels may once have been tread upon and touched by his parents. Jordi tries to feel an aura of familiarity from them. Countless times, he has sketched his parents' likenesses from his imagination, the way they would shuttle between lighthouses. Those few notes left behind correspond to reality, line by line. Perhaps their bones are still interred somewhere in this lighthouse, and the thought makes him shudder. Now he stands at the same place, his hand covering the same control panel. Where, then, will fate take him?
Jordi decides not to think about these things. He must accomplish his duties, irrespective of his identity, his worth, or his beliefs. Jordi stands here for the sake of his unrealistic dreams, and though he may be anxious and uncertain, the one thing he is not, is lost.

8-5: Lighthouse Control Room

The Eye of Iberia is rekindled, and the conspiracy in Gran Faro seems to be drawing to a close. The ocean is always touching this land, pushing everything into the abyss.
The remaining Church of the Deep cultists reach an agreement with Thiago. Kal'tsit and Carmen are delayed, and there is no time to wait at the Eye of Iberia. The Hunters and Irene decide to go ahead and locate the great ship.

Finding the lost flagship

9-1: Half-opened Safe

In a half-opened safe sits an outdated nautical chart, once used by the old Iberian fleet to conquer the seas, formerly a crystallization of their explorations through the mist. Unfortunately, it is now nothing more than scrap paper. A few other miscellaneous items also sit at the bottom of the safe, with nobody left to use them. These supplies can still come in handy.

9-2: Worn-out Cabinet

Inside the worn-out cabinet sits a complex-looking device. A thin line of Ægirian text along its side reads: "Housekeeping Assistant Module." It seems to fit into one of the slots on "Little Handy." It appears to have been carefully stashed here at some point, but where did it come from?

9-3: Ship's Wake

Finally, the trajectory of the Stultifera Navis is brought to light, and the lost flagship once again graces human eyes.