Herzenfolgen: Special Visitation

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The transcript of the special Visitation in Zwillingstürme im Herbst's Herzenfolgen.

To be able to access the special Visitation, the player need to create the sole Inner Tune of the Tomorrow's Opus and use it in any Visitation, Covert or Routine. Once the Visitation where the Tune is used finishes, this Visitation will trigger.

Leithanian Nobleman B icon.png
Odd Passerby
How bizarre! It was just an ordinary day, and I was walking down the sunny streets of Bachshof with my head held high when a stranger appeared from nowhere and blocked my way. He barraged me with words I did not understand, yet he knew my Arts well. He had a request for me.
His whole body was vibrating with a difficult-to-explain yet somewhat familiar rhythm, almost as if my brain had been stuffed with ice cubes then vigorously shaken about. I swear I've encountered this rhythm somewhere before.
Question In other words, you want my help in recreating a scene from the past... A scene from three hundred years ago?
Answer Ain't nothing surprising about that. Can you remember the kinds of beers they sold in the downstairs coffee shop last year?
Tch, look at what those two dolls have twisted Leithanien into in just a few years. The music's so damn old it's growin' mold. My spire's pretty great 'n all, but it's been turned into a memorial hall–– Free admission for everyone under a meter n' and a half? Ain't half bad, maybe worth a laugh... Anyhow, what's wrong with having fuzzy memories 'bout stuff that happened three centuries ago?
He speaks as if all of this is but a matter of fact, which only makes me more and more confused.
Question ...Then, why don't you start by telling me what you do remember from that time, so I can try to help you.
Answer Oh yeah, almost forgot. It's not that big of a deal. One night, I was up in my spire playing with that collection of musical Arts you guys have there, when I might've accidentally triggered somethin' special. There was a flash, and some notes suddenly started falling from the light, printed onto a blank sheet of paper in a musical notation I ain't never seen before.
But I only got to play it once that night, and couldn't remember the melody again after. A damn shame. Didn't have all the fancy toys back then, like the recorders we have now.
I give my arm a good hard pinch, and the pain proved that I was still in reality. However, his account is simply too bizarre. I can only bite the bullet and continue with the questioning.
Question I want you to recall as much as you can. What did you feel as you played this piece?
Answer Feel? Hell nah, that's way too superficial a way to describe it. It was an comprehensively soul-shattering experience!
That piece had a temper, I tell you. Unlike anything else that's ever popped up beneath this sky... Playing it was like hoppin' aboard a huge ship, putting the thrusters on full blast, and charging full speed ahead.
When the curtains rise, the wild wolf howls, let yo soul bask in the song o' praise. Reeds sway in the firelight, deafening sounds erupt from the lonely city. Cross through the flames, 'cuz I'm comin' over the clouds. Take me to the stars!
You fallin' fast, it ain't Eden but it's still a garden. Fallin' up into the clouds, sweet dreams shattered by cannons blazin' loud. Yo~ the whole land shakes for me, every sea n' every nation! ...Where the hell's our destination? That shit don't matter, better let those thoughts scatter.
That night: The interviewee played a mysterious piece of music and went on a strange trip: boarded a giant ship, went on a journey across the land, experienced wonderful things... and headed towards the future.
(Use the Tomorrow's Opus)
The music of the heart sounds, resonating with the heartstrings of the subject and bringing back memories.
Question Just as the melody shows... This feeling, this rhythm... Huh? Herr Emperor?! How strange, how come I couldn't recognize you a moment ago...
Answer Aha, that's it! I knew it. Knew I could trust you. When I struck the final note that night, a gust of wind suddenly blew across the terrace and swept the music sheet away. Went right over the railing, and disappeared into the night.
And now, three hundred years later, I've finally found it. Time to take my victory lap. That damn sheep's gonna so jealous it's going to smash its horn to bits!
Oh, you're still here? Lemme give ya this ticket. What're so you worried about? 'Course I'm not holding a concert now. Just treat it as a keepsake. Ain't nothing good gonna be happening here anytime soon, so I'mma leave shaking up Forest Park for later. Best of luck to ya'll.
Herr Emperor waddled away, but I was still enraptured by the melody. In the scene the melody revealed to me, I saw a future, an endpoint... The destination that the ones who've been journeying for their ideals will ultimately reach.