Zwillingstürme im Herbst: Herzenfolgen

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As the Kaiserinnenfest approaches, celebration and turmoil mix in the shadow of Zwillingstürme's eponymous spires.
Several outdoor concerts have been interrupted by unidentified forces in recent days, causing severe disruptions to order in the capital. And yet, the instigators are nowhere to be found.
In the evening, you received a letter sealed with golden lacquer.
Accepting this mission, you walk into the streets and alleys of Zwillingstürme, in search of clues to the truth of this case.

Zwillingstürme im Herbst features Herzenfolgen (German for "Follow(ing) the Hearts") where the player constructs and casts Wahrsagung Arts to unleash different "Inner Tunes", and use it to review the subject's mood at the time, evoke their memory, and advance their investigation of a case.

Compose Arts Tune

Connecting Notes

The player needs to place three different Notes of Emotions out of the four types (each may be chosen for more than once), which will be conjoined and determines the Aspect and Emotional Suite of the Inner Tune.

ZT-Joy.png ZT-Anger.png ZT-Fear.png ZT-Sorrow.png
Joy Anger Sorrow Fear
Note of Joy.png
Note of Anger.png
Note of Sorrow.png
Note of Fear.png

A total of 20 different Emotional Suites can be created by conjoining different Notes of Emotions, divided into 4 Aspects:

Joy's Opus Pleasure
Anger's Opus Annoyance
Sorrow's Opus Despondency
Fear's Opus Concern

Perceiving Notes

After the Emotional Suite is made, the player needs to specify the Way of Want for the Inner Tune.

There are three Ways of Want:

ZT-Desire for Worldly Things.png
ZT-Desire for Authority.png
ZT-Desire for Wisdom.png
Desire for Worldly Things
Things Mundane and Worldly
Desire for Authority
Shadows of Authority and Spires
Desire for Wisdom
Light of Knowledge and Formlessness

After selecting the Way of Want, an Inner Tune will be constructed, and all used Notes of Emotions will be consumed. This Inner Tune will be kept in the Arts Archive and can be used in certain circumstances during the investigation.


The 30th Inner Tune constructed will be replaced by a special Tune that belongs to the "Tomorrow's Opus", with no Emotional Suite nor Way of Want, regardless of how the player constructed it. It can be used in any Visitation, Covert or Routine, to trigger the special Visitation.


The player need to visit their subjects in order to advance their investigation. Every day, the player is able to perform three Routine Visitations. A total of 6 Covert Visitations that requires one Authorization Warrant each to perform can be performed anytime, regardless of the daily limit.

During a Visitation, the player will be able ask questions and see analysis of their subject's response in Momentary Thoughts (may be skipped). After the third question, the player will receive a hint that implies the required Emotional Suite and Way of Want. The player will then be required to choose a Inner Tune that matches with the required Suite and Way. The player can either choose one from their Arts Archive, or compose one on the spot.

If the Emotional Suite and Way of Want matches, the Inner Tune will be consumed, and the Visitation will be successful, where the player will be able to read the subject's evoked memories. Otherwise, the Inner Tune will be refunded, and the player may choose another one. A clearer description will be given to the player after they have made three unsuccessful trials, and the correct Inner Tune will be highlighted, if the player owns it in the Arts Archive.

A successful Routine Visitation awards an Investigation Resupply.png Investigation Resupply while Covert Visitations award one Lessing's Folder.png Lessing's Folder and unlocks a Remnant Record each.

Hearken the Arts

Each different combination of Emotional Suite and Way of Want corresponds to a unique music that plays as BGM during Compose Arts Tune. The player may also choose to enjoy the music in the Hearken the Arts section.

Joy's Opus
ZT-An die Rose.png
An die Rose
(Into the Rose)
That which is in full bloom, is enough to halt spring;
it does not seem to come from the earth, but teems from the courtyard walls,
swaying in all its fragrance. Your smile captivates all beings.
The sounds everywhere tempt the people to run.
With your Arts, you can make those frantic footsteps stop.
Your tendrils embrace the scattered verses and trace them into petals.
You teach everyone to embrace them, and they unite in laughter.

Desire for Worldly Things
Desire for Authority
Desire for Wisdom
Anger's Opus
ZT-Vedunien Geigenbauer.png
Vedunien Geigenbauer
(Luthier of Vedunien)
The damaged wooden core has not broken.
They stagger forward with carving knives and hoes.
Vedunien, we will carve your coffin.
We will pull taut the strings of fate.
From you we will carve keys of black gold.
We will carve the melody of your demise——
We will carve you! We will carve you!

Desire for Worldly Things
Desire for Authority
Desire for Wisdom
Sorrow's Opus
ZT-Trauerhorns Nachtlied.png
Trauerhorns Nachtlied
(Nightsong of the Mourning Horns)
The spires fall silent.
The fountains, lifeless, ooze a red mist.
In the park, crowded Doppelhörner falls silent
Yet you turn around, tears about to dry.

Desire for Worldly Things
Desire for Authority
Desire for Wisdom
Fear's Opus
ZT-Der verdrehte Turm.png
Der verdrehte Turm
(The Twisted Spire)
Above the sky, an eternal palace
You climb upwards, trembling
Ascending those chaotic, tumultuous steps
Primordial glyphs wrap around the walls
To the stones within the gaps, they bind you tightly
Their lives as long as the night itself
Serenity is like the veins coursing through you
The stairs hang high in the abyss
leading to the spire where the fog dissipates
Harken, for the spire has never divulged what scenery lies at journey's end.

Desire for Worldly Things
Desire for Authority
Desire for Wisdom
Tomorrow's Opus (SPOILER!)
ZT-Die Reise.png
Die Reise
(The Journey)
If the footsteps of life will one day
be buried beneath the dust of time...
then we must never, ever
—halt our steps.

Trivia: The Tomorrow's Opus BGM is actually a remix of the Arknights startup screen theme, specifically the current iteration used since the release of Episode 10.