Azione Solo: Agenir

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This page is a list of Agenir's Azione Solo tasks and story transcripts.

To unlock Agenir's role, the player must have cleared IS-9.

Guns beget might, order begets law.
Asleep in the courthouse. Only found some people to talk to after waking up.
Il Siracusano-Vecchio Codice.png
(Old Codex)
An old legal codex. This was the earliest version of Siracusa's legal foundation, and upon it, the entire judicial system Siracusa would deploy.
I ran into Ben outside on my way from the church.
Head to the designated landmarks in the given order to progress.
1-1Cittanova Main Street (Story)
1-2Ben icon.png Shady Park (Story)
1-3Ben icon.png Shady Park (Story)
Skill Summary - 3
The courthouse is a great place to sleep. Hopefully nobody comes bothering me.
Head to the designated landmarks in the given order to progress.
2-1Volsinii Courthouse (Story)
Judge Lavinia seems to have something to say.
Head to the designated landmarks in the given order to progress.
3-1Volsinii Courthouse (Story)
3-2Penance icon.png Volsinii Courthouse (Story)
Courtroom Floor.png
The old man heads back to the courthouse to resume his slumber. The old code of law may be changing, but this time, he does not hold the pen.


Agenir Bernardo, if I told you that the Siracusa of your dreams already exists precisely because of what you're trying to destroy, how would you react?
It was never the famiglie that mattered. It's the rules.
Well, whatever.
Maybe I've gotten old too.
Ben Hm? I didn't expect the geezer who spends his days sleeping to get all sentimental now.
Agenir Ben...
Ben Care for a drink?
Agenir I'll pass.
Ben How dull.
Agenir sits down next to Ben, picks up the bottle, and takes a swig not at all congruous with his appearance.
Ben I thought you were just going to sleep in the courthouse until this was all over.
Agenir I thought you were going to side with the young wolf, Leontuzzo.
Ben At least in name, I am still one of Sicilia's "Bocca al Lupo," am I not?
Agenir I didn't expect you to finally embrace that title.
Ben After all, I'm a man of contradictions. I'm not too ready to acknowledge the glory of civilization, but I'm not after a pointless death either.
Although, you've got just as many contradictions.
You set the rules that have governed Siracusa for the past few decades, but unlike Sicilia, you never insisted you were right.
Agenir I only trust that I'm not wrong either.
Ben Who knows?
Ben declines to say anything more, only taking a deep swig of the bottle of wine in his hand.
Agenir What are you going to do next?
Ben Pretty much the same as always. I'll go wherever the good shows are.
How about you, old man?
Agenir Me?
Ben Let me ask you a question.
Here you are today, sitting around helplessly watching the times change.
But what about the past, when you left Laterano with Sicilia, when you set the laws of this land into stone? How did you feel then?
Agenir I felt a torrent of emotions.
Ben Time is a flat circle.
I've already told you this several times.
I never liked your rules, but that doesn't mean I'll like the new ones either.
A false civilization naturally pales before a civilization that comes from the heart.
However, what comes from the heart is invariably as short-lived as it is brilliant.
Sicilia is stubborn. She will take her society with her to the grave.
But what about you?
What you wanted wasn't an ironclad order, you just wanted to prove that "laws" can be created. Isn't that right?
Agenir Yes. I've always been curious as to what exactly allows the Sankta to coexist on terms of absolute equality.
And she craved the power to allow all the famiglie to negotiate at the same table.
That's why we chose to join forces.
Ben But, the moment "guns and order" was brought into being, your goal of leaving Laterano had already been accomplished.
What kept you in this country decades after that was not her society itself, but the promise you made to her.
You've been around long enough, old man.
Agenir What, you're not going to leave, but you're going to try to persuade me to go?
Ben I'm just concerned that your eyesight will get so bad you won't be able to see the road ahead of you.
Agenir ......
Signora Sicilia Agenir.
Agenir ......
Signora Sicilia You old sop, enough playing dead.
Agenir Zzzz......Zzzz......
Signora Sicilia I let you come here for your "retirement," not so you could watch everything happen from the sidelines.
Even if the results are basically acceptable right now, don't think that I'll forgive you so easily.
Agenir Zzzz......
Signora Sicilia Agenir.
Agenir Nnh... Getting angry so early in the morning is bad for you.
Signora Sicilia Answer me. You didn't forget, did you? I asked you to come here to take care of someone for me.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "Giovanna"]
Signora Sicilia I suppose you haven't gone completely senile yet.
<Dialogue branch>
[Choose "Leontuzzo" or "Lavinia"]
Signora Sicilia Looks like I should've sent you to a nursing home instead of Volsinii.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Agenir Which is why I asked you to come with me, Sicilia.
Some things, you won't see until you sit down on a park bench.
I've seen some interesting things, and figured you might want to join me.
Signora Sicilia And there are other things you won't see until you're sitting in Grey Hall.
I didn't come here to listen to this, Agenir.
Agenir Alright. I must say, we went a bit overboard this time.
I'll admit, I was in the wrong, in certain respects.
Signora Sicilia Hmph.
Agenir Now, it's your turn.
Signora Sicilia You sound awfully confident about what I'm going to do next.
Agenir Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here this time either.
Signora Sicilia Heh. Having a friend who understands you too well isn't always a good thing.
Signora Sicilia smiles and walks up to Agenir.
Then, the most exalted presence in Siracusa slowly kneels down.
Her expression is one of piety, like a devotee.
Agenir To whom are you praying for forgiveness?
Signora Sicilia To guns and order.
Agenir What is your sin?
Signora Sicilia I accepted the challenge of a young man.
And his goal is to destroy everything I've built.
Agenir Do you see this as a betrayal of guns and order?
Signora Sicilia I do.
Agenir Then why didn't you nip it in the bud?
Signora Sicilia Bernardo's methods went beyond the rules, and I could not tolerate them. But Leontuzzo chose to sit in front of me, risking his own life to offer his ideas.
I decided to give him a chance.
Agenir No, that's not the real reason.
Signora Sicilia ...I told him, Siracusa will be resplendent while I live, but wither away after I die.
Agenir Do you not believe that the guns and order you created can live on?
Signora Sicilia I've learned one thing from the many heirs I've tried to cultivate: the next Signora Sicilia won't be born in an era of peace.
When I decided to make all the famiglie bow before me, the only things on my mind were ambition and passion.
And over all the years I've managed this country, I can't help but feel somewhat sentimental for this one word: Siracusa.
I will do everything in my power to crush him.
But, if he really does succeed in the end...
Then so be it.
Agenir On behalf of guns and order, your transgressions will be forgiven.
Signora Sicilia stands up slowly, her expression returns to normal, as if everything that just happened had nothing to do with her.
Agenir How long has it been since the last time you confessed to me like that?
Signora Sicilia I forget.
Agenir How'd it feel?
Signora Sicilia I feel even worse.
Agenir It's not easy to be honest with yourself.
Signora Sicilia Agenir... do you think you've failed?
Agenir What about you? Do you think you've succeeded?
Signora Sicilia When I think about that question, I realize we should really be asking what counts as success, and how long we have to hold up this country for it to count as a success.
Agenir Maybe we've only succeeded once we have every famiglia seated at the same table.
Signora Sicilia In other words, the Siracusa we've built is not a success?
Agenir Who knows? Sometimes, just making fewer mistakes than others already counts as a success.
Signora Sicilia If that's true, I've definitely made fewer mistakes than most.
After all, my mirror is still here, is he not?
Agenir Hah, you've got terrible taste in people.
Lavinia Hello.
Agenir Oh, Your Honor, what business do you have with me?
Lavinia Excuse me, but you... are Don Agenir, aren't you?
Agenir Hrm?
Lavinia I heard from the courthouse that Signora Sicilia showed up in court yesterday.
When I saw you around here, I assumed you were just a Sankta living in the area. It wasn't until they brought it up that I realized, you're actually Signora Sicilia's right-hand man.
Agenir Oh, well... It's not like I was trying so hard to conceal my identity anyway.
Having that said, I didn't expect you to come looking for me.
I thought you'd find me just as despicable as Sicilia.
Lavinia That's not how I see things.
Regardless of my thoughts on Signora Sicilia, I've always had great respect for the man who laid the legal foundations of this country. That's you.
Agenir So, is there something you'd like to learn from me, my child?
Lavinia I... This is kind of embarrassing, but actually, I'm not sure what I want to ask you.
But after learning that you exist, I felt a need to talk to you.
Agenir ......
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "Take out the codex" (only available once the Vecchio Codice is obtained)]
<Dialogue branch>
[Choose "Leave for now" (will not advance the story further)]
Tip: If you are missing an item, head to "Critica Artistica."
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Lavinia This is... the Code of Law?
And, a first edition too?!
Agenir That's right. It's for you, my child.
Lavinia This... is priceless beyond measure.
Agenir The path you've chosen is completely opposite to mine.
But, I'm not as hard on our youth as Sicilia is, so please treat this as a little present from me.
Lavinia I actually don't think that's true.
Agenir Oh?
Lavinia I don't think our paths head in opposite directions.
The reason it was difficult to walk the path of a judge had nothing to do with the law itself, only the power of the famiglie to largely render it irrelevant.
To be honest, if I was able to handle every case to the letter of the law, I don't think I would be where I am today.
Every judge believes that you, the man who wrote this code, know full well what justice is.
The institution of guns and order should have also been the institution of the law, but instead, it became a convention among famiglie.
Agenir And this is the biggest misunderstanding you have about me, my child.
Guns beget power, and order begets regularity. What I sought was never justice, but efficacy.
Lavinia Then, I will prove to you that the law can replace the customs of the famiglie.
Agenir My child, are you going to challenge me, just as Leontuzzo challenged Sicilia?
Lavinia That's right.
Agenir Haha, in that case... We'll just have to wait and see.