Operation story: 12-2

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Male Victorian A icon.png
Angry Citizen
Male Victorian Soldier icon.png
High-Ranking Officer
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Soldier
Nobleman B icon.png
Timid Citizen
Mansion Room
Norport Street
Victoria Streets
Glasgow Gym
St. Marsol Classroom
Eartha Hideout

Before operation

Victoria's dukes have begun to respond to the developments in Norbert[sic] Borough, but rescue does not seem to be their objective. At the same time, the tragedy in Norbert[sic] has begun to unfold.
<Background black>
[A voice message is being transmitted.]
"We've confirmed that a high-speed warship belonging to the Duke of Windermere was attacked by an unknown Sarkaz weapon. There were no survivors."
"Our preliminary conclusion is that the weapon in question is indeed the structure that briefly appeared in the skies over Londinium."
"Based on frontline evaluation from the remote observation team, the weapon's powerful mid-air suspension abilities and the efficiency of its Originium Arts generator deserve due caution."
"It is impossible to evaluate the Sarkaz's technological base for manufacturing large-scale armed aerial vehicles given the information we currently have. We are in the process of gathering more intel."
"However, until it has been proven that the Sarkaz possess the technological means to mass-produce such weapons, we would recommend against categorizing this target at the highest threat level for the time being, as countermeasures have already been deployed."
The Siege of Londinium Begins.png
"It should also be noted that Norport Borough, Londinium's old logistics district, was separated from the main body of Londinium City yesterday."
"The plate is now docked by itself between the city and the Londinium peripheral front formed by the various dukes."
"We have reason to suspect that the Sarkaz are trying to convert this plate into a forward operating base, using it to support their slate of large-scale military operations in the foreseeable future."
"It will likely also be used as a temporary stop for that large-scale Sarkaz weapon."
"The current commander of the Londinium Defense Forces, Lt. Colonel Lettou, issued a statement claiming that Norport was accidentally separated from Londinium's main body due to 'technical reasons.'"
"A large number of Londinium citizens still remain on the plate, and the Defense Forces are preparing to launch a 'rescue plan' for these citizens."
"The remote observation team has provided several photos taken on the scene."
Broken Off.png
"At the moment, we are not planning any large-scale operations against this plate."
"However, intelligence personnel believe that a series of irregular staffing transfers between the Duke of Windermere's mobile fortress and 'Irnclad Galavae' over the last eight hours is likely related to the situation in Norport."
"Several analysts have pointed out that the Duke of Windermere's military claims to this plate are more radical than we previously anticipated, and the specific reasons behind this warrant a more in-depth investigation."
"We are monitoring the other dukes' attitudes and subsequent actions in response to this Sarkaz attack, and will be submitting routine analysis reports at shorter intervals."
"Awaiting further instructions."
[The transmission ends.]
<Background 1>
Duke of Caster ..."Technical reasons".
How unsophisticated.
But, it gets the job done. They know full well... that we all care greatly about our own reputations. Especially in the face of Victoria's coming future.
So, they also decided to throw out a bit of bait... Hmph. A flying fortress, huh?
It pains me to say this, but, as long as they're holding Norport Borough at gunpoint, things are going to get messy.
Now, even Wellington doesn't have the nerve to rush over with his high-speed warship, rain fire down on the old logistics area, and snatch away his new toy.
But he won't be able to resist the temptation.
High-Ranking Officer Affirmative. The Duke of Wellington's troops have sped up their advance. We suspect he's already gained intel on the airship.
This massive airship is indeed beyond our calculations, and it has the potential to reshape future wars. But, as the intelligence says, we're far from the point of things spiraling out of control.
According to our estimates, even if the Sarkaz had a secret channel for transporting supplies, they wouldn't have had the time or resources to build multiple airships.
Those damned devils can hardly bring out the value of this technology, but perhaps we can.
Duke of Caster That's right. Naturally, this is extremely important to me. Even if I don't give the order, I expect that you'll bring it to me.
However, our gaze ought to be cast wider than just this singular piece of technology.
What really worries me is...
We've let the Sarkaz run amok in the Shard for far too long. Even the most dim-witted fools will eventually figure out what lies behind those buttons and levers.
Allerdale... I don't blame her. She was never ambitious enough– that was her strong suit, and I allowed her to keep it. But, it doesn't look like there's any way to make use of our "Stone of the Sword."
High-Ranking Officer Rest assured, the dukes who supported you, along with their vassals, are still resolutely on your side.
Duke of Caster I promised them peace and safety, and I will deliver.
Forever honor one's commitments– that has always been the motto of House Caster since ancient times.
High-Ranking Officer "Trilby Asher" is already being dealt with.
Duke of Caster Naturally. They always have a way.
High-Ranking Officer Then, Your Grace, about the citizens of Norport...
Duke of Caster Lt. Colonel Lettou said that he was preparing a "rescue plan."
You won't go wrong putting your trust in that Gaulish commander. I've met him before– he's an interesting man.
The Sarkaz have never publicly claimed to "occupy" Londinium, as it has nominally been under the control of the Defense Forces.
And this Lieutenant Colonel has managed to survive in his position for four years without getting caught up in any major trouble either...
We all know how what those devils are like, so that fact alone is respectable enough.
Who knows, maybe he's more keen on becoming a "savior" than we are.
High-Ranking Officer I see what you're saying.
Duke of Caster Getting the right people into the right positions, and turning valued friends into truly loyal partners... is harder than we initially expected.
Old Wellington knows what I want, and I know what he wants.
Though we've never talked about these things openly, we naturally helped each other, all while keeping an extra knife sharpened for one another.
Poor thing. Windermere's been playing with the Leithanians for so long, it might be a while until she remembers how Victoria works.
High-Ranking Officer Indeed, we still don't quite understand why the Duke of Windermere is so keenly interested in Norport's affairs. Does she also want that airship technology?
Maybe she wants to add another card to her hand? She knows she's in for a rough time soon.
Duke of Caster With opportunity comes desire. Both are as honey, equally effective at leading people into the abyss.
That cousin of mine failed to understand this, which is why he's been dead for twenty-six years.
You know, he still appears in my dreams, from time to time.
Can't say I ever liked him. He was a bombastic, self-righteous boy.
When we were young, he'd run up and down the corridors of the palace, spouting quotes from past kings he saw in some book.
And, he'd always spew the same trite platitudes.
"A role model for the masses," "noblesse oblige," what have you.
He treated those words as his guiding compass, though they probably didn't even come from the kings they were attributed to. In all likelihood, they were flattering embellishments added by the royal archivists.
He actually believed those words, and paid the price for it.
But despite all that, I sometimes still miss him.
During those years he was still around, we could pretend that all was well.
But now, even the dullest of men must open their eyes.
Open their eyes, and bear witness to all our ugliness, covetousness, and opportunism–
War has broken out, and its advent has fulfilled everyone's wishes at all.
High-Ranking Officer Your Grace, this is also your chance to unite Victoria.
Duke of Caster Hah. Unity...
High-Ranking Officer Victoria has been trodden upon and sullied for far too long. You have the right to restore her glory.
This war is for Victoria.
Duke of Caster No, no, my child. This war is not for Victoria alone.
"Victoria." How we love to speak the name of our country–
No. It's nothing more than a rag to cover festering abscesses when the people are in need of morality, an empty husk to exploit hope when the people are in need of dignity.
All those farmers, laborers, soldiers, and nobles... All these who despise each other, who grope at each others' throats. Why does lumping all of them together make the great Victoria?
When they speak of Victoria, what is it they refer to? The fields they've tilled for half a lifetime? The factories that've gorged on their blood and tears?
Collections of looted artifacts? Great halls of imported carpets? A splotch of color with a line of text on an atlas? Or, a news headline and a set of economic figures on a television set?
Or, is it the vast, glorious, and invincible empire built upon the foundations of each man's imagination?
Let us prepare ourselves. Let us wait with bated breath.
Take a good look. Witness where this war will take us.
<Background 2>
[A citizen approaches a Sarkaz soldier guarding a fenced off area.]
Timid Citizen Good day, sir–
Sarkaz Soldier Lemme guess. You wanna be strung up on that fence too, huh?
To be honest, I don't have a lot of fun with that job. I suggest you turn around and crawl back to where you belong.
Timid Citizen No, please wait, good sir! I just... The others just wanted me to come talk to you...
Err, that's not what I meant... We just have a few trivial issues, so if you could show us a bit of mercy...
Sarkaz Soldier When did you Victorians start taking us devils for a bunch of bleeding hearts?
Timid Citizen All we wanted... was to know what's going on in Norport Borough...
Sarkaz Soldier Nothing worth mentioning.
Timid Citizen What if... Look, we can still scrounge up some valuable trinkets. Surely, you've heard of Sargon's gems...? I have a number of them here...
Sarkaz Soldier Get lost.
Timid Citizen I get it, you're not interested, huh? I also have a collection of old Gaulish paintings that are said to be priceless– Oh, alright! M-Maybe I was out of line to say that. This is going to cost me my life, isn't it...?
How about a Sankta patron firearm? I just happen to have one stashed away back home...
Sarkaz Soldier Interesting... You got your hands on an angel's guardian gun huh?
Timid Citizen Oh, um, it's not mine though! It's just for safekeeping... Heavens, those angels from the Notarial Hall are going to flay me alive if they find out, but if you're interested–
I just happened to hear, you– Err, the Sarkaz enjoy collecting them, so...
Sarkaz Soldier Listen up. I prefer my angelic toys freshly looted from a pile of corpses. Now, piss off.
Angry Citizen Sarkaz! We just want to know what's going on! This is a perfectly legitimate request!
So many of us have been driven out of our homes and crammed into a little ghetto with no place to live, no food, and no freedom. Now, all we want is an explanation!
Sarkaz Soldier Are all these houses not good enough for you? Pick a door, any door– knock on one of them, and get your sorry ass inside. What more do you want? A bathtub with a built-in back massager?
Angry Citizen You can't treat us like this! Where are the Defense Forces? I personally know Lettou and want to speak with him! We haven't broken any rules!
[A pink-haired Feline grabs the angry citizen to calm him down...]
Feline Woman That's enough, mister. Be careful...
They're armed!
[...but he resisted.]
Angry Citizen Let go of me! What do I have to be careful for? Listen up, Sarkaz! I've lived here for thirty years! This is my city! This is my neighborhood!
I know you've taken over those factories. I know you lust after Londinium's wealth, so take it. Splitting off a few factories won't put a dent in Victoria's glory.
But I am my own man! Not even the King can take my home!
Tell me, why did Norport Borough drive out of Londinium overnight? What's the meaning of all these walls outside the borough?!
Feline Woman Hey... Are you trying to get yourself killed?
[The Sarkaz soldier unsheathed his sword...]
Sarkaz Soldier What possessed you into thinking... that you could challenge my authority?
Timid Citizen Wait, please, good sir! He doesn't know what he's talking about!
[...and slashes the timid angry without warning, severely injuring him as he collapses.]
Angry Citizen Urk... Nngh...
Sarkaz Soldier What a waste.
Listen up, you sorry worms. To tell the truth, I'd like nothing more than to slaughter each and every one of you right now. Seeing your faces makes me sick. But the boss says you lot are still useful.
So I promised him– I'd show a little restraint.
This is the grace I've afforded you, but know that I can take it back just as easily.
Feline Woman Hurry! Run! Get away from here!
[The Sarkaz soldier slashes at the timid citizen, but narrowly misses though he collapses in fear...]
Timid Citizen H-Help!
[...before getting back up and running away.]
Sarkaz Soldier Run, run, as fast you can, pathetic Victorians! You've had your fun already! Now, it's your time to get a taste of the life once forced onto us!
Hide in every nook and cranny, hide beneath every shadow. Rip up your morality and swallow your dignity! This is everything we Sarkaz have experienced! Now, rejoice, because it's yours too!
Call it equality. This is the kind of equality you've never known!
Explain myself? Answer your questions?
No, this is war, you dipshits!
Learn it! Embrace it! Just like we did for thousands of years!
<Background 3>
[The timid citizen made it into an alley.]
Timid Citizen *sob*... *sob*...
I... *sob*... Where am I...?
??? Stop your blubbering already.
Did you think they invited you here for a picnic? You can guess where the people who weren't so willing to come ended up.
Timid Citizen You're...
[The one talking to the citizen reveals herself to be Baird of the Glasgow Gang.]
Baird Call me Baird. You're hurt, and need your wounds dressed.
Follow me.

After operation

The Glasgow Gang, under the leadership of their new boss Cador, arduously defends their gym. Golding, under close monitoring, has no choice but to send Molly to warn the Self-Salvation Corps to evacuate.
<Background 4>
[Baird returns to Glasgow's gym with the timid citizen from before in tow.]
Baird Alright. We should be safe here.
Cador, it's still a mess outside. We're most certainly not in Londinium anymore. I reckon we can see the situation outside the plate from the top of the old loading tower, but I can't get near it. It's outside the restricted area.
And I reckon even if you could spot anything, it wouldn't mean a thing. The Sarkaz keep a close eye, and... there are too many of them.
[Cador, one of Glasgow's members, replies,]
Cador Alright.
And what's the old bloke's story?
Baird Hmph, he was trying to talk terms with the Sarkaz?
Cador And how did that turn out?
Baird Take a look yourself.
<Background fades out and in>
Baird There. That's about all I can do, bandaging your wound.
Timid Citizen Thank... Thank you.
Goodness... Why... Just what happened?
Cador What else could've happened? The Sarkaz have been in Londinium for four years now.
You can't possibly still think they were invited here by that poor sod Cavendish as his guests, right?
Timid Citizen But they haven't ever...
Cador Haven't ever what?
You must be one of those noblemen who never leave their mansions and need their maids to fetch them their morning cystymilk. How'd you fall so low as to find yourself in Norport?
Timid Citizen No, no, I'm but a scholar. I have merely run into certain... troubles financially. As soon as I finish my manuscript, I shall...
Drat! The manuscript is still in my study!
Cador Baird, you've really got a knack for finding these poor, down-on-their-luck bastards, don't you?
Timid Citizen Would you at least have some respect? If all goes well, it's very likely I will become the Royal Academy of Sciences' next academician!
Cador "Very likely." Heh.
Timid Citizen I still don't understand. The news kept saying that...
Cador "All is well." What more do you want them to say? "Friends and citizens, I sincerely regret to inform you that Londinium is now a shithole?"
The "special instructors" that they sent to the newspaper offices and TV stations actually earned their keep, you know?
Did you see whose flag they're flying above the munitions factory in Highbury? If not, you've got to at least remember the fire in Auchterigg the other day, right?
Timid Citizen But the war... What about the Defense Forces? The dukes? Aren't they defending us all around Londinium?
How can this be...? The Sarkaz can't possibly triumph over the dukes, can they? The devils are a bunch of savages who cower in the wilderness, but Victoria is the greatest country across all the lands!
Cador Who told you that? Did you realize that out of nowhere while munching on cake at home?
I didn't feel that way at all when the dibbles held me up against the wall and frisked me.
Alright, "Next Academician," off you go. You don't belong here.
Timid Citizen But... where can I go?
My flat is not in this lockdown zone, and I haven't the slightest idea where my loyal servant is... I know no one here.
Cador Tch.
Baird What can you do? Medical work, sewing, repair, anything.
Timid Citizen M-My research is in heraldry...
Cador You scholarly chaps ever studied how to turn air into steaks?
Timid Citizen Well... it is by no means my area of expertise, but I'd imagine it's a little difficult...
Cador Baird, stop bringing these fancy lads back, will ya? He doesn't even understand sarcasm.
We don't have a lot of supplies on hand here.
Baird *sigh*... Maybe he can help Delphine manage the warehouse?
[Delphine, another of Glasgow's members, responds,]
Delphine Baird! Stop trying to pass all your problems to me!
Baird I can't very well watch him die on the street.
At times like this, we have to come together and unite as one. Even having one extra man on board is more power to us.
Delphine "Come together..." *sigh*.
I wish Parliament and the dukes would learn from you people. We wouldn't have fallen to where we are today.
Baird You think they're not united enough? They were all very united when it came to hanging the king.
Delphine That was... *sigh*, never mind.
I just hope you'll be of some use, Mr. "Next Academician."
Timid Citizen I shall do everything in my power! Though, speaking of which... who would all of you be?
Cador Who are we?
Alright, welcome to our gym, the "Slobberknocker"!
You can call us Glasgow.
<Background 5>
Heidi, how have you been?
To tell the truth, I haven't any idea where you have been as of late. Ever since Mr. Adams the bookshop owner died, I haven't been able to reach you.
It has been a long time since I last continued our work.
Forgive me, my dear friend. I never hide anything from you.
But I am truly very... befuddled.
Golding You once told me that peace would come again...
But I can't fool myself with false hope anymore. I can't hide in my room and pretend that everything we do is still meaningful.
Right, we could look at things on a broader scale. "The dimension of history..."
Of course, peace will come. It will, eventually.
And war will undoubtedly shatter it in an even crueler way.
I once thought we could win, and I still hope that we will win.
But, Heidi, if everything that we have done amounts to nothing but self-comfort...
No, not "if." This might already be the truth...
These books, these desks, and this school that may come crumbling down at any moment... How are they meant to stand up against the force of a new era?
Heidi, I can't... I can't keep going anymore.
What should I do?
[Molly (who, unbeknownst to Golding, was the Damazti Cluster in disguise) walks in.]
Molly Lady Golding, are you alright?
Golding Molly... you're back.
Molly Are you writing a letter?
Golding No, this is nothing.
I... I just remembered a few novels that I read before.
The protagonists are always charming, suave, always heading to the frontlines wearing a uniform befitting of them with a pipe in their mouths.
But the authors never tell us which battlefield they head to and how the trenches smell.
Those who are enamored of the protagonist, both women and men, taste fine desserts with anxious hearts–
Of course, we all know these are just literary techniques. The stories always end happily.
Authors with a little bit of ambition might try to build what the critics call a "profound" atmosphere.
The stories are adorned with preventable deaths, and they are always the protagonist's comrade and dearest friend, dying in the trenches to shield the hero.
In the end, the wretched enemy finds themselves defeated by the hero's sword, thus restoring justice and morality.
And at his fallen friend's funeral, a solemn crowd gathers to remember his heroics, as petals symbolizing honor are scattered atop the casket.
This is the most emotional part. The protagonist clenches his fist, wipes his tears, and looks toward the morning sun with resolve–
And without fail, they always say that hope will come and all sacrifices will be meaningful.
And there. That's where the author stops. Let the readers imagine for themselves that truly beautiful future. Let them bask in that stately feeling in the end.
Molly I'm surprised you read these kinds of novels.
Golding It was years ago. Everyone was that age once.
I used to be obsessed with these books when I was still a young girl... I wasn't very attached to the protagonists, actually, but I was indeed obsessed with those deaths.
Sometimes, I imagined myself one of those heroes who sacrificed themselves for their cause, and the masses would sing my praises for the era I helped create or, at the very least, my sacrifice...
Hah. How childish.
Later on, I thought I'd be clear-headed enough to see past these sugar-coated fantasies.
But then... I started to notice... there might be nothing inherently different between who I am now and who I was back then.
Molly Don't say that. You told the children yourself. Death is a solemn topic.
Golding Hah, did I? I don't remember.
Perhaps it was just the lectures that I've got so used to giving.
How was procurement today?
Molly Not too bad. The situation on the streets isn't very serious. The prices at the shops haven't gone up, though there were more city defense soldiers than usual, and the Sarkaz solders... they're not as secretive they used to be.
But everyone is pretending as if nothing has happened. Except... what used to be Norport. There is nothing left except the support structures extending from the surrounding districts.
Golding What about those places?
I need to apologize to you again. I should never have dragged you into this. It's just... Lettou has his eyes on me, and every time I step out the door, I find myself followed by several ill-meaning men.
I had no choice but to make a gamble–that you are not on their watchlist yet.
Molly No, I'm glad to do my part for Londinium.
It's just that the places you told me about were all pretty quiet. I used the passwords, but no one answered.
Maybe... Maybe they've already given up?
Golding No, they are all stronger than I am. Much stronger.
Molly But I've found a letter. It should be for you, so I didn't open it.
[Molly (the Damazti Cluster) hands Golding a letter, which she opens and reads.]
Golding This... No, this isn't their handwriting.
The letter has practically all the information on the Self-Salvation Corps' communications.
Molly What?! But... how could that...?
Golding This is a threat.
They... They know us like the back of their hand.
Molly Then... What should we do, Lady Golding?!
Golding ......
Molly, I'll have another list of places for you.
I've never been to these bases myself, but having analyzed the flow of information... they should be there.
I shouldn't take this risk. This goes against our established practices, but...
Molly This information is important to the Self-Salvation Corps, right?
Golding Many lives are on the line.
Molly Then we must do this.
[Golding stands up and starts to leave.]
Golding Molly... Just as I taught you, watch out for anyone who could be tailing you. Whether they are Sarkaz or not, do not let your guard down.
Look for a girl called Clovisia there or anyone who can get in contact with her. Tell them that the entire intelligence network has been exposed. They must evacuate immediately!
Molly Lady Golding, where are you going?
Golding To Lettou's office.
I will try to buy as much time as I can for the rest of you.
Molly But–
Golding Relax, I'll be fine. I...
I just hope I'm stronger than I think I am.
<Background 6>
Amiya ......
Doctor, I had a dream.
I saw... the city shrouded in dark clouds, and bloodstained Sarkaz flags flew above every building. Outside the city... Originium grew everywhere my eyes could see.
I saw a rusted throne towering above the lands. The masses kneeled before it, crying tears stained in black. I saw the person on the throne wave their arm, and the shouts that followed pierced the sky.
Yet, in the shadow of the throne, the cowering men lifted their heads ever so slightly...
I felt what they felt...
I don't know how to describe it... It was so all over the place, so stifled...
I could only make out what was on the surface. That pain...
...and hatred.
Who was that on the throne...?
Is this the future that the collective souls of the Sarkaz foresaw? Or is this... the duty of the King of Sarkaz?
Did Theresa have this dream? Could this be... the sights she is looking forward to now?
No, it can't be.
Doctor, this dream... It doesn't mean anything, right?
Doctor You're just exhausted. / It's just a dream.
Amiya Thank you, Doctor.
Right, it was... just a dream...
[Ascalon joins in.]
Ascalon Amiya, Doctor.
Amiya Is Dr. Kal'tsit better?
Ascalon Hard to say. Her body... was frail to start with, and her wounds are deep.
Shining has attempted several solutions, but all of them were limited in their effectiveness. She has yet to awaken.
Mon3tr seems to be slowly repairing itself. Likewise, we do not have any idea how well it will recover, or whether it can actually even recover.
Amiya I...
Doctor... At the Defense Forces' command tower, if only I...
Doctor Everyone did their best. / None of us expected to see Theresis there.
Amiya Dr. Kal'tsit...
I never once imagined that Dr. Kal'tsit would one day be wounded this badly...
She always solved all our problems like they were nothing. She gave us the best advice for every situation.
She's Dr. Kal'tsit. I've never even seen her look tired!
But now...
Doctor (Takes Amiya's hand)
Amiya I know. I will bear the responsibilities that are mine to bear. Rhodes Island's mission here is far from over.
But... I want to see Dr. Kal'tsit one more time. May I?
Even if it's just sitting there by her bed for a short while.
Ascalon Rather than staying with the wounded, you two have more important work to do.
Closure wants you to know that she has finished analyzing the data from the command tower.
Clovisia is calling a meeting.
We need to reevaluate the situation in Londinium.
Doctor War has broken out. / Our initial plans have failed.
Ascalon Then please tell us what our step should be.