Operation story: 10-17

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Male Londinier A icon.png
Londinium Citizen
RI Operator icon.png
Rhodes Island Operator
Victorian Partisan A icon.png
Eartha Partisan A icon.png
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier
Mercenary icon.png
Victorian Mercenary
Victorian Partisan B icon.png
Victorian Soldier
Sarkaz Warrior icon.png
Sarkaz Warrior
Londinium Fortifications
Londinium Tube
Londinium Industrial District Station
Londinium Fortifications Indoor
Londinium Industrial District Day

Before operation

Atop the wall, Amiya and Manfred do battle, and Horn leads a group of Victorian soldiers to assist Amiya by stalling Manfred in his tracks.
<Background 1>
[Manfred shows up before Amiya, the Doctor, Feist, and Closure.]
Manfred So you're here.
Amiya ...Manfred?
Manfred It seems the Duq'arael will be greatly disappointed. He detests dark, damp places the most, yet went into the rebels' subterranean nest to seize you personally.
He must surely have caught up to your friends by now. One wonders if the cries from underground will carry so far up this tower–
Feist You wicked... wicked...
Manfred Wicked devil?
No, I don't admire his methods whatsoever. The rebels who died to my cannon fire are far luckier than the ones suffering his torment.
Feist You're both just the same!
Manfred In your eyes, maybe so. Whenever you use "devil" and such to refer to us all, it shows that fear and hatred have long clouded your eyes.
The Victorians regard the Sarkaz as a collective of barbarians reveling in slaughter.
Those who thought like that are now either kneeling before the throne, or are now pale skeletons dried upon the city walls.
Amiya You, and Theresis... the army you've led has devastated this city.
No matter how you claim you and the vampire are different, you're both invaders here, hands dripping with blood.
Manfred You seem to misunderstand, Cautus of Rhodes Island.
I'm not solely drawing lines between myself and the Prince of Blood–yes, in a certain respect, his predilections disgust me.
But I, like him, do not work the way all the kings of the Court do.
When they stand in front of you, they see Her Majesty's successor, and they may treat you with skepticism, curiosity or disgust for it.
Amiya You're...
I can only feel vigilance from you.
Manfred Yes, Cautus. I simply see you–as a dangerous enemy.
[Manfred unleashes an Arts attack at Amiya and co. to send them off the walls.]
Feist –Did he just toss a grenade at us?
Amiya Hold onto the wall!
It's his Arts... he's using Arts energy to make shockwaves, he's trying to throw us off the city!
Feist Ugh... can't stand straight–it's like every part of the ground's erupting...
Closure The drones can't get near him! Any closer at all and they lose balance–
Amiya Everyone... get behind me!
Closure A–Amiya, are his Arts fusing with yours?
Amiya He's deliberately narrowed and sharpened his attack. He's breaking down the energy layers I form...
Closure What?! You were able to resist a Draco's flames, though!
Doctor He's familiar with our combat style. / His Arts are targeted at Amiya.
Amiya ......
Manfred I knew full well you'd come. You think I'd just sit here waiting for you?
[Manfred uses something to deflect Arts projectiles at Amiya and co..]
Feist There–There goes another one! It's not just the ground, it's, it's above us, wherever red flashes by, it explodes in midair–
Miss Amiya, can't... can't you use mental Arts?
Can you try and just cram his head with some kind of rubbish?
Amiya No.
He's too well-defended, and he's too calm. I can feel the edges of his emotions, but... but right now, his heart only thirsts for victory.
Doctor He's stalling for time.
Amiya Yes... his mind isn't set on this battle.
He's just waiting for the vampire and defense artillery to destroy the resistance!
Manfred Stalling for time? Decent conjecture.
{nickname}, I've always been more intrigued by you than that Cautus who lucked into the power of the King.
You've faced graver circumstances than this on the battlefield–the choices you make always seem to be the ones more beneficial to the whole.
Please, tell me, what are you about to do next?
Will you expend all your efforts here to kill me and eliminate a long-term threat, or think of some other way to get around me and save those Victorians below?
<Background 2>
[The passage up ahead collapses.]
Londinium Citizen Uwaaagh!
Heidi Mr. Balin, what's happening up ahead?
Rhodes Island Operator Partial collapse in the passageway! Three fighters couldn't escape in time–
Heidi ......
Route around it! We're pressing on.
Remember, no matter who we lose on this journey, the rest of us cannot stop.
<Background 3>
[Rockrock and some Eartha partisans spotted a train guarded by Sarkaz soldiers.]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Up, quick, do you see that train?
The Sarkaz haven't found us yet, from the looks of it. Let's think of a way to blend in there, and grab the controls–
Rockrock Harmo, watch out!!
[The Eartha partisan is gunned down by the Sarkaz soldiers.]
Rockrock ......
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Sarkaz Crossbowman! They've ambushed us!
Rockrock, one step out and we'll get hit! Best we run back underground!
Rockrock Going back's... riskier still.
The Commander says our only chance is to get the train moving before the Sarkaz destroy the space underground.
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier But Harmo...
Rockrock Captain Harmo gave his life.
I'm in charge now.
Listen. We have to start the train immediately after we interrupt their shelling.
If I fall, then it's down to the next one–even if just one man's left in the end, we have to get him out of here!
<Background 2>
[Something, or someone, almost breaches through the sealed door.]
Morgan I think this door's almost a lost cause, isn't it?
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Commander, we'll hold them off!
Siege Don't. You can't.
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Ha, ha... you think we don't know that, Rhodes Islander?
Men of the 13th, with me!
[The Eartha partisans head back to the door...]
Indra Hey, you're running backwards! Don't be daft–
[...and had it surrounded.]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier The–The door's down!
Shoot, shoot! Blow 'em up! Everyone go! We're taking that monster down with us!
[The partisans open fire at whatever behind the door, but their shots are not working against him...]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Ugh... uaargh–!
[...as Siege felt the great danger is approaching...]
Siege He's... here.
[...and sounds of blood flowing and flesh turning inside-out can be heard from behind the smoke.]
The Haunting Prince.png
The smoke clears, and a figure emerges from the end of the jet-black tunnel.
This monster brandishes no claws, has no twisted limbs, bears no sharp fangs nor keen incisors, nor grows any extraneous feelers.
He seems like nothing more than a young noble whose picture could be in the papers, one who'd speak frankly about Londinium's political and economical situation.
If only... the ground below his feet was not soaked in fresh blood.
??? What a terrible smell. Your men fight rather too dirty.
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Monster...
Don't... Don't you think of getting near the commander...
M–My hand? Nothing even touched–agh!
[The figure, who turned out to be the dreaded Duq'arael of the Vampires, turns the surviving Eartha partisans into nothing but bloody mess with his sanguine Arts as they scream in agony.]
??? Hah... now, this scent's much cozier.
I wouldn't mind... using the only thing of worth in your bodies to give the floor a wash.
The vampire airily lifts a finger, as if holding up a crystal chalice, or following the pulse of a piece of music.
The shadows leap up from beneath him, latching onto the soldiers' bodies, winding about their limbs.
What chilling screams follow are drowned entirely under the liquid that bursts forth.
The concentrated iron reek boring into nasal cavities. Bright red overflowing wherever one looks.
This is the instant the people stood at the tunnel's other end realize...
What chased them was no shadow at all. It was running blood, as thick as could be.
<Background 2>
Indra Is this... how Warfarin and Closure used to look?
Morgan That's the first thing that pops into your mind?!
Indra Well, what the hell do you want me to think? It's better than being stark terrified, innit?
Morgan Run! Run like hell!
[The Duq'arael grabs an unfortunate Eartha partisan...]
??? Where is the "King of Sarkaz?"
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier What are you–
??? I come so far, go to all this trouble for an audience with her, and she cowers behind you frail little creatures, not even daring to meet me?
[...and uses his Arts on him in anger...]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Agh–!
[...killing him.]
Siege ...Amiya.
He's here for Amiya.
Morgan You mean that King whatever he said? You're sure that's Amiya? Isn't Amiya a Cautus?
Siege Forget it, it's not important.
Morgan But Amiya's not here...
Siege That's good.
Morgan Um, fair. Even she might not cope best with this monster of a thing.
Wonder if her and the Doctor've almost won... *sigh* What am I thinking? Even if they can shut the city artillery down, we're about to be torn to scraps here.
Vina, what's our plan?
Siege Run.
I don't want to... and I CAN'T die here.
[Siege and the others run away as someone speaks from nowhere.]
So run, Vina.
Run into the darkness before you. Don't think.
These tunnels will take you anywhere you wish to go.
<Background 1>
[Amiya uses her Arts to protect the group from Manfred's relentless Arts attack.]
Amiya We can't keep this deadlock up anymore.
Doctor, step back.
I'm going to condense stronger energy. I have to defeat Manfred as quickly as possible.
Doctor No.
Amiya Doctor, please trust me. I've matured a lot since the last time I removed my inhibitors.
I knew I wouldn't let myself fall, just as we entered Londinium.
Doctor He's hoping you'll do this.
[Manfred intensifies his Arts attack.]
Amiya Ugh... his energy is densifying! It's like... like a net, from head, to toe... it's everywhere!
The air's... full of invisible Originium crystals! He's scattering them as beacons for his attacks!
Feist No wonder! It's like invisible drones are throwing bombs all about!
Amiya Mr. Feist, you and Closure have to get away... if you get caught up, there'll be nowhere to hide!
[Amiya tries to disrupt Manfred's Arts with her own Arts.]
Manfred You can use more strength than that, Cautus.
Amiya I'm forcing my Arts... against this energy flow...
Manfred Savor it. I formed this cage myself.
Amiya Am I less able to shake it... the more I struggle?
Manfred Cautus, you said my mind wasn't set on this battle with you. You were only half correct.
I'll deliver you bound before Her Majesty. The Sarkaz in Londinium... are loath to see an outblood flaunting her borrowed power from the King.
Amiya I can't, and I don't want to command them.
[Amiya intensifies her Arts.]
Manfred Of course you can't.
Amiya But they shouldn't be commanded by Theresis either.
When I stayed in Kazdel, I saw so many Sarkaz warriors. Plenty of them were mercenaries. After that, at Chernobog... I met them again.
Even when they were being exploited by Talulah, at least they knew who their enemy in each battle was, and knew they were giving up their lives for a future.
But now? You've trapped them inside a foreign city. Ever since the moment I came, I've sensed their frustration, their anxiety, their bewilderment...
Manfred You read my warriors' emotions?
[Manfred intensifies his Arts.]
Amiya The net's... tightening? Are you angry?
Manfred Cautus, has anyone ever told you you're too conceited? You're no more than an Infected. You've never experienced for yourself what truly constitutes a Sarkaz life.
You simply sit on the side and watch. What makes you think you can truly comprehend our pain, our resentment?!
Amiya It's true, I might not be able to comprehend.
But... the fire that blazes in your hearts, it's burned since the distant past into the present, from the first razing of Kazdel to today in Londinium, and even now, it's still within me.
It burns. It burns incomparably true, truer than any illusion that words or Arts could conjure.
Manfred Say your piece as you please, Infected.
I know how this power of yours originates.
Once a lie is spun, it will not be any less of a lie, no matter how convinced the liar is of it.
Amiya Sarkaz, Infected...
No matter how you identify each one of us, we're all just ordinary people wanting to live through the unjust circumstances we're put in.
But Theresis has brought everyone into a hopeless war–look at the Victorian dukes' armies outside the city.
All it takes is for them to point their lances the same way–it could be Kazdel, it could be Londinium, but all that awaits the Sarkaz then is ruin.
No matter what you're using to spur them on–bloodlines, authority, renown... it's those that are the total lies!
[Amiya succeeded in disrupting Manfred's Arts.]
Manfred When did you reform your energy and make some scant space?
I was not wrong, Cautus.
–You are very dangerous.
Your power, your speech... It may be unable to shake our mightiest soldiers, but it certainly brings our enemies the delusion of hope. I don't want them struggling any further.
You have no choice but to stop here. I won't ever let you enter this city again–
Amiya But I will crush flat this cage of yours!
??? Cage? I'm not even sure it lives up to that.
Amiya Huh...?
Manfred Someone's altering the density of my Arts?
Wait, it's you again...
[Misery reveals himself.]
Misery Doctor, am I a little late here?
Finding a route through Londinium's city walls, well... that's tough, even for me.
Lucky I found a few outstanding helpers.
Doctor Appreciated. Thank you, Misery.
Amiya, we're switching battlefields. / Closure, position drones. / Feist, zipline.
And now, we jump.
<Background fades out>
Minutes before...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background fades in>
Closure Doctor, I've locked onto Manfred.
Uh, barely anybody's with him...
Doctor He's not scared of us approaching him.
Closure You think he's overpowered? He looks like he eats fights for breakfast. Maybe Theresis taught him a bunch of moves.
Can we seriously pound him into stopping the artillery like a good boy with just five minutes?
No, scratch that, no I in this we. At this point, you can't count me and Feist as part of your combat force. Throwing Logistics guys into this fray'd be a hell of a way to waste lives.
Amiya, you're all we've got...
Amiya Manfred is a powerful enemy.
But we've faced powerful enemies to come all this way... and we'll surely face more still.
Doctor Amiya, you keep all of Manfred's attention. / Closure, Feist, ready our retreat from the tower. / The one we're waiting for is almost here.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background fades out and in>
Manfred Reprising old tricks? Did you really think I'd let you all escape a second time?
A thread of energy comes rushing in, as if it's locked onto some position in the air.
You almost feel the point of that sword slice at the tip of your feet.
Until a shield comes down in front of you all.
[Horn shows up.]
??? Drop any thoughts of pursuing them, Sarkaz.
Your fight is right here.
Manfred ......
White Wolf. I didn't imagine you would come face me again.
So this passage is bidirectional, what a surprise. You sent them away, and brought yourself in at the same time?
Horn It wasn't me... It was us.
The Insurgency Begins.png
Behind Horn, a soldier stands up.
And then a second, and then a third.
And now over a dozen Victorian soldiers block the Sarkaz general's way.
All of them, camouflages dropped.
They wear a dizzying array of different uniforms, the majority scarred in the roiling flames of war, some covered in mud and cobweb, some splattered by the blood of their own comrades.
Their weapons are just as motley, some still holding regulation swords, some instead toting self-fashioned crossbows.
But their faces all bear an identical vigor.
This time, they stand firm or fall once and for all. They will never retreat.
<Background 1>
Manfred A gaggle of leftover forces thinks they can beat me?
[Horn fires at Manfred, who guarded it.]
Manfred You aren't fit to fight me, even with a weapon.
Have you forgotten you owe your last escape from my grasp entirely to that Rhodes Island Sarkaz meddler?
Horn You can stop checking all around, Sarkaz.
When you don't respect your opponent on the battlefield, you're the first to fall.
[Horn fires again at Manfred...]
Manfred Your blabbering may well be more stubborn than your shield.
[...who retaliates with his Arts attack.]
Horn Hrrgh––
Watch the enemy's attack angle! Assemble behind me!
Manfred I wasn't planning to eliminate you, but I didn't know you would be so eager to hold your own funeral.
Here I thought you'd have some level of tactical prowess, White Wolf.
You bring a platoon of wounded men to resist me, and have your soldiers give up their lives one after another? Is this your so-called professional spirit?
Horn Don't... forget where you're stood right now.
This is the city wall of Londinium.
Don't go assuming you've already conquered her, Sarkaz.
[The Victorian soldiers fire at Manfred before standing with Horn.]
The Insurgency Begins.png
Horn –See for yourself.
We're still right here.

After operation

Amiya and the Doctor blow up the defense artillery control room atop the wall. Siege starts up a Royal Family escape route below, leading the Self-Salvation Corps free of the Duq'arael's grasp. En route on their evacuation, Amiya sees Theresa in the ruins.
<Background 1>
[Horn and her fellow Victorian Army soldier engages Manfred and his Sarkaz soldiers, but suffers heavy casualties.]
Manfred You're already down to your last few men.
On any past battlefield, Victoria would've needed at least two or more Steam Knights in order to hold me off.
But look at yourselves now–
You're just a bunch of plain soldiers.
Horn –Hold formation!
Those who still have energy in your shields! Stand together with me!
Snipers, sustain fire, pin him!
Robben Yes, Captain!
Horn I've said it before–no matter how strong he is, he's still just a flesh-and-blood Sarkaz Infected. His Arts have a limit!
Manfred You want to wait until I cast my body dry?
You'll never live to see me exhaust my strength.
[Manfred uses his Arts attack...]
Victorian Soldier Ugh!
[...fatally injuring one of Horn's comrades.]
Horn Blake!
Victorian Soldier Horn, take my sword–
Horn –Got it.
Manfred When they fall, they turn their gazes to you, still with hope.
I never thought I'd see such brilliance in Londinium again.
But how much longer can this fragile light persist?
Robben Horn!
[Robben is hit by Manfred's Arts attack...]
Horn ...Robben?
Robben *pant*... *pant*... No cause for alarm... falling here... just returning... returning... back to Londinium's land.
[...and seemingly dies.]
Horn ......
[Horn barrages Manfred with the remaining shells in her hand cannon.]
Manfred You fired all of your remaining ammunition at once?
Well done. You've stopped me in my tracks for the first time.
But after this, you're out of tricks.
After you watch your comrades die one by one, will you lose the will to fight too, White Wolf?
[Horn grows uneasy.]
Horn ......
<Background fades out>
I can understand how disappointed you are in your father.
Yes, a soldier's blood flows through my body.
But just as Victoria invented steam trains, yet only decades later abandoned steam–
Modern Victoria has taken off the crown meant for people to lift their gazes at, and no longer needs soldiers like your great-grandmother or me to fight for her.
There'll come a day the White Wolf, together with the Lion Padishah he accompanied, will be no more than indistinct images left in the history books.
Your father's taken note of that. He's ground down his own sharp claws so the family isn't torn apart by the tides of the ages.
But you're different.
You grow in a changing Victoria.
Rita Skamandros, you won't need to fight a landtrotter's campaign in the name of the Aslan King.
But Victoria is still your home.
<Background fades in>
Horn Sarkaz... So long as you occupy our cities, I will always have a reason to fight.
My desire to defeat you is shared with every Victorian.
Manfred Your shield is of little use now.
Horn I still have a sword.
Manfred Your sword... heh, common as could be.
You want to battle me with a sword like this?
Horn *huff*... Don't underestimate it, or me.
You're so fond of remembering... the Steam Knights...
When you take off the armor that Victoria forged them...
They turn out just to be–
[Horn charges at Manfred...]
Horn Victorians!
[...and strikes him with her sword.]
<Background 4>
[Amiya and co. managed to enter the defense gun battery.]
Feist We actually... got inside? Why has this wall turned so soft?
Closure Not bad! For an instant back there, I thought I was gonna get my head painted over Londinium's walls!
Amiya It was Misery's Arts. He wouldn't see us hurt.
Misery Right... Kal'tsit told me your brain was an important asset to Rhodes Island.
Closure My hands don't come cheap either, c'mon!
After that, I'm never asking to hitchhike with you again... Blaze carrying me everywhere is a way smoother ride than your Arts!
Am I right or am I right, Doctor?
Doctor Your hands are always busy. That's gotta be something. / I wouldn't say the Blaze Express is THAT comfortable.
You'd better take a breather, Misery.
Amiya I agree. Misery, I saw it clearly... Manfred almost impaled you with that thrust.
Misery That was just a desperation blow. He had no other move.
You successfully provoked his rage, and that made him overlook my approach. I didn't even think I could fool him twice.
Amiya I didn't at all intend to...
When he asked me that, I definitely felt his anger. That rage of his rushed at me like a heatwave.
Misery If Manfred uses all his strength, anyone nearby would have trouble lasting for long. Best I... *cough* *cough* *cough*...
Amiya Misery, I know you want to help that Victorian officer, but using large-scale matter-transformation Arts several times in one day is too taxing on your body.
Misery It's okay, Amiya.
I won't drop dead for a while yet. Besides, I promised Kal'tsit...
Amiya You elite operators... make plenty of promises to Dr. Kal'tsit, don't you?
Inject these emergency meds into yourself. The fight in Londinium's only just begun, and I don't want to see you off somewhere alone again, swallowing down all the blood you're practically throwing up.
Misery Amiya, enemies inbound.
Doctor Amiya, cut them off!
Feist, tie up six ziplines to me.
Closure, let's plant the bombs.
Amiya Hm. Misery found us a weak point in Londinium's defense system... We need to see this control room destroyed.
<Background 1>
[Manfred withstood Horn's charge.]
Manfred Blistering speed–White Wolf, this was your true aim, wasn't it?
Fangs and claws as fierce as these, yet tamed by Victoria's noble etiquette... Was it really worth it?
Horn Sarkaz, wasn't your present appearance once packaged in so-called culture?
I hear your people used to look very different.
[Horn charges at Manfred again, who withstood it.]
Manfred You can try your hardest, but you still cannot kill me. So long as this city's defenses continue to churn–
[Manfred realized something as he slashes at Horn, who guarded the attack.]
Manfred No. Wait. White Wolf, you're only stalling me!
You–You and Rhodes Island are collaborating again.
[Manfred tries to break off the fight, but Horn stands in his way...]
Manfred Do you know who they are? Do you know what that Cautus leader...?
[...and slams her shield to the ground...]
Horn I only know–that they can stop you.
[...before resuming their fight, but Manfred eventually backs off.]
Manfred White Wolf, should you miraculously succeed today... you will witness a corner of Londinium's walls collapse, with your own eyes.
Is that what you want to see? From this moment on, the legend of Londinium everstanding may well no longer–
Horn From this moment on?
The fact you can be stood here means... the idea that Londinium has never fallen is nothing more than a self-reassuring joke.
Manfred Damn you! If those dukes outside take note of this–
Horn Are you aware? You're finally showing a hint of panic in your face.
That goes to show my decision was the correct one.
If this wall... only exists to smother the screams of the Victorians from within, then it's already lost its founding purpose.
You ought to let those dukes hear!
Hear... how our fellow citizens cry out under your slaughter!
[Horn and Manfred clashes their swords.]
<Background 2>
Londinium Citizen How... How much longer until we can go outside?
[Rubbles fall around the Londiniers.]
Londinium Citizen Oh... it feels like this passage is about to collapse... are we all going to die here?
Heidi Don't look down, and don't look back.
If the fear gets too much, just stare at the way ahead.
The signal light's still on. This is our hope that our soldiers lit for us.
We wait for the light as it turns bright... and then we can catch sight of the sun in Londinium once again.
<Background 3>
[The Sarkaz soldiers suppressed the Eartha partisans...]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Their firepower's too strong–
Rockrock, we can't get any closer to the train.
Rockrock ......
[...as the Londinium defense guns continue shelling the Eartha hideout.]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier The bombardment hasn't stopped... Can the people down below still hold out? How much time do we have left?
There's been no word from the commander's end...
Rockrock I... I believe in my family.
That's the one and only reason I've kept on this far.
<Background 2>
[Siege, Indra, and Morgan is running away from leech-like creatures spawned by the Duq'arael.]
Indra Bloody hell, I can't get these things off me!
Morgan That's not it... You saw how fast they were a moment ago?
He's slowing them on purpose, like he's... just watching how long we can run for...
Indra What kind of sicko is he?
[The Duq'arael corners Siege and co..]
??? Mmm... listen to the sound of your breaths, your pulses. Are you finally tired out?
Siege Is this... the honor of the Sarkaz?
This isn't fit to be called a battle.
??? ...Battle?
You seem to have the wrong idea.
The "King of Sarkaz" isn't here, so I'm left with no matching opponent at all.
Would you converse with a meatbeast about glory or honor? When you know full well that hunting them serves to do nothing but excite your senses, that their only ultimate service is as an entrée on your dinner table?
Siege You treat us... as prey?
You may be a Sarkaz, but slaughtering like this out of pure personal taste is still far too barbaric.
??? Do not appraise me by your understanding of culture. It would be the most hideous kind of slander to me.
Try and resist me, before the filthy rubble pummels you into mincemeat here.
I will borrow your blood to record your feelings at death's door... all your fear, unwillingness, anger... Let them burst forth upon me to your heart's content!
[The Duq'arael casts his blood Arts.]
Indra Vina, get over here–
Siege No.
Morgan Vina!
Siege Morgan, you fall back too.
Clovisia You're going to stand in front of all of us, and resist him?
Siege Yes.
Clovisia You're no match for him.
Siege I know.
Clovisia And you're not planning to turn and flee, even if you'll be shredded in an instant, have your flesh leave the dullest stain in this whole tunnel?
Siege Only if... you can all run faster than I can.
Clovisia Why?
Siege Because...
There is no because. I just want to do this.
When the city above us falls towards us, I want to be the first to embrace it in that instant.
Clovisia If that's so...
The signal light in the passage seems to glow brighter.
Are her eyes failing her? Why is there starlight in Londinium's underground? No... how long have they gone without seeing the stars behind the clouds, even on the surface?
Siege blinks.
She suddenly realizes that is no star.
Secret Switch A.png
It is a button.
The detritus that caked it has been shaken off, and now it is shining, and she has the exact fortune to know what it does.
Secret Switch B.png
She was first brought underneath the palace at three years of age.
Her mentor carried her upon his back, using a tremendous paw to guide her in pushing this button.
Londinium's subterranean sprawled about its own muscle and bone, exposing to the future liege its veins and arteries, filled with life.
Secret Switch A.png
Over twenty years later–
She has found it for the second time.
<Background 4>
Closure Bombs mounted at all nodes!
Feist Doctor, I've got our retreat ready!
Sarkaz Warrior Move it, they're in here, stop them–
[Sarkaz soldiers move in...]
Amiya Urgh...
[...prompting Amiya to ready her Arts.]
Closure Amiya! Dammit, how are they coming so thick and fast... did Misery leave too late? Did they not stall Manfred?
Amiya I'll hold them off! All of you, go!
Doctor, give the detonator to me–
Doctor No.
Amiya You won't have a chance to retreat unless I lock down these enemies!
Once you've successfully withdrawn, I'll blow up this control room straight away–
Doctor No.
Amiya Doctor, we can't wait any longer! Think of the Self-Salvation Corps' fighters, Victoria's soldiers, Lady Heidi and Siege's team...
And every single Victorian being bombarded right now! None of us can hold on anymore!
[Amiya continues preparing her Arts, but...]
Doctor Amiya, take my hand.
Tell me–when to push the detonator.
Amiya Doctor...!
[Amiya disorients the Sarkaz soldiers with her Arts...]
Sarkaz Warrior *cough* *cough*... These black lines are everywhere... I can't see anything!
Amiya Now!
[The Doctor detonates the charges...]
Amiya Doctor, why are you... in front of me?
Because I want to be.
Amiya I'm not... not the weak child I was anymore...
I won't drag you down anymore. I can withstand these Arts, and these flames.
I know.
You're so powerful now. Far more powerful than I am, probably.
But no matter how many opportunities you give me to choose...
No matter if we're confronted with a Draco's flames, or the fiery light of these explosions...
This is what I want to do.
Amiya Doctor...
[Feist caught the Doctor as they fall down.]
Feist Oof... caught you!
Wondered why you asked me for those six ziplines, Doctor. This is what it was for?
It'll be hard to move about, but... oh well, not as if you run fast ordinarily...
Closure Fly, my drones!
[Closure sends off her drones.]
Closure How's that for a surprise, Doctor? In response to your demands, I've tinkered on my drones and finally developed–a people-towing glider function!
There's a cap on its long-term use, but at least it'll get us safely on the ground–
Doctor Now's the time to dial up the explosions.
[More explosions occur in the gun battery.]
<Background 1>
[The gun battery explodes as Manfred gains an upper hand against Horn.]
Manfred The control room–!
Horn They... did it...
[Manfred slashes Horn...]
Horn Urgh...
[...but she continues standing.]
Manfred How... How long ago did you tire out? You can't even brandish your sword now...
You really were doing nothing but... making a stand with all you had.
Anyone else with your wounds would be in a coma ten times over by now!
Horn Now you realize? Slow, aren't you.
Manfred ......
Sarkaz Warrior General, the explosion in the control room has affected the cannons. The batteries and the minor section of the wall structure here have all been severely damaged–
If we hang around here any longer, we'll fall!
Manfred Notify all hands, retreat!
Sarkaz Warrior What about this soldier?
Manfred I've defeated her already, but toppling her would require spending more effort still.
And it's not worth spending the time here any longer.
Horn Ha... haha...
Manfred White Wolf of Victoria, you are a worthy opponent.
Should you live to descend this city wall–
Then next time we meet, by my sword... I will send you to a death befittingly heroic.
[Manfred leaves.]
<Background black>
Horn Next time...
[The ground rumbles.]
Will there be a next time?
Londinium's wall is falling down.
And so she endlessly falls too.
Horn I... I did it.
Until... you all left...
...I did not fall.
Her blood flows out, and she almost loses the last speck of awareness she has.
But her body is as if a part of her sword and shield at this point, harder than steel, unbending unless shattered.
The weapon forged by Victoria still stands upon Londinium's wall.
So the soldier She tempered to fruition keeps her watch upon it too.
Until a corner of it crashes to its city's ground–
And she returns to the land that raised her.
Horn Just how tall... is this wall?
Why is it like...
...I'm flying up?
[Someone tries to reach into Horn as she fell.]
Grab My Hand!.png
??? Horn, can you still move? Grab my hand, quick!
[Horn grabs onto the one reaching out to her, who turned out to be Robben that had survived Manfred's attack.]
Horn ...Robben?
You're... not...
Robben Yes, I'm not dead! I was lucky enough to grab onto the outside structure when I fell, and then Mr. Misery here saved me again!
Misery Come, soldier. You haven't finished your fight yet.
Horn You lot, honestly. You won't ever let me rest, will you?
Robben Nope!
Horn, don't shut your eyes! Don't forget, your soldier is still here! You can't fall!
Horn Robben, you've turned as noisy as... as a certain someone, now.
Oh, forget it... I've never been able to do anything about you lot.
<Background 1>
Her vision becomes clear once again.
The city wall of Londinium is still there, and though its highest height is now adorned by the tiniest hole, it still seems as towering, as unyielding as ever.
<Background 2>
[A rumble can be felt.]
Morgan What's that shaking?
Indra Artillery finally do the underground structure in?
Morgan No, that's not it.
This shaking's coming from underneath us–
Vina, what did you do?
Siege I've found a path we can walk.
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Is this whole tunnel... moving up?
How? You'd think we'd know it could do that after living here for so long, right?
Clovisia There are always some "locals" who'll know more than others.
Siege ......
Indra That monster...
Is it still gonna come after?
Siege It will.
But maybe not today.
Escaping from the Vampire.png
??? So you found a new course to flee down?
Ah... but of course, but of course.
This scent... is it that Feline, giving it off?
No... so-called royal families are no more than a lie, so called to consolidate power and coin, as laughable as this nation's culture.
Even if she is that runaway's cub, the smell of her blood would be no different to any other Feline.
So, this completely different scent...
Does Theresis know about this?
You'll have no chance to verify for yourself.
??? Oh?
I remember who you are. You're that... little disciple by Theresis's side. Even if your teacher was stood right here, he would be troubled to apprehend me.
He's no longer fit to be my teacher anymore.
??? Hm?
This odor of cursecraft... So you've come too, Banshee? I'd thought you were in that city right now, playing games with my entourage.
Trifling, unpracticed Artists. They weren't enough to hinder my step.
??? *sigh*... That makes things tricky.
This underpass on the verge of collapse is no fine place for the Royal Court to congregate.
Am I nothing in his eyes? Just because I didn't learn my skills from Theresis, or have any noble blood?
This long-winded old man's genuinely pissed me off. I'm going to gift him a hundred bombs as a farewell present. Any of you have any objections?
[The pathway collapses.]
<Background 5>
[Manfred asks for a sitrep from the Sarkaz soldiers.]
Manfred ...Report.
Sarkaz Warrior Rhodes Island's people have jumped out from the control room. They had that Cautus, so we couldn't snipe them–
Manfred And the rebels in the underground tunnels?
Sarkaz Warrior Er, we detected an explosion from beneath... and the Duq'arael hasn't returned yet.
Manfred Where is Hoederer?
Sarkaz Warrior He's severely wounded, and currently unconscious.
Manfred ......
Assemble what workers remain, and have them inspect the city defense systems and report the damages. We must be prepared to activate more batteries... and even the main cannons.
Surround the remaining individuals at the station. The surviving rebels will be sure to pass through there.
Sarkaz Warrior The... The scouts are reporting, they've detected another group rapidly closing in on the station–
Manfred ......
[Someone approaches Manfred.]
??? Manfred, don't blame yourself too much. You've already tried your hardest.
Manfred What are you doing here–
<Background 3>
[The Eartha partisans noticed a smoke from the walls of Londinium.]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Rockrock, take a look at the city wall–
Rockrock The defense artillery's been... shut down?
Send the signal!
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier They're coming, they're all coming!
But the Sarkaz... they're all rushing this way!
[Sarkaz soldiers move in towards the partisans.]
Sarkaz Warrior Stop them! Kill every last one!
Rockrock If we can just repel the Sarkaz, we can start up the train!
Sarkaz Warrior You're not getting away that easily!
[A Sarkaz soldier strikes Rockrock...]
Rockrock Ugh–
[...but they were shot at from another direction...]
Sarkaz Warrior How's the rebel army coming from that way too?
Rockrock Wh...?
[...and taken out.]
Rockrock Is that reinforcements?
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier A team's broken through the Sarkaz forces' blockade from the north side!
Who... Who called them in?
Did some of the Messengers we sent to the city center survive? Did they get to ask for help?
[Several Victorian mercenaries move in to assist the Eartha partisans.]
Victorian Mercenary You've done a fine job, my Sudean friends!
You can leave the next battle to us now! We're more on the professional end!
[The mercs fire at the Sarkaz soldiers.]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier The way they work... they must have loads of experience...
Rockrock Is... Is that Rhodes Island's operator?
[Dagda shows herself up.]
Break them up!
Make a passage, ensure the Self-Salvation fighters withdraw from the underpass safely!
Snipers, take down those signalers–
Victorian Mercenary It's–Miss Montague!
[The mercs intensify their fire after seeing Dagda.]
Rockrock Montague?
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier That name rings a bell and a half! Some noble in the paper or something?
Rockrock Don't get distracted!
No matter who they are, we're on the same side!
[The Sarkaz soldiers suffer heavy casualties.]
Rockrock We can get through! Quick, lead everyone onto the train!
<Background fades out and in>
Londinium Citizen Oh, wow... Lady Heidi, we've made it...
Heidi Mm-hm, I told you. Our soldiers won't let us down.
Clovisia They're her people.
Heidi Did our Messengers get in contact with her?
Clovisia To be more precise, it was your Rhodes Island Messenger.
Indra Dagda! Look, it's Dagda!
Morgan That tart...
Siege Hm.
There among the crowd, Dagda sees them too.
She throws down the Sarkaz she's tussling with, and rushes through the passage made with no hesitation, arms reached out to her partners caked in grime.
[Dagda runs towards Siege and co. who had just arrived.]
Dagda I... I was so scared I'd be late.
Siege No, you weren't.
No matter when you come back, we could never call you late.
Indra Bastard, you... you stormed off just like that, remember? I didn't even get to beat you up!
Dagda Hm... you're still in time to do it now.
Morgan Ay, Vina, did you know she'd come back?
Siege I knew.
Morgan I get you hid it from Indra. She'd never take help from nobles' mercenaries unless it was critical as this, end-of-the-line type.
Indra Stop griping about me and let's get these idiots dealt with first!
Morgan I never stopped here!
Vina, I didn't finish... you could've at least given me a shout!
*sigh* You had me wondering if Dagda was off in some corner again even while we were being killed! I was all ready to take the Sarkaz down with me!
Siege I'm sorry, Morgan...
Dagda This won't happen again. I swear.
Siege Siege Group, fully assembled.
We just wait for the Doctor's lot to come back, and we can all get out of here together.
<Background fades out and in>
??? Everyone, we're back!
[Clovisia is surprised to see Amiya and co. flying with Closure's drones.]
Clovisia Amiya?
Fancy coming in from the sky, all of you...
Closure We're touching down! Gangway, outta the way–
Feist G–Grab the zipline! Don't crash into the train, it's our only means of escaping alive!
Amiya I've got the Doctor held, we're alright!
[The drones touch down safely...]
Closure Safe landing!
[...allowing Amiya and co. to get their feet on the ground.]
Feist We... We actually made it?
Commander, is Rockrock alright? Everyone evacuated out?
Clovisia We have more survivors than anticipated.
It's thanks to you, Feist, and everyone you brought in from Rhodes Island.
Feist Hah... You see that, Old Bill?
Rockrock No, don't you faint on the job now! The battle's still not done!
If you can move, then come help me in the engine room!
Siege There are still Sarkaz forces pursuing us.
Amiya There's nothing they can do, now.
Because we'll hold them off here.
Siege Right, damned right.
Doctor Us, together.
[The trains have been prepared.]
Rockrock Commander, the train's setting off–
Clovisia All ready?
Siege Amiya, we're getting on!
Amiya Alright!
Clovisia Go!
[As the train leaves...]
Amiya ......
Amiya, careful. The train's moving.
Amiya... what are you looking at?
Amiya I...
The Cautus girl does not reply to you. Her body is still. Even her breathing seems to have stopped.
You can tell she's shocked. She's never let emotions as unveiled and intense show before the operators. This moment is incomparable.
The Resurrected Sarkaz King.png
At the same time, the Sarkaz chasing the train all come to a halt.
They all turn their heads, looking in the same direction.
A Sarkaz enters the ruins.
All smoke seems to part at her feet, all sounds of fire suspended about her.
Only wind remains, growing stronger and fiercer.
The ash laden on the ground is blown about, some sticking to her attire, some smudging her pale hair. She seems not to mind at all, only silently gazing into a point of the ruins.
It seems to have once been part of the defense artillery. A jet-black fowlbeast is there now, perched atop the still-warm cannon mouth.
The Raven.png
Most likely disturbed by the train picking up in speed, it shakes off its wings.
As if somewhat in response, the pale-haired Sarkaz turns around.
Theresa's Gaze.png
She should have no sight of who is aboard the train, but her expression is as if she has recognized who is looking at her.
Her face is so warm, yet her eyes are so filled with sorrow. The sorrow is so much; perhaps not all of it comes from her, but comes from the one who stares at her too.
Amiya, are you alright?
The Cautus girl finally comes back to reality.
She still doesn't give you a response, and you're in no rush for her to give one.
In one ear, you hear the calls of fowlbeasts. You see a flock of them out of the window flapping through the air, rushing into the gale ahead of you.
Into the Eye of the Storm.png
The train takes you rapidly from the station.
The city wall, the war, and that pale-haired figure, all are left far, far behind you.
Rumble. Rumble. Rumble.
Is that the remnants of cannon fire lingering in your brain, the train bumping against the railway, or thunder in those gloomy clouds gathering not far away?
The center of Londinium is right before you.
And all of you are riding into this storm.