Event medals: Il Siracusano

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If there are two different conditions to obtain the medal, separated by a slash (/), the first pertains to Il Siracusano's original run while the second pertains to IS' rerun.

IL Siracusano Engraved Medal Set

IL Siracusano Engraved Medal Set.png

IL Siracusano Engraved Medal Set Trimmed.png

A set of engraved medals depicting various scenes from I Siracusani.
The story of Siracusa told in prose. The people of Siracusa moving forward.
"But there's still so much that I haven't told you about."
Mourn the Newbirth.png
"Mourn the Newbirth"
You completed your journey at Siracusa.
Remember to visit the graves and offer fresh flowers before you leave.

Condition: Awarded once all other Il Siracusano medals are obtained.
You forget yourself among the operas.
The facade of happiness is fleeting. The truth of pain is eternal.

Condition: Give a like to 10 reviews in Critica Artistica.
The Cub Howling at the Moon.png
"The Cub Howling at the Moon"
You know the heir of Bellone. Ah, the famiglia formerly known as Bellone.
The wolf cub picks up his father's banner in his mouth and runs towards the moon in his heart, casting away stale and rotten order.

Condition: Add Vigil to your roster during the IS event.
Famiglia Procurement Specialist Medal.png
Famiglia Procurement Specialist Medal
Supplies that you purchased have filled the famiglia's warehouse.
Fresh ingredients pile up, and the goods furthest in have unusually long expiration dates.

Condition: Spend 4000 Permesso di Importazione.png Permesso di Importazione at the Dipartimento di Sicurezza Alimentare.
Bon Appetit.png
"Bon Appetit"
You have tried everything on the menu.
The steak's bloody cross-section leaves a deep impression, but the taste is okay overall.

Condition: Complete all Menù del Banchetto missions with the rewards collected.
Surgical Treatment.png
"Surgical Treatment"
You witnessed change in Siracusa.
Old thorns buried deep within flesh have been shifted. What lies at the end of the path of briars is yet unknown, yet some continue to tread that path.

Condition: Clear all Stagione delle Piogge operations except IS-TR-1 with 3 stars.
Echoes of Rain.png
"Echoes of Rain"
You have reached the end of this rain.
A gap opens in the overcast sky. The wind blowing in from the barrens stops in its steps. Passersby look up, waiting for the next rain by habit.

Condition: Clear all Pistole e Ordine operations with 3 stars.
Primal Barrens.png
"Primal Barrens"
You seized the throat of the Lord of the Wilds.
The rules of the game may not be broken.

Condition: Clear all Pistole e Ordine operations' Challenge Modes.
Curtain Call medal.png
"Curtain Call"
You watched the final act of I Siracusani.
Familiar actors leave the stage one by one, and the heavy curtain drops down. A new city awaits the dawn of day.

Condition: Clear all Terra Desolata Autoproclamata operations' Challenge Modes.
Famiglia Elite Medal.png
Famiglia Elite Medal Trimmed.png
Famiglia Elite Medal
Your name has become known amongst the famiglie.
Be careful at night.

Condition: Complete the Azioni Solo of 7 characters.
Trimming condition: Complete the Azioni Solo of all 10 characters.
Territorial Settlement Medal.png
Territorial Settlement Medal
You cast your gaze over the streets of Volsinii.
Not even the tiniest speck of blood by the sewer entrances escapes your attention.

Condition: Reveal all areas in the map of Volsinii.